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Archive for the ‘Bruxism’ Category

Silent Stress Can Be A Grind To The Health Of Your Smile

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

1787127_blogAre you stressed? Do you constantly find that you’re chasing your tail or worrying about how you’ll get things done, how you can help others or find time to tackle a to-do list as long as your arm? If so, you’re not alone. Studies show that many people suffer from stress and this can be damaging to oral health, as well as your general health.

Tooth grinding, also known as bruxism, is often associated with stress and anxiety and if you wake up with symptoms include tooth pain, headaches, migraines, earache or pain in and around your jaw, you may be grinding your teeth during the night. Tooth grinding is a subconscious action and most people are unaware that they do it.

What are the effects of tooth grinding?

Tooth grinding can damage and weaken the teeth, as well as increasing the risk of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder, headaches and ear ache. TMJ disorder is a term given to symptoms that affect the TMJ, the joint, which connects the lower jaw to the skull. Grinding the teeth can also interrupt sleep, which may further increase stress levels and affect your mood, energy levels and concentration.

Stressed? We can help!

If you’re stressed, we can help. With our bespoke bite guards, we can help to prevent damage caused by tooth grinding and ensure you and your partner enjoy a proper night’s sleep. We can also offer information about stress management and provide treatment for TMJ disorder.

Wear Your Night Guard And Stop That Grinding Leeds Dental Pain

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014

Woman SmileDo you often wake up with a headache? Has your partner complained about you grinding your teeth during the night? Bruxism, or tooth grinding, is a common problem, which can contribute to tooth wear, headaches and migraines and pain in the temporomandibular joint. If you suffer from bruxism, we can help by providing you with a specially designed night guard.

What causes bruxism?

Bruxism is often linked to stress and anxiety and is commonly found in people who have high pressure jobs and stressful lifestyles. Other possible causes include orthodontic problems with the bite, which may mean that the upper and lower sets of teeth don’t come together properly.

What are the effects of tooth grinding?

Grinding the teeth can increase the risk of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain and stiffness, migraines, head, neck and shoulder pain and tooth wear and damage. If you regularly wake up with aches and pains in the jaw and headaches, you may be grinding your teeth during the night. For many, this is a subconscious action, which is only pointed out by others.

What can we do for bruxism?

We recommend seeing a dentist if you have symptoms of bruxism; we can help to prevent these symptoms from recurring and enable you and your partner to enjoy a more restful night’s sleep. We create bespoke night guards for patients to wear to prevent the upper and lower sets of teeth from grinding together during the night. Night guards are similar in design to mouth guards, which are worn for sport, and they are custom-made to ensure maximum comfort.

You Don’t Have To Put Up With Bruxism Any Longer In Leeds

Saturday, July 19th, 2014

1787127_blogIf you wake up with headaches, you often experience stiffness and pain in your jaw or your teeth feel sensitive, you may suffer from bruxism. Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding, a very common subconscious action, which usually happens during sleep.

Grinding or clenching the teeth can contribute to shoulder, neck and head aches, but it can also cause tooth wear. When the teeth grind together, this can wear down the surfaces and damage the enamel, which increases the risk of sensitivity.

What causes teeth grinding?

Many cases of bruxism are linked to anxiety and stress, but grinding the teeth can also occur as a result of orthodontic issues, which affect the alignment of the teeth, and problems, such as loose fillings.

When you have a consultation with a City Dental dentist, they will chat with you and examine your mouth to try and determine the cause; once this has been established, they can discuss possible treatments with you and offer advice to help you stop grinding your teeth.

Treatment for bruxism

In cases where tooth grinding is linked to anxiety or stress, we can offer advice about coping with stress and recommend stress management techniques, such as exercise, breathing exercises and massage therapy.

In severe cases, we recommend wearing a bite guard, which is similar to a gum shield; it helps to protect the teeth by preventing contact between the upper and lower teeth. Our bite guards are custom-made for maximum comfort and they shouldn’t interrupt your sleep in any way.

The Daily Grind: We Can Help You Overcome That Bruxism

Friday, July 4th, 2014

3534882_blogYou may notice the stresses and strains of daily life when you’re panicking about getting somewhere in time or you’re lying awake in bed at night thinking about tomorrow’s presentation, but there are signs that stress might be getting to you, which are less noticeable. If you regularly wake up with headaches, pain in and around your jaw, ear ache or your partner complains about a disturbed night’s sleep, you may suffer from bruxism. Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding, a subconscious action, which many of us carry out on a regular basis without even knowing.

Bruxism can be associated with loose fillings or crowns or orthodontic issues affecting the alignment of the teeth, but it is most commonly linked to stress or anxiety. Grinding the teeth together may be a sign that you are feeling stressed, worried or concerned. Studies show that people who have stressful jobs, as well as those who have certain personality traits, such as being a perfectionist or a worrier, are more prone to bruxism.

How can we help?

Bruxism can cause stiffness and restricted movement in the jaw, headaches and migraines and damage to the teeth. If you suffer from dental grinding and bruxism, we can help! We can offer advice about dealing with stress and anxiety and we can also fit a protective bite guard, which helps to prevent the teeth from clashing together when you are sleeping. The guard is similar to a mouth guard, which you would wear for sport; it is custom-made to fit you perfectly, so you should be able to sleep comfortably. Wearing a guard will help to protect your teeth and prevent aches and pains, as well as enabling your partner to enjoy a peaceful night of sleep.

Grinding And Gnashing Can Cause Dental Damage While You Sleep

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

863081_blogMany people grind their teeth during the night without even knowing that they are doing it, but if you have a partner who grinds their teeth, you’re probably longing for a peaceful and undisturbed night’s sleep. Teeth grinding, also know as bruxism, is a subconscious action, which can cause damage to the teeth. If you grind your teeth, we can provide treatment to protect your teeth and help you and your partner to enjoy a restful night.

Why do I grind my teeth and what are the implications?

There are different reasons why people grind their teeth, but most commonly, bruxism is linked to stress and anxiety. Other possible causes include orthodontic issues, which mean that the teeth are not aligned properly.

If you grind your teeth, you may damage the enamel and increase the risk of chips. Grinding the teeth can also increase the risk of headaches and migraines, which may be associated with temporomandibular joint disorder. TMJ disorder is a term used to describe pain and other symptoms, which affect the TM joint, the joint, which connects the lower jaw to the skull.

What can be done?

If you grind your teeth and it is affecting your oral health or causing your aches and pains, we may recommend wearing a bite guard. This is an appliance, which is similar to a mouth guard used for sport, which helps to prevent the teeth from clashing and clenching together. The bite guard is custom-made to ensure a comfortable fit. If you think that stress may be causing you to clench your teeth, we can also recommend stress management techniques.

Take Your TMJ Troubles To A City Leeds Dentists

Friday, May 30th, 2014

3520145_blogThe TMJ, temporomandibular joint, is one of the most heavily used joints in the human body. It plays an important role in allowing you to carry out lots of functions and actions, including chewing and biting, opening your mouth to speak, yawn and cough and moving your jaw from side to side. You can feel the joint, which connects the skull to your lower jaw working when you hold your fingers in front of your ear lobes on the side of your face and then you move to open and then to close your mouth.

TMJ disorder is a term used to describe pain in and around the joint. There are many possible causes of TMJ disorder and sometimes, there are dental solutions. In these cases, our amazing dentists can help to ease pain and increase mobility and flexibility in the joint.

Causes of TMJ disorder

One of the main causes of TMJ disorder is teeth grinding, which is known as bruxism. This is a common problem, which many people are unaware affects them because it tends to be a subconscious action, which occurs during the night. Bruxism occurs when the teeth rub together; it can cause damage to the teeth, but it can also contribute to symptoms of TMJ disorder, which include headaches, earache, shoulder and neck pain and migraines, as well as stiffness in the jaw.

If you have any of these symptoms or you hear clicking or popping noises when you move your jaw, we may be able to help you.

How we can help

If you grind your teeth, we are able to provide custom-made guards, which are worn at night, to protect your teeth and lower the risk of waking up with painful aches. The guards are similar to mouth guards, which are worn for sport, and they help to prevent contact between the top and bottom of arches during the night. They are bespoke so they should fit perfectly and you should be able to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

Tip Your Cap To These Top City Dental Crowns

Monday, April 7th, 2014

3943593_blogIf you’ve had an accident and your teeth have been injured or you have severe decay, you may be advised to have a new crown. The crown is the visible part of the tooth.

Dental crowns are restorations, which help to make the teeth stronger and replace decayed and damaged tissue; they are available in a range of different materials, including precious metals and ceramics. Porcelain crowns are very popular because they blend in with the colour of the natural teeth and they have a lovely sheen.

Crowns are individually made for each patient, to ensure that they fit the tooth exactly. Before a new crown is placed, the tooth is prepared, which involves removing all the damaged tissue and cleaning the remaining tooth thoroughly. A mould of the tooth is created and this acts as a template for the new crown. It is common for a temporary crown to be fitted and once the permanent crown is ready, this will be removed and the new crown fixed into position.

As well as repairing broken and decayed teeth, crowns can also be attached to dental implants to replace missing teeth and they are commonly used after root canal treatment, a procedure used to save a tooth that has been infected.

TMJ Can Be A Real Headache In City Centre Leeds

Sunday, April 6th, 2014

3534882_blogThe TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is one of the most frequently used joints in the human body. It is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull and it is involved in a number of common actions, from opening and closing the mouth to chewing food. You can feel your TMJ in action if you put your fingers on the side of your face, just below your ear lobes and then move your jaw or open your mouth. Sometimes, the TMJ becomes strained and this causes pain and stiffness; this is known as TMJ disorder or TMD.

TMJ disorder is an umbrella term, which is used to describe pain in the joint. There are many possible causes, including teeth grinding, and the most common symptoms are headaches, jaw pain, earache, stiffness and limited movement in the jaw. Teeth grinding is commonly linked to stress or anxiety and studies show that it is becoming increasingly common. Most people are unaware that they grind their teeth, as it usually happens during the night.

Teeth grinding (bruxism) causes tooth wear, but it can also contribute to TMJ disorder and this is where we can intervene to help you to sleep better, save your teeth and ensure you wake up without headaches and jaw pain. We can offer bespoke night guards to help to prevent teeth clenching; these are similar to protective gum shields, which are worn for playing sport. We can also offer advice about stress management in cases where bruxism is linked to stress.

Gnashing and Grinding in Leeds Central Can Cause Further Dental Problems

Monday, March 31st, 2014

459343_blogTeeth grinding can keep you awake at night, but that’s often not the only side-effect. Grinding the teeth can also cause dental problems, as well as jaw pain and temporomandibular joint disorder.

Bruxism is the medical name for teeth grinding or clenching. It is a common problem, which tends to be related to anxiety and stress. If you grind your teeth, it’s often your partner who is kept awake at night, as most people grind their teeth subconsciously when they are asleep. As well as interrupting a night’s sleep, bruxism can also cause damage and wear to the teeth, as well as straining the muscles around the jaw and contributing to headaches and even migraines and earache.

We can help!

Most cases of bruxism are linked to stress, but there are other possible causes, including problems with the bite, which prevent the teeth from sitting together properly when the jaw is relaxed. We start by identifying the cause and then finding ways to treat the problem. Stress management techniques are often recommended in tandem with dental treatments, including wearing a protective guard during the night to prevent the teeth from clashing together. Orthodontic treatment may be an option when there are issues with the bite.

If you’re sick of hearing about sleepless nights and you want to do something about teeth grinding, we can help. Our treatments will enable you and your partner to enjoy a good night’s sleep without the worry of waking up with a headache or tooth pain.

Grinding yourself into trouble in Leeds

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

2839654_blogThere are many issues in your mouth that can affect the health of your teeth, gums and body; the main obvious players are plaque, tooth decay and gum disease- but there are also other sinister beasties at work, one being teeth grinding. In a busy city like Leeds, the demands put on you can lead to stress and if you don’t leave this on the streets when you go home at night, you can take these stresses to bed with you and without knowing it, you will be grinding your teeth in your sleep. The early signs to look for are fatigue in the mornings and aching jaws; your dentist will also pick up on the wear and tear on your teeth and fit you out with a mouth-guard to prevent further destruction. However, this is not the core of the problem; the stress will remain, as will the grinding process. If this doesn’t stop, you will damage your jaws joints, cause problems throughout your head, and wreck your neck and upper back. Addressing what the causes of teeth grinding are will take some form of therapy to analyse what is behind the stress and once you have identified the problem, then you need to embark on a course of curing it. Teeth grinding is a very dangerous and destructive condition and it is essential you do something about it- fast.