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Archive for October, 2012

The bad world of Bleeding Gums in Central Leeds

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

We can often get over exuberant when we brush our teeth in central Leeds if you have delicate gums, it can cause them to bleed, but if you know that you have done this, it might only require you to change your brush to a softer one. However, if the bleeding continues after brushing, it may indicate something more sinister is taking hold of your mouth- gum disease. In the beginning, rinsing your mouth out with warm salty water after cleaning your teeth can help to heal your gums. However, the alarm bells have been rung, and you should get to your dentist and explain your problem. It could be that the gum disease has taken hold and between the pair of you, you are going to have to put in some hours of hard work in order that the problem doesn’t spiral out of control. It is not only that the disease will ruin your gums and cause them to recede and hence, lead to tooth loss, it will also start to leak toxins into the bloodstream and over time, this will leave deposits and set up shop in your heart and other vital organs, and over a sustained battering from these poisons, they will eventually become diseased themselves and fail. Your dentist will do what is required, but you too need to change a few things in your life as well- your diet, your oral hygiene program and possibly take the heat out of your diseased and inflamed gums by using some herbal medicines in your daily hygiene routine.


Chewing Gum in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

A lot of people enjoy chewing gum in the city of Leeds, although in some walks of life, like at certain places of work, it is seen as a social no-no. You would probably find yourself in detention pretty rapidly at school too if you were ever caught chewing gum. But aside from all of this though, chewing can actually be very healthy for your teeth and gums. Chewing gum can help to inspire the blood flow through your gums and help to promote your saliva levels, all helping to prevent the growth of bacteria in your mouth. It also comes in handy when you are caught out and about after a meal: popping some gum in your mouth afterwards can help to remove foodstuffs from between your teeth whilst removing any bacteria from the surfaces of your teeth as well. It also helps to strengthen the muscles around the delicate jaw-joints at the back of your mouth and ensuring that they remain free from damage in the future. But the gum has to be sugar free, otherwise, you will just be adding to the acids that eat away at your teeth and cause tooth decay.


The brutality of Bruxism in Leeds

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

If there is one condition in the mouth that causes the most problems without you probably knowing about it in Leeds, its bruxism (teeth grinding). This can cause the most brutal damage to your teeth, but it can also wreak havoc in the whole of your upper body as well. Bruxism is a direct result of stress, stress that you may suffer on a daily basis and a condition that you may be completely oblivious to until the damage has been done. If you live alone, the problem will be even harder to spot until you turn up to a dental check-up and the dentist spots the wearing down of the surfaces to your teeth. Aside from the fact that this can damage the look of your teeth, whilst promoting tooth decay, it’s the damage below that is the biggest worry. Yes, your dentist can make you up a mouth-guard, but it won’t stop you grinding you teeth. Over time, your jaw joints will start to suffer- to ache and click and this will require serious surgery to fix. But the problems will also manifest later in your head, your ears, your neck and your upper torso as well. Stress is the problem here and it is this that you need to be tackling first and then once you have learnt how to manage it, you’ll need to learn how to relax in order to get a good night’s sleep- the place where teeth grinding is at its most prevalent.


Taking on Tooth Decay in Central Leeds

Monday, October 15th, 2012

Every day in central Leeds, your mouth is always under threat from bacteria, bacteria that breeds plaque, gum disease and tooth decay. The only way you have of fighting off these problems is to have a wicked oral hygiene program at home and ensure you trot along to your dentists twice a year for a check-up: this should always be enough to keep to keep these disease from your door. The only flaw in this plan is that you are human and along the way make human mistakes, like enjoying yourself. Nothing wrong with that in the slightest, but you do have to remember that the evils already mentioned are ready to strike as soon as you stop brushing. Constant failure to care for your teeth will soon see acids eating their way through the protective enamel of your teeth and infecting the inside. The first thing you will notice is pain whenever anything comes near the surface of the tooth. At this juncture, you may get lucky if you act fast and get away with a filling from your dentist. If you allow the problem to advance though, you’ll need a root canal to clear away the rotten pulp and roots, and then it will need a crown in order to keep the tooth in your mouth. Either way, tooth decay is not only a constant threat to your oral health, but it will also threaten your bank balance with constant treatment, as once it starts; you and your dentist will have to jolly work to prevent the problem spreading throughout your mouth.

Perfection with Porcelain Crowns in Leeds

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

Tooth decay is a thorny subject and not a very nice one at all in Leeds. Once an infection has got inside, you may be able to save the tooth or you may lose it. In both situations, the fitting of a porcelain crown may well be required. If a root canal has saved the tooth, you will need a crown to be fitted in order to give the tooth back its shape and size again. In the case of losing a tooth, again a crown can be attached to a dental implant or be found in a dental bridge. In doing this, you can have a crown designed from pretty much any material you fancy, but the most preferable one would be made from porcelain, as it is not only the closest material that matches the enamel on your teeth, but it is a beautiful material in its own right. Where you have the crown placed however will determine exactly the way the porcelain crown is made. The rear of your mouth has to withstand a lot of chewing forces going through it and so the crown needs to be strong: in this scenario, a crown made from porcelain-over-metal will be able to cope with the stresses. If the crown is placed at the front of your mouth, you can get away with a weaker one made entirely from porcelain. In either case, crowns help to restore not only your look, but retain the health of your occlusion as well- the way your teeth bite together.

Evocative Invisalign in Central Leeds

Friday, October 12th, 2012

If anyone has ever had to wear braces at some point of their lives in central Leeds, the feedback will not be complimentary in the least. A couple of years of ugly fixed metal braces can leave you scarred and with a bitter taste in the mouth, pardon the pun. Since those dark days though, the world of aligners and braces have moved on incredibly and if you were to have a look at the choices on offer today, you will find a breath-taking option that goes by the name of Invisalign. Beautiful, evocative, remarkable are not names you would normally associate with a brace/aligner, but this one has the lot. It isn’t for everyone, but if you fit the bill, boy, are you in for a teeth straightening delight! This device is shaped like a gum-shield and when you join up, you will be fitted with a series of them as your teeth start to move into position. The thing about this gum-shield though is that it is transparent and so when it is in the mouth, you can barely see it- now that’s a selling point right there! It works faster than most other treatments but its other great advantage is that it is removable, making eating and oral hygiene a breeze. Though it’s more expensive than other options on the market, the lack of emotional scarring will more than cover the costs!

The City of Leeds embraces the Inman Aligner

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

There are a lot of braces and aligners on the market in the city of Leeds that do specialized jobs and promise to get your teeth straightened better and faster than others on the market, but there are none that come remotely close to doing the job in only 6 weeks like the Inman aligner does! 6 weeks…now that is something unique. However, it does come with the flaw that it only works on teeth that are problematic at the front of the mouth, but that is because of the mechanism it is born with: a plate houses a bar and a wire that are linked via a spring and that place opposing forces upon the teeth from inside and on the outside, and the whole effect causes the teeth to keep constantly on the move, and as they wriggle and become loose, they move into place very quickly. Throughout the treatment, you can remove the aligner at your leisure and this helps to promote oral hygiene while your teeth are being corrected. After the treatment, you will need to wear a retainer, this is to prevent the desire of the teeth to return to their original position but it can be worn at your leisure and is a very small price to pay for a treatment that will solve all of your problems in just 6 weeks!


Dealing with Dentures in Central Leeds

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

Tooth loss at best is a soul destroying and for many people in Central Leeds, the beginning of the end of your lives. But, if you take a step back and try to take a positive angle on dentures (which is where you could be heading with tooth loss), they really aren’t that bad at all. For a start, they are easy to manage, you just pop them in and out whenever you fancy, you have no more inflated dental bills and by having them fitted, you will prevent your face from sagging, ageing, and retain the health of the ‘bite’ in your mouth. What’s more, dentures have come an awful long way since the ‘Mickey Mouse’ ones that your grandparents may have worn. Everything has changed since then and with the technology around for dentists to use, the idea now is to save teeth, as opposed to pulling them at the first signs of trouble- as in the bad old days, which is why there has been a dramatic rise in the amount of people that wear partial dentures. The way dentures are manufactured has also changed: softer, more natural looking materials adhere to the mouth better, especially when used in conjunction with the incredible fixing cements available today. Full dentures have also been given a new lease of life thanks to the dental implant that can help fix the dentures into place more securely than ever before. So, you should no longer see dentures as the beginning of the end, more the start of a new adventure.


The art of perfection with Porcelain Veneers in the City of Leeds

Monday, October 8th, 2012

There is no doubt that porcelain is a wonderful material: it’s so pure and perfect and seems to gives off an incredibly natural hue whenever light hits it. Now sit back on your chair, close your eyes and imagine your grubby old teeth looking like porcelain….lovely eh? Well, now open your eyes and have a look in the mirror and imagine how your discoloured, chipped and worn down teeth with their receding gums may look if they could look like porcelain. Well they can and if you get down to your dentists in the city of Leeds, they can hide away all those years of hurt by fitting you with some porcelain veneers. These wafer thin beauties can put a touch of class back in your smile, painlessly, in as little as a couple of weeks (in a couple of hours if your dentist has CEREC at their disposal!). Your teeth will first have to have the enamel removed so that a couple of moulds can be made up, from which the veneers are made. Whilst this is being done in some laboratory, you will be fitted with dummy veneers until your real ones are made. Then, you simply sit back, the dummies are removed, and your glorious new ones are then cemented into position: they are sealed with a heat light. If there is one problem with this treatment, it is stopping you from annoying other people with an excitement you can’t contain at having the most beautiful teeth in the world! Go on, treat yourself!!

Caring for your Oral Health in the City of Leeds

Friday, October 5th, 2012

You are going to overcome a lot of problems with your mouth in the city of Leeds, and the problems may multiply as you get older. However, if you do all you can at home to care for your oral hygiene and health; you will at least be giving your mouth a fighting chance. The first thing to do is ensure that you maintain a good, balanced diet so that you keep your immune system up and running, which will then help to keep your teeth and gums healthy as well. You must also try to keep the lid on more of your nastier habits like smoking and drinking as these are two of the biggest instigators of trouble in your mouth. But where you have to really excel is how you clean your teeth and gums on a daily basis. Getting the right tools are paramount in this so if you are having doubts about how you go about this, have a chat with your dentist at your next check-up and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The daily routine should include brushing, flossing and rinsing with a mouth-wash and without being patronizing, people still get this wrong. You should first practice in front of a mirror until you have got the perfect routine. By just spending a little time doing this each day can be the difference between you keeping or losing your teeth in the long run.