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Dentist in Central Leeds Discusses Replacing Veneers More than Once

November 9th, 2011

Veneers are a versatile means to correct many dental defects from a chipped tooth to excessive spacing between teeth or discolouration. Rest assured, your dentist in Central Leeds is able to replace veneers more than once.

Composite resin veneers typically last three to five years and may require several replacements over a patient’s lifetime. Thus, the replacement for this type of veneer is easily done. Minor issues with the veneer may even be fixed through simple repair rather than total replacement.

Replacement becomes more complicated with porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are designed to be more durable and are of a better quality than composite resin veneers. Porcelain veneers typically last from ten to fifteen years and with proper maintenance, should give you no problems. However, if your porcelain veneers break, they cannot be repaired with the ease of composite resin veneers and must be replaced altogether.

One replacement for porcelain veneers is done relatively easily, but, because porcelain veneers require your natural teeth to be trimmed for a custom fitting, a second or third replacement may require building up your trimmed teeth with a bonding material and trimming them again for a custom fit. This extra step is time consuming, but will in no way hinder your new porcelain veneers.

Veneers are a flexible solution to many unsightly dental issues. Speak to your dentist to learn more about this beneficial procedure.

The Importance of Cosmetic Dentistry Discussed by Your Dentist in Central Leeds

November 8th, 2011

You may have some concerns regarding the legitimacy of cosmetic dentistry, as cosmetic procedures are not done purely out of functional motives. However, cosmetic dentistry is credited for improving the quality of patients’ lives, restoring their self esteem and confidence.

Cosmetic dentistry often ensures that patients have better oral health because of regular visits to the dentist for corrective procedures. Visiting your dentist regularly means that preventative measures can be taken to protect your oral health. Your dentist will be able to detect any early signs of diseases. Remember that a dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry is no less qualified in traditional dentistry than your average dentist.

Cosmetic dentistry aims to bring comfort and confidence to the lives of patients. The embarrassment of missing teeth or a crooked and stained smile is difficult to cope with on a daily basis. Such flaws with your teeth take a toll on your self esteem and can also hinder you in your relationships, both professional and personal.

If you are sick of wondering why you weren’t born with perfect genes and a flawless white sparkling smile, cosmetic dentistry may be able to help you. Please consider cosmetic dentistry to help you improve your oral health and overall quality of life and consult your dentist in Central Leeds today.

City of Leeds Dentist Explains Complications Caused by an Untreated Abscessed Tooth

November 7th, 2011

Without prompt attention from a dental professional, severe and dangerous complications can arise from an untreated abscessed tooth. The infection of an abscessed tooth will spread if it is not drained and healed properly. Without a course of antibiotics, the dental infection can reoccur with more severity.

An untreated abscessed tooth will spread the infection through the vulnerable tissues of your mouth, perforating through bone and continuing through the soft tissues of your mouth. Gradually, the infection will eat away at the bones of your jaw, the hard tissue of your teeth, and your teeth will become beyond preservation.

Even if you no longer feel the throbbing, sharp, or shooting pain you once felt from an abscessed tooth, the untreated infection is still there. It most likely means that the nerves of the infected area have been damaged or have died altogether.

In 2011, there has been a report of a man dying from untreated abscessed tooth. Extreme cases of untreated abscessed tooth will require hospital care. Infected and inflamed tissues of the mouth can obstruct airways, suffocating a patient. There is also the grave risk of infection spreading to internal organs of the body.

Please don’t let your abscessed tooth go untreated. If caught in time, your dentist in the City of Leeds will be able to save your infected tooth.

Your City of Leeds Dentist Answers Whether or Not Porcelain Veneers Become Yellow

November 6th, 2011

Your porcelain veneers are built to last. With proper maintenance, patients report no discolouration up to fifteen years. Your porcelain veneers have been specially treated with a glaze from the laboratory they were produced in. This makes your porcelain veneers extremely color-stable, ensuring that they will provide a beautiful white smile.

If any trauma is incurred by your porcelain veneers so that the protective glaze is damaged, yellowing may occur sooner than the intended lifespan of your porcelain veneers. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption may also gradually stain your porcelain veneers.

So, yes, it is possible that your porcelain veneers can become yellow, but it is highly unlikely if you are maintaining them properly. There is a reason why porcelain veneers are considered to be of a much higher quality than composite resin veneers. Porcelain veneers really are the best in the market for white, natural looking smile. Durable and stain resistant, they should give you no problems with staining.

Generally, porcelain veneers remain white and clean with regular cleaning and visits to your dentist. If you have further concerns, your dentist in the City of Leeds will be able to provide you with tips to help you keep your porcelain veneers like new for years and years to come.

Considering Multiple Dental Implants in Leeds? Speak to Your Dentist Today

November 5th, 2011

Can’t remember the last time you smiled without worrying if people are judging you for the bad shape your mouth is in? If you are missing more than one tooth, you will want to consider a partial denture or multiple dental implants. Multiple dental implants are more comfortable and durable than partial dentures and are more aesthetically pleasing.

Multiple dental implants are a fixed bridge attached to several dental implants. Multiple dental implants offer a security and strength that partial dentures cannot provide. They are much more functional than partial dentures and less invasive than traditional bridges. Unlike traditional bridgework, multiple dental implants will prevent deterioration of your jawbone and naturally maintain the structure of your face.

Multiple missing teeth can make chewing and enjoying your favorite foods nearly impossible. On top of that, you are forced to cope with embarrassment. Missing teeth can harm your self esteem and confidence. Multiple dental implants can give you back the comfort and confidence you deserve.

The advanced procedure of multiple dental implants ensures that the replacement teeth feel and look like natural teeth. Multiple dental implants have proven to have a high success rate. With regular visits to your dentist and brushing and flossing at least twice a day, multiple dental implants can last a lifetime. Speak to your dentist in Leeds today about multiple dental implants, the ultimate cost effective solution to missing teeth.

Central Leeds Dentist Discusses Remedies for Embarrassing Bad Breath

November 4th, 2011

Your best defense against bad breath is brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and regular visits to your dentist. Do you clean your teeth at least twice a day? Do you visit your dentist at least once a year for a check up and a clean up?

When brushing, be sure to brush your tongue and gums gently. There are food particles and plaque that people often miss in these areas, resulting in bad breath. Be sure to use soft bristles and fluoride toothpaste. There is also fluoride fortified mouthwash and floss available.

The kinds of food we eat can impact our breath so be sure to maintain a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and lean protein. Avoid sugary and processed foods as these will invite tooth decay and gum disease which often come with halitosis, constant bad breath. Make sure also to keep yourself hydrated as drinking plenty of water will keep your breath fresh.

There are also some home remedies that are worth a try such as salt water gargles and vitamin C supplements. Before adding any supplements to your regular routine, please consult your medical professionals.

Smoking and alcohol use also contribute to bad breath. Bad breath may be an indication of greater problems. Consult your dentist in Leeds about leading a healthy lifestyle to fight bad breath and contribute to your overall oral health.

Leeds Dentist Explains How to Properly Clean Your Teeth When Wearing Braces

November 3rd, 2011

Brushing and flossing your teeth can be a daunting task when you are faced with a mouth full of metal braces. However, it is even more important that you maintain proper oral hygiene because more food particles will get stuck in your teeth from wearing braces. With traditional metal braces, you must learn to maneuver your brushing and flossing without damaging the wires.

Ask your dentist about specially designed floss for people wearing braces. Such floss makes threading through wires and gripping easier, making maneuvering the floss better for you. Floss gently and be careful not to shred the floss on your wires. Brush and floss at least twice a day, if not more, since braces trap more food particles in your teeth.

Brush after you floss so that the fluoride toothpaste reaches more parts of your teeth. Brush with a soft brush, brushing down from the top and then up from the bottom of each tooth. There are also brushes designed for cleaning between two braces known as a proxabrush. Consult your dentist in Leeds if you would like to know more. Don’t forget to brush your tongue as usual.

Fluoride enhanced mouthwash will also benefit braces wearers. Be sure to visit your dentist regularly to maintain your braces and ensure that your teeth are staying clean amidst all the metalwork. Braces will give you the straighter teeth you desire, but be sure it’s not at the cost of tooth decay!

Dentist in Central Leeds Discusses Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

November 2nd, 2011

Tooth decay in infants and toddlers is also known as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Also referred to as Early Childhood Caries, it frequently impacts the baby’s upper front teeth, but may also affect other teeth. In the most severe cases, the tooth decay in new teeth is so severe that they must be removed. Fortunately, Baby Bottle Tooth Decay can be prevented.

There are of course basics like healthy foods, keeping pacifiers clean, and discouraging prolonged use of sippy cups. If the baby’s teeth are exposed to an excessive amount of sweets, the bacteria in the child’s mouth feeds on the sugars to produce acids that break down hard tissues of the teeth. This is how decay begins and eventually turns into cavities if undetected.

After each feeding, wipe your baby’s gums with a clean dampened washcloth to remove left over food and plaque. If there are visible teeth, brush them gently with a baby toothbrush and water. Also keep your own teeth clean so that the germs of your mouth do not spread as much to your child’s.

It is best not to use toothpaste until your child knows for sure not to swallow toothpaste. Consult your dentist in Central Leeds about how much fluoride your child needs. Your dentist can also help instruct your child on proper brushing and flossing methods. Don’t be afraid to ask questions as your dentist is here to help!

Dentist in the City of Leeds Discusses the Problem of an Abscessed Tooth

November 1st, 2011

An abscessed tooth is a bacterial infection in the pulp of the tooth. Pus is enclosed at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth. An abscessed tooth is painful and is more often than not caused by severe tooth decay. Other causes include chipping or breaking a tooth and gum disease.

With an abscessed tooth, you will experience severe and constant toothache. The pain is often described as throbbing or sharp and shooting. You may also experience fever, sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks, a bad taste in the mouth, bad breath, swelling in the gums, neck glands, and areas of the upper and lower jaw.

Without treatment, the infection will spread very quickly and destroy vulnerable tissue. Even if your pain subsides after you notice an infection, it is unlikely that the infection has healed on its own. Do not risk the loss of your teeth by neglecting to see your dentist about this matter.

If you are experiencing such symptoms, call your dentist in the City of Leeds straight away as an abscessed tooth must be treated as quickly as possible to prevent the spread of infection. An abscessed tooth may be saved with a root canal and a crown placed once the infection has been drained. You may also need antibiotics to fight severe infection.

The benefits of a Dental Implant in Leeds

October 31st, 2011

The very idea of having a piece of metal inserted into the jaw bone sounds awfully painful and to those that don’t like going to the dentists in the first place, this must sound terrifying. When dental implants first came onto the scene, the operation could leave you looking like something out of a horror movie for months. Now however, technology has developed immensely and having this treatment has become easy, fairly pain-free and very widespread- you will find most dentists in Leeds offering you this treatment today. And the benefits of having it done are amazing, not just to the way you look and smile, but for the health of your mouth as well. When you lose a tooth, it’s important to replace it so that you can retain the structure of your face and to maintain the mouth’s occlusion (bite). It’s also important to prevent further things from going wrong after tooth loss- movement to the other teeth, infection and gum disease. Having an implant will last you for life and be the perfect foundation with which to house the new tooth. It can also help to retain other fittings in the mouth such as bridges and crowns. But for those that wear dentures, the dental implant has proved to be heavenly. Four or five in the mouth will enable the dentures to lock solidly and give extra freedom to the wearer who will be safe in the knowledge that they are not going to fall out.