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Archive for November, 2012

Grappling with Teeth Grinding in Central Leeds

Friday, November 16th, 2012

Teeth grinding is probably one of the most devastating conditions the mouth could suffer from and in a demanding place like central Leeds, many people may suffer from it without even realising they do. The causes generally stem from stress that you pick up throughout the day, that aren’t diffused and then taken into bed when you turn in, which is where the grinding process will continue whilst you sleep. A dentist will pick up on the damage quickly because your teeth will start to become worn down: to counter the destruction to your teeth can be remedied by wearing a mouth-guard at night, but this will not halt the grinding or the continuous damage that will result around your upper body if the problem is not stopped quickly. To nip the problem in the bud requires an understanding of what is making you stressed in the first place and you will require a professional to administer stress and possibly anger management in order to get the condition under control, followed by a course of relaxation therapy to help you unwind when you get home at night so that you are completely de-stress by the time you head hits the pillow.

Managing Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

We all know our mouths quite well in the city of Leeds and should be able to identify problems when they arise. Getting down to the dentist fast will probably eradicate any problems. But it is when things like ulcers, cold-sores, sore throats and jaw aches keep offending regularly rather indicates sometime worse is afoot, and it could be oral cancer. If you are seriously concerned about anything going awry, your dentist will do a few tests on you in order to identify the problem. If your worse fears are realised and you do have oral cancer, then you will be sent for treatment immediately. The thing about oral cancer is that though it seems to be on the rise, if caught early on, it can be treated successfully, though it will be a battle the will change your life and the way you live your life after the treatment. Though the disease remains a bit of a mystery as to why it still continues to flourish, modern lifestyle is considered to be at the root of it. Poor diet will diminish the fight that your immune system puts up against disease and the stresses of modern living can also make you weak. But smoking, heavy drinking and cheap fast foods are also considered to lend a hand to the disease which is why you should learn all you can to avoid the disease from your dentist, and how to go about fighting it if diagnosed.

Making over your Smile in Leeds

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

It is just truly amazing the way ‘true art’ and its flamboyance works its magic into every walk of life and you can find this magic in every dentist’s surgery in Leeds today. Cosmetic dentistry has done wonders for everyone who thought that they could never smile ever again with confidence and that age has finally resigned them to the scrap heap. Oh no, not so! Dentists can give you whatever you need and the cheeky things just know exactly how to put that long lost smile back on your face! Not happy with the fact that they can straighten your teeth, plug up the gaps, whiten your teeth, contour you smile, ease away the wrinkles on your lips, endorse you with great crowns, cover up sins with veneers, make your mouth look natural and help you turn back the years with aplomb, they have now offered it in a complete package so that you can get the whole lot done in a complete package: and that’s not to impugn their work either. Everyone everyday are bombarded with image of people who can smile with exuberance and then think ‘I wish I could too’. But you can: if you are having problems with the way your smile inhibits you, then you should talk to your dentist about ways of getting your mouth back into shape. It isn’t hard, it’s all there for the taking and if you talk it through with your dentist, financially, you will be able to budget for it as well. It could be just the thing you’ve been looking for to shave years off you.

Bad Breath and you in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Many of us have been have been to a cracking party or two in central Leeds that may have run into the early hours, and then woken up with the breath of the loch ness monster the next day. The immediate response is to clean your teeth before you start breathing over others. Now, imagine that you suffer this problem on a daily basis and can’t shake it off; it’s going to put people off you, stop you from expressing yourself freely, and generally prevent you from getting on in life. Suffering from bad breath is a serious condition and it generally means that something is wrong somewhere within your body. It could mean that your teeth are suffering from decay or that you are having problems from gum disease: the dentist could fix this. But in all reality, it really means that you have a lifestyle problem: over indulgence in your social life with drinking, smoking and poor diet…it’s a cry from your soul to stop and change your ways. If your dentist has done all that is possible, then you too should do the same. Calm down on the partying for a while, up the way you conduct your oral hygiene everyday, try herbal remedies when you brush your teeth; chew lots of gum and drink lots of water…eat the right foods. After a few weeks, you should see a change and learn to control the problem. However, if you’ve thrown all the artillery you can at the problem and it still remains……see a doctor- and fast.


You and your Jaw Joints in the City of Leeds

Monday, November 12th, 2012

Your jaw joints are two of the tiniest in the body and do an incredible amount of work throughout your life with eating and talking and grinding away. Your dentist will have probably subjected you to many ‘atrocities’ during your early life in the city ofLeeds: fillings, tooth alignment, and in later life, crowns and tooth replacement. The reason for all of this is to ensure that the occlusion (bite) is kept true in order to take away any extra forces from damaging your jaw joints. Other problems to this area can come from teeth grinding or sports: grinding can cause the most horrific injuries to your jaws and also the rest of your upper body and at the first sign of jaw ache or ‘clicking’ when you move your jaw, then seek immediate treatment; sports, if you love to play them, then make sure that you get the right mouth-guard to reduce the risk of injury because here’s the deal. Running close to your jaws is your neck, through which runs your central nervous system; damage to your jaws can damage the vertebrae as well, and the result is that your nerves will also become vulnerable to damage. Damage to the jaws will take some intense surgery to put right, so you should try to think ahead and limit the stresses that you put them through on a daily basis.

Leeds embraces the Inman Aligner

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

If you want your teeth straightened fast inLeeds, then hold onto your hats, because the Inman has landed. The magical thing about the way teeth straightening has evolved is that it recognises that people’s teeth have different demands, so technology has come up with a gadget for all seasons- hence the Inman aligner. It is because of the design of this engineer’s dream that it will only work on teeth that are bucked or crooked at the front of the mouth. Once your teeth have been measured up, then this bespoke little device can be made up. It consists of a plate that fits to the palette of your mouth: at the back of the plate are two springs that connect to a labial bar that pushes against the inside of the teeth; in turn, this pulls on a wire that wraps around the front of the teeth. This means that the teeth are being constantly rocked back and forth until they loosen up and fall into the desired location. This loosening means that they move very fast- in most cases, they can be into position in as little a 6 weeks: such rapid movement means they will have the tendency to spring back again, but this is checked by wearing a retainer until they bed into their new home. Throughout, the aligner can be taken out if desired- great for eating, great for cleaning your teeth. If it sounds too good to be true then just wait until you see the price!

Beautiful teeth from Beautiful Bonding in Central Leeds

Friday, November 9th, 2012

It’s a very sad fact that age can slowly erode away our beauty all over our body, but especially the way we smile because smiling can beautifully highlight our true soul within. But when it comes to the general ageing of teeth, the dental world has recognised that not all off us are ready to shed this mortal coil and has plenty of tricks up its sleeve to ensure that you can smile to the end. One such jewel in the crown is dental bonding- a delightfully versatile treatment designed to cover up all manner of problems such as cracking, receding gums, discoloured teeth and gaps between the teeth, and what makes the procedure even more attractive is that there is no grinding or drilling required. You just sit down and the dentist applies several layers of resin to the surfaces of the teeth and when enough has been applied, the teeth are sculptured and polished within the hour. It isn’t as durable as other treatments, but the ace up its sleeve is that it over time the bonding starts to suffer itself, from wear and tear, all you have to do is go back to your dentist in central Leeds for a quick top up.

Classy CEREC comes to Leeds

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

When it comes to the dawning of a new age of technology in dentistry, nothing sums it up better than CEREC. It’s a fanciful treatment that can get you up and running again in no time, setting you up with a new crown, veneers or even a dental bridge and for the busy people of Leeds that truly is a blessing. The computer is at the core of this trickery, as well as some pretty dandy machinery. New fittings before were hampered by the fact of time, because they had to be sent off to the lab to be made- they were just as good, but no good if you wanted the work done immediately. With CEREC, you sit down and your mouth is subjected to digital imaging that will then feed the pictures of the area that requires fixing into a computer. The computer then works out all the dimensions of your new fitting and feeds them straight into a milling machine which makes the part you need there and then whilst the dentist gets you ready. Once made, the fitting is cemented into place: if any problems arise, the issues can be rectified in-house and if need be, the fitting re-made. The overall treatment takes about an hour to complete and is as competitive price wise as having the work done the old fashioned way….dentistry is truly keeping up with the demands of its patients.

Building a Bridge in Central Leeds

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Tooth loss, for whatever reason, could strike terror into it victims and the alternatives were pretty grim. But thanks to technology and the great work done by the ‘lab boys’, replacing teeth has become a delightful art-form and there is no better than the dental bridge. They are cheap by comparison to other methods, durable and if you care for them, can give you decades of service. If you have lost a tooth at the back of the mouth, you can have the new crown bonded to the adjacent tooth with wires and resin- cantilever style. The more familiar bridge is the one that replaces a tooth/teeth lost among a line of teeth left. The replacement crown/crowns are attached to two half crowns that are cemented onto the teeth either side of the gap. The use of a mini-implant can also help anchor the bridge better in the middle, extending the bridge’s shelf life in your mouth. A procedure like this doesn’t hang around for years if it doesn’t work and though you have to stay on top of cleaning them, dental bridges are one of the better methods to replace your teeth and get you smiling again in centralLeeds.

Classic Crowns in the City of Leeds

Monday, November 5th, 2012

So, you come through tooth decay with a narrow squeak. You’ve had the root canal done and now it’s time to have a crown fitted OR you’ve just come through tooth loss, had an implant placed and now it’s time to have a crown fitted…..we could go on but the point is that a crown is used to replace anything that may have been lost and there is a reason for having one fitted. The way your jaws close together is important to keep true otherwise you will put extra stress on the joints of the jaw and over time, they can fail. There are three basic types to choose from, although if you have the inclination, a dentist will make one up from whatever material you like. Gold and porcelain-over-metal crowns are built for strength, so this would be the probable choice to replace a tooth that has to withstand a lot of work, like chewing or biting. Hence these types would normally be placed at the back of the mouth (gold however, people like to show off and so you will often see them at the front as well). Porcelain looks more natural to the general status quo of the mouth, so when it comes to replacing an incisor, pure porcelain would be used at the front to mirror the rest of your teeth. You will find dentists all over the city of Leeds that can fit them so it’s best to shop around first