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Posts Tagged ‘root canal treatment’

The Perils of Tooth Decay in Leeds

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Tooth decay is a great enemy of the teeth in Leeds from as early as when they first break through the gums as a baby. Residues of food and drink cause bacteria in the mouth that can leave films of acid on the teeth. If left, the acid will start to eat away at the enamel of the teeth and cavities or caries will form and decay the inside of the tooth. An x-ray at the dentist can always determine if you suffer from any tooth decay and also how bad it is. In its mildest incarnation, tooth decay can be reversed with a filling, but at worse, you will need more extensive work like root canal treatment. It’s easy to avoid if you stick to your daily routine of brushing and flossing, and make regular visits to your dentist. For some people, especially children, the dentist can apply a thin plastic coating over the teeth to protect the exposed enamel of the tooth. But if you don’t avoid it, the decay can spread and affect the health of your mouth, the treatments can become precarious if you want to save your tooth, and the costs can spiral- for you will need to reconstruct to tooth to maintain its functionality, and that means splashing out on a crown.

Root canals in the city of Leeds

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

The words root and canal do not sit easy on the mind when you apply both of them dental work. In fact, it sounds utterly torturous and if you look up the word torture, you will find the word pain thrown in there too somewhere. In the city of Leeds, there are a lot of urban myths built up around root canal treatment. Not so much is said however, about how we turned a blind eye to oral hygiene and kept cancelling check-ups, which kicked off the problem in the first place. The reason for having this treatment is to remove decay that has set in, so that the tooth can be saved. Maybe the myths that surround this procedure are due to the nature of the work required, well, just sounding bad. Here we go…..the decay first has to be removed under a local anaesthetic by scraping out all the dead pulp inside the tooth and then treated with an anti-fungal fluid. Now, the roots have to be drilled out. This can be complex and on occasions, the dentist may have to come through the gum and enter the tooth from the side, then the tooth is filled and capped…..does that sound bad now?! In all reality, it’s a fairly easy procedure that is no more painful than a filling and generally the tooth is good for at least another 10 years. If you still feel concerned, then maybe you should look after your teeth more, because after all, you don’t wanna go through that nightmare again, do you?

Handling dental pain in central Leeds

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

You never really know when you may be struck down with dental pain in central Leeds and it could be in an evening or weekend out of dental hours. It’s important to understand and identify the nature of the aggravation in situations like these, so that if needed, you can ease the problem yourself until treatment can be administered by your dentist. Such pains can arise from a chipped tooth, a filling falling out or a veneer dropping off that can leave a sharp edge in the mouth and expose the gums and tongue to lacerations. Other problems can stem from recent dental treatments such as root canals- these pains generally subside in time, but can be eased by using mild pain killers. Most pain however can stem from a period decay in the mouth and then strikes immediately in the form of a toothache. This is where the nerve is exposed and reacts to cold or hot temperatures or chewing. Again, mild pain killers can be used along with keeping the tooth clean until a dentist can be sought. An abscess, however can cause the face to swell and can poison the bloodstream, developing into an extremely dangerous situation and immediate treatment needs to be administered from a dentist or doctor. Information on such problems can be found at the dentists, or is available on the internet. But the more you understand these problems, the easier it is to self-treat them.

Effective root canal treatment available from City of Leeds dentists

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Root canal treatment is a common and vital procedure necessary to restore the health of a tooth that has become damaged internally. Inside all of your teeth is a chamber, known as the pulp chamber. In this chamber there are many, nerves, arteries, veins and tissues. Entering into the pulp chamber through the root are the root canals which carry nerves into the tooth.

You might need root canal treatment if the pulp tissue of the tooth has become infected and an abscess is forming. This can be very painful indeed and infection can easily spread to other areas of the mouth. This might occur as a result of tooth decay, diseases of the gum or even an injury which has profoundly damaged the whole tooth. If you have persistently aching teeth, tenderness or swelling of the gums near a tooth or one of your teeth has become darkened following an accident, you may require root canal treatment.

In root canal treatment the pulp is removed from the tooth and the chamber disinfected. Your dentist will anaesthetise the area then drill into the tooth to gain access to the chamber. Special equipment is then employed to clean out the canals of the infected materials. Xrays are a vital part of the process in that they allow the dentist to assess accurately the depth of the canals and the amount of infected material that needs clearing.

Having sealed up your tooth with a temporary filling, you will need to return for a second appointment at which your dentist will remove the temporary filling and check that the canals are still free from debris. Once assured of the success of the original process a permanent crown can be attached. This complicated process is vital to guard against damaging oral infections and your City of Leeds dentist can provide you with more information.

Dispelling Root Canal Myths In The City Of Leeds

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

For some reason, the evil legend that is the root canal still tends to strike fear into its prey and once the victim has had the excruciating treatment, pain ensues for months. Sound familiar- well it does to most dentists in the city of Leeds! In all reality, a simple look on the internet could dispel any myths that surround the procedure. The reason for having a root canal stems from bad oral hygiene, allowing plaque to develop and form cavities. If the tooth is to be saved, then the cavity must be cleared of decay, the roots removed and the gap that’s left filled. In times gone by, the tooth would have been ‘pulled’ and here lies one of the myths that surround root canals. If a tooth is causing pain, an extraction is not only considered to be less painful, but cheaper too (the truth is, a root canal is no more painful than a filling). But removing a tooth (when it needn’t be) leads to all sorts of problems. The surrounding teeth can suffer trauma, start to move and become loose, leading to gum disease and infection. Another myth that stems out of this treatment is based on other people’s experiences, like that of your parent’s in the bad old days, “my god! This is what I’m in for!” If in this modern world, you still listen to gossip, believe in fairies, monsters and death by root canal, maybe a little research and a consultation with your dentist will dispel such myths, allowing you to sleep at night with the light out and get out more.

Root Canal Treatment – Advantages and the Costs Involved at a Leeds dental practice

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Each of our teeth is secured firmly to the jaw bone by one or more roots which contain a mass of blood vessels and nerves otherwise called the pulp. A root canal treatment is done when this pulp gets infected by microorganisms; this can happen when there is sudden trauma or injury to the tooth or due to tooth decay or cavity which is left untreated. Sometimes the pulp also gets infected when the tooth filling has cracked or fallen off due to wear and tear.
In a typical root canal procedure, the tooth pulp is removed completely and the gap is filled with an inert material to prevent chances of any future infection. Following this therapy, the tooth becomes dead as it does not contain any blood vessels and nerves. The advantage of this procedure is that this is the only way by which you can retain the original tooth. The only other way to stop the spread of infection to the other teeth is by extracting the infected tooth which is not advisable. It is always best to retain all the natural teeth for optimum oral health and tooth extraction should only be considered as a last resort.
Root canal therapies are a little expensive as the procedure is complex, labour and time intensive. It would approximately cost three hundred dollars for a single root and can increase depend on the number of roots and other complications involved. In addition, you may also have to spend for medications and dental X-ray. In spite of the costs, it is very important to undergo this treatment as an infected tooth pulp can cause extreme pain and if not treated immediately can affect the other teeth too. So, it is best if a root canal treatment is done right at the beginning as soon as you feel pain or notice the symptoms.
Do not think of this procedure as a cosmetic one; it is indeed necessary to maintain good oral health and hygiene.

City of Leeds Dentist Advises Parents to Avoid Unnecessary Pulpotomy in Their Children’s Teeth

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

Getting complicated dental procedures done is no longer the preserve of adults. It is extremely unfortunate that even children have to undergo difficult dental procedures because the incidence of dental caries among very little children is on the rise. This can very clearly be attributed to parental carelessness in allowing them to eat a lot of sugary foods and to a neglect of their oral hygiene.
Very simply put, a pulpotomy can be describes as a root canal for children. It is an invasive and long drawn out procedure, but it manages to stem the rot of very large caries. These days, it is very common to see even preschoolers in a dentist’s office, waiting to have this procedure done on them. Dental caries, once they have developed in a child’s teeth, cannot be neglected because it will result in the child being unable to chew food very well. The ch.ild will also not be able to sleep well due to the pain. On the whole, the child will not thrive
A City of Leeds dentist says that this is absolutely unnecessary in the sense that the parents of these children should not have let things get this bad. These procedures put a child through a lot of discomfort that could be easily avoided if the child had learnt and practiced good oral hygiene from a very early age on.
It is never too late to make a start. Children can be made to practice good oral hygiene with their parents setting a good example for them

Leeds Dentist Cautions against Neglecting Dental Cavities

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

A very popular Leeds dentist spoke up about the way the average person neglects their teeth. Dental cavities are a case in point. They are also known as caries and they are one of the most common ailments that humans suffer from. What starts off as a very small cavity can deteriorate with neglect and result in a lot of problems for you. Not only will you experience a lot of discomfort, you will also end up paying a lot of money for expensive treatments that are expensive in addition to being painful.
For starters, a bad tooth can cause you to have bad breath because it will be a place where food particles get lodged. You will find it almost impossible to clean it out and the food will remain there for long periods. The tooth can also get infected, leaving you with an abscess. A tooth with a large cavity will also cause you a lot of pain since the nerve endings will not have a protective cover of enamel. You will find it very difficult to eat or drink very hot or cold foods.
The dentist cautions against neglecting this particular problem because you will have to address it anyway in the end, by which time it would have become quite a big problem. What could have been fixed with a small and inexpensive filling will not have to be corrected with a root canal treatment or in some cases, dental surgery. In extreme cases, you can even lose the entire tooth.

Dental Caps Are Very Easy To Fix, According To Leeds Dentist

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Dental caps are probably the most used treatment for teeth, after dental fillings of course, because they can be used for a wide range of applications. A dental cap, also known as a crown, is nothing more than a shell that is placed on top of the tooth or an implant. It is cemented to the existing tooth or any other base so that it cannot be removed, except of course by the dentist. In effect, a dental cap is exactly like a tooth except that it is made of an artificial substance. A Leeds dental clinic specializes in offering this treatment and they use it for a wide variety of reasons.
It can be used in place of a large filling when there is hardly any tooth left to repair. It can also be used to cover a badly shaped tooth or one that is too discoloured to be able to benefit from tooth whitening treatments. Another use is to cover a tooth that has had a root canal treatment. It is also used very often in order to attach a bridge when the teeth on either side of the gap that has to be filled are spaced very far.
Dentists use a wide variety of crowns in order to suit various requirements. The cost of the treatment escalates based upon the quality of the material used, with the most natural looking caps being the most expensive. Most people reserve these caps for front teeth only, for very obvious reasons.

Leeds Dentist Stresses the Importance of Oral Hygiene

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

A Leeds dentist was talking about the dropping standards of oral hygiene amongst the patients that he sees in his clinic. The unfortunate part is that most people do not know how badly they are affecting their health by neglecting this aspect of their lives.
There is more to oral hygiene than just preventing tooth decay and bad breath. These are certainly two things that can be prevented if you brush your teeth regularly, but lack of oral hygiene can have even worse consequences. At the very least you will have to face bigger dental bills since you will have no option but to go in for procedures such as root canal treatments if your teeth have rotten too much to be saved with a simple filling. Your love life and even profession can suffer as a result of this since people will be put off by your bad breath.
You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day and you also need to keep it clean in between meals at least by rinsing with water. Flossing is also very important, and so is a six month check up with a dentist. Avoid sugary drinks and foods in between meals and never make the mistake of sleeping without cleaning your mouth.
If you do not clean your mouth regularly, plaque will build up, leading to tartar formation which can eventually cause heart disease.
Oral hygiene is very easily done if you are disciplined in your habits. Make these changes before it is too late.