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Archive for the ‘oral hygeine’ Category

Find a Dentist for Scaling and Polishing in Leeds

Friday, February 24th, 2012

Sometimes, even after years of careful brushing, teeth can become discoloured and subject to a build up of tartar and plaque. It is not the fault of the individual, merely a process of time and the constant exposure of the oral cavity to stubborn bacteria. However, there are dental processes available in Leeds that can combat the damaging effects of time on your precious teeth.

The first of these procedures is called Scaling. Scaling involves the removal of plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth by your dentist, using gentle vibrations and squirts of water mist from ultrasonic equipment. A curette or scaler may then be used to remove any substances which have adhered strongly to the surface of the teeth. Scaling should not induce any pain and can be performed without the need for any anaesthetic.

Polishing is the process which follows scaling and is used to ensure the surface of the teeth is smooth enough t discourage the attachment of bacteria in future. Prophylaxis gel and fluoride gel are used in the polishing procedure to ensure the teeth are shiny and smooth, once again this should cause no pain at all and will be completed quickly.

At some point, everybody will need a scale and a polish, it is for this reason that regular appointments at your local dentist are so important. If you are attending your clinic every six months, your dentist will be able to keep any eye on the condition of your teeth and determine if and when you are in need of a scale and polish. Removing bacteria so thoroughly in this way, and preventing the future build up of plaque and tartar greatly reduces the risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay.



Healthy Diet to Healthy Teeth in Central Leeds

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

A healthy diet is essential for overall well-being, this is common knowledge. Foods high in fat and sugar elevate the risk of heart disease and diabetes whilst fresh fruits and vegetables are powerful anti-oxidants. Everybody knows what foods to eat to stay healthy, but do they know what foods to avoid and which to buy in order to maintain good oral hygiene?

In Central Leeds, dentists have been telling patients for years about the benefits of a balanced diet with regards to their dental health. Sugar is the frequent cause of many cavities, it can result in tooth decay, fillings and even tooth loss. Sugars turn to acid when they come into contact with saliva and it is this acid which attacks the teeth, causing cavities. Avoiding processed foods which are high in sugar can reduce the risk of suffering from such problems. It is essentially better to consume sugars from natural sources such as fresh fruits as they contain a higher concentration of water, this can dilute the effect of the acid that their sugar produces Not only will this be better for your dental health, it will also lower your risk of other conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

In addition to avoiding sugary foods, there are foods that dentists recommended as ‘healthy’ for your teeth. Such foods include cheese, poultry, milk and nuts, as these contain phosphorus and calcium, minerals which can protect the enamel on the surface of your teeth.



The Importance of Brushing in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

Since childhood, most of us living in the City of Leeds have been conditioned to brush our teeth twice a day, morning and night. Whilst most of us still stick to this familiar routine, some begin to neglect the importance of dental hygiene, some even forget to brush at all.

There really is more to a toothbrush than just a tool your parents used to ruin you evenings and send you off to bed. Your toothbrush is the most important player in the fight against plaque, the nasty bacteria that can build up inside your mouth and cause a whole host of problems.

Plaque is the leading cause of gum disease, it consists of harmful bacteria that enter the mouth either through the food we eat or the air we breath. Plaque also causes cavities, tooth decay and ultimately tooth loss, all problems that can be avoid if you take the time to brush your teeth correctly.

Brushing your teeth should not be an absent-minded affair; when you are dealing with your dental health, you can never afford to be too careful. Brushing should involve using a good, clean toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste as this works best at removing stubborn plaque. The teeth should be cleaned in small, circular motions both on the surface and behind, do not scrub too aggressively as this may result in a loss of enamel.

In addition to brushing your teeth, it is essential that you also ensure your tongue is clean and free from plaque. Bacteria thrive on the surface of the tongue and are the main cause of bad breath. Taking the time to brush your tongue with the other side of your toothbrush will greatly reduce the amount of bacteria left in your mouth. Once brushing has been completed, dental floss should then be used to access the gaps between the teeth where plaque can escape the threat of the toothbrush.



Bad Breath is No Longer a Dental Issue in the City of Leeds

Sunday, February 19th, 2012

Bad breath? Bad luck. How many of us have suffered with that embarrassing condition, characterized by the smell of rotting food, at some point in our lives? Not only does it decrease your self-confidence, it can be seen as a personal hygiene problem, although this is not always the case.

There are however several ways in which you can avoid the embarrassment of bad breath, just follow the advice given by respectable dentists from the City of Leeds.

Firstly it is important to understand what causes bad breath, only then can you understand how to treat and prevent it. Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth, bacteria that builds up over time and emits foul odours as they grow in the oral cavity. It may also be caused by the break-down of the food that we consume. During some reactions between our food and our saliva, unpleasant smelling gases are given off, these also contribute to that most embarrassing of conditions.

If you wish to treat your bad breath immediately, short term methods such as mouthwashes and chewing gum are definitely recommended. Menthol-based mouth sprays are also a good way to fight off the odours and can be carried around at all times, unlike some larger mouthwashes.

For long term treatment of bad breath, it is essential to remove the majority of bacteria from the mouth, in this way they will be unable to produce an odour that is powerful enough to be carried on your breath. To avoid a build up of bacteria thorough brushing of the teeth is vital, as is ensuring daily cleaning of the tongue. Bacteria tend to accumulate on the tongue, but this is an area that often gets neglected when it comes to cleaning teeth. Scrubbing the tongue gently, twice a day, should be sufficient to lower the presence of bad-breath-causing bacteria. Finally, to remove plaque and food debris from hard to reach areas, dental flossing should be performed at least once a day. Floss can reach areas your toothbrush cannot, between teeth for example.



Prevent Abscesses, Gum Disease and Tooth Ache in Leeds

Saturday, February 18th, 2012

Dental hygiene is an important feature of  well-being for every individual and should be considered a priority on everybody’s list. Not only does good dental care lead to a happy smile, it can prevent nasty complications such as gum disease, abscesses and painful toothache. It really is very simply to take good and sufficient care of your teeth, just follow the simple steps listed below and you will, quite literally, be smiling.

Most dental problems, including gum disease and tooth decay are caused primarily by a build up in bacteria in the oral cavity. This bacteria can come from the food we eat or the air we breath, either way unless it is removed from the teeth and tongue, it can result in some painful conditions. The accumulation of bacteria can be avoided by the proper brushing of both teeth and tongue. Most people do no realise that the tongue harbours the most bacteria; just taking the time to brush your tongue each morning and night will significantly lower your risk of developing gum disease. In addition, although flossing is overlooked by most people nowadays, it is a perfect technique for removing plaque from between the teeth, an area hard to reach with a toothbrush.

In order to prevent toothache caused by decay, not only brushing your teeth properly will have a beneficial effect. It is also extremely important to follow a healthy diet, ideally one low in sugary foods. Sugar is a major contributor to cavities and tooth decay, replacing sweets and chocolate with natural sugars from fruits will go a long way in improving your overall oral health.

Thirdly, lifestyle habits such as smoking can also have a detrimental effect on the your teeth and gums. Smoking actually increases the risk of developing gum disease, a nasty and painful condition.

Stopping the use of tobacco-based substances will significantly lower the risk of such complications.

Finally, ensure you keep attending regular check-ups with your Leeds dentist in order to address any issues you may be experiencing, they are professionally qualified to give you all the advice and treatment you need.



How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene in the City of Leeds

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

Your teeth are precious and fragile fragments of your body, they deserve special care and attention, something most people are all too quick to ignore. Looking after your dental hygiene is more than just brushing your teeth twice a day; the lifestyle habits and food choices you make can also have a sever detrimental effect on your oral-health and overall well-being.

For many people in the City of Leeds, brushing teeth is no more than a two minute process. A quick once over of the top and bottom rows is deemed acceptable and this may even be neglected and substituted for a piece chewing gum if the individual is low on time. Brushing your teeth is essential to remove the bacteria that build up in your mouth over the course of the day. It is essential to brush not only your teeth but also thoroughly clean your tongue, this is where many bacteria thrive and it is the number one cause of bad breath. Flossing is also recommended by all dentists as it allows one to access the crevices between the teeth, impossible with brushing alone.

Regular dental check-ups are imperative for anyone who is concerned about their oral hygiene. Only a dentist is able to determine if you are suffering from problems such as gum disease and tooth decay. An appointment should ideally be made every six months in order to keep on top of any problems and ensure any necessary treatment is given.

Smoking and the use of tobacco-based products are possibly the worst life-style habits with regards to dental health. Tobacco has been proven to cause gum disease, a painful and dangerous condition categorized by receding or bleeding gums. In order to lower the risk of developing such a disease, smoking and the use of all related substances should stopped.

Finally, in order to ensure your teeth are healthy, it is important to follow a diet low in sugar. Sugar is known to increase the risk of cavities and tooth decay, it is far better to consume natural sugars (those found in fruit) than processed food such as sweets and chocolate.



Don’t be Embarrassed by Bad Breath Says Dentist in Leeds

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

Bad breath is embarrassing, there is no question of that. The smell, akin to rotting eggs, emanating from anybody’s mouth is unpleasant and off-putting to say the least. However, there are several ways to treat and prevent bad breath, all of which are easy and affordable.

Bad breath can be caused by bacteria culminating in the oral cavity, bacteria that thrive on the surface of the tongue and in the crevices between the teeth. A build up of bacteria will result in an unpleasant odour carried on the breath, as when they grow and reproduce, bacteria tend to emanate foul-smelling scent.

In addition, bad breath can be caused by the simple process of food digestion in the mouth. Food debris that are left behind will begin to give off an unpleasant smell unless they are removed by brushing and flossing. Alternatively, some chemical reactions may result in the production of foul-smelling gases when the food interacts with the enzymes which aid in their break-down.

In order to prevent the embarrassing problem of bad breath, the people of Leeds must understand both the short and long-term methods of combating the issue. Chewing gum, mouthwashes and mouth sprays are all good short term techniques to combat bad breath; menthol-based products are preferable as they eradicate the smell associated with bad-breath most successfully

For long-term relief, it is essential to avoid the build up bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue. This can be achieved by brushing both your teeth and your tongue thoroughly, at least twice a day. Flossing should also be used in order to remove the food debris and bacteria that accumulate in the gaps between teeth, those areas that are hard to reach by brushing alone. Contrary to what people think, the foods you eat are not the cause of bad breath, they can only improve or worsen the general state of your problem.



Leeds Dentists Care for You and not just Your Mouth

Sunday, February 12th, 2012

Visiting the dentist can be a traumatic experience for all, young or old, why chose to make this excursion any more uncomfortable by choosing a dentist who does not care about their patients? Unfortunately, it can be quite common to come across dental practitioners who are less than concerned about their patients well-being. It is not only access to the latest techniques and equipments that shows the competency of a professional, it is their concern and consideration for the people they are working with.

Luckily, in Leeds you will find many dentists that have been properly trained in how to deal with anxious and nervous patients. Compassion and patience are vital when dealing with young or frightened clients and all dentists should be able to use these traits to create a comfortable atmosphere within their surgery.

Advice should be given therefore, to any individual looking for a dentist, that customer care is just as important as respectable degrees and recommendations. If you are not comfortable with going to your dentist, you are more likely to find excuses to cancel appointments, with regards to the importance of oral hygiene this is unacceptable.

An appointment should be made to visit your dentist every six months. If you fail to make regular check-ups, you increase your risk of suffering nasty complications such as gum disease and tooth decay. When it comes to your dentist, you must be feel they care about you enough to entrust them with the fragile fragments that are your teeth.



The Risk of Gum Disease in Sufferers of Diabetes in the City of Leeds

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Sufferers of diabetes have been found to be at a high risk of developing gum disease in the City of Leeds. Gum disease has in fact been named as the sixth most common complication of diabetes and is most common in those sufferers who have little or no control over their blood-sugar levels.

Gum disease is caused by a build up of bacteria around the teeth and around the gum tissue, it can be caused by poor dental hygiene, smoking or diabetes. Symptoms of gum disease include receding gums, bleeding gums and tooth loss.

Diabetes is a disease that suppresses the body’s natural defences against infection. It is this depression of the immune system that is responsible for the higher risk of gum disease in patients suffering from diabetes. When an individual has problems controlling their blood-sugar content, the blood vessels can alter in shape, leading to a decrease in oxygen travelling to the bones and tissue of the jaw and mouth. This reduction in oxygen and nutrients causes damage and weakening to the gums, leaving them more prone to infection by harmful bacteria. In addition, individuals who are unable to properly manage their diabetes may have a higher concentration of glucose in their oral cavity, leading to an increase in the growth and reproduction rate of the bacteria surrounding the gums.

In order to help prevent gum disease, sufferers of diabetes should try to manage their blood-sugar levels effectively in order to reduce the amount of glucose left in the mouth after eating. Furthermore, they should ensure they brush and floss extremely regularly in order to remove any build up of harmful bacteria and prevent the formation of plaque residues between the teeth.



Oral Health-Total Health, What is the Link between the Two in Leeds?

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

It has been known for many years that the oral cavity is the main gateway to the body for infectious diseases. It should not therefore come as a surprise that oral hygiene can play a role in the overall health and well-being of an individual.

Dental problems such as gum disease and tooth decay have recently been linked to several other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. The risk of heat disease (heart attacks, strokes etc) can be increased in patients who suffer from gum disease, either through inflammation of the blood vessels or due to bacteria travelling in the blood stream and contributing to the formation of blood clots.

Diabetes has also been linked to problems with dental hygiene. It has been shown that individuals who suffer from diabetes have a much higher risk of developing gum disease; diabetes depresses the immune system and automatically puts sufferers at danger from infections. With low control over blood-sugar levels, diabetes patients are at risk of more frequent and more aggressive cases of gum disease, sometimes leading to loss of teeth.

In addition, it has been found that pregnant women in Leeds who suffer from gum disease are seven times more likely to give birth prematurely and to a baby of low weight.

It can therefore be concluded that good oral hygiene is imperative for maintaining over-all good health and to lower the risk of developing related diseases. In order to ensure proper dental hygiene,   one must brush and floss daily in order to remove bacteria and plaque from the teeth and gums. It is also important to eat a healthy and balanced diet to reduce the amount of sugar that enters your mouth and damages your teeth. Finally, bad habits such as smoking or the use of tobacco-based substances should be stopped as not only are they bad for your general health, they are detrimental with respect to your oral hygiene too.