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Archive for the ‘Braces’ Category

Brace Yourself! In Leeds We Can Sort Out Your Wonky Smile With A Wink

Saturday, April 19th, 2014

4756357_blogSpeed is usually towards the top of most orthodontic patient’s treatment wish-list and we have great news for you if you’re one of the hundreds of patients looking for a swift solution to crooked or crowded teeth. Fastbraces is an amazing new treatment, which promises to deliver results quickly.

Fastbraces is a versatile and innovative fixed brace treatment, which moves the teeth in half the time of conventional fixed orthodontics. Usually, braces move the roots and crowns at different times, but Fastbraces focuses on both sections from day one, vastly reducing treatment times. These braces are made from a single heat-activated wire and triangular brackets. Treatment time is around 50 per cent shorter than conventional fixed appliances and the braces are very comfortable.

This is a versatile treatment, which is suitable for patients with a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crooked, crowded, twisted and misaligned teeth and problems with the bite, and it offers a speedier alternative to traditional fixed braces. Fastbraces are also more discreet than traditional braces and they represent very good value for money, as shorter treatment times mean fewer visits to the dentist.

Bracing yourself for day you wear Braces in Central Leeds

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

braces front teethWhen that dreaded day comes around when you get the news that you will have to have braces fitted in central Leeds, you may be forgiven in thinking that the next few years could be torturous for you. Everyone’s teeth are different but for people whose teeth are badly grown, the work will take time; it may well be torturous when the brace is fixed in, but it will be methodical and at the end, the results will be brilliant. However, not all fixed braces take that long and some of the modern versions can have you done in just 6 months, whilst still doing some pretty intricate work at the same time. If you are lucky though, you can get away with wearing one of the clear, removable aligners on the market: these not only work in magical ways never been afforded to orthodontic treatments years ago, but they can also work fast too- three times as fast in fact than your clunky traditional braces…and as a footnote to speed: if time is of the essence, then there is one aligner on the market right now that gets your teeth fixed up in just 6 weeks! There is a lot of choice when it comes to getting a brace or aligner fitted so sit down with your dentist and mull over the options first.

Cleaning your Teeth with Braces in Central Leeds

Monday, April 15th, 2013

If it isn’t hard enough being fitted with awkward fixed brace to straighten your teeth in central Leeds, you then have to go through the ordeal of keeping them clean, and this can be quite complex throughout your treatment. Food is a real issue here because it can so easily get caught up in the wires and linger forever if you don’t get rid of it and the consequences can be horrific- gum disease and tooth decay love rotting food. When you are first fitted with a brace, your dentist will be there to help with your cleaning problems, but also, should advise you how to do things and even start you off with the tools to do the job. Dental floss and inter-dental brushes are very important to cleaning in and around a brace and though it may take a while to master, persevere, because we are talking about your oral health here. Mouthwashes are always fabulous for killing off bacteria and flushing out food. You also have the added bonus that you can buy dyes that will highlight any signs of plaque building up around your teeth. But if you have any problems at all, always get back to your dentist if you feel you are not happy and getting things wrong.


Opting for the right Braces in Central Leeds

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

There was a time in central Leeds when being fitted with braces meant a mouth full of wire wool that was fixed in for anywhere up to 3 years. Fortunately, the choice of braces and aligners has become quite vast, more efficient and work a lot faster. Complex problems will always require complex solutions and in cases like these, you will need all that metalwork to move your teeth efficiently and safely. But fixed braces have changed; they use far more discreet materials, use ingenious mechanisms to get the job done and on average can get your teeth straightened anywhere from 6-18 months, which is a lot faster than those traditional braces. Of course, the real revolution has come with some of the removable aligners from the USA. These can be clear, so you can barely see them in the mouth at all as well as working fast. One actually boasts results in just 6 weeks! You have a lot more choice now so it is important to do your research and find one will suit all your requirements.

Superb Orthodontics in Central Leeds

Monday, November 19th, 2012

The world of dentistry has many different areas of speciality, all of them designed to ensure that you, as a patient, get the best from your treatment: orthodontics is one of these branches. Most people in central Leeds will struggle with crooked teeth at some point and if the problem isn’t rectified, there is a chance that your jaw joints could suffer from a bad occlusion or ‘bite’ in the future. This is the job of an orthodontist. As your teeth develop in the early years, your dentist will monitor your teeth for growth, and it’s a tricky time because there are a lot of things happening all at once- especially when your second teeth come through. If any abnormalities arise at this stage, it will determine how your teeth grow in the future and for most of us, we will need a little tooth alignment. The fitting of braces is a tempestuous time for any child (and some adults too), but your orthodontist is there to cover all bases for you. There is a brace or aligner for all occasions; some are more technical than others but then the type you get depends on the intricacy of the work that needs doing. However, the work done at this stage by the orthodontist will ensure that you teeth and your occlusion will get you through life.

Leeds embraces the Inman Aligner

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

If you want your teeth straightened fast inLeeds, then hold onto your hats, because the Inman has landed. The magical thing about the way teeth straightening has evolved is that it recognises that people’s teeth have different demands, so technology has come up with a gadget for all seasons- hence the Inman aligner. It is because of the design of this engineer’s dream that it will only work on teeth that are bucked or crooked at the front of the mouth. Once your teeth have been measured up, then this bespoke little device can be made up. It consists of a plate that fits to the palette of your mouth: at the back of the plate are two springs that connect to a labial bar that pushes against the inside of the teeth; in turn, this pulls on a wire that wraps around the front of the teeth. This means that the teeth are being constantly rocked back and forth until they loosen up and fall into the desired location. This loosening means that they move very fast- in most cases, they can be into position in as little a 6 weeks: such rapid movement means they will have the tendency to spring back again, but this is checked by wearing a retainer until they bed into their new home. Throughout, the aligner can be taken out if desired- great for eating, great for cleaning your teeth. If it sounds too good to be true then just wait until you see the price!

Fanciful teeth straightening with Invisalign in Central Leeds

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

One of the most annoying things about having your teeth straightened is that on average, most treatments allow everyone can see that you are having it done, leaving you wide open to some serious Mickey-taking. So then consider this: what if you could have your teeth straightened without anyone noticing? What if you could remove the brace whilst eating and cleaning without the damn thing becoming clogged up with food? And what if you could get such a device fitted at a dentist’s in centralLeeds? Yeah baby! Invisalign is here!! This is the ultimate gadget for those with crooked teeth. You first need to see if your condition suits this treatment and if you do fit the bill, then you will be measured up for a number of aligners that are swapped over as your teeth move, and they move on average three times as fast as traditional braces- though ironically, this doesn’t matter: the aligner is constructed from a completely clear plastic that when fitted to your teeth, is barely visible! During dramatic times such as flirting, kissing, or just ‘chatting’ someone up, the aligner can be removed (of course, great for cleaning your teeth as well!). What this whole device gives you is a freedom never known before in the world of orthodontics: it almost seems like a dream. Though it’s a little bit more expensive than other treatments, there is no doubt whatsoever that this is a treatment worth investing in- if only to avoid the ribbing!

The Fantastic Choice Of Braces In Central Leeds

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

If you having to have a brace or aligner fitted to correct the bite of your mouth and retain and prolong the health of your mouth for the future, then you should first shop around before jumping in because there are some fantastic options around in central Leeds today that will get the job done quickly and discreetly. If it’s speed you are looking for, then there are braces around that can get the job done from upwards of 6 weeks: some are self-ligating (tightening) and keep the teeth on the move all of the time; others have to be tightened by your dentist, but in either case, the job is over with fast. For the ultimate in discretion though, there are some aligners from America that are fast, removable, and being made from transparent materials, almost invisible in the mouth as well. Now not all of these braces fit everyone- we are all different, so you will need to be analysed first in order to find one that fits your condition. In complex cases though, you may have no option but to go for the more traditional route- but take heart from this because your teeth will be moved delicately and precisely, and considering this will only happen once in your life, get it over with because your smile will be beautiful in the end.



Shaping up with the Inman Aligner in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Teeth straightening has always been a touchy subject for the people in the city of Leeds and all over the country, for history has shown that it doesn’t exactly evoke dental romanticism. Lengthy treatments a mouthful of metal and the ridicule to boot….for some, awful times. However, those with dodgy front teeth- run through the fields and scream freedom because an aligner has muscled its way into our hearts and taken us to dinner on a white horse- yes, the Inman aligner has landed and can save your day, this brash, heaven-sent device will blow your socks off. It works on the theory of keeping the teeth on the move, meaning fast results and it does it by rocking the teeth back and forth until they rest in the desired position; the aligner pushes and pulls. It’s design means it only concentrates on the front teeth, but it also has the luxury of being removable throughout the treatment and that can only be good for your oral health. But you better be sitting down for this next bit, for this brash little beast can work as quickly as 6 weeks….you okay? As has been mentioned, it’s not for everyone, but if it is for you, your teeth can be sorted out in a couple of months and finally, you can get closure on how your teeth have looked and annoyed you for years- book in today!

Discretion with Correction with Invisible Braces in Leeds

Monday, June 25th, 2012

There is a pretty good chance that most of us in Leeds are going to have to go through the pain and heartache of having a brace fitted at some point in our lives, and that is two years of psychologically being the ugly duckling with the playground ridicule that comes with it, not to mention how uncomfortable it is to wear. It is then very fortunate that future generations will not have to go through this torment as the world of dentistry has got its act together and started to knock-out aligners that leave the wearer feeling like a swan and that are ‘invisible’ when fitted into the mouth. The materials used in aligner manufacturing are more sympathetic on the eye and more aware of their surroundings- they match the colour of the teeth, from the plates to the wires and when wearing a fixed brace, that is heaven sent. But that is nothing compared some of the clear aligners from America; they truly are ‘invisible’, being made from a clear plastic, but they can also be taken out at any time AND they work far quicker than most other options around. Other braces and aligners can work from 6 weeks to 6 months so here, their invisibility work with speed- they are done and gone before you know it, and anyone else realises it. Ask your dentist about all these fantastic devices and your suitability before opting for second best.