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Posts Tagged ‘bruxism’

Grinding And Gnashing Can Cause Dental Damage While You Sleep

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

863081_blogMany people grind their teeth during the night without even knowing that they are doing it, but if you have a partner who grinds their teeth, you’re probably longing for a peaceful and undisturbed night’s sleep. Teeth grinding, also know as bruxism, is a subconscious action, which can cause damage to the teeth. If you grind your teeth, we can provide treatment to protect your teeth and help you and your partner to enjoy a restful night.

Why do I grind my teeth and what are the implications?

There are different reasons why people grind their teeth, but most commonly, bruxism is linked to stress and anxiety. Other possible causes include orthodontic issues, which mean that the teeth are not aligned properly.

If you grind your teeth, you may damage the enamel and increase the risk of chips. Grinding the teeth can also increase the risk of headaches and migraines, which may be associated with temporomandibular joint disorder. TMJ disorder is a term used to describe pain and other symptoms, which affect the TM joint, the joint, which connects the lower jaw to the skull.

What can be done?

If you grind your teeth and it is affecting your oral health or causing your aches and pains, we may recommend wearing a bite guard. This is an appliance, which is similar to a mouth guard used for sport, which helps to prevent the teeth from clashing and clenching together. The bite guard is custom-made to ensure a comfortable fit. If you think that stress may be causing you to clench your teeth, we can also recommend stress management techniques.

Migraines Caused By TMJ? City Of Leeds Dentists Are Here To Help

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

4652780_blogIf you suffer from migraines or headaches on a regular basis, this may be a result of temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ disorder or TMD. The TMJ is the joint, which connects the lower jaw to your skull. You can feel your TMJ working if you place your fingers on the side of your face just in front of your ear lobes and open and close your mouth.

There are various factors, including teeth grinding, which can cause the muscles around the TMJ to become strained and this can result on headaches and migraines, as well as stiffness in the joint and earache. Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding and usually, it is associates with stress or anxiety.

Treating TMJ disorder

In many cases, there is no need for formal treatment and aches and pains subside independently; however, in the case of persistent migraines and headaches, intervention may be recommended. In cases where teeth grinding is linked to pain in the joint, we can provide custom-made mouth guards, which are worn at night, to prevent the teeth from clashing and reduce strain on the joint and the surrounding muscles. We can also help to address problems with the bite and suggest stress management techniques, which may help to reduce the frequency and intensity of teeth grinding.

If you suffer from migraines and you’ve tried over the counter remedies to no avail, come and see us! You don’t have to suffer in silence.

The Erosion of your Teeth in the City of Leeds

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

In the never ending battle to try to keep your mouth healthy and free from disease and other problems, you have to be constantly on your guard against everything, as your teeth and gums can be attacked from all angles, one being erosion. There are many ways that your teeth can erode in the city of Leeds, the most noticeable one being from acids deposited onto the surface of the enamel and if you take the eye off cleaning your teeth for even a day, the will eat away and then get inside your teeth and cause tooth decay. Good oral hygiene will help to prevent this: radically, you can have dental sealants attached to the surfaces of your teeth to stop anything getting through, and of course, your dentist can help to clean and repair your teeth if need be at a dental check-up. But another form of erosion comes in the guise of wear and tear, and the most damaging of all is from teeth grinding or bruxism. It’s a condition that can be so devastating to the surfaces of your teeth and by grinding away the enamel of the teeth, it will give extra clout to tooth decay to set in easier than ever before- a dentist will pick up on this immediately when you pop in for your check-up. A mouth-guard is required to protect your teeth until you get the grinding under control. You may also need to take a look at your lifestyle and what types of food and drink you are putting into your mouth, as some are most erosive than others.

How to Fight Bruxism in the City of Leeds

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

If you live in the city ofLeeds, you will know it is a bustling town and with that can come a lot of stress and anger on a daily basis. What is required at the end of the day is to learn how to totally wind down and relax. You do not need to drink coffee, just a nice herbal tea; have a hot bath, with soft music and aromatic candles and take a book to bed with you. Why? Well, if you are taking the stress and anger of the day to bed with you, you are probably going to be suffering from Bruxism- teeth grinding. Unwinding is one of the elements of beating this problem, as is wearing a gum-shield to protect your teeth from wearing down. Anger management is also the answer because you need to identify why you are wound up each day. Even though you don’t notice you are clenching your teeth together and grinding throughout the day, as well as night, you probably are if you get stressed out. Now if this is left unchecked, you are in danger of doing some serious damage to yourself. As has been said, firstly you with be destroying your teeth, but more serious than that, you are putting unnecessary stress upon the jaw joints and soon the will breakdown and then you are starting to really damage yourself. The jaws will start clicking and aching and then become painful. But further to that, you will be affecting your hearing, doing damage to your neck and causing problems in your upper back. Look out for the signs and ask your dentist for help.

Preventing Teeth Grinding in the City of Leeds

Monday, September 26th, 2011

After a hectic day of stress and anxiety in the city of Leeds, do you know how to chill-out when you get home? Have a hot bath, soft music, glass of wine, light-up some incense, soft music and a cup of herbal tea before a book at bedtime? Or do you find you’re just as anxious and angry as you have been all day when you hit the pillow? Because if you’re not relaxing properly, you may well find that you are grinding your teeth while you sleep. The symptoms to look out for here are aching and clicking jaws, neck and upper back and if you suffer from any of these, you are putting your health on the line, let alone wearing down the enamel on your teeth and leaving yourself open to tooth decay and gum disease. The point at where the jaws meet is a very delicate area that has to take the every day things you throw at it anyway, but what it doesn’t need is extra stress placed upon it from teeth grinding and if you fail to rectify the problem, it could let to some very expensive repair work on your teeth and surgery on your jaws. A dentist can help your teeth by prescribing a mouth-guard, but what is really essential is to get your stress and anger under control by seeking professional help from someone who can teach you stress management, and stop you from feeding your tension through your jaws, into your head and then down the neck into the upper back.

City of Leeds dentists help patients put an end to their nocturnal sleep grinding

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

You might be one of the many people who grind their teeth while asleep and not even know that you are doing it. It is not a trifling matter either, for it can have consequences for the health of your mouth. With the help of your local dentist you can get to the bottom of problems with teeth grinding so that it is stopped and you are able to rest assured that you are not compromising the health of your mouth.
There appear to be two main causes of what is professionally known as bruxism. Patients sometimes grind their teeth in their sleep for reasons of stress. If life is getting on top of people then this can manifest itself in all sorts of ways, teeth grinding being one of them. Therapy might be required in these cases so that the root cause is stopped.
What dentists are most concerned with are people who grind their teeth in their sleep because their bite is misaligned. In all cases of bruxism there is a risk that teeth can become physically broken down over time. Cracks might begin to appear and if the enamel is sufficiently worn away then tooth decay presents itself as a greater risk because the integrity of the tooth is less protected.
City of Leeds dentists can help put a stop to this by either fitting patients with a brace so that any alignment issues are sorted out or by making a mouth guard for the patient to wear at night. A mouth guard worn on the teeth will help take the impact out of the process of teeth grinding and stop teeth from being worn down.

Keeping your mouth safe with a Mouth-guard in the City of Leeds

Saturday, June 4th, 2011

It’s not really rocket science- the clue is in print, in the title- mouth-guard. It’s a device that does what it claims, protecting your mouth from any possible chance of injury…where it can and within reason. In the city of Leeds, mouth guards are used in all walks of life; from hospital surgery, through to dentists and sports, you’ll find them everywhere. If you play a lot of contact sports, the best way of protecting your mouth and its teeth, your jaw and your neck, they will help, at the very least, help limit the injuries that you sustain. The guard of your choice is essentially down to you, but with a little research, you can choose the right one that is tailored to the games that you play. Dentists incorporate them in many procedures. Modern styles of orthodontic procedures to correct teeth alignment veer away from traditional braces, preferring devices that are more akin to a boxer’s gum-shield. Bruxism or teeth grinding is very damaging to the mouth; gum-shields are often used to protect the teeth from unnecessary wear and tear during the treatment of the problem (they are also used in the treatment of snoring). One of the more fashionable ways a mouth-guard is used is in the field of cosmetic dentistry- teeth bleaching. The shield not only houses the bleaching agent to whiten your teeth, but it also protects the rest of the mouth being damaged by the chemicals in the bleach.

Central Leeds dentists offer patients stunning packages of cosmetic dentistry treatments

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

Confidence is such an important part of most walks of life that you should grasp every opportunity to give it a boost. It is something that employers look for when they are interviewing candidates and it is the best way to stand out at a party if you are looking to meet new people when you are there. But problems with your appearance can damage your self esteem no matter how much you might try and wish it away. If the issue is with your smile, don’t delay, contact your dentist and ask about cosmetic dentistry and how your look can be improved.
Cosmetic dentistry is the collective name for a whole range of procedures which are designed and implemented in order for your teeth to look more aesthetically pleasing. This is in contrast to general dentistry whose focus is to maintain the health and functionality of your mouth. Of course there is a degree of overlap here. Braces, for example, improve the look of your smile but the rearrangement of your teeth might also benefit the health of your mouth by putting an end to bruxism (nocturnal teeth grinding) if that is occurring.
Dentists can whiten your teeth, cover up unsightly cracks or chips with porcelain dental veneers or crowns and replace metal fillings with stunning, white, cosmetic bonding. If you are interested then you should book a consultation with your Central Leeds dentist where you will be able to explain any aspects of the look of your mouth that you are not happy with and he or she can suggest appropriate cosmetic dentistry procedures which can change them and boost your self confidence.

Put a stop to teeth grinding in your sleep with help from City of Leeds dentists

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

Just as common as snoring but not nearly as talked about, grinding your teeth in your sleep can have fairly serious repercussions and ought to be taken seriously. As the condition concerns your mouth, your dentist is able to help in diagnosing teeth grinding and then formulating an appropriate response.
There seem to be two main causes of nocturnal teeth grinding (known clinically as bruxism). Often the condition is brought on by anxiety and, if your dentist believes this to be the case then you might be referred to a mental health specialist or counsellor. Of most concern to dentists is that bruxism can be brought on by a problem with the alignment of your teeth.
Bruxism can cause the teeth themselves to break down as they experience the constant pressure of being ground against one another, night after night. The enamel of teeth can wear away, leaving them more open to cavities. There is also a link with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder), which affects the area where your jaw is joined to your skull.
The detrimental effects of nocturnal teeth grinding can easily be dealt with by your dentist fitting you with a mouth guard, designed especially for you by taking moulds of your teeth. This is worn during the night and cushions the impact of the teeth grinding against one another. Your dentist might determine that you need to have a brace fitted if the problem is with the alignment of your teeth.
Go and visit your City of Leeds dentist every six months for a check up and they may be able to spot the signs of bruxism so it can be dealt with.

Leeds dentists effectively diagnose and cure dental pain

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Having a pain free set of teeth is something that many of us take for granted. But teeth are an incredibly sensitive part of the body and any pain that you have there will make normal, every day activities such as eating, drinking and talking, that much more difficult. There are a number of causes of dental pain and you should seek the advice of your dentist if it should occur.
A common cause of dental pain is if plaque is causing the enamel of your teeth to break down and cavities are forming. These small holes in teeth allow the nerves inside to be interfered with and can be very painful as a result.
Teeth can also break down and become painful if you suffer from bruxism or nocturnal teeth grinding. You might not know that you have bruxism but dental pain can alert you to this as the process of grinding makes your teeth feel painful. It might be that you are brushing your teeth too hard and wearing away the enamel which normally protects the teeth.
What the diagnosis will be will depend on where the pain is occurring and what activities bring it on. Your dentist is expert in all areas concerning the health of your teeth and will be able to give them a thorough examination to determine the cause.
Treatment might not be necessary if it is simply a case of improving your brushing and flossing technique. Fillings, on the other hand will need to be filled to stop the process of decay from continuing. Talk to your Leeds dentist if you are experiencing dental pain and the problem will be sorted out before you know it.