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The eternal fight against Tooth and Gum Disease in Central Leeds

September 24th, 2011

It’s always the eternal fight and your dentist in central Leeds will keep banging on about it and nagging you, but the biggest danger to your mouth is that of gum disease and tooth decay. Keeping up a strict regime of looking after your teeth at home through regular cleaning and flossing is key, yet all of our best laid plans can go awry at times which is why you need to keep up regular visits to your dentist, as they will be able to spot anything going wrong. You can also talk about anything that you feel has been going wrong; if your mouth has been tasting a little foul and/or your gums have been bleeding during brushing, these are the early signs of gum disease. The teeth can be rectified by a filling or a root canal- the roots can even be cleared of any bacteria, but the gums, depending on just how bad the problem is, may need the teeth cleaned below the gum line, and in extreme cases, the dead tissue removed and then grafted. Bleeding gums can be halted in their tracks by more intense attention to detail when cleaning your teeth and incorporating herbal products into your regime can help soothe and regenerate the gums- gargling with salt water is also good for healing process. The other incentive for stopping the problem is twofold: gum disease can lead to heart failure plus your may end up losing your teeth in the long run.

Bad Breath and the use of Oral Products in Leeds

September 23rd, 2011

It’s amazing when you look around Leeds just how many products there are on the market to keep up your oral hygiene program at home, and especially ones that promise to stave of bad breath. If you are someone who suffers from bad breath, you probably suffer from a lack of saliva in the mouth making it dry so probably, you’re first option to try to remedy the smell with a mouth wash- because that’s good for you and will, kill off bacteria in the mouth….or is it good for your mouth? Some of the cheaper mouthwashes contain alcohol which yes, is good for killing bacteria, but which also can dry the mouth out even more- adding to the problem of bad breath. They may also contain a masking agent, which dries your mouth out too and though your breath smells okay for a while afterwards- it does nothing to remedy the overall problem. If you are suffering from a dry mouth, you’d also be very wise to steer clear of toothpastes that whiten your teeth, for they contain bleaching agents that can compound your problem. What you need to do is seek advice from someone who can help with your problem and steer you away from products that will only make it worse- and the person best to do that is you dentist.

Getting yourself aware of Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

September 22nd, 2011

It’s a day you will never forget in the city of Leeds when you are diagnosed with oral cancer- your world has suddenly changed beyond all recognition and life looks horribly different. You will probably never know what caused it- it even baffles dentists too. Did you smoke, drink, were you under an enormous amount of stress, were you run down, bad diet? These are the normal things associated with the disease, yet if you did none of these things, then you are extremely unlucky indeed. You’ve obviously had the tests for them to come back positive and now you have to have the treatment which could involve chemo, radio and/or possibly physical surgery too. If it’s been caught early, there is every chance that your pull through and then the fight to prevent it returning begins. Your lifestyle must change completely and you must get as much support as you can to get you through the first few months. Some people change beyond recognition, take up yoga, get fit- some people swear that becoming vegetarian has helped. But the ray of hope, and it shines very brightly is that the number of people making a full recovery from the disease is soaring; sadly though, so is the number of people suffering from it. So, if you are having trouble swallowing, have neck and ear aches, constant ulcers in the mouth- anything untoward that you are unfamiliar with, please, get it checked out immediately.

City of Leeds dentists tell their patients that the best course of action with gum disease is to prevent it

September 20th, 2011

Dentists are fully equipped to treat any dental problem should it occur but what is far more preferable is to counter these issues before they even arise. This principle is known as preventive dentistry and it is easily applied to gum disease. Gum disease does not have to happen in the first place and by following the advice of your dentist you can avoid having to deal with the problem.
Gum disease can suddenly be present in your mouth if you are not taking care of your teeth in the right way at home. Make sure that you are brushing all of your teeth, including the crucial gum line area (where the gum meets the tooth) so that plaque is removed because it is that which can cause gums to become sore and inflamed.
Flossing should never be neglected because plaque easily slips in between teeth and can cause gum disease from there too. Make sure that your brushing technique is not weakening your gums. If you brush too vigorously then you can weaken the gums and leave them more prone to becoming diseased.
By taking these preventive measures you should not have to deal with the effects of gum disease. In the worst and most advanced cases of gum disease, patients have to deal with the trauma of tooth loss after large scale gum recession and the inflammation of the bones which hold teeth in place. Your dentist in the City of Leeds has plenty more advice and will be delighted to hear that you want to prevent gum disease before it becomes a concern.

Dental veneers can improve the look of patients’ smiles, say central Leeds dentists

September 19th, 2011

Crooked, stained and cracked teeth can be an inconvenience to those who suffer from such things. Dentists offer variety of ways to mitigate the effects of these problems but one of the most popular and effective is the fitting of dental veneers. These are easily fitted now thanks to modern technology and many patients are able to walk out of the surgery after a short appointment with a much improved smile.
Dental veneers tend to be made from porcelain these days and this conveys certain advantages for the patient. Porcelain can be worked with in very small amounts and still retain a high standard of durability. This is handy when it comes to dental veneers because the more of the original tooth that can be left intact is a boon to the dentist and the patient. With some types of porcelain dental veneer it is very rare for any of the existing tooth to have to be removed at all.
Your dentist will affix the veneer to the unsightly tooth in such a way that it will look a whole lot better. If the tooth is crooked then the veneer can be placed at a certain angle so the tooth looks like it is straight in the mouth. You won’t need to worry about your veneer staining because colour runs off porcelain in the same way as it does from glass.
A consultation with your dentist in central Leeds will be able to tell you all about how long the appointment will take and give you information about costs and after care.

Leeds dentists and over the counter whitening products for teeth: what are the pros and cons?

September 18th, 2011

Teeth whitening kits are widely available at affordable prices many retail establishments in the United Kingdom. Many of these kits provide an excellent standard of teeth whitening, some even able to restore teeth to the widest shade that is possible. Read on to find out more about these kits and how they might be your ticket to a great looking smile.
The key components of teeth whitening kits are the whitening gel and the bleaching trays. The whitening gel is specially formulated to contain substances which remove stains and bleach the teeth so that they are a healthy looking shade of white once the treatment is complete. They are used by applying the gel to the trays and wearing them on your teeth, usually at night but sometimes for short periods during the day.
These over the counter kits are convenient because you can undertake the treatment in your own time rather than having to make the time to visit the dental surgery. However the occasional drawback to the over the counter method is that they don’t always provide the most even coverage of whitening for your teeth. The trays cannot take account of the unique shape and contours of your own teeth and so they might not be able to apply the gel to all of the teeth to the same intensity.
Talking to your dentist in Leeds will give you all the facts to make up your mind about which teeth whitening treatment you want to choose if you are concerned about the look and shade of your teeth.

Leeds dentists tell patients that certain herbal remedies might be beneficial for their gums

September 17th, 2011

It is well known that a number of herbs can be used for medicinal purposes in various cases. Leeds dentists are also now telling patients that some herbs can be useful in combatting gum disease. Far from being a trifling matter, and in no way of secondary importance behind dental decay, gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss and can cause much pain and inconvenience.
Of course there is no substitute for good brushing and flossing to remove plaque but here are some of the substances which can help combat the effects of gum disease: sage, peppermint and basil. These three herbs are all commonly available in many forms and are thought to be of help when it comes to gingivitis. One can even purchase tooth paste which contains them.
Less common are substances such as calendula, extract of grapefruit and Echinacea. Rubbing these straight into the gums can help to relieve any symptoms of gingivitis like swelling and reddening. Similar properties can be found in clove and aloe vera but dentists warn that the direct application of any of these herbs can be too aggressive for some gums. It is best to seek advice about using these direct remedies.
These herbal solutions can be a great help in relieving the symptoms of gum disease but they do not address the causes. Remember that gum disease is caused by plaque being left on the gum line of teeth and the best way to avoid gingivitis and periodontitis is to brush rigorously and floss between your teeth too.

City of Leeds dentists are knowledgeable about the links between dental health and your general health

September 16th, 2011

58All of your body is linked together in one system and a problem in one part can affect the smooth running of other parts of the body. Dentists are keen to let their patients know this so that they can be aware of the added importance of maintaining their good oral health. Read on to find about some examples of the links between dental health and the general health of your body.
If you are prone to grinding your teeth during your sleep (the condition is known technically as bruxism) then you might be affecting the nerves in your neck and shoulder. This is because TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder can result, putting pressure on these nerves.
In another example, if you experience sleep apnea because of a problem with the muscles at the rear of the mouth which are restricting the flow of oxygen during sleep then there might be serious consequences which extend well beyond the area of the mouth. Hypertension can occur because the interruptions to sleep and heart attacks and strokes become greater risks to the patient.
Untreated tooth abscesses can also cause problems for bodily health. The body is connected by many miles of blood vessels and if an infection in the tooth is left to get worse then the blood can carry it around the body.
Getting regular check ups from your dentist in the City of Leeds is absolutely vital in the light of all this and not just to keep your mouth in good health. If it has been a while, book an appointment today.

Understand bad breath and eliminate the causes; Central Leeds dentists can help you with this

September 15th, 2011

If you are aware that you sometimes suffer from bad breath, it can be very difficult to cope with. Social occasions become that much more difficult if you know that every time you open your mouth to speak, breathe or smile you are giving off unpleasant smells. Dentists can help put an end to this problem as they are able to examine your mouth, find the cause of your bad breath and then advise about how you might deal with it.
Bad breath is caused by the prevalence of a certain type of bacteria in the mouth. Known as halitosis, bad breath bacteria favour certain types of conditions in the mouth and the key to ridding yourself of it is to make sure that your mouth is not the sort of place where it can thrive.
On a basic level, bad breath bacteria find it is easy to stick to the teeth if the mouth is dry. If you are a smoker or someone who tends to imbibe a lot of alcohol, these habits can contribute to the drying out of your mouth. Mouthwashes too, although effective at freshening breath in the short term, also dry out the mouth and leave it an ideal place for bad breath bacteria to hang around in.
Think about the ways in which you can moisten up your mouth on a regular basis. Chewing gum can help and regular tooth brushing too. If your mouth is dry and not producing enough saliva then you will be more open to the invidious effects of plaque as well so it is definitely worth seeking the advice of a dentist in central Leeds.

Patients looking for advice about the effectiveness of mouthwash turn to Leeds dentists

September 14th, 2011

Super markets and pharmacies sell a wide variety of mouthwashes which advertise benefits to oral health. It is the claim if mouthwashes that they are good for stopping gum disease and freshening breath. If you are wondering about whether mouthwashes are effective when it comes to your oral health, you could do worse than ask your dentist in the Leeds area all about it.
Mouthwashes are available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colours and are used by swilling a small amount in your mouth and then gargling with them. Mouthwash manufacturers recommend that the mouth is rinsed thoroughly with water after the mouth wash has been used.
While it is true that mouthwash freshens up the breath by perfuming it with whatever fragrance it uses, the unfortunate fact is that, in the long term, they can leave you with worse bad breath. Many mouthwashes boast that they can kill much of the bacteria in the mouth but in doing so they also leave the mouth rather dry. When your mouth is dry it provides ideal conditions for bad breath bacteria to return and thrive because the bacteria find it more easy to cling to teeth if there is less saliva around.
When there is less saliva in the mouth, your teeth and gums are less protected from plaque because saliva is actually part of your natural defence against the plaque bacteria. As such, using mouthwash often can leave you more prone to dental decay and gum disease although in some cases the occasional use of mouthwash is recommended by dentists in order to combat gingivitis.