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Overcoming Dental Phobia and Taking the First Steps Toward Your New Smile

October 28th, 2015

585811_blogWhen seeing the A-Listers of Hollywood impressing many on the silver screen or in the glamour magazines for all to see, it is very hard not to notice that the quality of their teeth is outstanding; they are straight, white and sparkly. For anyone else who does not live and work in this vibrant community, they might yearn to have a great new smile but for some reason or other do not know where to turn first.

The initial step

To begin with, attend an initial consultation. Even if you are nervous about visiting a dentist, our highly qualified professionals understand that a dental practice is not an ideal place for everybody, but every effort is made to ease any anxiety. In this initial meeting, a consultation will be made with our welcoming and understanding professionals where they will advise you on what they propose for improving your oral health and giving you that new smile that you might have been after for some time.

What comes next

After the initial meeting, it will be discussed between you and your dental professional about what is the next best step. Our dental professionals will not presume what is best for you but will discuss in great detail what courses of treatment are available to you. A complete breakdown of the prices for the treatment will be presented to you so there is no chance of any hidden charges.

It needn’t be an arduous time

So, no matter what your previous dental health history is and despite what you have experienced in other dental practices, here at the City Dental Leeds the many highly trained professionals understand this and work with you and not against you.

For further information about the many dental services we can provide for you, contact 020 7247 8057 so you can be assisted in having that great smile you’ve always longed to have.

Treat Yourself to a Hollywood Smile!

October 27th, 2015

3492515_blogCelebrities are well known for their sparkly teeth. In fact, it’s getting harder and harder to spot a celebrity who doesn’t have a perfect set of teeth these days. Why? Because there are so many treatments available nowadays to enhance, correct and perfect a person’s teeth, not only for oral health reasons but for aesthetic reasons too. Treatments include teeth whitening procedures, laser gum sculpting, invisible braces and much more, but we’re going to look at veneers in particular.

Veneer treatment for that Hollywood smile

A veneer is a wafer thin almost shield like covering made from composite or porcelain. As with other composite materials, a composite veneer can be colour matched using a shade guide to fit in with the rest of the teeth so that you end up with your desired shade.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are stronger and much more durable and therefore last longer than the composite veneers. Because they need replacing less, this means they could end up saving you money in the long run, despite costing more. Porcelain veneers last between 5-10 years compared to the drastically shorter 1-2 year life span of the composites. It is important to note that not all dentists specialise in cosmetic dentistry so find a practice where cosmetic dentistry is the main forte. We offer porcelain veneers at City Dental Leeds so do contact us for more information.

How to Care for Your Braces

October 26th, 2015

braces front teethWe would all love to have them. They do the power of good for the look of our teeth. Of course, the topic of discussion is braces.

Modern day braces are remarkably good. They literally straighten out any problems our wonky teeth might have had for quite some time. But, braces of any kind can be distressing to many people. They might not be aesthetically pleasing to all and the person might be self-conscious about how their mouth looks. No matter what your opinion is on braces, one of the most important aspects is looking after them so that they can fully help your teeth. This can be done in many ways.

Just like your mouth, cleaning a brace regularly throughout the day is very important. As the brace is positioned in your mouth for long periods of the day, the probability of bacteria building up in your mouth is very high. In order to stop the harmful spread of bacteria from entering your mouth, it is advised that you brush your brace with some toothpaste and a toothbrush every day just as you do with your teeth.

Soaking your brace is also a very good idea if you have removable braces. By doing this, you will be able to clean your brace further, which conventional cleaning might not quite manage. Asking your dentist about the right solution for your brace will help as they will have a wealth of knowledge that the internet might otherwise miss.

Looking for a Leeds dentist? City Dental Leeds dentists are here to help.

So, if you’re one of the countless number of people who do have braces then following these steps would be a very good move. Being kind to your brace means that it will help the performance of your teeth as their potential for good will be maximised.

Why Taking Care of Your Tongue is So Important

October 25th, 2015

357249_blogYou may assume that brushing your teeth is enough to keep oral health diseases at bay, however bacteria is present in all areas of the mouth and it is important to keep your tongue and gums clean, as well as your teeth.

Brushing and cleansing your tongue

You may be unaware but the back of your tongue has the highest concentration of microorganisms in your mouth and therefore keeping it clean is of vital importance. These microorganisms can contribute to oral health conditions, such as gum disease and decay, as well as bad breath (also known as halitosis). This is a very common problem, affecting 90% of people at some point in their lives.

Cleaning your tongue can help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay and keep your mouth feeling and smelling fresh and clean. You can use a traditional toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your tongue, but it is better to use a special tongue cleanser. Research shows that tongue cleansers are seven times more effective in reducing bacteria associated with bad breath than using a toothbrush alone.

Why is tongue cleansing important?

The tongue is a hotspot for bacteria and bacteria contribute to bad breath and oral health diseases. Removing bacteria helps to reduce the risk of these conditions and also keeps the mouth smelling fresh. Bad breath is a very common problem and can affect people’s confidence and the way they behave around other people. In the vast majority of cases bad breath reflects problems in the mouth and it is advisable to see your dentist.

Adding tongue cleansing to your usual oral hygiene routine will help to protect your teeth and gums from disease and ensure that you enjoy good oral health.

Modern Braces Available in Leeds

October 24th, 2015

386703_blogAdvancements in orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry have led to development of modern braces systems that have vastly improved on traditional metal. We have compared modern braces systems and offer our patients choices in customised Invisalign, Inman Aligner and STb Social 6 lingual braces systems. Each of these systems are unique in the treatment benefits they provide for teeth straightening and smile transformation.

The key advancements in modern braces systems include:

Advanced technologies for effective teeth straightening

Invisalign clear aligners are replaced every two weeks for staged re-positioning of teeth with ClinCheck. Dental overcrowding, irregular bite and dental spacing are treated with Invisalign. Inman Aligner comprises a metal bar and coil spring located behind the teeth, creating opposing orthodontic force for mild teeth straightening including relapse. STb Social 6 uses self-ligating lingual technology for improved movement and front teeth correction.

Invisible fitting for discreet orthodontic treatment

Invisalign systems are made of smooth, clear plastic aligners that fit over the mouth similar to a mouth shield. The coil in the Inman Aligner system is located behind the teeth while a single bar rests above the front teeth. The STb Social 6 braces are positioned behind the front teeth and are totally out of sight.

Removable options for better hygiene and convenience

Invisalign aligners and Inman Aligners are removable for adjustment, cleaning, meals and activities.  STb Social 6 brackets are fixed behind teeth and removable by a dentist. The self-ligating STb systems make oral hygiene easier.

Faster treatment times and smile transformation results

Invisalign aligners, including i7, are worn for about 21 to 23 hours a day, replaced every two weeks with results evident within 12 to 18 months. The Inman Aligner system straightens teeth within 6 to 16 weeks of commencing treatment, similar to the STb Social 6 Lingual system where results are evident within 16 weeks. For more information about our range of modern braces, please contact the team at City Dental Leeds.



Replacing Missing Teeth with Dental Bridges

October 23rd, 2015

2433646_sLeeds dentists offer dental bridges to replace missing teeth

If you have lost a tooth because of dental decay or an accident, it is vital that you have it replaced so that the surrounding teeth do not come under a strain as a result of the gap.  Replacing lost teeth will make eating and drinking easier and put yourself at ease with your appearance.  You should contact your London City dentist to find out how dental bridges can be the answer to your tooth loss problem.

There are three main varieties of dental bridge.  The most common is the traditional fixed bridge where a false tooth – also known as a pontic – is fused between two crowns and uses neighbouring teeth to ensure it is stable.  If you have lost a front tooth, resin-bonded or Maryland-bonded bridges are usually used.  In this case, the resin is concealed to preserve aesthetic appeal.  The third variant is the cantilever bridge which is opted for if the pontic can only be fused to a tooth on one side because the tooth on the other side is more susceptible to stress.

You may need to have some of the adjacent tooth shaved off if your dentist feels that the extra space is required.  This will be done under a mild anaesthetic.  A temporary bridge will be fitted to protect the area once impressions have been taken using dental putty.  Once the permanent bridge has been made, your dentist can remove the temporary one and attach the permanent replacement and check your bite.  At follow up appointments your dentist will check that the bridge is firmly secured in place.

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? Leeds dentists are here to help

Ask your Leeds dentist for more information about dental bridges if you have a missing tooth which needs replacing.

Invisalign – a Discreet Brace System

October 22nd, 2015

header_image4Invisalign braces are removable, clear aligners that are used as an invisible alternative to braces made of metal. They are suitable for all people of all ages, and work to straighten and correct teeth in the same way as metal braces.

Invisalign is the perfect solution for those who feel their smile needs adjusting or improving. The technique used for Invisalign is also used to successfully treat overly spaced or overcrowded teeth. Invisalign braces can also help with crossbites, overbites and underbites.

Benefits of Invisalign braces:

  • They can be removed, allowing you to floss, eat and drink normally, as well as take them out for a special occasion
  • You will have an improved smile even before the treatment is complete
  • The braces are comfortable and will not irritate your cheeks or gums due to their smooth edges
  • They are totally clear and practically invisible, so no-one needs to know that you are undergoing treatment

Treatment is made up of 4 stages:

  • The first appointment at City Dental Leeds will involve discussion of problems with your smile, in terms of both aesthetics and function. You will also be asked what results you are hoping for. Once it has been established that Invisalign is right for you, your treatment can be planned.
  • Photos and impressions of your teeth will be taken and sent to Invisalign so that they can create 3D images of your treatment. This will allow the dentist to see what your teeth will look like at all stages of the process, as well as allowing you to get a glimpse of what the final result will be.
  • Aligners to be worn at each stage in the treatment will be created and customised using state-of-the-art technology. Usually between 20 and 30 aligners for each arch will be required during treatment, although this will vary for each patient.
  • Aligners must be worn at all times, apart from while you are eating and drinking. This is necessary for treatment to be completed in the time frame determined at the start. You will need to attend check-ups so that your progress can be monitored and your aligners swapped. You will be able to observe your teeth gradually shifting into the correct position throughout the treatment, leaving you with a smile you can be proud of.

How to Make Teeth Cleaning Fun for Your Children

October 21st, 2015

318711_blogIs your child at the age where they are becoming more eager to take care of themselves? It is quite an exciting time for both children and parents when kids start to learn how to take on more responsibilities. Starting off with their first steps and words, then on to potty training and later learning about general and dental hygiene, a child can progress quickly and thoroughly if they have a good teacher.

A general rule of thumb is to brush your children’s teeth until they are seven years of age and then show them how to do it themselves. There are many ways to make something as mundane as brushing teeth entertaining for your children. The best way to teach them how to take care of themselves is by making the chore fun!

Another approach to encouraging your children to brush their teeth correctly is to create a positive environment. When you show enthusiasm, your child will follow suit, so why not entertain while you brush by tap dancing, singing, or making jokes? You could also find a radio or CD player that plays their favourite music as a reward for brushing their teeth.

Enhance their enjoyment of teeth brushing by turning it into a numbers game, counting up to ten for each part of the mouth they clean. This will also allow them to know when the tooth brushing will end and thus they won’t become as restless and fidgety, wondering when the chore of tooth brushing will be over.

The key to teaching your children great hygiene practices is to make it fun. You can make your own technique, tweak it to their personality and watch and observe the results!

Root Canal Treatment Provided by Experts

October 20th, 2015

585811_blogLeeds dentists offer effective root canal treatment

Sometimes teeth become damaged internally and require a process called root canal treatment in order to restore their functionality and health.  Inside each of your teeth is a mass of important substances such as nerves, arteries, tissues and veins.  They are all housed inside what are known as pulp chambers and are best entered through the root canals.

Extreme tooth decay and one off accidents are the most common causes of internal dental damage that might need root canal treatment.  If the pulp tissue has become infected to the point where an abscess is forming then root canal treatment might be the only option.

If you have a constantly aching tooth, swollen gums or – common in the case of accidents affecting the mouth – a tooth that has turned noticeably darker in tone than the rest, you should inform your dentist immediately as root canal treatment might be needed.

Root canal treatment aims to remove the pulp from the afflicted chamber and disinfect it by drilling into the tooth.  X-rays play a vital part in this process so that your dentist can assess the precise location of any infection. Then your tooth will be monitored while the entry point is sealed up with a temporary filling.  Satisfied that no infection has returned and that the canal and chamber remain free of debris, your dentist will place the permanent filling.

Looking for a Leeds dentist? City Dental Leeds are here to help.

It is a complicated and invasive treatment which requires local anaesthetic but is necessary to stop any complications from occurring.  Being sure to visit your dentist every six months will allow them to spot any early signs of conditions which need solving using root canal treatment.  Contact your Leeds dentist for more information about root canal treatment.

Emergency Procedures That Can Help You

October 19th, 2015

3520145_blogIn the case of a dental emergency swift, appropriate action is the best way to respond. The American Dental Association recommends that you take the following action if a dental emergency strikes:

  • If a tooth is knocked out, rinse it with water and gently re-embed it. Do not scrub or remove any attached tissue fragments and always hold the tooth by the crown. Time is precious in the case of a knocked out tooth because minute by minute more root cells die. Go straight to the dentist or A & E to save your tooth.
  • If you break or chip a tooth, swill your mouth with warm water and hold a cold compress to the face to reduce swelling before seeing your dentist.
  • Treat a bitten tongue or lip by gently cleaning with a cloth and apply a cold compress to the swelling. If bleeding is heavy or doesn’t stop, see your dentist or go to A and E.
  • If you have a persistent, painful toothache then rinse your mouth with warm water and gently floss around the tooth to remove any food that may be trapped around it. Take a painkiller and see your dentist.
  • For a jaw injury or fracture hold a cold compress to the face and go straight to your dentist or A & E department.
  • If your brace suddenly breaks or wires are sticking into your mouth and gums, cover with gauze and go straight to your dentist.
  • If a dental emergency strikes while you are travelling, check the yellow pages under ‘dentist’.
  • If a crown or filling comes out, use sugar free chewing gum to cement it back in place and go straight to your dentist or A and E department.

Emergency procedures used by dentists

Sometimes your dentist may ask you how you want your dental emergency to be treated unless there is a serious risk of infection.

  • For a knocked out tooth your dentist will re-implant it. Failure to have your tooth professionally reimplanted within the first 30 minutes to 2 hours of the tooth falling out may result in root canal treatment, veneers or dentures.
  • Permanently lost teeth will be replaced by dentists. Failure to have lost teeth replaced may result in damage to your speech and ability to chew. Nowadays dental implants are used which provide stable support for artificial teeth.
  • For a chipped or cracked tooth your dentist will consult you on how you want it to be corrected. Veneers, crowns and fillings are all common procedures and you won’t be able to tell the difference!