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Archive for the ‘dental disorders’ Category

Sense and Sensitivity to your Teeth in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

3534882_blogThere are some conditions that can be a right pain in the mouth in the city of Leeds and one of them is if you suffer from sensitive teeth and it’s generally down to the exposure of the softer tissue of the teeth. This can be down to many things: over excitable brushing can wear away at the enamel and when exposed to hot and cold temperatures, you will get short, sharp shooting pains; as it is if you suffering from receding gums caused by gum disease. Teeth grinding is very destructive to the surfaces and will wear away the enamel if it isn’t dealt with. Tooth decay can also leave the teeth feeling sensitive whenever they are touched by anything; cracked or chipped teeth will also leave the teeth sore, and they can feel fragile after they have been worked on by your dentist. The first thing to do is to get your teeth looked at to identify the problem; the dentist can then get to work on them accordingly. Having fluoride treatments and using a fluoride mouthwash will help to re-mineralise the enamel and make it stronger. Switching to sensitive toothpaste and to a softer brush will help tremendously and you should see results after just a few days if the cause of the sensitivity isn’t serious. Lay off sugar based foods and drinks as they will rot the teeth quickly. But be aware that this type of problem is a cautionary tale and you need to care for your teeth better in the future otherwise you might find yourself in serious trouble.

How you benefit from Oral Pathology in Leeds

Friday, November 29th, 2013

5828041_blogThere are many strains of dentistry in Leeds that are all designed to care for the health of your mouth, your head and your neck- the maxillofacial areas, and it is especially comforting to know that there is a good team of people that are there for you when things go drastically wrong. Oral pathology is the study of the cause and effects of disease and injury, and if damage has occurred, then pathology will first analyse the problem, give a thorough diagnosis of it and then map out a plan to overcome it. Surgery/treatment will be required after serious injury or even if you have suffered from tooth loss, but also if you are recovering from cancer related problems. The beauty of pathology is that it gives surgeons all the information they need to repair you in times of a crisis. It covers not only the damage to your mouth and jaws, but it works for injury to the face, the upper head and the neck. After any trauma, it is imperative to recover from it and this is why oral pathology is priceless for restoring your confidence before, during and after the event.


Taking-on Teeth Decay in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

1788888_blogThere are lots and lots of things that can go wrong with in your mouth in central Leeds and it starts with a combination of poor oral hygiene, the build-up of plaque and the lack of dental visits. If you don’t keep control of cleaning your teeth properly, then film and acids will build up on the surfaces of your teeth. This in turn can lead to caries but inevitably, the enamel of your teeth will soon start to be eaten away and then, decay will set in. If you go to your dentists regularly, this will be spotted, but if you ignore this situation, these caries and acids will break through the surfaces of the teeth and poison the pulp and roots inside. Now you are teetering with danger, because although a root canal can help to save the tooth at this stage, you have still opened a dangerous can of worms that could lead to an abscess and periodontal disease if you don’t change your ways. Teeth decay is and indicator of worse things to come and if you don’t counter it quickly, it could spell danger for your oral health in the future.


The woes of Wisdom Teeth in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

2143132_blogAh, the trials and tribulations of wisdom teeth: when these decide to make their debut in central Leeds, it can be quite a dramatic time for you. Wisdom teeth play by their own rules; on a good day, they may erupt quite naturally and though there will be some discomfort, it can be countered with soothing gels, herbal remedies and painkillers until they break through the gums- and if you are lucky, your wisdom teeth will be with you for life. However, for the majority of people, the story is very different; if there is not enough room to break through, wisdom teeth can grow in all directions and never show up at all- they become impacted. The inevitable outcome of this is to have them removed. Now this is not an easy procedure as the roots of the teeth are three-pronged and their foundations are strong, which means you may have to go into hospital, in which case, you will probably have all four out in one go. This is a delicate operation which requires a lot of force during the extraction and may well see you with stitches in your mouth for a while after until your mouth and body has fully recovered from the trauma.


Finding the Answers to problems in your Mouth in Central Leeds

Friday, July 19th, 2013

1787127_blogWe strive hard in central Leeds to care for our oral hygiene throughout our lives by having a balanced lifestyle that includes a good diet and by ensuring our teeth and gums are clean. However, this can often go awry; things can go wrong in the mouth quickly and soon, one thing will lead to another and the complications will escalate. All problems stem from the build-up of plaque around the teeth and then you run the risk of tooth decay setting in- the first signs being tooth pain. However, it also means that unless you sort out the decay with your dentist, there is a chance that the gums may become diseased as well. Now this is quite a dangerous duo because it indicates that your mouth is becoming unhealthy and then, you will be setting yourself up with an abscess- and this can be lethal. Any sign of problem will require assistance from your dentist from the outset. You should also get some advice about how to avoid problems like this in the future; you will need to change your lifestyle, drop the bad habits and greatly improve your oral hygiene by getting new and different products and then learn how to use them correctly for the best results.

Using unusual ‘Sweet’ alternatives to beat Disease and Halitosis in Leeds

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

Halitosis and gum disease go together in your mouth like a married couple; both love to feed of each and whilst one is destroying your mouth from the inside, the other is busy destroying your social life in Leeds on the outside. One of the major causes of the bacteria that will have started the gum disease is sugar in foods: let’s face it, there is nothing finer than chocolate and sweets in life; it is almost a ritual. However, if you do have a sweet tooth, treating the disease and quashing the smells coming out of your mouth may just come from a source that will also feed your taste for all things sweet. Research has shown that certain acids can help to neutralise these problems and they can be found in raisins and cranberries. Raisins can be found everywhere in shops, are sweet to the taste and have the acids to temper both the disease and the smell; but then so has cranberries- for all the same reasons. Chewing on them or even drinking their juice throughout the day can not only pamper to your lust for sugary stuff, but also be good for your oral health as well- result!


The final elimination of Bad Breath in the City of Leeds

Monday, June 24th, 2013

There is no better condition in your mouth to cramp your style in the city of Leeds and kill you off socially than that of bad breath and on top of that, it takes a lot to fight off and conquer as well. However, as the understanding of such conditions and their cause get better, so does the ability to knock the problem on the head. There are labyrinths of reasons contributing to this condition, some of which work with each other, which then makes it hard to pin done the exact villain, but if you go through the list one by one and eliminate them, you can get to the root of it. Woeful oral hygiene, bad habits such as smoking and drinking and diet can lead to your oral health breaking down; this may well lead to reduced saliva levels, tooth decay and gum disease. Now if you pop along to your dentist for repairs and then talk to your hygienist about correcting all of these scallywags, you can turn the situation around if you are prepared to put the effort in. A warning though: bad breath always indicates decay and should you fail to rectify it, it could well develop into something far, far serious than just breath.


Naughty and Embarrassing Breath in Leeds

Monday, June 17th, 2013

Bad breath is one of those things you need to combat once you are aware that you are a victim of it in Leeds. It has a very nasty side to it because it means that somewhere in your mouth and body, something is certainly not right. You need to seek guidance as soon as you can before the problem worsens, and so call in your dentist and hygienist for some analysis: the dentist will deal with any obvious issues and fix you up: your hygienist will get to grips with giving you a thorough clean but also, will advise you on subjects such as home cleaning, how to tackle any problems you have, help you with diet and then also analyse your lifestyle and tell you directly what not to do. Then it’s down to you. Remember it’s not just down to health issues either, for having bad breath can be very embarrassing: it can affect friendships and start to alienate you from all areas of society; not only will it affect your social circle either. If you are striving to get ahead in the workplace and make a name for yourself, you certainly won’t do it if you have breath problems and it will knock you back in your efforts and ambitions. It can also lead to low self esteem and even depression.


Understanding the causes of Bad Breath in the City of Leeds

Monday, April 8th, 2013

If you are suffering from bad breath in the city of Leeds, you could badly be affecting your potential: it won’t work for you socially with others and it certainly won’t work for you in the workplace either and whether it bothers you or not, you should really make an attempt to remedy the situation; not only is it offensive to others, but it also indicates that your health may be at risk and something is terribly wrong somewhere in the body. Firstly, you should talk to your dentist so that you can be checked for gum disease and tooth decay and if you are suffering from such conditions, you can then be patched up. Then it’s time to talk to a hygienist: the causes of bad breath are many so between you, you can make a list of the causes and then go through them one by one. On this list will be the issues of diet, lifestyle and oral hygiene and as you go through it all, you can identify things that you are doing wrong and then set out a plan to change them for the better and within weeks, if you change your ways, your breath should improve if you follow the script; it won’t be easy and you will have to work hard at it, but it will be worth it in the end and you will at least get your friends back. The danger though is, if after all these changes the condition persists, you may well have to see a doctor for some tests, for there may well be something more serious going on with your body.


How Xerostomia leads to Cavities in Central Leeds

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

If you have had radiotherapy, are on lots of medication, smoke a lot or generally have a poor lifestyle and diet in central Leeds, this could very well lead to you suffering from a condition known as xerostomia- a dry mouth. This is where the saliva levels are very low or even non existent and this is quite dangerous to your mouth; saliva is a good combatant against enemies like bacteria, acids and plaque and without it, these things can run riot in your mouth. They will soon start attacking the enamel on your teeth and before you know it, cavities can form in the teeth. If they do, you will require a filling or, if bad, a root canal to stop the decay from spreading. This condition can also promote bad breath so you need to get the problem looked at and your hygienist is probably the best place to start so that you can address the issues of things like your diet and your bad habits. You can try drinking lot of water and milk in order to replace the lack of saliva; chewing gum and organic acids also help, but you may also have to address your oral hygiene as well by changing the products you use, and this would be a good time to start using herbal options to help sooth the mouth and make it fresh. There are drugs that can be taken to help promote saliva levels, though if your problem has been caused by medication already, it would be unwise to avoid this method if possible.