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Archive for June, 2010

Lumineer`s; the ultra thin veneer. The facts by a Leeds Central dentist

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

The Lumineer veneer is now proving to be very popular not only with cosmetic dentists, but also their clients says a Leeds Central dentist. The magnificent thing about them is that they are so hard wearing; they now come in an ultra thin size. As veneers go that in itself is a real breakthrough in dental advances, because it means that they can just be literally popped onto a tooth without any previous preparation work. That is good news not just for their clients, but also for your dentist too as it means they don`t have to destroy your tooth enamel in order to fit it. They take around 20 minutes to fit and set, so you could easily have a whole set of them fitted in a few hours. They are mainly used to disguise discoloured teeth, but they are also good to hide a chipped or misaligned tooth. A crack in a tooth can also be hidden by a Lumineer, and at the same time the cement used to adhere it to the tooth will also seal the crack. The cost of a Lumineer as compared to a conventional veneer is very competitive, this is due to the easier manufacture of a Lumineer, and the fact that not so much preparation work is needed to fix the veneer to the tooth. When a normal veneer is attached, the tooth has to be shaved of the same thickness to allow the veneer to be attached; this involves shaving of the tooth enamel which never grows back.

City of Leeds dentist prevents yellowing of porcelain veneers

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

When your natural teeth become discoloured or the enamel begins to wear down there are a number of options to help restore their appearance. However, none of these methods is quite so dramatic and capable of such stunning results as the porcelain veneer.

Porcelain veneers are specially designed tooth-shaped ceramic caps that not only restore the appearance of evenly sized and beautifully coloured teeth, but also offer a great deal of protection to your existing teeth underneath. This is why they are quite costly, but ultimately extremely worthwhile and effective.

However, some patients do have concerns about porcelain veneers regarding the possibility of them losing their colour at some stage. It has to be said, that in some cases, porcelain veneers will start to lose their colour after about ten to fifteen years. In the same way that natural tooth enamel is susceptible to yellowing and discolouring, porcelain veneers are also affected by the food we eat and lifestyle choices we make. But it is important to remember that you will have fifteen years of beautiful teeth before this begins to happen, and if you pay a greater attention to looking after them with proper cleaning, there is no real reason why they have to discolour at all.

Veneers lose their colour for the same reason as real teeth so by brushing and flossing daily, and avoiding food and drinks that can cause discolouration such as red wine, tea and coffee, it is possible to keep your veneers white for longer. City of Leeds dentists can give you more detailed information about caring for your porcelain veneers so you can keep your smile whiter for longer.

Experiencing wisdom teeth pain? See a City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

Are you experiencing a terrible pain at the back of your mouth? Then it could be that your wisdom teeth are erupting and causing trouble. It is not always the case that wisdom teeth cause pain and dental complications but some patients have too little room in their dental arc to accommodate any more teeth. This can cause the teeth to come through at an angle or get stuck against other teeth. Wisdom teeth affect more than three quarters of people in their twenties so it is always worth going to see a City of Leeds dentist to see if your wisdom teeth are likely to cause you problems.

The symptoms of wisdom teeth pain are a sore and tender feeling in the gums and jaw, headaches, swelling, bad taste in the mouth and very often, bad breath. It is possible for some people to feel a slightly uncomfortable and nauseating feeling even if the teeth are not coming through at an angle or causing a disruption. Painkillers such as aspirin and paracetmol can usually treat this kind of pain but you should see a doctor if the pain persists.

Impacted wisdom teeth are often removed if they are causing too much pain. This will happen in a dental surgery under a local anaesthetic. The process involves the dentist breaking the tooth into pieces to allow an easier removal of the tooth. Patients will usually feel pain and experience swelling after the surgery but this will recede after a few days. There are occasionally complications with removals so you will need to see your dentists soon after the operation to ensure there are no complications.

City of Leeds dentist uses veneers and whitening to brighten smile

Sunday, June 13th, 2010

If you suffer from discoloured or yellowing teeth it can be the cause of some anxiety and make you feel very self-conscious. The teeth are an integral part of the smile, which is the first thing people notice about each other when they meet. Therefore it is very important that we are happy and comfortable with the appearance of our teeth.

Fortunately, if your teeth have lost their natural colour there are several things that can be done to restore their original appearance. The two most common and effective ways to return teeth to a more healthy shade are whitening and dental veneers.

Veneers are usually made of ceramic (normally porcelain) and are caps that are fitted over the top of the existing teeth. They can be specially designed to make the teeth a more attractive size and shape, evening out flaws. They are also chose to be a more natural and healthy shade, thus making your teeth appear younger and healthier. Veneers are very effective and resilient, offering your teeth an extra dimension of protection but they are also very expensive and involve quite a large commitment.

Teeth whitening treatments are far cheaper and easily available. The process involves applying an active gel, containing hydrogen peroxide, to the surface of the teeth. This seeps into the enamel and bleaches it white, removing any stains and making the whole tooth look whiter. Whitening procedures can be very effective, lightening teeth by up to ten shades. But teeth whitening only last up to three years and even then, only if you have had the most extensive treatment as opposed to veneers which can last over twenty years.

Both options will certainly improve the appearance of the teeth but it very much depends on the extent of the damage and the nature of the teeth as to which is the most suitable for each person. To find out more make an appointment with a City of Leeds dentist.

Avoid nasty complications of tooth abscess at City of Leeds dentist

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

When a tooth becomes infected as the result of dental decay, the body responds by producing excess white blood cells to fight the infection. This combines with the infected matter to form a substance called pus, which can often build up in the tooth and in the softer gum tissue around the root. This leads to a swelling called a tooth abscess, which is very sensitive and often very painful.

Tooth abscesses require urgent treatment from dentists because there are a number of associated risks that can occur if you do not receive treatment. The most obvious risk of ignoring a tooth abscess is that the infection will eventually destroy the tooth and it will fall out or need to be removed. Losing a tooth anywhere in the mouth at any stage in life is not a pleasant experience, especially when it can be easily avoided.

However, there are other risks that could be potentially more serious. Tooth abscess are very sensitive and make event the simplest daily activities such as eating and drinking very unpleasant due to pain. They are also prone to rupturing, which as well as filling your mouth with very nasty pus and bacteria, could spread the infection to other teeth in the mouth and even enter the bloodstream.

Recent research has proved a link between oral infection and possible heart disease and even heart attacks. This is because the infection enters the blood and causes a chain reaction, which ultimately can lead to a narrowing of the arteries around the heart.

Treatment of tooth abscesses involves either the use of antibiotics or a procedure called a root canal. Both are available at short notice from a City of Leeds dentist and could save you a great deal of pain and could even save your life.

How to prevent tooth and gum disease, by a Central Leeds dentist

Friday, June 11th, 2010

Tooth and gum is so easily prevented, says a Central Leeds dentist. All it takes is a simple regime in oral hygiene care, it doesn’t have to be complicated it just needs to be planned out using good advice that has been well researched. Where do you get this advice from? You can get it from the dental hygiene nurse at your dental practice. Start by getting the right brush for your teeth, then the right paste. It doesn’t have be the most expensive, just the right one. Your friendly chemist will be happy to advise you on that matter, or even better your dentist. Flossing is also important and so is choosing the correct floss, look at the description on the product to see which one is best for you. Saliva helps to keep down acid strength and production, but your saliva gland will stop working while you sleep, so keep water by your bed. Gum disease is mainly caused by a poor or incorrect oral hygiene regime, this will let acid build up and also attract tartar to your teeth, and both of these will result in you losing your teeth earlier than you should. Gum disease has also now been linked to heart and other organ diseases, this is thought to come about as bad bacteria leaks into the blood system and corrupts the cells in the blood. Just by using a bit of common sense and being regular with your dental care regime, you`ll keep gum disease and early tooth loss at bay. Once gum disease starts to recede your gums, the process becomes irreversible and the damage accelerates with devastating and expensive results. Just remember that prevention is always preferable to getting a problem cured, and all it takes with teeth is a good oral hygiene plan and discipline.

Sleep Apnoea, Heart Failure and how they are connected; by a Leeds dentist

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

Not much was known or researched before 1965 on Sleep Apnoea, before that it was just looked upon as a strange, but harmless phenomenon says a Leeds dentist. Charles Dickens must have read up on this; as he gave it to the `Fat-Boy` in the Pickwick Papers. The abnormality in the pattern of how we breathe occurs when we sleep, hence the name, and it is now connected to heart failure. It can occur for up to ten breaths, but there is still little known about why it happens. The throat muscles relax for the period of the attack and this causes the airflow to become blocked, which stops any air from being breathed in or out. Quite why it usually lasts around 10 seconds is what fascinates researchers most. There are two types of this abnormality, Apnoea which I have just described and Hypopnoea is where the blockage halves the amount of oxygen being taken in. This condition usually also lasts for around 10 seconds or breaths. The lack of oxygen makes the patient come out of a deeper sleep into a less deep sleep, and quite often this results in them waking up and restoring the breathing pattern back to its normal amount. The patient then relaxes back into their normal sleep pattern, and the whole thing starts again. The long term affects are a loss of memory and tiredness, road accidents have been linked to a loss of concentration caused by the constant awaking in patients. The heart is also affected according to recent research, and this has been known to cause heart attacks. If you think you may suffer from this breathing abnormality then you should see your doctor, and also tell your dentist as problems can occur if you ever have to go under a general anaesthetic.

Look after the health of your child’s teeth with dental sealants from Leeds dentist

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Dental cavities and tooth decay don’t just affect adults. More and more children are becoming at risk from the threat of tooth decay because of the high levels of sugar they are eating and the developing nature of their teeth. Tooth decay now affects nearly a fifth of two to four year olds and more than half of eight year olds in the UK.

There is something that parents can do to protect the health of their kids’ teeth. As well as making sure they are not eating too many sugary foods. They can also use dental sealants to offer further protection to their teeth. Sealants are plastic coatings applied to the flat surfaces of the back teeth. They form a protective barrier so that bacteria cannot gather in the pits of their molars and cause decay on the chewing surfaces.

Dental sealants are perfectly safe and in some cases can even stop tooth decay that has already started. Children should ideally have sealants applied when their back molars begin to erupt, usually around the age of six. If sealants were routinely applied at this age the cases of tooth decay among six to ten year olds would plummet according to some dentists. Sealants can then be reapplied to the permanent molars that appear at around the age of twelve.

Sealants obviously do not replace the need for effective tooth cleaning with brushing and flossing but they can offer an extra degree of protection to the teeth. Leeds dentists are able to fit sealants to your children’s teeth so that they develop correctly and limit the potential for further dental problems in the future. Make an appointment to find out more.

Central Leeds dentist removes plaque to prevent periodontal disease

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is caused when bacteria build up to form a substance called plaque, which coats the gums and releases acids. These acids erode the gum tissue and begin to cause an irritation. If this problem is not treated or improved with more effective cleaning, it can soon develop into an infection and cause a variety of different dental health complications.

In its milder form, gum disease is known as gingivitis. This mild infection is characterised by reddened and sore gums. Better brushing and flossing, as well as some minor treatment from a Central Leeds dentist is usually enough to bring this problem under control and prevent the need for further treatment.

However, if the plaque is not removed, the gum tissue will continue to come under attack resulting in a more serious problem. Periodontal disease will need to be treated with antibiotics, tissue removal and in some cases hospitalisation and removal of the teeth.

Furthermore, gum disease has recently been found to have strong links with heart disease and even heart failure. This is because when the infection enters the bloodstream it causes a chemical chain reaction that causes a narrowing of the arteries around the heart. This can put strain on the heart and result in a series of cardiac problems and in very extreme cases, even death.

Over three quarters of adults in the UK will suffer some form of gum disease at some point in their lives so it is very important that you make sure you are correctly cleaning your teeth and gums. It is also crucial that you maintain regular six monthly dental check up appointments with your dentist. This is the best way to prevent gum disease becoming a serious problem and affecting your overall health.

Leeds dentist advises on Oral Cancer, it causes and preventative treatments

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Oral cancer is a killer, but a preventative one. Cancer of the lips for instance is caused mainly by smoking and over exposure to the sun. Many of us tend to think of the sun giving us skin cancer, but it is emerging now that it also gives us oral cancer says a Leeds dentist. The symptoms of mouth, tongue and throat cancer are reddish lumps that are sore and often bleed. Once you find one get to your dentist or doctor straight away, ignoring it won`t make it go away. The cure rate is quite high, the treatments are not painful and your longevity will be increased, but only if you act quickly. Preventing oral cancer is all down to being sensible and taking precautions, your dental practice has a hygiene nurse to advise you, talking to them will enable you to make a sensible plan for keeping oral cancer from forming in your mouth. Being careful not to get too much sun ray exposure will also keep oral cancer away. Brushing the right way and flossing on a regular basis through the day is the best means to keep bad bacteria under control, and as this is the main cause of most oral and dental problems, it makes sense to have an oral hygiene format that is planned well. At night your saliva gland stops working, this will allow acid to build up and destroy the enamel on your teeth, by sipping water every time you wake up the acid will find it hard to do any serious damage. It is often the simplest of plans that work the best, so take the time to do a little research and plan your teeth cleaning regime well.