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Archive for March, 2012

Avoid Sugar to Avoid Gum Disease and Bad Breath in Leeds

Friday, March 9th, 2012

Fighting the cause of gum disease and bad breath can be difficult when there are so many known factors that contribute to the conditions. It has always been known that sugar can increase the risk of gum disease, but it is knowledge that seems to be being ignored in today’s society.

Gum disease and bad breath are both essentially caused by the build up of  bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria is known to feed on sugar, so when the sugar intake of an individual is elevated, their buccal content of plaque and tartar will also increase, possibly leading to periodontal disease and bad breath.

In order to lower this risk, it is important that we find alternatives to sweets that are heavily laden with sugar. It is not just children who are at risk from eating too many sweets, adults also consume far too much processed food, all of which contains extremely high levels of sugar.

In order to combat gum disease and bad breath, the people of Leeds should limit the amount of sweets and chocolate they eat, substituting them with fruits such as raisins and cranberries. The healthy properties of fresh fruits such as these include anti-oxidants and a high water content. This means that although they contain natural sugars, they are diluted by their own concentration of water and so are harmless to the teeth and gums. Water also helps wash away the build up of bacteria and food in the mouth and around the teeth, so foods with a high water content will contribute to lowering the risk of developing gum disease and bad breath.


Suffering from an Abscessed Tooth in Central Leeds?

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

An abscessed tooth is a painful experience, as anyone who has ever suffered from one would know. Abscesses are caused by an infection in the root of a tooth, or between a tooth and it’s surrounding gums, the infection is normally brought on by a severe case of tooth decay or tooth trauma.

The symptoms of tooth abscesses are mainly pain when chewing, running a fever, extremely sensitive teeth, bad breath, swollen neck, swollen glands and redness or swelling of the gums. If you are unsure about your symptoms, it is wise to consult your dentist in Central Leeds as they will be able to confirm or advise you on your condition. Even if your pain subsides, if you have experienced any of the above symptoms you must consult your dentist as the tooth decay that caused the abscess may have caused the tooth to die, but the infection will not yet be healed.

A common treatment for abscessed teeth is to drain the abscess of fluid, this is achieved through a process known as a ‘root canal’. Following this surgery, it may be necessary to cover the infected tooth with a crown. Antibiotics may be given to fight the infection and pain-killers may be prescribed if the patient is complaining of severe toothache.

Preventing an abscess is by far easier, and less expensive, than treating one. The importance of good oral hygiene is paramount in reducing tooth decay and its resulting complications, cleaning your teeth and regular trips to your dentist all play a role in avoiding abscessed teeth. In addition, if you experience any tooth trauma, chipping, knocking or loosening, you should seek professional advice straight away.

Teeth Grinding and How to Stop it, from a Central Leeds Dentist

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Bruxism is the clinical name for the condition commonly referred to as ‘tooth grinding’. It is a problem that no doubt effects many of us from time to time, but how many of us are aware that we are grinding our teeth in our sleep?

Nocturnal teeth grinding is actually as common as snoring, but can have damaging effects on not just your teeth but also the surrounding framework, including your skull. It is common is adults as well as children and has been attributed mainly to high levels of stress.

Symptoms of tooth grinding include flattened teeth, noticeable cracks and chipped teeth. However, if you are not sure if you are suffering from sleep grinding, you can visit your local dentist in Central Leeds who will be able to diagnose you straight away.

Combating nocturnal grinding usual takes the form of a night mouth guard, provided by your dentist. This is when the grinding is due to the simple alignment of the teeth, that they lie in such a way as to grind upon each other as the jaw naturally moves slightly during sleep. However, if your dentist is concerned that stress is the main reason behind your unconscious habit, they are likely to refer you to a psychiatrist in an attempt to discover and cure the root cause of the problem.

The Dangers of Sleep Apnoea and Heart Failure in the City of Leeds

Monday, March 5th, 2012

Sleep apnoea is the night-time disease that is responsible for many sudden nocturnal deaths and auto-mobile accidents.  It is caused by the relaxation of tissues in the throat whilst sleeping and results in frequent pauses in breath. In actual fact, snoring, a common problem for many people, can be a precursor or companion to sleep apnoea as it is caused by the vibrations of the same tissues in the throat. Unfortunately, as it is a night-time disease, it is very hard to identify and diagnose, leading to many sufferers who are unaware that they are even at risk of the dangerous side-effects.

Sleep apnoea greatly increases the risk of developing high blood pressure, this is caused by the frequent periods of no respiration. Oxygen levels in the body decrease and in turn stimulate the blood vessels to constrict and bring blood back to the heart and brain, in order to conserve the most important organs.

Heart failure can be caused by sleep apnoea purely through the strain this puts on the heart. Thoriac pressure is greatly elevated in patients with this disorder and that alone can put the heart at risk. In addition, the sudden and aggressive rise in blood pressure can cause the damaging or blocking of important blood vessels that deliver oxygen to the heart. Finally, a decrease in oxygen content in the body can cause the tissues of the heart to become damaged and die, or can cause a stroke due to lack of oxygen being delivered to the brain. If you are concerned about sleep apnoea, consult your local doctor from the City of Leeds.


Fight the Cause of Gum Disease in Leeds Today

Sunday, March 4th, 2012

Gum disease or periodontal disease is a nasty condition of the oral cavity in which an infection attacks the gums and the surrounding area causing them to swell, bleed and even begin to recede.

The infection is caused by bacteria which accumulate in the gums due to a build up of tartar on the surface of the teeth that provides a perfect breeding ground for infectious bacteria.

The disease is characterized by the discolouration of the gums from a coral pink to a red, raw colouring and the swelling of normally smooth tissue. If your gums are bleeding when you are brushing your teeth, you will certainly have some form of the disease, whether it be a mild or severe form. In addition, if you notice that your gums are painful, inflamed or have even begun to recede then you know you have to visit your Leeds dentist for a diagnosis.

Diagnosis of gum disease will result in some form of treatment, whether it be the superficial scraping of the diseased tissue and bacteria, or a surgical procedure to remove diseased pockets from the gums. The latter process can be painful and can result in a loss of gum tissue, leaving your teeth more exposed.

The best way to prevent gum disease is to maintain good oral hygiene and ensure you do everything possible to prevent the build up of plaque and the formation of tartar in your mouth. Good oral hygiene is achieved by the proper brushing of the teeth, regular visits to your dentist, flossing at least once a day and avoiding tobacco (cigarettes).

Find Out from a Central Leeds Dentist Why Some Oral Products Worsen Bad Breath

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

Bad breath is one of the most common yet feared dental problems you could suffer from. Bad breath can lead to a decrease in an individual’s self-confidence and an awkwardness in social interactions. Seeking advice from your Central Leeds dentist on how to avoid this embarrassing condition may provide some news that might just surprise you.

As it turns out, many of the commercial products on offer that promise to fight your bad breath do exactly the opposite. It is the ingredients within them that cause the mouth to dry out and to harbour more of the bacteria that causes bad breath,

For example, many toothpastes contain either baking soda or peroxide as these are materials that are known to increase the whiteness of teeth. However, using these products when you suffer from bad breath will prove to be detrimental to your condition, as both baking soda and peroxide are drying agents that will dry out your mouth and make it even harder to remove the stubborn bacteria that is causing your problem.

In addition, many mouthwashes contain alcohol, another drying agent that will dehydrate your mouth and turn it into the perfect environment in which bacteria can grow and thrive. In order to prevent this problem, it is essential that when using an alcohol based mouthwash, you rinse thoroughly with water afterwards to moisten the mouth and remove any remaining bacteria.


What are the Symptoms and Treatments for Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in the UK today and although oral cancer isn’t one of the most well-known types, it is one of the most easily recognised and diagnosed. Oral cancer normally occurs on the tongue or in the floor of the mouth, underneath the tongue. From here, the cancer is able to spread throughout the oral cavity, the lips and even begin metastasis (the process by which cancer spreads around the body) to the neck via the lymphatic system.

Oral cancer can be recognised by patches on the inside of your mouth or lips that are either white, red or a mixture of the both. Dentists are professionally trained to recognise the symptoms of skin cancer so it is essential you visit your local practice in the City of Leeds regularly to ensure an early diagnosis of any problems. Other symptoms that you should keep an eye out for are: sores that won’t heal, earache, bleeding in the mouth, lose teeth or a lump in your neck.

The people who are at the most risk from developing oral cancer are smokers, individuals who drink alcohol on a regular basis and who eat high levels of processed foods, these all contain carcinogens (cancer causing substances) that can trigger the formation of an oral tumour.

Treatment for oral cancer will only begin once a biopsy of your tumour has been taken and the stage at which it is at has been determined. If possible, the bulk of the tumour will be removed from the oral cavity, at which stage any addition therapies may begin. Therapies include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and anti-cancer drugs. If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, these tumours will also be treated and hopefully the spread will be halted.

The most important message in the diagnosis of oral cancer is to keep regular appointments with your dentist, or to visit them if you are worried about any symptoms you may have. As with any cancer, early diagnosis is the most crucial step in curing the disease.

Prevent Gum Disease with Good Dental Hygiene in Leeds

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Gum disease is a condition associated with the build up of tartar on the surface of the teeth and gums, which provides the perfect environment for the growth and replication of infectious bacteria.

Bacteria invade the oral cavity through the air we breath and the food or drinks we consume, they can also be transferred by the interactions between our hands and our mouths. In order to avoid gum disease it is essential to reduce the build up bacteria around the teeth and the gums

Preventative dentistry is the optimum way to ensure periodontal disease is kept at bay, it includes the proper cleaning of teeth, flossing, the avoidance of tobacco and the adoption of a healthy diet.

Cleaning your teeth is as natural a routine as any that has been picked up during childhood. However, many people forget that it is not just an absent-minded technique, it should involve thorough cleaning of the teeth, tongue and gums with a fluoride toothpaste and a clean toothbrush. Flossing should always follow the brushing of teeth, dentists in Leeds say, as this can remove any debris or plaque that are out of reach in the crevices between the teeth.

Smoking should be avoided in order to prevent gum disease as the tobacco found in cigarettes can help reduce the flow of oxygen to the gums and can aid the introduction and colonization of bacteria into the area. In order to lower your risk of developing periodontal disease, giving up smoking is a step in the right direction.

Adopting a healthy diet will reduce the amount of sugar you consume and will strengthen your teeth against the harmful side-effects of gum disease such as tooth loosening, loss of enamel and tooth breakages or loss.

Finally, the best form of preventative dentistry is regular check-ups with your local doctor. Only they will be able to tell you if you are suffering from gum disease, if you are at risk of suffering, or if you need treatment for your condition. Neglecting to attend these appointments could lead to a painful and expensive dental condition.