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Archive for July, 2013

Taking an interest on your Kids Teeth in the City of Leeds

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

318711_blogIt’s probably safe to say that all parents in the city of Leeds would like to set their kids off, the best they can, to a long and healthy lifestyle: diet and sport are just two of the ingredients in this. But most vitally, as a parent, you must be very vigilant with their teeth, as they will go through some extreme changes as your child grows up. Your children will teethe when they are babies, and soon after, have their secondary teeth come through, maybe wear braces and then suffer with wisdom teeth as they move into adulthood. Throughout all of this, kids are very vulnerable to tooth decay and may need a lot of treatment at the dentists and you must be ready for all of this. In the beginning, finding a paediatrician is vital, and soon after, a dentist, who can help ease the threat. Teaching your kids to care for themselves and brush correctly with some of the excellent brushes and toothpastes on the market, plus feeding them right and keeping them away from sweets and fizzy drinks, the best you can, is of the utmost importance here. You can have your children fitted with dental sealants to beat the decay and your dentist will be on hand to fix them up when things go wrong. However, this all comes at a financial cost and from the moment your kids are born, you are going to find a method of paying for treatments, especially orthodontic work, as this can get costly.

Beating Bad Breath from Gum Disease in Central Leeds

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

4361359_blogIt is very easy to be ignorant about the way you may smell in central Leeds, because people are very worried about telling you for fear of hurting your feelings; so, you go on ‘blissfully’ unaware. This is also the problem with bad breath; if no-one tells you, how do you know? Aside from plants wilting, children running and suddenly finding you have no friends, your dentist would be honest enough to tell you and with good reason too, for rank breath indicates a breaking down of your teeth, gums and even your body and if you don’t do something about it, your teeth will suffer, fall out and it will not only kill your already diminishing place in society, it could end up killing you if the condition is allowed to advance. Dentists will do their bit: if decay is evident in the teeth, it can be remedied with a filling or root canal treatment; gum disease is a little harder to tackle and can take time to overcome. But it is down to you in the long run. Stop the boozing, the smoking, cut out the fast food and turn over a new leaf. Start cleaning your teeth and gums better each day and do yourself another favour, buy some better products while you are at it. Keep your mouth hydrated at all times, chew gum and cut back on anything with caffeine in it. No-one said beating bad breath would be easy, but for your future welfare, beat it you must.

The worry of a Dental Emergency in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

1850411_blogThe city of Leeds is a very vibrant and busy place to live for 24 hours a day. Now sometimes, this can be hard to adjust to and become too much at times, but there are certain advantages too, especially if you have a crisis crop up- like a dental emergency. Whatever concerns you, there are dentists that offer out of hour’s services that can help you with your problems, plus, if you can’t get to a dentist and the problem is serious, like the loss of a tooth or an abscess, then, you always have A&E at the hospital to turn to. Though, all said and done, it would be wise to do a little homework with your dentist and go through the other possible scenarios that may present themselves: losing a crown, a veneer, a bridge or a filling; chipping a tooth or the eruption of a wisdom tooth can all offer their own problems but it would be wise to see what you can do at home to help ease your worries, even by just taking painkillers, as this will not only ease the immediate situation until you can get seen, but it will help you to avoid making knee jerk reactions to a minor crisis; that said, it is your health we are talking about and if you feel threatened in any way by any dental emergency, then get all the help you can.

The threat of Smoking to Gum Disease in Leeds

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

383291_blogWhenever you have any type of operation in Leeds, you will be advised to cut out any smoking that you may do, both before and after, as this will seriously hinder the healing process, even prevent it; similarly with anything that may go wrong with your mouth- a dry socket or a pulled tooth for example. One of the ways it can really interfere is if you if you are being treated for gum disease; it can even promote this dangerous condition. Smoking tends to dry out the saliva in the mouth as well as the gums and if you are serious about beating this disease, stop the risk of heart disease, stop your teeth from falling out and prevent it from returning in the future, you must stop smoking altogether. Many people will suffer from gum disease at some point in their lives, but you need to fight it on all fronts and only by giving up the fags will you give yourself a chance. You need to work on it at home and get your dentist on board to help treat your gums: there is also a moral here to keeping your dentist around. Dentists today know all about the affects that diseases in the mouth have on the body and can help and advise you on many ways to help improve your lifestyle: if you are serious, they will also help you kick the habit.