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Archive for the ‘oral hygeine’ Category

How Leeds loves a right good Scale and Polish

Friday, June 21st, 2013

When you go for a check-up in Leeds, your dentist has a set routine that is followed in order to ensure that your teeth are fresh and healthy. What is searched for is anything that your regular work at home has failed to do. If however, you have lapsed badly at home, bacteria from food stuffs and drinks would have clung to the surfaces of your teeth and in no time at all, plaque will have started to develop all around the teeth. Further progression in the plaque will then see it harden and tartar will form; this is a very tough and crusty substance that develops around the base of the teeth next to the gums. Your gums are now in danger of being infected and diseased. Your dentist will spot this easily and break away the tartar by scaling the teeth; this can also be done just below the gum-line as well in order that there is no further risk of infection. After all the tartar has been removed, the teeth are then highly polished: polishing will make it difficult for bacteria and plaque to cling on to the surfaces of your teeth and hopefully prevent it happening again; this should serve as a warning to you to improve your dental hygiene in the future.


Flushing out Plaque in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

The reason why you are constantly reminded about the need to work hard at your dental hygiene in the city of Leeds is because your teeth are constantly under threat from bacteria and from which, plaque will develop. There are a high percentage of people in this country that will at some time in their lives suffer from tooth decay, a direct descendant of plaque and so it’s quite clear we all need reminding for our own good. Brushing is the best way to combat this problem, but you must ensure that you do it correctly, especially if you are using a hand brush. However, some of the electric toothbrushes do wonders for this; not only can they do it better than you, but some are designed specifically with breaking down plaque in mind. There are also dyes on the market that you can buy that you simply rinse into the mouth and after a few seconds, will show up any areas of teeth that seem to be suffering. Brushing your teeth is one of the most important elements of oral hygiene and if you learn to do it well, you should have no fears about what plaque is capable of doing if allowed to roam free.


Dental Hygiene and your Body in Leeds

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

A healthy mouth means a healthy body and if you have great dental hygiene, you should lead healthy life as well. In Leeds, it is of the utmost importance that you try to retain a high level of oral hygiene each day and no matter what it takes- do it. This will involve the products that you go out and buy and the way that you use them: from brush to paste, floss to mouthwash, throw the lot at your teeth and gums each day. You see, what you are trying to stop is an outbreak of plaque because out of this rotten acorn, bad things grow, things such as gum disease, tooth decay and periodontal disease and what you must remember is once any of these get in, they will begin to infiltrate the blood and get passed on around the body. Of course, once you think you have got your dental hygiene on track, it is also good to get a second opinion and your dentist is the person to ask- well they will know anyway (as will you) if they have nothing to do but give you a check-up. Together you and your dentist can keep you’re your mouth free of disease and your body healthy too.


How the City of Leeds looks after its Heart through its Teeth

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

The more and more the world of dentistry has advanced, the more it knows about the effect that having good oral hygiene has on the rest of the body; it also knows about the dark-side to this as well. If you maintain a well-balanced lifestyle and diet in the city of Leeds, your immune system will be strong and help to protect the saliva levels in your mouth and thus, protect your teeth. Do this and keep your teeth and gums happy, they will return the favour by keeping the bloodstream free from infection so you will have a healthy life and a cheerful heart. The problem is that if things start to go awry in the mouth, the body will be affected too. One of the biggest dangers to the mouth is gum disease and very moment it starts, it begins to leak poison into the blood, which of course, is then transported around the body and one of the biggest losers in this is the heart. Over time, these poisonous deposits will build up and then lead to it becoming diseased itself; if this carries on the heart will fail. The relationship between heart and gum disease is only a fairly new discovery, but it is there, which is why at the first sign of any problem in the mouth, you should get yourself to the dentists- even with the slightest of problems. Remember a healthy mouth equals a healthy heart.


Why Leeds needs to Floss

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

You know, it is easy to be lulled into a false sense of security when it comes to brushing your teeth in Leeds: there are so many fabulous toothbrushes and pastes on the market today, you could well be fooled into thinking that this is all you need to keep your mouth healthy and free from disease; it would be if you didn’t eat or drink at all. Brushing is brilliant, but it may well not be enough to get to the places where food gets stuck the most- between the teeth and up into the gums, and this will become more of a problem as you get older. Most dentists recommend that you floss, because by doing this, you can get to the places that your brush can’t and remove any food that might be lodged in your teeth. Flosses come in many shapes and sizes, but once you have got the one that suits you best, you need to learn how to use it: the best place to do this is in front of the mirror and once you have learnt to weave it through the teeth and up under the gums, keep practising it until you can do it with your eyes shut. The benefits of this are immense and will help in the fight against tooth decay and gum disease.


Brilliant Brushing in Leeds

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

One of the most essential ingredients in the jigsaw of your oral health is brushing your teeth and although you make think that you know how to brush, it is surprising how many people still become complacent and then fail to do it right in Leeds. From time to time, especially as you get older (as you teeth can move about), there is no harm in readdressing your technique and learning all over again. Your dentist or hygienist are only too willing to give you tips on how to do it, so don’t feel conscious about having a word. There are some remarkable electric toothbrushes that can do the work for you and take the hard work out of it, though you may still like to keep abreast of how to guide it around your mouth. One other element is to get toothpaste that suits you as well, for brushing without it would be rather fruitless. All of this is essential to maintain a healthy future for you and ensure that you protect your teeth and gums at all times.


Health through Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Monday, May 20th, 2013

It is essential for your oral health both now, and in the future that you stay on top of your oral hygiene in Leeds. But you can take heart that there are a myriad of methods, products and of course your dentist to help you cope. The shops are crammed full of dental products and there is so many to choose from, but persevere and you’ll get what you want in the end. This starts with getting the right brush- again, lots of choice, but in general you have two options between getting a hand brush and going electric. Electric brushes are sensational, do all the work for you and clean your teeth better than doing it by hand. There are plenty of toothpastes, but here you could get advice from your hygienist about your oral health, and tailor a choice to that. Then you have the flosses and mouthwashes for back-up. But oral hygiene isn’t just about the products it involves you looking after yourself with a healthy diet and capping your bad habits such as smoking and drinking- everything in moderation and you should be okay. Finally if things do go wrong somewhere, you always have your dentist to run to for help, although be sure to keep up with regular visits anyway.


The art of a decent Scale and Polish in Central Leeds

Friday, April 26th, 2013

It is always great to visit your dentist/hygienist in central Leeds for treatment that will compliment everything you have been doing at home to maintain your oral health. One of the treatments you will receive when you go is a scale and polish; this is designed to cover the bases you may have missed and to clean up the surfaces of your teeth. Plaque is an ongoing issue in your mouth and if it gets out of hand, it can lead to a build up of tartar around the teeth and if not removed, you may well find yourself in the dark world of gum disease. Scaling the teeth can remove all of this and also clean below the gum-line- places you simply can’t get to yourself; this will help to reduce infection and disease in the future and keep your teeth clean and fresh. Polishing is generally for cosmetic reasons, though it is useful for removing bacteria from the surfaces of the teeth and enhancing the strength of the enamel covering your teeth. Both are a painless operation and once you have them done, they will leave your teeth and gums feeling fresh, healthy and rejuvenated.


Stepping up to the mark for your kid’s oral hygiene in Central Leeds

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

When you decide to have children in central Leeds, you will be taking on a massive responsibility to care for them as they grow up and this means you will have to care for their oral health- one of the most important elements in the jigsaw; get this right and your kid’s will have a healthy oral life. They are always vulnerable to infection and tooth decay in the early years as their teeth go through changes. Teething will be your first hurdle to jump and you will have to ensure that your child’s mouth is free from bacteria to prevent complications. Then after, the secondary teeth will come through- again a very trying time so you need to be on the ball at all times. Hopefully, you would have taught your child how brush their teeth correctly and look after themselves. But what is scary for you now is that they will be starting school and out of sight, discovering sweets that will wreck their teeth. You can get them kitted out with dental sealants; these will last for years and protect them from tooth decay. Next on the menu may well be braces; again this is a fraught time and requires you to be attentive yet again. Of course you don’t have to be alone in this plight, you always have paediatricians and dentists to turn to for back-up during these years and you will need them too. The other thing you have to consider is that somehow you are going to have pay for all of this so it would be wise to sit down with your dentist and come up with a plan of covering the costs.


Caring for your Heart with Dental Hygiene in the City of Leeds

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

It is quite remarkable how the health of your teeth and gums can affect the rest of your body (and vice-versa). You have to remember that the core of your body has blood pumped through it and should anything become infected badly in the mouth, it will be carried by the blood to all of the vital organs in the body. You strive to maintain a healthy mouth in the city of Leeds with great dental products and of course, your dentist will help bail you out of problems as well. But life is never so simple and the temptations that it presents you can see you take you eye off the ball: this is the time where plaque acids strike and start to cause havoc to your teeth and gums. Constant failure to address the problem can see you falling foul to tooth decay and more dangerously, gum disease. Once gum disease starts, it leaks it toxins into the blood straight away and this will inevitably end up in the heart. Research has shown that there is a very strong link between gum disease and heart failure over time and so if you show any signs of bleeding and weeping gums, they must be dealt with immediately in order to not only protect your gums and save your teeth, but to prevent heart problems further down the line. Your dentist can help you to beat gum disease, but you will have to work hard at it to maintain your overall health.