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Leeds dentists use cosmetic bonding to fill cavities and patients are delighted with the results

August 3rd, 2011

Many people of a certain generation will be aware of the way that cavities in teeth used to be filled up. Dentists had little option but to fill cavities using metal and the results were not often as one might desire. Dentists found the metal difficult to work with and the fillings could sometimes fail, especially in the long term. For patients the results were rather unsightly.
This has all changed thanks to the new way that dentists can fill cavities. Cavities are holes which are formed in the enamel of your teeth as a result of the erosion powers of plaque. Brushing and flossing ought to remove most plaque from teeth and make cavities unlikely but lapses in oral hygiene, a period of poor health generally or poor dietary choices can lead to cavities in teeth. They need to be filled in order to save the tooth from failing.
Dentists do not have to use metal anymore for fillings, instead they use a technique called cosmetic bonding that is far more preferable for dentists and patients alike. Cosmetic bonding involves filling cavities with a dental substance that is much easier to work with and looks better. Because it is not metal and therefore much more malleable, cosmetic bonding can be carried out with a high degree of accuracy and with far less chance of failure. Unlike when using metal, dentists can tailor the colour of the cosmetic bonding so that it matches the rest of the tooth.
If you’ve got cavities then you should speak to your dentist in Central Leeds about the benefits of cosmetic bonding. Cosmetic bonding can also be used to replace existing metal fillings and many patients are choosing to say good bye to the unpopular dark patches of metal that have blighted their appearance.

No time to go to the dentist? CEREC techniques at City of Leeds dentists are speeding up procedures

August 2nd, 2011

Everybody seems to be far busier and inevitably some things have to be sacrificed if we are to fit everything into our hectic schedules. It is a shame though when people put off having a procedure done in the dentist because they think they haven’t got time. It might be a piece of vital work or something that will improve the look of their smile. If you think that you haven’t got time to go to the dentist then you should be aware that many dental procedures are now quicker than ever thanks to CEREC techniques.
What CEREC techniques amount to is a wholesale digitisation of aspects of dentistry. Instead of having to rely on traditional x-rays, dentists can now use digital x-rays instead. The results of this are that x-rays do not need to be sent off to a lab to be developed anymore and there is no extra cost because of the lab fees.
Digital x-rays can then be used in conjunction with online technology so that certain procedures can be carried out in no time at all. A good example of this is the manufacture and fitting of porcelain dental crowns and porcelain dental veneers. Once your dentist has taken a digital x-ray of the tooth or teeth which requires a crown or veneer, the data can be sent to an online milling machine. In little over five minutes, the crown or veneer will be there in the surgery and ready to be fitted.
Many City of Leeds dentists now use this technology and you should ask yours about the benefits that it might bring to you. It could just persuade you that you have time to get that porcelain crown fitted.

Dentists in Leeds satisfy patients with the brilliance of Six Months Smile treatment

August 1st, 2011

In spite of their undoubted effectiveness, the problem with the traditional metal brace is that it often needs the patient to wear it for about eighteen months or even two years. For some people that is just far too long and they have been waiting for a solution to their crooked teeth that can be carried out in less time. This product has arrived and is now available in Leeds dental surgeries.
It is called Six Months Smile and it has several advantages over traditional metal braces. As the name suggests, it can carry out its work in a fraction of the time that traditional dental braces often take. Instead of several years, Six Months Smile’s average treatment time is just six months, that’s just half a year. This makes it easier to plan for things if you know you will have a straightened smile in six months. It will make the wedding photos look better, for example.
Further to this, Six Months Smile is far more discreet than traditional metal braces. Instead of being the harsh colour of metal, Six Months Smile is actually the same colour as your teeth and so it just doesn’t stand out as much as traditional dental braces.
Six Months Smile cannot rotate teeth but it is the perfect treatment for minor alignment issues that you want to have dealt with a short space of time. Having well-aligned teeth is not just a matter of looking better, there are medical reasons why it is a good thing too. Teeth which are too impacted together are at greater risk of developing cavities because it is harder to brush in between them. Poorly aligned teeth are also more prone to provoke bruxism too.

Leeds dentists warn patients that sleep apnea can lead to heart failure

July 31st, 2011

Your dentist has all sorts of things to look out for in your mouth when you go and see him or her for your six month check up. Things like tooth decay and gum disease are obvious but many people don’t know that dentists can also spot the signs of sleep apnea, a debilitating condition which interrupts sleep. Read on to find out more information about it.
Sleep apnea occurs when muscles at the rear of patient’s mouth relax too much during sleep and oxygen is unable to get into the body. The brain will send a signal to wake up the body every time this happens so patient’s sleep can be severely disrupted. In some cases patients are unaware that they are actually waking up, they are more drifting into a lighter state of sleep but feel very tired during the day.
All of this means that sleep apnea patients have an increased risk of hypertension to contend with. Heart attacks and strokes become a greater concern too as well as the general fatigue they will experience. Leeds dentists can help to diagnose sleep apnea by examining the muscles in question during one of the six months check-ups which should be part of your routine.
Sleep apnea can be combatted by the wearing of one of several inter oral devices during sleep. In their various forms they ensure that oxygen get flow into the lungs unimpeded. Sometimes it might be a case of recognising what is causing your sleep apnea in the first place and then making the necessary changes to your lifestyle. Drinking alcohol before sleep can be a contributing factor and smokers are more prone to sleep apnea.

Leeds dentists tell patients that oral products like mouth wash can make their bad breath worse

July 30th, 2011

Patients who suffer from bad breath will go to all sorts of lengths to stop the condition from happening. It can really inhibit your social life and make things such as business meetings and job interviews into nightmare scenarios. One of the most obvious ways to rectify the problem is to use mouth wash to freshen the breath. The advertising states that mouth wash kills bacteria and freshens breath so it is a common method for people to use. But the story is not that simple.
Mouth wash is taken into the mouth, swilled around, gargled with and then spat out. It does indeed kill bacteria but it kills all of the bacteria in the mouth, some of which is good bacteria. Mouth wash also makes the mouth very dry and, as a consequence, bad breath bacteria can thrive in these conditions because the surfaces of teeth are easier to ‘stick to’.

In the short term you breath might be freshened up by the flavour of the mouth wash but bad breath can quickly come back. Often people like to chew gum after using mouth wash because it moistens up the mouth quickly. This is not to say that mouth wash should always be avoided; sometimes dentists advise patients to use certain mouth washes on occasions because they can be helpful in the fight against gingivitis, the most basic form of gum disease. It is better to deal with the root causes of bad breath which might be found in the types of food that you are eating or the fact of having a dry mouth generally. Brushing properly and flossing too are effective general methods of combatting bad breath and brushing your tongue is also advisable because bad breath bacteria thrive on the tongue. Talk to a Leeds dentist for more handy hints.

Invisible Aligners for you in Central Leeds

July 29th, 2011

If we are all totally honest ourselves, none of us like the idea of having to wear a brace or an aligner, whatever our age. But then none of us like the idea of going through life having ugly, crooked teeth either….what to do eh? Well not to worry, because our American friends have come up with the solution- Invisalign and it’s available here in central Leeds right now. Invisalign has revolutionised every aspect of wearing an aligner. Its greatest advantage is that it is made from a completely transparent material, that once in the mouth, is almost impossible to detect from the outside- imagine the freedom that that affords to the wearer. Another delicacy of this device is that it is removable; most fixed braces are a nightmare to clean but with this, you can take it out, clean your teeth in the normal way and then pop it back in your mouth again, thus ensuring a healthy oral hygiene program throughout the treatment. Okay, this treatment is not suitable for everyone, it tends also to be more expensive compared to others, but if you need any-more carrots dangled in front of you to just how good Invisalign is:- though treatment times vary for each individual person, on average, this whole procedure takes around a third of time to complete compared other aligning methods on the market today.

Leeds dentists cover unsightly teeth with beautiful porcelain veneers

July 26th, 2011

Being able to smile with confidence can easily put a whole room of people at ease; soon they’ll all be smiling along with you and the atmosphere will be welcoming and warm. But if you have a chipped, cracked or severely stained tooth then you might be reluctant to show your teeth. You may not even notice that you are subconsciously shielding your mouth but other people will.
Porcelain veneers are the modern way to cover up teeth that you don’t like the look of. There really is no need to put up with a few teeth that make you cringe when you look in the mirror. Your dentist can quickly and easily fit thin strips of porcelain over the culprits leaving you willing to show off your teeth once more.
Porcelain veneers are very strong and durable even though increasingly small amounts of porcelain actually needs to be used. They are also resistant to staining because they are like glass in the sense that pigments can’t take hold on the surface.
If your dentist has access to the latest computer technology then he or she might be able to fit you with a stunning porcelain dental veneer in just one short visit to the surgery. Computer aided technology (CAD/CAM) allows dentists to take a three dimensional image of your mouth which is used with an online machine that makes the veneer by itself.
Ask your Leeds dentist about porcelain veneers and take the first step towards having a great smile. Before you know it you will be one of those people who can walk into a room and put everyone at ease with an easy and great looking smile.

Leeds dentists solve the problem of tooth loss once and for all with incredible secure dental implants

July 23rd, 2011

Human beings have long sought out the best way of rectifying the problem of lost teeth. Teeth can get lost for a variety of reasons, from dental decay to the advanced stages of gum disease to a one off trauma affecting the mouth, maybe in a game of a physical sport. Having a full set of teeth, even if some or all of them are not natural, allows you to talk properly and eat and drink much easier.
A comparatively recent solution to tooth loss that has been honed by dentists over the past few decades is called dental implants. These very clever devices replicate the function of the root of a tooth. Essentially they are sockets which are fixed into the mouth and into which a replacement, false tooth can be screwed.
The real genius of dental implants is that they are made from titanium which naturally osseointegrates. What this means is that it fuses with living bone so the implant, to all intents and purposes, becomes an actual part of the mouth. The stability of this foundation should not be underestimated; once an implant is in place you won’t even have to think about the fact that it is there anymore.
Although costs are gradually coming down, dental implants are still not a budget option for many patients, but they are permanent and effective. The invasive nature of the surgery puts some people off too but it is worth stressing again how permanent a solution dental implants are. If you are interested in getting a dental implant then your Leeds dentist will be happy to talk through it all with you to see if it is the right procedure for you.

Central Leeds dentists are the best people to help with your oral hygiene

July 22nd, 2011

You only get one set of natural, healthy teeth so it is very much worth your while looking after them to the best of your ability. Thankfully oral hygiene is not rocket science and by following a simple set of advice you can look forward to a lifetime of having a set of healthy teeth.
The first and most basic thing to remember is that your primary aim is to remove as much plaque from your mouth as possible with your at-home routine. Brush with a tooth brush that has firm bristles on a small head and a comfortable handle. Try to do this every morning and night and after sugary snacks too. Use a fluoride tooth paste so that your enamel is strengthened in the process. Flossing too will make sure that plaque is eliminated from the hard to reach places between your teeth.
Going to see your Central Leeds dentist every six months is advisable too because they are the real experts. They can monitor the health of your mouth using their well of experience and diagnose any problems early before they become real issues to you.
Pursuing a generally healthy lifestyle helps with your oral hygiene too. If your diet is poor then your teeth will begin to suffer. Smoking decreases the production of saliva which is a natural defence against plaque and can also cause oral cancer. The same is true of alcohol so you should try and limit the amount you drink in order for your mouth to stay healthy.
Having a healthy mouth means that you will be able to eat, drink and talk in comfort and, perhaps even more importantly, your teeth will look great and you’ll want to smile more!

City of Leeds dentists tell all their patients that they need to get into a routine of dental check ups

July 21st, 2011

Hopefully you are pursuing the requisite routine of keeping your teeth clean and healthy at home. You should be brushing and flossing at least twice a day to stop plaque from damaging your teeth and making your gums inflamed. Pursuing the right diet and restricting your sugary snacks are also important things to bear in mind too. But it is always worth keeping your dentist in the loop about the state of your mouth too. This requires a visit to the dental surgery every six months or as otherwise directed.
City of Leeds dentists have trained for years to get the highest standards of excellence when it comes to knowledge about human mouths. The fact is that many dental complaints are easily rectified if only they are spotted early. On the obverse side of things, the consequences of, say, allowing your gums to deteriorate can mean that you will lose teeth.
There are also things that dentists can do at the surgery which are not achievable by only taking care of your teeth at home. If plaque hardens into the substance known as tartar, it can only be removed with the specialist equipment at the dental surgery. Dentists are also trained to spot the signs of oral cancer, a very nasty condition that actually has quite high survival rates if it is treated in its early stages.
Don’t be intimidated by the thought of going to see your dentist. Modern surgeries are welcoming places and dentists are concerned about keeping patients relaxed and at ease with what’s going on. Book an appointment for a dental check-up today.