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Archive for the ‘oral hygeine’ Category

Taking on the problem of Tooth Decay in Leeds

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

468416_blogPretty much everyone in Leeds will suffer from some level of tooth decay at some point in their lives. Most of it is manageable if you put the work in, and you always have your dentist to save the day if need be. But that doesn’t mean you should ever get complacent about decay. A simple filling may suffice in the beginning, but if you ignore the fact that you are getting a bit of tooth ache, the decay will then force its way inside your tooth and infect it. Now you will need a root canal if you have any chance of avoiding tooth loss and the possibility of an abscess breaking out, but at this point though, you may also be susceptible to gum and periodontal disease and if it gets to this level, it will take a monumental effort from your dentist to help you out of this mess. Talk to your dentist, find out all you can about symptoms and how to care for your oral health, otherwise you will be in a world of hurt in the future…plus you will lose your teeth and that will impact on the health throughout your body as well, not to mention your self confidence whenever you go to smile at someone.


Brushing bravely and flossing with flirtation in Central Leeds

Monday, August 26th, 2013

357249_blogWhen you look after your oral hygiene in central Leeds, two of the essential ingredients you should have in your tool kit is a toothbrush and some dental floss. Finding a good brush is generally down to you, and the market is flooded with them, but don’t be afraid to ask your dentist for advice before shopping. Dentists see more in your mouth than you do and can advise you about the strength of bristles that will suit the particular nature of your gums and teeth; electric brushes are brilliant as well. They take the sting out of the work for you and will leave the surfaces of your teeth clean and rejuvenated. But no regular toothbrush will get between your teeth and up around your gums, which is why you have to back-up brushing with flossing for a thorough clean. Again, there are many to choose from and you may well have to try a few out first before you find one that suits you. But using the combination of a brush and floss at least a couple of times a day- especially after eating will help to keep your mouth healthy for the future.

Health in your mouth through Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

3268322_blogThe body is a complex little thing but as long as everything is ticking over nicely, you shouldn’t have any major hiccups in your life in Leeds. However it does mean that you have to put effort in to keeping yourself healthy, especially when it comes to your oral health and hygiene; if things go wrong here, it can cause nasty problems throughout the rest of you. The thing is people think they know how to maintain their oral hygiene just because they splash out on the best products around, but you have to know how to use them as well. A healthy mouth is not just about brushing and flossing either, there is a lot more involved; lifestyle plays a very important role in your oral hygiene. If you smoke and drink a lot, no manner of good toothpaste or mouthwash is going to reverse the damage you are doing to yourself; diet too is vital as well and if you are stuffing yourself with rubbish each week, your mouth won’t have a chance to fend off the evils that are waiting to pounce upon your teeth and gums. It is important that you revise what you are doing every now and then and change the products that you use. Never feel ashamed to ask your dentist for advice about hygiene; that’s also what they are there for, as well as fixing you up in times of need. It isn’t exactly rocket science but yet, it is so easy to get wrong, so you need to be constantly on the ball.


Optimum Oral Hygiene for you in Leeds

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

357249_blogPlaque is an annoying little blighter that is ready to pounce in your mouth the moment your guard has been dropped: it is a fight that is never going to go away and unless you do the best to optimise your oral hygiene, it is a battle that you will lose in the end. Fortunately for you though, there is a lot of work being put into this in laboratories all around the world and which manifests itself in the products that you use each day. Every year, a new product comes out, better than the last, to help meet the demands of the modern world and beat that pesky plaque. From toothbrushes and pastes through to mouthwashes, such products are designed to help with your oral health so get out there, get them and then practise using them until you have mastered them. You also have the perfect ally in your dentist who can not only be there for you when things get out of hand, but also share advice on all matters about you and your body and help you improve your lifestyle: a healthy body means a healthy mouth, and vice-versa, so don’t be afraid to open up to your dentist about all manner of problems you may be having in Leeds; it can only help you with your oral hygiene in the future.

Putting an end to Bad Breath in Leeds

Saturday, July 20th, 2013

2058693_blogThere are lots of things that can go wrong in your mouth, from tooth decay and gum disease to rotting teeth and you would normally attempt to do something about this in Leeds, because if not, this can lead to an even more awkward situation that may be harder to get rid of- bad breath. It’s not only poor oral hygiene and conditions in the mouth that can cause foul odours; there are a lot more complex issues that could be attached to your problem, maybe even serious, as bad breath indicates decay of some sort somewhere in either your mouth, or your body. You need to seek immediate advice and help from your dentist; it could mean a bit of repair work is required, and it does mean you will have to ring the changes to your lifestyle. You must try to cut down on some of the seedier habits you have a love of, like smoking, drinking and poor diet; this will help to re-address some level of balance to your teeth and gums again. But the real work comes with your oral hygiene and it must greatly improve. New products may be required: herbal remedies are very good for fighting bad breath as well, so you should throw everything you can at the condition the first time you discover you are having problems.

How to have a happy Heart with your Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Monday, July 8th, 2013

748875_blogFor some people in Leeds, the daily routine of brushing your teeth can come as a bit of a chore, but it imperative that you keep this ‘chore’ going at least twice a day. You must get a good brush, paste, floss and mouthwash, and make sure you learn to use them correctly. You also have your dentist to back you up in times of need: your dentist can also help you on subjects of diet, even help you give up smoking and offer tips on how to care for your mouth. So, you may ask, why all of this fuss? Well, sit down and take note: plaque is one of the biggest agitators that are ready to strike on a daily basis in your mouth and if it gets through unchecked, you will soon find yourself dealing with tooth decay and then gum disease. Gum disease can be lethal in the long term: it will obviously lead to tooth loss further down the line, but more sinister is the fact that it will start to poison your bloodstream as soon as it takes hold; these foul toxins will then be pumped around your body and deposit themselves in your heart. Over a long period, the heart will become diseased and in the end, fail. Please, please, please, do not take your oral hygiene as being a chore, but see it as part of the jigsaw to having a healthy and long life, as well as a vibrant heart.

Central Leeds gives you reasons to Floss

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

4732933_blogIt is amazing to think that something as simple as flossing can not only be beneficial for your teeth and gums, but in the long run, your heart and body as well. Food easily gets stuck between your teeth and up under the gums, and if it doesn’t get removed properly, it can lead to bacteria breaking down the enamel of your teeth, then to tooth decay and most dangerous of all, gum disease- also a killer of the heart. Flossing can visit places an ordinary brush fears to tread: once you have made your choice on the type of floss that takes your fancy, you now have to learn to use it. Take time to practise this in front of the mirror first and work it up between the teeth and gums to ensure everything is removed: do this every time you eat and keep practising it until you can do it in the dark. Flossing is probably the greatest ally to an oral hygiene programme since the tooth-pick was invented and if you do this right, there is no reason why you shouldn’t keep your teeth and gums healthy in central Leeds until the day you die.

Taking an interest on your Kids Teeth in the City of Leeds

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

318711_blogIt’s probably safe to say that all parents in the city of Leeds would like to set their kids off, the best they can, to a long and healthy lifestyle: diet and sport are just two of the ingredients in this. But most vitally, as a parent, you must be very vigilant with their teeth, as they will go through some extreme changes as your child grows up. Your children will teethe when they are babies, and soon after, have their secondary teeth come through, maybe wear braces and then suffer with wisdom teeth as they move into adulthood. Throughout all of this, kids are very vulnerable to tooth decay and may need a lot of treatment at the dentists and you must be ready for all of this. In the beginning, finding a paediatrician is vital, and soon after, a dentist, who can help ease the threat. Teaching your kids to care for themselves and brush correctly with some of the excellent brushes and toothpastes on the market, plus feeding them right and keeping them away from sweets and fizzy drinks, the best you can, is of the utmost importance here. You can have your children fitted with dental sealants to beat the decay and your dentist will be on hand to fix them up when things go wrong. However, this all comes at a financial cost and from the moment your kids are born, you are going to find a method of paying for treatments, especially orthodontic work, as this can get costly.

Beating Bad Breath from Gum Disease in Central Leeds

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

4361359_blogIt is very easy to be ignorant about the way you may smell in central Leeds, because people are very worried about telling you for fear of hurting your feelings; so, you go on ‘blissfully’ unaware. This is also the problem with bad breath; if no-one tells you, how do you know? Aside from plants wilting, children running and suddenly finding you have no friends, your dentist would be honest enough to tell you and with good reason too, for rank breath indicates a breaking down of your teeth, gums and even your body and if you don’t do something about it, your teeth will suffer, fall out and it will not only kill your already diminishing place in society, it could end up killing you if the condition is allowed to advance. Dentists will do their bit: if decay is evident in the teeth, it can be remedied with a filling or root canal treatment; gum disease is a little harder to tackle and can take time to overcome. But it is down to you in the long run. Stop the boozing, the smoking, cut out the fast food and turn over a new leaf. Start cleaning your teeth and gums better each day and do yourself another favour, buy some better products while you are at it. Keep your mouth hydrated at all times, chew gum and cut back on anything with caffeine in it. No-one said beating bad breath would be easy, but for your future welfare, beat it you must.

The Importance of good Dental Hygiene in the City of Leeds

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

It is really hard to believe that we still have to bang on about the virtues of maintaining a good daily dose of dental hygiene in the city of Leeds, but then the facts don’t lie: tooth decay and gum disease in still a major player in ruining your oral health, so you can’t turn your back for a moment, otherwise you are allowing plaque to build up and then turn even nastier down the line. In your bathroom cabinet, you should have the following: a decent brush (that you change regularly), toothpaste, floss and a mouthwash. Now, some dentists say that you should attack your teeth twice a day with these products, but if you think about, it should be every time you eat, because otherwise the bacteria will cling to your teeth and start getting to work before your next cleaning session. Of course, it is pointless to have great products if you don’t use them properly, so practise over and over again until you get it right. This will not only help you maintain a healthy mouth each day, but it will last you for the rest of your life.