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Archive for July, 2010

Dentist in Leeds Central Emphasizes the Importance of Regular Dental Check Ups

Friday, July 16th, 2010

A dentist in Leeds Central was talking about the increase in tooth decay and other dental problems that could easily have been avoided. People hate visiting dentists, but the fact is that regular dental check ups are the only way to catch dental problems before they become too big. The dentist can clean teeth while looking out for signs of any problems.
Tooth decay has to be spotted early enough so that it can be sorted out with a small and painless filling. If it is neglected, the decay will only increase, and the tooth can even get infected. Abscesses will be the next thing to happen, and the person will most probably need a root canal treatment. In extreme cases, the person could even lose the infected tooth.
Regular dental check ups are the best way to avoid tooth decay as well as gum disease. Problems like bad breath and bleeding gums can be easily prevented as well. In the long run, neglect of dental health can also lead to heart disease due to the clogging of arteries by dental plaque. The dentist can also give advice on proper brushing techniques.
The practice in Leeds Central offers a solution to this problem by making a visit to the dentist less intimidating. If the atmosphere is more relaxing than normal dental visits and the procedures less stressful, patients would not be so eager to miss their scheduled dental visits. This could save them a good deal of time, money and pain in the long run.

Bad Breath! Is it curable? A Leeds dentist gives their advice

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Bad breath, if you`re lucky can be simply down to odorous foods eaten earlier on, if you`re not so lucky it can be down to a poor dental hygiene regime says a Leeds dentist. Some dental patients are even diagnosed with unrelated diseases that can be a cause of poor breath. If you`re diabetic or suffer from a liver disease then this can be the cause, but for most of us it’s a case of a poor hygiene plan. At every dental surgery there is a dental hygiene nurse, and their job is to give that extra after care to patients, especially in preventative dental matters. Start by consulting them, and in the meantime try these simple, but affective ways of cleaning your teeth and keeping acid and bacteria production down. Flossing is the most understated method of clean teeth that is available; it will loosen up and remove the food debris that causes acid. So, start off the day with a good flossing, get floss that suits you as well, ask the people in the chemist to recommend one. After that, brush your teeth vigorously and don`t forget those nooks and crannies. Then rinse your mouth with a good, not a cheap, mouth rinse, and carry with you a tooth pick and floss stick. Every time you eat something, floss and pick, then rinse with water. This will keep acid at bay, and with it the bacteria that causes bad breath, chewing mints will just temporarily hide the problem. Also drink water throughout the day as this too will help.

Dental Bridges and how they work. By a City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

A Bridge is a crossing over a natural gap in the terrain, and a Dental Bridge is based on that same technology, explains a City of Leeds dentist. Often we lose a tooth or two through an accident or infection, but a denture or a Dental Implant isn`t the answer. This is where a Dental Bridge comes in; it is basically an artificial permanently fixed tooth or teeth. You will need good teeth either side of the gap that is being filled; these are the `Anchors` for your bridge. Digital pictures are taken along with an X-ray, and this is sent to an orthodontist for the bridge to be made. It is made to order specifically for your mouth, it is made from a ceramic formula that looks and works exactly like a real tooth. Even the colour is coded to fit in with your other teeth and make the bridge look natural. Your dentist will need to prepare the` anchor teeth` in order to fit it, to do this they will file down the teeth to allow the bridge to fit over them. In affect they will be the holding points for your false tooth or teeth. Almost immediately the bridge will be usable, and the other good news is that you treat it just like the old tooth. You clean and floss it just the same as before, and it will be also free from infection as it is a nerve free zone. It is a preferable alternative to a denture or an implant which can take up to 6 months to fit

The revolution in veneers that are Lumineer’s; a Leeds dentist tells all

Monday, July 12th, 2010

Veneers are very popular with patients because they cover a lot of defects; they are also popular with patients that have discoloured teeth, says a Leeds dentist. Made of ceramic they need a bit of work done on the tooth before fitting, but now that has been revolutionised with the incredible Lumineer. It is a veneer in all but name, and it is proving extremely popular for its versatility, cost effectiveness and durability. They are super thin compared to conventional veneers, but that doesn’t deter from their strength as they are made from a new formula of ceramic. Usually a tooth needs to be prepared by planning it down by the thickness of the veneer, the planed area is then replaced by the veneer, and the way it is blended onto the tooth makes it a good choice to have one. Once you have a veneer though, you will always have a veneer, as the planed enamel doesn’t grow back. The Lumineer solves that problem with its unique thinness; this allows the tooth to be fitted with the veneer without the preparation work. This means that in 15 years from now you can have the Lumineer’s taken off, and your tooth worked on again as it will be a full enamel tooth as before. The cost is of course a lot cheaper due to the easy fit, and they last up to 20 years.

City Of Leeds Dentist Offers the Most Modern Dentures

Sunday, July 11th, 2010

Adults who lose their teeth face more problems than looking bad. Of course, they tend to look older than they actually are because their cheeks sag over the places where the teeth are absent. Missing teeth can also lead to a whole host of problems such as difficulty in eating, drinking or talking. People who lose their teeth also tend to suffer from bad breath and gum disease because the gaps in their teeth are a great place for bacteria to live.
A City of Leeds dental practice addresses this issue by offering its patients the latest dentures. Old fashioned dentures are difficult to use and they do not always fit well. People wearing them have to face the constant risk of losing them at awkward moments. As a result, denture wearers are normally careful to avoid eating certain types of food that require a lot of chewing. The worst thing is that they look very artificial.
Modern dentures, on the other hand, are made using the latest dental technology and therefore fit very well. They are far more realistic looking than the old fashioned ones as well and many people don’t even realize that they are not real teeth.
A dentist in the City of Leeds implants titanium screws in the jaws of denture wearers so that they can clip their dentures on to them very securely. This will prevent any embarrassments such as the dentures falling out. It also allows the person to eat any sort of food without trouble.

The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Dentures by a Leeds dentist

Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Dentures are prosthetic devices that are created and used to replace missing or lost teeth and these are held in place by the soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. There are different types of dentures and it is important to understand the difference between each to know which one suit you best. The four different varieties include standard, implant retained, immediate and Cu-Sil dentures.
The standard types are usually constructed for people who have lost most of their teeth. The denture is held in place by suction and stabilized by the hardness of the underlying tissues. During the first visit, the dentist takes an X-ray to create an accurate model after considering all the parameters like shade, size and shape. Over the next few visits, the dentist tries out the model to make it the right fit for your oral cavity. The new dentures are usually fit in during the fourth and the last visit once it is constructed to your satisfaction.
The second type is the immediate or temporary dentures which are usually made before the natural teeth are pulled out. These can be inserted during the first or second visit and are reasonably stable and reliable. In many cases, the immediate dentures become permanent but these may not provide you with the same comfort offered by a standard denture. You must also visit the dentist every six months to reline the dentures with the acrylic that it is created from; hence most often people tend to go in for standard dentures once the gums have healed.
The Cu-Sil denture is an innovative technology where gaps are left in the dentures for the remaining natural teeth. This makes it much more reliable and stable than other dentures but this is not recommended for those who have many natural teeth. This type is usually inserted for people who have the chance to lose their remaining teeth over time or for those whose teeth are on the same side of the arch. This variety is usually not constructed by all dentists and you may have to search online for those specialized in this procedure.
Overdentures are the fourth type and the earliest to be used as a replacement for missing or lost teeth. These are removable and can be fitted over existing teeth or its remnants that have been left behind. Today overdentures are not in common use; the standard variety has drastically cut down on the use of these. This type is only used in people who have undergone root canal therapy

Buy Mouth Guards in Leeds Central for Proper Dental Health

Friday, July 9th, 2010

Mouth guards are protective appliances that are worn over the teeth to prevent it from injury during sporting events or from teeth grinding. There are different types of mouth guards that are available in Leeds Central; these are inexpensive and should be bought depending for what purpose it is to be used.
The first type is the stock mouth protector which is ready to wear and is not custom-created. Hence these are very cost effective and are easily available at all stores selling sports goods. The disadvantage of using this type of mouth guard is that it is slightly bulky and does not fit well for all and hence can make talking and eating difficult. These are generally used only by amateurs for small time sporting events.
The second type of mouth guard is called as boil and bites protector and though it provides a better fit than the first, is still not custom made to suit the shape and size of your teeth. This is also easily available at all department stores and is made from thermoplastic material which softens on putting in hot water. This makes it pliable and easy to wear over the teeth.
Custom made dental mouth guards are slightly expensive as these are specifically designed to suit the shape and size of your teeth. You can obtain these protectors at a specialized dental clinic as measurements have to be taken and the mouth guard created accordingly. This offers the best and most comfortable fit and is ideal to protect your teeth from any kind of injury during extreme sports.
There is also another type of mouth guard called bite splint which is used by people who have the habit of grinding teeth in their sleep. So it is important to select dental mouth guards depending on your need and the purpose of use.

Home teeth whiten kits versus other methods. By a Central Leeds dentist

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

A home teeth whitening kit could be all you need to have a new set of whiter teeth, providing the teeth aren`t that too badly stained says a Central Leeds dentist. The kits can be bought in most chemists and on the internet, it doesn`t need a degree in rocket science to perform the procedure either. The kits are all inclusive with all the tools you`ll need and easy to follow instructions, they come with a gum shield similar to a sporting shield, a mixing bowl and a bleaching agent. You have to soften the shield first in a bowl of hot water, then you pop it in your mouth and bite down on it, simple isn`t it. You now mix the bleach in the bowl and spoon it into the shield, pop it back into your mouth and bite down on it again. This sits on the teeth for around 40 minutes and is then removed, don`t forget to rinse it all including your mouth. You can use it again when and as often as the instructions allow, do not over use it as it won`t do you any more good. You`ll have to avoid certain foodstuffs that contain dyes, these will simply just undo the work of the bleach. Drinks such as coffee, tea and red wines are also to be avoided to make the whitening last longer. White wine and anything that is white in colour is allowed and recommended. They cost anything from £30 to £60 and are good for teeth that are not too badly stained.

Dental Phobia Is Easily Avoided, Says Dentist in Leeds Central

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Dental phobia is a problem that affects most people. It causes them to fear dental visits and in many cases it causes people to delay going for regular check ups, leading to unnecessarily large dental bills because of neglected teeth. Most people manage to control their fears long enough to visit a dentist and get their teeth attended to. However, there is a small population who are just too terrified to step into a dentist’s clinic and they pay a heavy price in the form of all sorts of dental problems.
A dental clinic in Leeds Central has been trying to address this issue by offering special solutions for people with dental phobia. To start with, it is the responsibility of the dentist to make the patient feel at ease and to reduce his or her fears. Since these fears are usually caused due to bad dental experiences in the past, a good dentist can reduce them by counselling the patient.
Dentists are also given training these days on how to handle patients who have irrational fears of them. They encourage patients to try out self hypnosis before they come for an appointment so that they are without their dental phobia and therefore easier to deal with.
The dental clinic in Leeds Central has been putting a lot of effort into ensuring that patients are comfortable. Soothing music and aromatherapy have contributed to the patient’s comfort level. Another factor is the use of the latest techniques and equipment that reduce a patient’s stay in the clinic to the minimum.

Get Gum Disease Treated in Leeds

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Periodontal or gum disease is a common problem that affects millions worldwide; it is best to get this disorder treated at the very beginning before it flares up and causes serious damage to your oral health. In addition, it can also affect your smile making you lose confidence and shy away from social gatherings. There are various ways by which you can effectively treat gum disease in Leeds.
Two most commonly employed non-surgical methods to treat gum disease include scaling and root planing. In this, the root surfaces are cleaned of any deposited plaque, tartar and calculus; it also helps to smoothen out the roots thus removing bacterial toxins that get deposited from food. The other non-surgical treatments for gum disease include adjunctive therapy with antibiotics and host modulation but these are only done if necessary for the patient.
If your gum disease cannot be controlled by non-surgical options, then periodontal surgical techniques may have to be employed. These include various procedures like pocket reduction, soft tissue grafts, crown lengthening and regenerative therapy. It is best to consult a specialized dentist who can guide you in the right path after assessing the extent of gum disease. Sometimes cosmetic procedures are also recommended to enhance your smile and give you naturally looking teeth.
If you have lost one or more teeth due to gum disease, then you may also have to go in for dental implants or crowns to fix this problem. So don’t keep waiting; see a dentist at the earliest and treat gum disease before it causes more damage.