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Posts Tagged ‘bruxism’

The Problems of Bruxism in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

If you are one of these people in the city of Leeds that live alone and suffer from stress or anger problems, there’s a very good chance you may grind your teeth (more commonly known as Bruxism), and you may also be completely unaware of the problem. But it’s not a problem to be ignored as it can lead to many problems throughout the upper body. The obvious symptoms of teeth grinding are aching jaws, headaches, neck pain and stress in the shoulders; if these symptoms prevail, you should consult your dentist. They may recommend tooth guards, splints or even dental overlays to avoid damage to the teeth, but the jaw will still undergo strain from the desire to grind. Bruxism is directly linked to stress and a hectic lifestyle. But once the problem is identified, it can be addressed. Stress management can reduce the level of teeth grinding through identifying the causes of stress and learning how to unwind after a heavy day. There are many relaxing techniques that can be used to help the body to de-stress before sleeping. If you go to sleep once you have unwound and calmed the body down, there chances of teeth grinding are greatly reduced.

Put a stop to bruxism with diagnosis from City of Leeds dentists

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

Bruxism is the activity of grinding your teeth during sleep. Although as common as snoring, bruxism can easily go unnoticed but it ought to be dealt with to avoid potentially serious complications with the teeth and jaw. Being sure to keep in regular contact with your dentist is a good way to guard against bruxism and its effects.
There are believed to be two primary causes of bruxism. One is stress; if you are feeling anxious for whatever reason then this can manifest itself during sleep with the grinding of your teeth. If this is determined to be the reason for your bruxism then it might be prudent for you to seek advice from a mental health expert.
Dentists also suggest that bruxism can be caused by an imperfect alignment of the teeth. It is vital that bruxism is dealt with, no matter what the cause so that you avoid breaking or chipping one or more of your teeth in the process of the grinding. Nobody wants to have to have a tooth removed and replaced or have a crown fitted.
Your dentist might advise that you have a mouth guard fitted to wear during the night. These simple devices can be fabricated by your dentist using moulds and impressions of your teeth. They take the strain of your grinding and ensure that teeth are not damaged.
Your City of Leeds dentist can keep an eye on your teeth during the check ups you ought to be having every six months. If he or she determines that bruxism is occurring then steps can be taken to stop permanent damage from afflicting your teeth.

Orthodontic Treatment In The City Of Leeds

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

According to a city of Leeds dentist, orthodontics covers one of the most important in dentistry. It centres on the mouth’s occlusion (the bite) and how to remedy any problems in the jaw’s position. This is achieved by correcting the growth of misaligned teeth, the coming together of the teeth, treating bruxism (teeth grinding) and teeth loss. This starts at a young age. Children are susceptible to teeth problems, especially as new teeth form in the mouth, and it is important to tackle any problems early on to protect the occlusion. Crooked teeth need to be addressed by the use of braces. This can take up to 5 years and can be very traumatic for the wearer who will often be subject to playground ridicule. Braces can also be fitted in later life as teeth are lost and subject to movement. But aside from the aesthetic advantages after the brace is removed, the importance of monitoring the occlusion are paramount to the health of the patient. Many of the body’s problems can stem from an unhealthy mouth. A bad occlusion can lead to wear on the jaw, gum disease, headaches, earaches, sinus and eye problems, and pain in the upper back. Before any treatments can be undertaken, any problems of teeth grinding must be addressed before an orthodontist can treat missing teeth with implants or bridges. Chipped teeth will be repaired with crowns, and bite positions (over, under and crooked), corrected with the fitting of a brace.

A Well Fitting Night Guard Can Cure You of Teeth Grinding, Says City Of Leeds Dentist

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Have you noticed that your teeth have been worn down considerably? Does your jaw hurt or your head ache most of the time? Do you have difficulty sleeping, and have you experienced loss of appetite. According to a City of Leeds dentist, the presence of most of these symptoms means that you have to see a dentist immediately because you probably suffer from Bruxism.
This means that you grind your teeth when you sleep at night. If you are unsure, you could ask anyone to observe you as you sleep so that your doubts can be answered. Most people who suffer from Bruxism are unaware that they have this ailment.
If you do suffer from Bruxism, your dentist is certain to fit you with a night guard for your mouth. This device will not let your upper and lower sets of teeth meet, thereby preventing you from doing the teeth grinding which has become a habit by now.
You might have heard a lot of negative feedback regarding the night guard, but the most likely reason for that is that they are ill fitting. You therefore need to go to a reputed dental practice only so that you can get a well fitted night guard. You will begin to see positive results almost immediately since it will not let you grind your teeth together.
You will get freedom from headaches and you will also protect your teeth from cracking or breaking. Dentists also use night guards to cure bad bites.

Never Neglect Jaw Joint Problems, Says City of Leeds Dentist

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Only people who suffer from jaw joint problems know how painful they can be. The jaw is said to have one of the strongest muscles in the human body and it is has to work very hard whenever we chew food or talk. There are many reasons why the jaw can get injured, and a dentist has to understand the reason well before taking up any particular course of action.
The most common reason for the jaw joint to get hurt is when the person suffers from Bruxism. This is the term given to the condition where a person grinds his or her teeth together very forcefully and involuntarily. This gnashing of the teeth happens mainly at night, and the person can have a very sore jaw as a result. Another reason could be something that causes the jaws to be out of alignment, such as a fall or a blow to the side of the face. This causes the jaws to move incorrectly, thereby putting pressure on the muscles.
According to a reputed City of Leeds dentist, a lot of people come to their practice with this problem because many dentists don’t diagnose it correctly. An experienced dentist will be able to study various other symptoms before arriving to a conclusion. For example, word down teeth will indicate that the person grinds his or her teeth regularly. Once the dentist identifies the problem, treatment is relatively easy and the patient will get permanent relief from any jaw joint problems.

City Of Leeds Dentist Says That Many Headaches Are Due To Dental Problems

Monday, September 13th, 2010

Do you suffer from frequent and intense headaches that leave you at the mercy of painkillers? Have you had your eyes checked, but to no avail, because the headaches persist no matter what else you do? According to a well renowned dentist in the City of Leeds, the reason could be that you have unresolved dental issues. After all, the teeth and jaws are very close to the forehead and temples, and any muscular pain caused by dental problems can easily spread upwards.
The most common reason for headaches caused by dental problems is Bruxism, which is the term for the involuntary grinding of one’s teeth. As a matter of fact, certain people grind their teeth so much that the pain can become very extreme and it can extend from the jaw to the rest of the head.
Having an infected tooth or an abscessed gum can also cause headaches in some people, although these headaches will not be as strong as the ones caused by obsessive tooth grinding.
If you have a persistent headache, you should obviously get your eyes checked once more. If there is no cause for concern from there, then you should get your teeth checked. Most people who suffer from Bruxism don’t even know that they grind their teeth at night, and this can be a good way to find out. Once you commence your treatment for your teeth grinding problem you can be sure that your headaches will also be a thing of the past.

City Of Leeds Dentist Offers A Cure For Grinding Teeth

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Many people suffer from a condition called Bruxism and they don’t even know it until others tell them about it. Also known as the condition of involuntarily grinding teeth, mostly while sleeping, Bruxism is a common and misdiagnosed disease. People suffering from this disease will grind their teeth continuously and noisily while they sleep, disturbing the sleep of people next to them.
A City of Leeds dentist cautions us that it is very important to diagnose and then to treat this condition before it escalates and becomes very hard to treat. People who have been involuntarily grinding their teeth for a long time will actually manage to rub the enamel off their teeth. This leads to tooth decay since the protective covering of the tooth is lost for good. If this habit persists, or if they grind their teeth too hard, they can even fracture their teeth, leading to ultimate loss of the tooth. It is very common for people suffering from Bruxism to have a constant head ache or jaw ache in addition to having teeth that are extremely sensitive to heat and cold.
A dentist is the only person who can help a person who has this problem of grinding teeth throughout the night. A good dentist will be able to cure a person of this disease, as a result of which the patient will also be free of insomnia eating disorders and anxiety, all of which are associated with this condition. Don’t delay visiting a dentist if you suffer from Bruxism.

Leeds Dentist Says That Bruxism Is Not Always Diagnosed

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Bruxism is a disorder that affects many people and in most cases they are not even aware that they suffer from it. This disorder happens when a person gnashes his or her teeth while sleeping, leading to the teeth being ground down over a period of time, with the edges of the teeth getting blunted. The enamel of the teeth will get worn away leading to sensitivity of the teeth, dental decay and even fractures. The jaw of the person will also start to ache after a while. Since this becomes a habit, the problem will only escalate leading to problems that are very expensive to deal with.
Since many people are unaware that they suffer from this problem, it can lead to serious dental problems over time. Certain symptoms that are associated with this condition include eating disorders, anxiety, insomnia and headaches. In extreme cases, it can also lead to arthritis. As a matter of fact, many people find out that they grind their teeth in their sleep only when their partner or parent finds out about it.
It is very important to diagnose this condition correctly so that the dentist can help you find a cure for it. A popular Leeds dentist says that only an examination by an experienced dentist will result in a correct diagnosis since there can be many other reasons for the tooth getting worn down, such as brushing very vigorously or drinking too many soft drinks. This underscores the need for regular dental examinations.

Grinding your teeth while you sleep is bad; a City of Leeds dentist advises

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

It’s called Bruxism and usually occurs in the sleep, says a City of Leeds dentist. Bruxism also covers the subconscious acts of gnashing and grinding of the teeth while we are awake. The effects are a premature wearing of the tooth enamel and headaches, which just increases the Bruxism and brings the patient into a circle of behaviour that just makes the condition worse. A mouth guard is usually what is prescribed and this seems to work well in most patients, the patient can just pop the guard in when the condition starts up or just before bed-time. The condition has been with us since time immemorial and the word comes from the Greek for grinding, it is generally seen by clinicians as a habit more than an abnormal condition. The cure is varied, the gum shields are a short measure to protect the teeth, rather than fix the problem. Hypnosis is one way and this seems to work well in a lot of people. The effects are that you will get a premature wearing of the teeth and soreness, this can also lead to you relaxing your oral hygiene program and not brushing as regularly as you should do. Jaw ache and anxiety are both a sign of it and a result of it, so getting help early in life is essential. It usually occurs in children around the age of 5 and can go on well into adult life, dietary problems are also thought to be linked to Bruxism, and so a change in diet is also worth a go. All in all this condition needs to be tackled early, although we don`t always know we have it, if you suffer any of the aforementioned conditions then seek advice from your dentist of doctor.

Stop teeth grinding in sleep – Visit Central Leeds dentist

Friday, April 9th, 2010

There are many conditions that affect us when we sleep. Two of the most common are snoring and sleep apnea. Both of these affect the way we sleep and can cause associated health problems during the day. Another less common but also debilitating sleep disorder is known as bruxism.

This involves sub-conscious teeth grinding that can cause enormous damage to the tooth enamel leading to long-term dental damage. It also causes many muscular problems to do with the head, neck and jaw. Bruxism can also be very disturbing for partners who share the same bed but there are easy ways to treat it.

For years it was assumed that bruxism was caused by stress or anxiety during your waking life. In some cases this is still true but dentists have successfully proven that the majority of cases are caused by a misalignment of the teeth or jaw. Incorrect alignment can lead to great discomfort that manifests itself as sub-conscious grinding. The muscular spasms that cause the grinding can be continual and over time will wear away the protective tooth enamel on the surface of the teeth. Once this enamel has been damaged or destroyed it cannot be replaced and exposes the teeth to many problems such as infections and even permanent loss.

Central Leeds dentists can prevent bruxism by fitting a specially designed mouth guard to be worn when sleeping. This protects the teeth from further damage while dentists try to reconfigure the jaw to correct any alignment issues. This is a complex process but one that can be achieved through various dental appliances.