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Archive for the ‘oral hygeine’ Category

Avoid Heart Disease with Good Oral Hygiene in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Heart disease is one of the most common causes of death in the UK, millions of pounds are spent each year treating patients and trying to establish new therapies and preventative treatments. Recently however, research has indicated that preventing conditions such as heart attacks and strokes may be as simple as picking up your toothbrush and maintaining good oral hygiene.

The link between oral hygiene and heart disease is not completely clear at present, but is strongly believed to be related to gum disease. One proposed mechanism is that bacteria found around the diseased gums enters the blood stream when the gums are raw and bleeding. The bacteria that enters the circulatory system has been discovered in several ‘plaques’ (clotted bundles that block arteries ), leading to a theory that bacteria found in gum disease acts directly in the formation of clots in the blood stream, a predisposing condition for heart disease.

Another theory for the City of Leeds to consider is that diseased gums lead to an inflammation of the gum tissue, an immune response to infectious bacteria, and that this in turn could lead to the constriction of arteries and the formation of dangerous clots.

In order to prevent heart disease, several steps towards better oral hygiene should be considered. Firstly, brushing and flossing is essential in order to remove any excess plaque or food debris from between the teeth and on the tongue. Less bacteria in the gaps between teeth will lead to a lower risk of developing gum disease, which should in turn lower the risk of heart disease in individuals.

Secondly, a healthy, low-in-sugar diet is important not only as this has a direct implication on the heart itself, but also as sugary foods put individuals at a higher risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease.

Finally, gum disease can be caused by tobacco-based products and cigarettes. In order to prevent the development of gum disease or to ensure treatment of the condition is successful, it is vital that smoking be stopped immediately.



The Importance of Flossing in Leeds

Monday, February 6th, 2012

The main cause of nearly all dental problems starts with the build up of bacteria in the mouth and around the teeth. It is for this reason why both brushing and flossing are so important in preventing the onset of problems such as gum disease and tooth decay.

Everybody knows that it is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, this is common knowledge. It isn’t as widely known however, that brushing your teeth does not remove all bacteria and food debris from your mouth. Bacteria are able to ‘hide’ in the gaps between teeth, here they are inaccessible to toothbrushes and can build up to form plaque and create problems for the individual whose mouth they are colonizing.

It is therefore essential to remember flossing as part of your daily dental hygiene routine. Flossing enables you to reach the crevices between teeth where bacteria thrive, removing them ensures that you are taking all the necessary steps in preventing gum disease.

If the people of Leeds do not floss at least once a day they may find that they develop much more serious and complicated problems. If bacteria is allowed to build up in the gaps between teeth, it eventually hardens and turns into tartar, a substance which, unlike plaque, is hard to remove and must be treated surgically by a dentist. The bacteria within tartar can produces toxins, chemicals which will cause inflammation of the gums and lead to a condition known as Gingivitis. Untreated gingivitis can lead to toxic inflammation of not only the gums but the bones beneath them too, ultimately resulting in the loss of teeth.


Tags: Teeth cleaning, Teeth cleaning Leeds, Leeds, Oral hygiene

Parents are Responsible for Dental Care in Central Leeds

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

When discussing the dental care of children, it is important to recognise that the responsibility of ensuring good dental hygiene lies solely with the parents. All parents should provide their young children with a complete education on how to care for their teeth and gums, from what foods to avoid to how to brush their teeth correctly. They should also instil the importance of getting professional help by ensuring they develop the habit of taking their children to see the dentist on a regular basis. Routines from childhood generally stick with us as we become adults, just as bad habits can follow us into our adult lives if they are not curbed in our early years.

Parents should follow a few simple steps in order to ensure they are taking responsibility for their children’s’ dental well-being. Firstly, teach your children how to brush their teeth properly. This includes not only brushing the teeth thoroughly, but also cleaning the tongue and rinsing the mouth with a recommended mouthwash.

Secondly, recognise the importance of a healthy diet, not only does it play a role in your child’s general well-being, it also helps prevent complications such as gum disease and tooth decay in the future. A healthy diet will consist of a variety of fruits and vegetables, these are particularly important for maintaining healthy teeth, and foods low in sugar as these are proven to cause cavities and decay.

Finally, make sure your children visit a Central Leeds dentist every six months. Regular trips to the dentist are important as children will begin to learn they have nothing to fear from going and will form a habit that will hopefully continue in their adult years. Dentist check-ups are the best way to prevent the onset of any tooth decay and or gum disease in children.



Are the Smoker of the City of Leeds at a Higher Risk of Developing Gum Disease?

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

It has been common knowledge for many years now that smoking can lead to gum disease, but how does this happen? Currently, there are several theories surrounding the mechanisms by which gum disease may be triggered by smoking. Firstly, restricted oxygen delivery to the gums may be caused by blood vessels constricting in response to the tobacco smoke and nicotine found in cigarettes. In addition, a recent study has shown that smokers themselves are more likely to be infected with bacteria that his highly aggressive and effective in causing gum disease. Finally, it has been proven that the excessive consumption of cigarettes can lead to a depressed immune system, one that is less able to fight off infections as and when they occur, leading to a dangerous build up of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Gum disease manifests itself in several different ways, but the most common symptoms are gum recession, bleeding gums, bad breath, inflammation of the gums and loose teeth. If you are found to be suffering from any or a mixture of these symptoms there are treatments available. Treatment can either be via a non-surgical root planning procedure, in which your dentist will scrape away the diseased gum tissue to remove the bacteria or a surgical therapy to eliminate disease pockets by removing all of the infected gum tissue.

For smokers in the City of Leeds this may serve as a wake-up call. The current prevalence of smokers in the city is 30%, that’s 175,000 individuals at the highest risk of developing gum disease.

Luckily there is also good news; it has been found that former smokers respond better to treatment of this disease than those who currently still smoke. Therefore, it can be concluded that patients with gum disease who stop smoking prior to their therapy will respond and recover much better than if they chose to continue to feed their habit.



It isn’t just about the brush in the City of Leeds

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

It would be a pretty safe gamble that most of us in the city of Leeds would consider a quick brush over in the morning and last thing at night, enough to keep the demons away from our teeth and gums. Well that could be a stake too far; caring for your teeth is not just about the brush. A big old brush will sort out the surface of the teeth, but it will not get into the places where the real terrors lurk, like between the teeth and around the gum line. Let’s not undermine brushing, but it is important to take oral hygiene to the next level. Food gets stuck in all areas of the mouth and a standard toothbrush will not do the job. Dental flosses have been a godsend in this area as you can weave the tape in the darkest areas of the mouth and remove all of the things that could cause you major complications in the future. Another back-up is inter-dental brushes- tiny little things that can slip between your teeth and remove any residue of food that may have embedded themselves. And finally, once you have done all of the above, there is nothing better than to throw a mouthwash into your mouth to rinse away any lingering problems.

Good Food – Bad Food and your Mouth in the Central Leeds

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

Looking after your teeth is not just all about getting the right toothpaste, brush and flosses in central Leeds: of course it helps. But it is also important to understand that the reason you use these products in the first place is to ensure you remove the residue of the food and drinks that you nourish your body with. Having a good diet will help build up your strength and immune system so that all of your body will be on top form to fight off anything the world throws at it- as is with your teeth. The mouth is very suceptible to what you put in it and there are some food and drinks that will attack your teeth and gums more viciously than others. Starch based foods such as potatoes are lovely to taste, but they are notoriously bad for breeding bacteria, as they tend to cling between the teeth and gums, and they soon start to attack the mouth with their acids. Sugar based foods and drinks also release serious acids into the mouth that attack the teeth’s enamel and if they are allowed to operate with freedom, will soon eat into the teeth and cause decay; some fruit will too. As much as we have increased the products to fight these problems, you should also read the labels of the food that you put in your mouth as well, if only to work out the levels of toxins in your food that are going to do you the most damage to your teeth and gums. Talking to your dentist and a nutritionist can help guide you through the choices you have to get the right food.

Plaque-busting with Brushing in the City of Leeds

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

You have probably had it drummed into you from any early age in the city ofLeeds the dangers that plaque and tartar can pose to your teeth and gums. And if you look at most toothpastes and mouthwashes, you’ll find the word plaque mentioned somewhere within the ‘blurb’. Plaque can be quite easily controlled with some great oral hygiene and the use of good products- plus you have the dentist to call on for back-up, but it is an evil that needs to be kept on top on, otherwise, it will reek havoc in your mouth and lead to some very serious complications later on, such as gum disease and tooth decay. Most products on the market are designed to reduce the levels plaque in the mouth, but as each year passes, there are new products that come out and promise even better results in the fight against plaque. It is not just about the toothpaste anymore; it is possible to now buy a dye that when applied to the teeth, will highlight any signs of plaque and enable you to pinpoint your cleaning to these areas. But if you want a top-notch way of getting rid plaque and tartar, you can now purchase an electric sonic toothbrush that pulses to remove these problems. We have such luxuries that previous generations didn’t, so there really isn’t an excuse for plaque breeding in the mouth anymore.

Little Tips to keep your Teeth in shape in the City of Leeds

Friday, December 16th, 2011

A lot of people in the city ofLeedsstill see cleaning their teeth as a boring little chore each day, so they usually end up doing it wrong. But if you don’t want to end up with horrible gum disease, rotting teeth, revolting breath, rejected by everyone and eventually suffering from complete tooth loss, then you should indulge yourself with a few little tips to manage your teeth with each day so that you avoid this bleak and dark Dickensian oral future. Your dentist will be able to kick start you by giving you advice on exactly how to maintain a high standard of oral hygiene. They can give you advice on what brush and toothpaste to use bespoke to your needs. And as stupid as it may sound, how to brush correctly- some people still take this operation for granted. Then you need to floss correctly; this can be coupled by dipping the floss in some tea tree oil first as this will help sooth the gums whilst you are removing foodstuffs from between the teeth. Another little known secret is massaging the gums with aloe-vera, as this can increase the blood flow throughout the gums keeping them alive and strong. You can also finish the process off by using a good mouthwash. Just by doing this after every meal will help maintain the health of your mouth and keep the teeth in your mouth forever.

Flossing your way to freedom in Leeds

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

We are all taught to brush our teeth correctly in Leeds from an early age with the right brush, the right paste and hopefully with the right technique too. We remove the bacteria from the surface of our teeth whilst stimulating the gums and putting the minerals back into the teeth’s enamel through the fluoride in the toothpaste. But a brush cannot get up close and personal between the teeth where food can get stuck and within hours start to breed bacteria and acids that attack the teeth and gums. Enter stage right then one of the best inventions in dentistry for many a year- dental floss. It comes in many forms and thicknesses but the overriding benefits to oral hygiene have been incredible. Even before you contemplate brushing, you should floss. It does take a bit of getting right at first, but once you learn to work the floss gently between the teeth and in around the gums, you are ensuring that any leftovers from dinner have been well and truly removed and the uprising of bacteria, quashed- then you are free to brush your teeth normally. Flossing every time you brush will guarantee that you are maintaining a good oral hygiene program and that your teeth and gums will remain healthy.

Taking control over the health of your child’s teeth in Central Leeds

Monday, December 5th, 2011

When you finally decide to settle down in central Leeds and start a family of your own, you better be prepared for the wake-up call of a lifetime, for most of your time will be taken up with looking after your children as they grow up and ensuring that they are as healthy as possible and this is especially important when it comes to their teeth and you have to seize the day and ensure you take complete control. You may not know quite what you are doing at first, but through friends and a pediatrician, it will all fall into place easier than you thought. Get them through the teething years first, and ensure that you are giving them a healthy diet, so that when their second teeth are ready to erupt, you will be up to speed. By this time, you will have enlisted the services of a dentist to take the weight off your shoulders and help you nurse them through the ‘braces years’. Looking after your children’s teeth is never an exact science, but neither is it rocket science- more common sense. It is also good to reflect back on your own personal experiences when you were growing up and then feed them into how you care for your children. In the long run, teaching your children how to brush correctly with the right toothpaste and allow them to take control of their own mouths with you always in the background, will ensure that their teeth will grow healthy and strong, and help to avoid complications long into the future.