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Archive for December, 2010

Dealing with dental anxiety in the city of Leeds

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

If you suffer from dental anxiety in the city of Leeds, it can make very difficult to pluck up the courage to attend the dentist and get the dental treatment you require, opting to visit only in an emergency, which is very dangerous territory for the overall health of your mouth. It’s not any easier for the dentist either to treat a patient with anxiety, but whatever has caused these fears, for health reasons alone, it is important to confront them. Most dentists understand the fears in their patients and are trained in anxiety psychology. Talking to your dentist is paramount in overcoming your problems, being able to express yourself, taking control of your treatment and building up some sense of rapport with your dentist. Once you develop more confidence and a better understanding of dental procedures (even check out the internet), the easier the treatments become. Once you have opted to have the work done, there are many back-up supports to make your visit easier too. Most modern dentists incorporate relaxation, sedation and even hypnotherapy techniques to put you at ease and of course, there are the tried and tested methods. Anaesthetics are great for removing the physical pain, but if you have extreme anxiety, there is always the option of being knocked out altogether. Book your appointment early so you’re not hanging around to be seen. It’s time to get out there and fight your anxieties and keep your mouth healthy.

Why choose cosmetic bonding in Leeds

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

386703_blogIt’s very easy in Leeds to get drawn into the lure of having to get expensive dental treatment to restore that wonderful smile to your mouth when, frankly, it’s not always necessary and there are a lot cheaper and less complicated methods out there to fix your teeth. It’s great to have a healthy and good looking mouth and it can be a great source of self esteem and confidence, but over time, teeth can start to look tired; they can get chipped or cracked, decay can set, gaps can appear, teeth can become stained. This could be the time to consider cosmetic bonding. Much of the treatment can be carried out with a local anaesthetic, using resins to repair any damage. Once the problem area is diagnosed, it is treated with an etching solution and then a series of resin layers are built up on the tooth until restored. Finally the tooth/teeth are sculptured and polished. The beauty of this treatment is not only its simplicity, but the cost. Choosing cosmetic bonding can come in at a third of the price, avoiding the more expensive options of veneers or crowns. It can restore the niggling little looks in the mouth and can be used to replace those more ‘uglier’ silver fillings.

Choosing Cerec in the city of Leeds

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

If you’re flying around the city of Leeds being busy, busy, busy, then there’s a good chance that you haven’t got the time to keep your teeth looking pretty….or have you? Because now you can get your teeth fixed and looking ‘Hollywoody’ in as little as an hour- thanks to Cerec treatment. In the past, if you opted for a crown or veneers to bring your smile up to scratch, it could take up to a month to get your treatment completed. You’d go and get analysed, impressions would be made of your teeth, your teeth prepared and fitted with false crowns, and then you’d wait until the new teeth came back from the lab. With Cerec, everything is done in one sitting. Thanks to computers and digital imaging, the work required can be carried out on the spot. Once the treatment is diagnosed, the veneer or crown can be manufactured in-house whilst the teeth are prepared and any other regular dental work carried out. The beauty of this treatment is that any problems that could arise in fitting, can be rectified immediately- and it can be combined with other treatments such as bleaching, meaning, that you could come out of the dentist with a completely new look to your mouth in the time it takes to have a dinner break in a busy work schedule. And….it costs pretty much the same as the original treatments!

The choice of braces in central Leeds

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Choosing the right type of brace in central Leeds can be a bit of a minefield but it is important, for many reasons, to get your teeth fixed and keep them healthy. Your choice can boil down to what you can afford, how much work you require or and even how vain you are (wearing a brace can also affect you psychologically). Whatever you choose, there are a lot of options out there, so a consultation with your dentist should point you in the right direction. The most popular braces are those that are discreet and removable. The Inman aligner is the fastest on the market, working on the front teeth in as little a 6 weeks, and it’s removable which is great for dinner dates and hygiene. As are the Clearstep and Invisalign treatments. These are clear, removable mouth guards that align the teeth a lot faster than conventional fixed, wire braces and are virtually invisible in the mouth. The Damon brace is a more common brace on the market. Though fixed, it incorporates clear or tooth coloured ceramic plates on the teeth connected by a single wire that is adjusted regularly at the dentist, but does require more attention to oral hygiene. The other alternative is the 6-month smile. This fixed brace is aimed more at the adult market and does what it claims in 6 months; again, it is designed for discretion in the mouth.

Dealing with bleeding gums in Leeds

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

It can be quite disconcerting in Leeds to look down on your tooth brush to see blood after cleaning. It doesn’t mean the end of the world, but can indicate that you may have a little bit of a problem. It could be as simple as using a too harder brush or that you are brushing far too hard. But to be safe, it is important to seek advice from your dentist, because it could lead to more serious problems. The mouth is very fragile and can be easily affected by lifestyle- diet, smoking, drinking and stress, which makes regular check-ups all the more important. Bleeding gums can also result from bad oral hygiene and can indicate the early signs of gum disease. If bacteria and plaque is allowed to build up and not removed, it can lead to sore gums and at worse receding gums and tooth loss. Further down the line, it can lead to heart, respiratory and digestion problems. A simple visit to the dentist should be enough to nip the problem in the bud. Plaque and tartar can be removed quite easily and it is also the time for you to get advice from your dentist on how to maintain oral hygiene at home; what brush, paste and mouth washes to use and maybe, finally take advice on how you live your life and what you put into your mouth.

Zoom teeth whitening from City of Leeds dentists makes stunning smiles

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Most of us engage in one activity or another that contributes to the fading of our teeth’s natural colour. Whether you drink coffee, tea, cola, red wine or smoke, our teeth fade and become dull or stained over time as you grow older. Loosing that sparkle can affect self-confidence and a reluctance to smile can spoil social occasions. Teeth whitening kits have long been available but Zoom now offers an especially fast treatment for dull or stained teeth.

Performed by dental professionals, Zoom teeth whitening gives you extra piece of mind as you know that trained staff will be carrying out the procedure. They will cover your lips and gums to make sure that only your teeth are exposed. Proprietary whitening gel is then applied to your teeth which are subjected to a special light. The gel and the light work in conjunction to penetrate your teeth and break down discolorations and stains. This is done three times over a period of forty five minutes, during which you can relax as Zoom does its work.

When your dentist has removed the gel and the coverings that protected your lips and gums you are free to go and enjoy the benefits of having lasting, bright, white teeth. While home-whitening systems can take several weeks of wearing gel-filled trays and paint-on kits can be inconsistent, Zoom gives immediate results with less fadeback and takes less than an hour of your time in the dental surgery.

So powerful is Zoom that it can raise your whiteness by eight levels, compared to just two which is all that is possible with most toothpastes. If you have dull or stained teeth, contact your City of Leeds dentist today to see if Zoom teeth whitening is suitable for you.

Expert advice from Leeds dentists prevent tooth decay

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

If plaque is allowed to take hold on your teeth it can lead to tooth decay. Plaque weakens tooth enamel and the acids present in the food you eat are able to attack your teeth and create cavities, small holes in the teeth which are painful and lead to further problems themselves if not filled. Although most common in children, anyone can suffer from tooth decay.

A poor diet and an unsatisfactory dental hygiene regime are the main causes of tooth decay. Eating too many sugary and starchy foods compromises your mouth’s friendly bacteria and acids are formed which attack the teeth. This process can lead to your teeth becoming very painful as the plaque that is formed enters the inside of the tooth and interferes with the nerves. Brushing and flossing twice a day and eating a balanced diet will help keep this process at bay.

Smoking decreases the valuable production of saliva, allowing plaque to flourish. Drinking only bottle water may contribute to tooth decay in the end as tap water is supplemented with fluoride which strengthens enamel. The aging process too inevitably leads to wear and tear of your teeth and tooth decay becomes more likely in older people who retain their natural teeth.

If you suffer from persistent tooth ache, that may be an early sign of tooth decay. Eating and drinking food and drink that is especially hot or cold may be uncomfortable and you might experience sharp pain in your teeth. Bad breath and unpleasant tastes in your mouth can be indicators of tooth decay too. If you notice any of these symptoms contact your Leeds dentist as you may require cavities to be filled or need a crown to be installed.

Risk of strokes and heart attacks reduced by Leeds dentists diagnosing sleep apnea

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

If, while sleeping, you experience interruptions in or obstructions to your breathing you may be suffering from sleep apnea. Affecting about 1.5% of women and 3.5% of men in Britain sleep apnea mainly occurs in those over forty year of age. For periods of about five seconds at a time your throat muscles relax and the airways are temporarily blocked.

Sleep apnea can have many detrimental effects on the life of a sufferer. Car crashes and other accidents become more likely as those afflicted will have reduced reaction times. There is also evidence that resulting hypertension can bring on heart attacks and strokes. When your muscles relax and your airway closes a message is sent to your brain and your deep sleep ends so that oxygen can get to your lungs once more. The disruption to sleep is extremely inconvenient.

Those who are overweight are more likely to be afflicted as are smokers and people who consume alcohol just before sleep. Consumption of sleeping pills or the use of sedatives can also increase your risk of developing sleep apnea. Hormonal changes too mean that chances of apnea are higher but studies have also shown that it is a genetic condition which runs in families.

Your Central Leeds dentist can help in the diagnosis of the condition and can then proscribe one of several devices to help stop it. Dentists have access to the afflicted areas which include the tongue and soft palate at the rear of the mouth. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) involves wearing a mask while sleeping which ensures a continual flow of oxygen into the lungs. Inter oral devices (IOD) are less effective than CPAP but also less cumbersome as they are smaller and fit into the mouth.

Contact your Central Leeds dentist today if you are worried about sleep apnea.

Leeds dentists offer practical advice on thumb sucking

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

Amongst children, thumb sucking remains a common habit. In those under two years of age it is associated with a desire for food. Almost a third of infants have the habit although most grow out of it by the age of five. It is not harmful to your teeth unless it is done during the period of development of permanent teeth, around the ages of five or six.

Thumb sucking can be a sign of fatigue or boredom or that your child is worried or stressed. It can cause teeth to become misaligned because of the presence of the thumb in the mouth when permanent teeth ought to be developing the natural way. Your child’s upper front teeth may begin to protrude outwards with the opposite occurring in the lower front teeth. The roof of the mouth may be affected too leading to problems with tongue positioning and even swallowing or speaking.

For these reasons it is important that children stop sucking their thumb by the age of about four. This can be difficult but with the right combination of gentle persuasion and communication your child can avoid the associated problems. Applying too much pressure to the child may reinforced their desire to thumb such so a better tactic is to discuss with them why they do it and praise them when they manage not to.

Your Leeds dentist can help with this process by explaining to your child the problems that may occur if they continue thumb sucking. Ask him or her to help today if you are worried about your child’s thumb sucking habit and the issues that it may cause

Leeds dentists offer amazing Six Months Smile treatment

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

The prospect of wearing braces or aligners for up to three years puts many off orthodontic treatment. Imagine if your teeth could be straightened in a fraction of that time by a revolutionary process that is taking the dentistry world by storm. New to the UK, Six Months Smile has been offering American patients a discreet, comfortable and quick solution to crooked smiles. In only six months all of your teeth problems can be solved, allowing you to smile with confidence.

Whether you wish to overcome crowded teeth, overbite or problems with spacing, Six Months Smile reduces treatment time by 75% at roughly half the cost of traditional braces. Leeds dentists are now offering this astonishing treatment that will see you fitted with small, tooth-coloured brackets shipped directly from our dedicated US laboratories. Once fitted, just visit your dentist every four to five weeks for a fifteen minute appointment involving low-force adjustment and minimum discomfort and you will be on your way to the perfect smile.

Six Months Smile works by adjusting only the teeth which are on show when you smile, using special nickel titanium wires. Unlike traditional braces however, these wires are virtually invisible. How many of us have suffered from lack of confidence brought on by unsightly braces? This need no longer happen with six months smile and hundreds of patients in America have reaped the benefits of correcting crooked teeth with a product that is virtually invisible.

If you have been thinking about correcting your crooked smile but have been put off by the length of treatment and price of wearing braces, delay no longer. Ask your dentist today about Six Months Smile and achieve the perfect smile for your wedding or holiday.