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Archive for July, 2013

The Simplicity of Crown Placement in the City of Leeds

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

922269_blogAs modern dentistry has got its act in order over the years in the city of Leeds, so too has the ease in the way you get treated- and quickly too. Speed is essential, especially if you have lost a tooth or been ravished by tooth decay, so it’s vital you get patched up ASAP. Cosmetic dentistry has also upped its game and is integral in getting you repaired- especially with the placement of a crown. Crowns can be used for tooth loss alongside dental implants and bridges, but are more commonly found in treating bad decay after having a root canal. Once you have been diagnosed, you will then need to choose the material to make your crown out of; gold and porcelain are the more common materials used, but once you have made your choice and been treated, your crown can be in your mouth within the fortnight and it will take literally minutes to place in your mouth when it’s ready. There is also an even faster method of having a crown fitted these days: CEREC is a radical system that will sit you down, measure you up, make your crown and have you in-and-out in around an hour.

Looking after your lovely Teeth in Leeds

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

944335_blogIt should be quite abundantly clear by now that optimising your oral hygiene work in Leeds can help to keep your teeth healthy, fresh and good-looking. For this, you need to get the best the market can offer you and with a few pointers from your dentist, you should have no problem getting the equipment you need: brush, toothpaste, floss and mouthwashes are important ingredients you should have in your toolkit. However, the passing of time can play havoc with the way you smile and so from time to time, and to overcome that fading sheen, it may be necessary to have a little cosmetic work done, just to keep you smiling with confidence. If your teeth have become discoloured, a little whitening may be required to make them white and healthy looking again, but if they have really taken a pounding, then having veneers fitted will get you smiling again- this is where your dentists come in. Not only can they repair your teeth when things go wrong- in order to ensure you retain a healthy smile, but they can also do the work to make sure your teeth look good as well with a few cosmetic touches.

Avoiding terrible Embarrassment in Central Leeds from Bad Breath

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

429735_blogEveryone loves to go out and socialise in wonderful central Leeds with their friends: people love to get dressed up and have a good time. However, if you are finding the invitations starting to dwindle and find yourself being left out more and more, there could be a reason for this, and it could be you have bad breath. As much as your ‘friends’ like you, your breath can be embarrassing: if they are real friends, they may point this out to you, because it is amazing how many people are completely oblivious to having a problem, but once you know though, it’s time to do something about it. Now this is easier said than done and you are going to have to put in an incredible effort to solve the problem. First, call in your dentist: you need to find out if you are being troubled by tooth decay or gum disease- these cause odours and you’ll need to treat the problems. The next thing you’ll need to do is sit down and take a look at your lifestyle and personal oral hygiene, and for this, you’ll need to pay a visit to a hygienist. Do you have bad habits such as smoking and drinking, how is your diet, how do you clean your teeth? These are all of the things a hygienist can help you address for the future, but it will be hard work. However, if you want get back in with your social jet-set again, you will have to go the extra mile in order to beat the embarrassment this condition can cause you.

How a few little things can help you in a Dental Emergency in Leeds

Sunday, July 14th, 2013

5538155_blogWe all have different ways of dealing with things in our lives in Leeds; some of us can be cool about stuff, others may panic. This level of how we handle things can also be governed by experience or by naivety. So when something like a dental emergency happens, we are presented with dilemma of what to do. But there are ways of coping in such a situation and with a few tips, it could help you to make the right snap decisions. You would be wise to make an appointment with your dentist, even go online, and educate yourself so that when a crisis appears, you will be able to handle it better. With something like losing a fitting or a toothache, you don’t need to see a dentist straight away and so with a couple of painkillers inside you, a medicated mouthwash and some soothing gels laying around, even some clove oil, you can cope until your dentist can see you at the earliest appointment you can get. Having a tooth knocked out is altogether a different matter: it can be saved and popped back in if you can either do it yourself or get to a hospital/dentist as quick as you can; this is also the route you need to go down if an abscess breaks out in your mouth, for you need to pump yourself with antibiotics quickly. It’s easy to say ‘be calm’ in any such situation, but knowing what to do will help you immensely, but always remember, the hospital and your dentist are always at hand and if you have any doubts, then get there anyway- if only to ease your mind.

Why a Dentist loves both your Mouth and your Body in Central Leeds

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

347563_blogMany folk in central Leeds often see a dentist who is one of those important characters in your life that’s soul sole role is to check for problems in your mouth and help patch you up should you find yourself in a bit of a pickle. Yes, they will do all of this and very well too, but modern dentistry has evolved massively over the past 50 years and dentists no longer just care for your teeth, they care for you and your body too, and on all subjects. On a cosmetic basis, teeth and gums aside, a dentist can help you with your face and iron out the wrinkles caused by ageing, with BOTOX and dermal fillers, but they go even deeper than this these days. ‘New-age’ dentists can help you overcome any phobias you may have that prevent you getting treatments that are vitally essential in the health of your mouth and body. You can also talk to your dentist about your lifestyle: diet, oral hygiene, even giving up smoking are just some of the topics that your dentist can help you with to keep your mouth and body healthy. Always take time out and chat with your dentist about anything that you may have worrying you, in all aspects of your life- you may be pleasantly surprised by what you hear.

The topsy-turvy world of Gum Disease and Diabetes in Leeds

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

572684_blogIf your body works on a very healthy basis and in unison with itself, your immune system should be strong enough to help fight off many evils that can arise. However, one blow to this balance throughout, your body becomes weak and vulnerable. Such an example of this is the relationship between gum disease and diabetes. In some cases, the toxins from gum disease that are carried around the body infect the most vital of organs and help to diminish the immune system: this can help promote diabetes. Similarly, if you have diabetes, your immune system is weakened already; this can leave saliva levels low in the mouth and expose your gums to the threat of gum disease. These two conditions are very nasty on their own, but together, they are an evil alliance so you need to be aware of the dangers. If you are worried about either, pop into your dentists in Leeds and have a chat; the more you know, the easier it will be for you to avoid the danger in the future.

Dipping in with a Dental Check-up in Central Leeds

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

585804_blogIf there is one thing you should never miss, or even avoid in central Leeds, it’s a dental check-up. Some may see it as a chore, but really, this is the time that will tell you if you have been doing things wrong at home and is of vital importance to your oral health as a whole. This time spent with your dentist should be used wisely: modern dentists are well versed in not just your mouth, but your body too. So if you are having any trouble at all, they can give you advice on a range of topics from phobia, diet, quitting the cigarettes to cosmetic dentistry; maybe you’d like something done, so don’t be afraid to engage with the dentist. Of course, you will have a thorough MOT as well when you’re there: you will be x-rayed if your dentist spots anything so that you can be worked on straight away if it is necessary. Your teeth will also be scaled of any tartar build up and then they will be polished. And remember, also find out about all manner of subjects as well, from treatments to dental emergencies, as this will also help put your mind at rest in the future when it comes to making decisions for yourself.

Bodily Health through Dental Hygiene in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

585983_blogYour whole body is a beautiful machine where everything in it works in perfect harmony to keep you healthy- as long as you don’t abuse it, but ensure you give it the work-out and nourishment it needs: this coalition between all the organs is a wonderful thing. This is also true between your dental hygiene and your body as a whole. Your mouth is the gateway to the inside of you so you should ensure you keep it healthy at all times: always optimise and change your oral hygiene as often as you can and ensure you keep up with regular dental check-ups, just in case you may have missed something along the way; having a strong diet and avoiding nasty habits can also promote your oral health too. There is a very good reason for doing all of this: problems can spiral out of control very quickly if you aren’t in control of it all, and aside from tooth decay and then loss following, gum disease is an even more dangerous threat to the health of your body, as the toxins from it poisons your heart and other vital organs in your body- causing them to fail. If you ensure that you have a wonderful balance between mouth and body, then you should have a wonderful and healthy life in the city of Leeds.

How to have a happy Heart with your Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Monday, July 8th, 2013

748875_blogFor some people in Leeds, the daily routine of brushing your teeth can come as a bit of a chore, but it imperative that you keep this ‘chore’ going at least twice a day. You must get a good brush, paste, floss and mouthwash, and make sure you learn to use them correctly. You also have your dentist to back you up in times of need: your dentist can also help you on subjects of diet, even help you give up smoking and offer tips on how to care for your mouth. So, you may ask, why all of this fuss? Well, sit down and take note: plaque is one of the biggest agitators that are ready to strike on a daily basis in your mouth and if it gets through unchecked, you will soon find yourself dealing with tooth decay and then gum disease. Gum disease can be lethal in the long term: it will obviously lead to tooth loss further down the line, but more sinister is the fact that it will start to poison your bloodstream as soon as it takes hold; these foul toxins will then be pumped around your body and deposit themselves in your heart. Over a long period, the heart will become diseased and in the end, fail. Please, please, please, do not take your oral hygiene as being a chore, but see it as part of the jigsaw to having a healthy and long life, as well as a vibrant heart.

Central Leeds gives you reasons to Floss

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

4732933_blogIt is amazing to think that something as simple as flossing can not only be beneficial for your teeth and gums, but in the long run, your heart and body as well. Food easily gets stuck between your teeth and up under the gums, and if it doesn’t get removed properly, it can lead to bacteria breaking down the enamel of your teeth, then to tooth decay and most dangerous of all, gum disease- also a killer of the heart. Flossing can visit places an ordinary brush fears to tread: once you have made your choice on the type of floss that takes your fancy, you now have to learn to use it. Take time to practise this in front of the mirror first and work it up between the teeth and gums to ensure everything is removed: do this every time you eat and keep practising it until you can do it in the dark. Flossing is probably the greatest ally to an oral hygiene programme since the tooth-pick was invented and if you do this right, there is no reason why you shouldn’t keep your teeth and gums healthy in central Leeds until the day you die.