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Archive for January, 2012

The Ups and Downs of Fluoride in Central Leeds

Monday, January 16th, 2012

The more we learn to understand and discover things as we go through, the more we tend to question that the things we have always used and taken for granted are in fact, doing us any good and in the case of fluoride, many dentists in central Leeds are starting to opt out of its support and advocate alternative toothpastes. The reason for this has come from years of research worldwide into the effect fluoride has on the teeth. It has always been championed in the past as a savior of teeth- helping to re-mineralize the enamel in the teeth and offer protection from dental caries by helping to break down the bacteria that causes plaque, which is why most dentists will offer fluoride treatments to help support this fight. It is also considered to help in the growth of children’s teeth during those tricky years, which is why it is a mineral added to drinking water. Yet there are parts of the world that have no fluoride in their society at all and there is no indication what-so-ever that there are increased cases of tooth decay, in fact, it is quite the opposite. It is also considered that too much fluoride in the bloodstream can act as a poison and cause brain damage as it leaves deposits all around the deposit. In some cases with children who tend to swallow more toothpaste than they spit out, too much fluoride can kill a child. Extreme maybe, but many dentists consider keeping a child fluoride free. The thing is it is everywhere as we speak.

How to Fight Bruxism in the City of Leeds

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

If you live in the city ofLeeds, you will know it is a bustling town and with that can come a lot of stress and anger on a daily basis. What is required at the end of the day is to learn how to totally wind down and relax. You do not need to drink coffee, just a nice herbal tea; have a hot bath, with soft music and aromatic candles and take a book to bed with you. Why? Well, if you are taking the stress and anger of the day to bed with you, you are probably going to be suffering from Bruxism- teeth grinding. Unwinding is one of the elements of beating this problem, as is wearing a gum-shield to protect your teeth from wearing down. Anger management is also the answer because you need to identify why you are wound up each day. Even though you don’t notice you are clenching your teeth together and grinding throughout the day, as well as night, you probably are if you get stressed out. Now if this is left unchecked, you are in danger of doing some serious damage to yourself. As has been said, firstly you with be destroying your teeth, but more serious than that, you are putting unnecessary stress upon the jaw joints and soon the will breakdown and then you are starting to really damage yourself. The jaws will start clicking and aching and then become painful. But further to that, you will be affecting your hearing, doing damage to your neck and causing problems in your upper back. Look out for the signs and ask your dentist for help.

The Connection between your Heart and Sleep Apnoea on Leeds

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

Sleep is one of the rare times in our hectic lives inLeedswhen we get a chance to recuperate from a hectic day in the city and get ourselves ready for the next day- and so it goes on. But it does rely on the fact that we are in perfect working order throughout and we live a healthy regime. Sleep apnoea is a condition though that preys on anything that goes wrong in the body. If you are a serial drinker or smoker, on medication, obese or have suffered damage to your nervous system at some point, you may well suffer from this condition. When we sleep at night, we need air into the lungs to ensure that the rest of our body functions correctly but if this is blocked in any manner what-so-ever, it will interfere with the natural breathing process between the brain, lungs and heart. The brain delivers messages to the heart to keep going and pump blood around the body. This in turn returns the favor by keeping the lungs going by pumping oxygen back into the brain. Take out the oxygen and the whole system breaks down. Irregular breathing during sleep trips up the heart and stops the other two. Yes, the body is resilient and will fight back- but only for so long and then the heart will stop. If you find yourself troubled with fatigue first thing in the morning and throughout the day, it means you are not sleeping right and getting enough air into yourself at night. Your dentist can supply you with the right device to help open the airways, but everything needs to change as well otherwise your body will refuse to co-operate.

The Problems of Central Apnoea in Central Leeds

Friday, January 13th, 2012

The body is a complex field of things that rely on other things to keep going in centralLeeds, but throw a spanner into the works of anyone of these and the rest will also suffer. Central apnoea is a result of one of these chains being broken and generally this is caused by severe complications within the body such as anything to do with the spinal chord from the top to the bottom or have had heart problems in the past. Heavy medication can do this too, but you know you are in trouble if you are suffering from things like heavy fatigue throughout the day or are restless when you sleep. The thing is that it is a very complex thing to deal with but you need to be able to regulate your breathing to ensure there is enough oxygen getting into your body, especially at night. Your dentist can supply you with devices to ensure your airways are always free when you sleep and advise you with breathing techniques to practice throughout the day.

The Dangers of Tooth and Gum Disease in Leeds

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

It is always easy to take a devil may care attitude towards life in a city likeLeedswith all its wayward wonders and glamour. But in doing so it is also easy to ignore the health issues that affect your body and more over, your mouth as well. It is very easy to miss things that happen in the mouth, especially if you start to skip dental appointments. The thing here is that things get wildly out of control before you are aware of it and when plaque starts to attack around the gums, the gums themselves become infected with disease and then start to leak toxins into the body’s blood. After a long, long period of time, the heart liver and kidneys will simply stop fighting against this constant poisoning bombardment and as harsh as it may sound, you will fall into a period of ill-health and then die. Any sign of weeping or bleeding in the gums is a sure sign that your gums are in the throws of problems and clearly your lifestyle and how you are caring for your teeth isn’t working. It is important that you enlist advice from your dentist to get yourself out of this potentially fatal quagmire. Depending on how much you have let yourself go will define the course of treatment you need. You have been warned!

How good products cause Bad Breath in Leeds

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

If you suffer from a little from bad breath inLeeds, you probably rely a lot on products on the market to help you beat it and there are some good ones. But in a clamor to fight the problem we can often go a little over the top, which in the end actually adds to the problem. One of the most prevalent causes of bad breath is down to the lack of saliva in the mouth which causes dryness: saliva is the mouth’s agent to fight bacteria. Some products however, are alcohol based and it is the chemicals in these products that often have an adverse affect and make the bad breath worse. This is certainly the case with strong mouthwashes; they never really help in the fight against bad breath, they just act as a masking agent. There are numerous ways of fighting bad breath, but in doing so we try and over compensate by brushing three times as much with stronger toothpastes, thinking that it will attack the problem three times as much. It is quite the reverse- what the gums and teeth require is a softly-softly approach, what they don’t need is constant brushing as this will just cause them to get weaker, when they need to be getting stronger.

The Picture of Oral Cancer in Central Leeds

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

The chances of getting through oral cancer are greatly enhanced if it is identified as quickly as possible. The signs to look out for are things like constant jaw, neck and ear aches, repetitive ulcers and sore throats, general lumps in the mouth and cold sores on the lips. The causes however are not always that easy to identify but the disease has been linked to having a poor immune system and diet, over exposure to sunlight and probably the most obvious causes have been linked to smoking and drinking. If these symptoms persist, you should get yourself to your dentist in centralLeedsand express your concerns. A series of tests will be done and if they come back as positive, you will undergo a course of treatments: depending at what stage the cancer is, you will either have actual physical surgery or radio/chemo therapy. Post treatment recovery can be as harsh as the moment you were first diagnosed. But there are some good people out there that will nurse you and comfort you with therapy to get you through. This is also the time you will need you family and friends for support. One creature comfort to draw from if you have been diagnosed is that the percentage of people recovering from the disease is massively on the increase.

Choosing your Dentistry in Central Leeds

Monday, January 9th, 2012

One of the greatest things that has come out of the dental revolution that has swept across Central Leeds over the past 30 years, is choice. In the past, we put a hell of a lot of trust into our dentists, and for a lot of people who had limited financial resources, the choices behind the treatments were limited to what the NHS could offer. But dental treatments have gone through a complete make-over, thanks largely to dental procedures that have filtered through to Britain from the USA, and the advancements in technology; with it has come a shift in the dentist/patient relationships too. With so many options available to patients these days and the fact that most dentists offer as much as they can to keep up with trends, prices of treatments have fallen dramatically, and this has given back to the patient the luxury to choose where and when they get the treatments they require. Any dentist can offer the basic treatments to keep your teeth and gums healthy, but the demands of society to look our best at all times has seen this surge in cosmetics.  Television and magazines have also caused an incredible demand for the latest treatments available in cosmetic dentistry and most dental surgeries offer the ‘in’ procedures to smarten up your teeth. But though all these treatments are cheap, accessible and just around the corner, your dentist, that has nurtured you through those years of growing up, knows your teeth as well as you do, so before you jump in for the latest treatments, a consultation should point you in the best direction for the best treatments around.

Removing the Shame with Veneers in the City of Leeds

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Some of us can get through life rather unscathed in the city ofLeedsbut some cannot and as Father Time can start to highlight certain cracks in our youth- that and the endless fun years of partying and one of the many casualties are our teeth. They get worn down and tired and can discolor. Cracks can start to appear in the enamel and the gums can start to recede and that is the moment you can start to feel ‘older’ and dare it be said, rather embarrassed at the way you smile. Well stop moping in your own shame and loss of grin, get down to the dentist and have a veneer makeover, because oh boy, once this treatment has been done, you’ll be clubbing again in no time. Resin veneers are quick and can be applied in one sitting- it is all about building up layers of resin and then sculpturing your teeth to a thing of beauty, but why get a Cadillac when you can get a Rolls Royce. Porcelain veneers are more durable that resin ones, lasting up to 20 years. Once bonded onto the tooth they are pure ‘red carpet’ in their look. They look glamour, you smile glamour and you talk glamour. Veneers are the perfect way of covering up all those sins and turning your life completely around in weeks from zero to hero. Ask your dentist next time you’re in.

Buying Great Working Whitening Kits in Leeds

Saturday, January 7th, 2012

There has been quite a growing trend over the last 10 years inLeedswith people rushing around to get their teeth whitened. A lot of this craze of white teeth is fed to us through the media everyday by the images we see, however, the idea of doing it yourself is very attractive indeed and if you go into a shop today, just take a look at what is on offer because companies have not been slow at coming forward to feed this hunger and the products have become very refined. The lower end of the scale you can purchase some remarkable toothpaste’s that will show a difference in your teeth within days. As you delve deeper into your pocket you can buy touch-up refillable pens, bleaching strips and gels that give remarkable results to your smile. Then of course you can buy the bleaching trays. All of these methods have one thing in common that make them so desirable- you can do it at your convenience, whenever you want, wherever you are and there in lies the attraction: a cautionary tale though. Before any of this, you should always confer with your dentist first and check for any signs of gum disease because if you have any, you can wreck your gums by going ahead with the bleaching.