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Central Leeds dentists help patients get rid of yellow teeth once and for all with teeth whitening

April 12th, 2011

As we get older our hair tends to go grey and sometimes we even start losing it. Skin can become more wrinkled and we might feel that we just don’t look as good as we did we were younger. But when it comes to the state of your teeth, there is no need to put up with the inevitable changes in colour that are likely to occur.
Wear and tear, tartar and staining are all things that can leave your teeth looking more dull and less sparkly than they used to when you were younger. Thankfully there are a number of options available to patients which will not only remove stains but actually leave teeth looking far far brighter than you ever thought was possible.
Generally tooth whitening procedures consist of special trays which you fill with whitening gel and wear on your teeth at night for a certain period of time. You can either buy one size fits all trays from your supermarket, pharmacy or via on online retailer, or have your dentist make some custom made trays for you. The latter option is preferable because the gel can then work better on your teeth. It is also more expensive, but the benefits are obvious really.
The results of some of these procedures are little short of miraculous. Clinical studies have found that some of these teeth whitening kits can actually restore teeth to the whitest possible shade. It is worth considering investing if you have an upcoming wedding or are going to be interviewed for a new job. The array for products on the market can be bewildering to the layman but your Central Leeds dentist will be able to advise which is best for you and your needs.

Scaling and polishing at City of Leeds dentists: Why you should have it done

April 11th, 2011

Going to the dentist for a visit every six months or so goes a long way to helping with keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Your mouth is a highly specialised collection of parts which work together to make your life easier. If any one part of it becomes diseased or loses functionality then it can threaten the smooth working of the whole thing. Your dentist is best placed to examine the whole of your mouth so that it stays healthy for you.
But keeping a check on the health of your teeth, gums and tongue is not the only reason to go to the dentist. There are things that your dentist can do in the surgery that you will be unable to do at home. One of these things involves the removal of tartar. You might not have heard of tartar, but you will probably know all about plaque and how that can threaten the health of your mouth. Plaque and tartar are really the same thing, tartar is just the hardened form of plaque.
It is just as damaging as plaque but with the added inconvenience that it cannot be removed by brushing alone with a tooth brush like you do every day at home. By administering a process known as scaling and polishing, your dentist can effectively remove the hardened tartar from your teeth, leaving them free from the threat of dental decay and gum disease that they can cause.
If you are concerned about tartar, talk to your City of Leeds dentist about scaling and polishing in order to get rid of it. An added bonus of the process is that your mouth will look better afterwards too as tartar can give teeth a yellow hue.

Bad breath spoiling your life? Central Leeds dentists can help

April 10th, 2011

Being able to conduct yourself properly in social situations is an important part of modern life when networking and business meetings are so crucial. We often can’t help making mistakes with the things we say, for example, but you can do something about a problem like bad breath. When you meet a stranger, the last thing you’ll want them to think about you is disgust at the way unpleasant smells are coming from your mouth. The key to dealing with a bead breath problem is to understand the causes and then act appropriately with the help of your Central Leeds dentist.
Bad breath is medically known as halitosis and it can affect all of us. It is caused by the prevalence of certain bacteria in the mouth. It might be the case that you have chronic bad breath where you have halitosis most of the time, or just bouts of it if you eat certain foods. The secret to beating bad breath is to institute a proper and rigorous routine of home oral hygiene care.
This should involve brushing and flossing at least twice a day. You might find that this is especially crucial for you to do so in the morning. Over night, while you are asleep, saliva production plummets, leaving your mouth rather dry. This dryness allows the bacteria causing bad breath to stick to your teeth.
Chewing gum can be helpful too because it stimulates saliva production, making it more difficult for the bacteria to hang around. It also freshens the breath with its flavour and helps to remove any left over food debris which might be in the mouth. Your tongue is also a favoured location of the bad breath causing bacteria so you would be advised to brush it as well as your teeth.

City of Leeds dentists help patients out with their flossing techniques

April 9th, 2011

You should always make time in your daily routine to take care of your teeth. First thing in the morning and last thing at night are the best times. When you sleep your mouth doesn’t produce much saliva so plaque and bacteria can thrive there. Most people brush their teeth as a matter of course but too many people don’t get around to flossing as well. If you are one of those people then you should consider how you might be endangering the good health of your teeth.
Brushing alone cannot reach every single corner of your mouth where plaque exists. It is crucial that you remove as much plaque as possible though, so that dental decay and gum disease can’t take hold. Plaque causes cavities to form in teeth and gums to become inflamed, with an associated risk of tooth loss if the inflammation is not dealt with.
By flossing you will be removing the plaque from between the teeth where your brush is unable to reach. Flossing can be a little painful to begin with as it can cause small lacerations in the gums between your teeth but this should cease after a few days. If bleeding continues then you should seek advice from your City of Leeds dentist.
The thought of having to remember something else to add to your shopping list might give you a small sense of dread but flossing is eminently worth doing if it saves you from having to go through the problems that are caused by dental decay and gum disease. It is always preferable to avoid these things rather than having to deal with the consequences which can be painful and inconvenient.

Leeds dentists have all the answers to patients’ questions about over the counter teeth whitening

April 8th, 2011

If you are planning for that big wedding or have an important party or conference coming up, you might be concerned about the way your teeth are looking at the moment. It is probably not that you haven’t been taking care of them properly, the fact is that over time teeth become more dull in their colour and can take on stains thanks to activities such as drinking tea and coffee or red wine and smoking tobacco.
There are a number of ways you can deal with the discolouration of your teeth. Many people like to go to the dentist and have them administer a process of teeth whitening which might involve special lights and procedures like buffing and polishing. These techniques can yield spectacular results but some people prefer to whiten their teeth at home, in their own time.
Over the counter teeth whitening kits are available in many super markets and pharmacies around the country or can be purchased over the internet and delivered to your door for extra convenience. They usually consist of whitening trays which you fill with a special gel and wear on your teeth at night for a certain period of time.
They are efficient, affordable and the results can be just as amazing as those you get from the dentist. The disadvantage is that the trays are ‘one size fits all’ so you might not get a good fit for your mouth, leaving the gel unable to work quite as well as it could. If your dentist is in charge they will tailor make your trays from moulds of your teeth but this will involve more time at the surgery.
Talk to your Leeds dentist to get more useful information about over the counter teeth whitening kits.

Put a stop to teeth grinding in your sleep with help from City of Leeds dentists

April 7th, 2011

Just as common as snoring but not nearly as talked about, grinding your teeth in your sleep can have fairly serious repercussions and ought to be taken seriously. As the condition concerns your mouth, your dentist is able to help in diagnosing teeth grinding and then formulating an appropriate response.
There seem to be two main causes of nocturnal teeth grinding (known clinically as bruxism). Often the condition is brought on by anxiety and, if your dentist believes this to be the case then you might be referred to a mental health specialist or counsellor. Of most concern to dentists is that bruxism can be brought on by a problem with the alignment of your teeth.
Bruxism can cause the teeth themselves to break down as they experience the constant pressure of being ground against one another, night after night. The enamel of teeth can wear away, leaving them more open to cavities. There is also a link with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder), which affects the area where your jaw is joined to your skull.
The detrimental effects of nocturnal teeth grinding can easily be dealt with by your dentist fitting you with a mouth guard, designed especially for you by taking moulds of your teeth. This is worn during the night and cushions the impact of the teeth grinding against one another. Your dentist might determine that you need to have a brace fitted if the problem is with the alignment of your teeth.
Go and visit your City of Leeds dentist every six months for a check up and they may be able to spot the signs of bruxism so it can be dealt with.

Central Leeds dentists offer Six Months Smile treatments to patients looking for a stunning smile

April 6th, 2011

For many years now, patients have worn traditional metal braces to correct alignment issues with their teeth. While undoubtedly effective, they look rather unsightly, can be difficult to clean and often need to be worn for several years. If the thought of this puts you off, you may be interested in a revolutionary new product which bypasses those difficulties.
Incredible Six Months Smile can deal with problems such as over bite, spacing, overcrowded and crooked teeth in just six months, that’s a quarter of the amount of time most people have to wear a traditional brace for. Happily the cost is roughly the same as most other treatments, making it a truly viable option for many.
A further benefit of choosing the Six Months Smile treatment is that the product is far more discreet than traditional metal braces with their profusion of wires and brackets. The nickel titanium wires that are used in Six Months Smile treatment are able to be matched to the colour of your teeth, so that they are barely noticeable.
The Six Months Smile treatment involves seeing your dentist every month or so for a short appointment where your dentist will make adjustments to ensure that your teeth are being moved as desired. They usually only last about fifteen minutes so even those who are extremely busy will be able to fit them into their schedule.
If you are concerned about the look of your smile but put off the thought of wearing traditional metal braces, have a chat with your Central Leeds dentist about Six Months Smile and you might find that it is ideal for you and your needs.

City of Leeds dentists advise patients about how to prevent gum disease

April 5th, 2011

Your gums should be just as important in your mind when you are thinking about taking care of your mouth. They are a greater cause of tooth loss than dental decay itself so it is well worth paying attention to how well you are looking after them. Rather than having to go through the pain and indignity of suffering from gum disease and then having to have it treated, it is best to look after them in the first place to do your best in making sure that gum disease doesn’t occur.
Your primary concern should be plaque, a substance which is produced in the mouth when you eat and drink. Making sure it is removed is not only so that your teeth don’t start to decay; plaque also causes the gums to inflame and gingivitis can result. This is fairly easily dealt with and is common but if it is left to progress it can turn in to periodontitis where the jaw bone itself becomes inflamed.
By brushing and flossing effectively you should be removing the maximum amount of plaque from the mouth where it can harm the gums and cause them to become diseased. You should brush and floss at least twice a day and maybe again if you have eaten a sugary snack or a starchy meal.
Be sure also to visit your dentist every six months so that your mouth can be checked by a professional. Report any problems you think might be developing; it is better to be safe than sorry, even if your dentist says that there is no problem with your gums. Your City of Leeds dentist has all the information about how to prevent gum disease from occurring.

Central Leeds dentists help patients maintain excellent oral hygiene

April 4th, 2011

Good oral hygiene mean having teeth and gums which are in excellent health and have perfect functionality, allowing you to eat, drink and talk in comfort. There are several facets to this, including how you take care of them at home, your lifestyle and regular visits to your local dentist so that your mouth can be monitored by an expert.
You should brush and floss at least twice a day. This is so that you are ridding your mouth of the plaque which forms after you have eaten and drunk, particularly foods containing a significant quantity of sugar and or starch. Plaque poses a great danger to your oral hygiene if it is not dealt with. It breaks down the protective layer of enamel in your teeth and causes cavities to appear. It also contributes to gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss.
Your lifestyle generally will have an effect on your oral hygiene too. The body is, of course, all connected and health problems in one area can affect the rest of you. Maintaining a balance diet helps teeth by not exposing them to as much plaque. Activities such as smoking tobacco products and drinking excessive quantities of alcoholic drinks can, in the long term, affect your oral health too.
You ought to be visiting your dentist every six months so that your mouth can be monitored and examined by a dental expert. In this way, any conditions which are developing and might threaten your oral health can be caught in their infancy and effectively treated.
If you want any more information about oral hygiene and how to maintain it then you should book an appointment to see your Central Leeds dentist.

City of Leeds dentists advise that dental problems can affect your general health

April 3rd, 2011

We all know how important it is to keep our teeth clean and healthy so that eating, drinking and talking can be undertaken with ease. Brushing and flossing stops plaque building up so that teeth stay free from plaque which can cause them to decay and lead to gum disease. But dental health has implications for the rest of your body too and ought to be seen in those terms. By looking after your teeth you are also looking after your general health.
Conditions like gingivitis can actually affect the general health of the rest of your body. It involves your gums becoming inflamed because of a build up of plaque. Infections from this can enter the blood stream and cause complications for the rest of your body. The same can be said of periodontitis, the more severe form of gum disease where the jaw bones become inflamed. The nerves serving the head and face can become compromised in this case, as with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).
If you are experiencing sleep apnea, where you wake up in the night because not enough oxygen is being taken in, this can have an impact on your general health. It can be caused by the muscles at the rear of the mouth relaxing to the point where air stops getting past. The hypertension caused by the lack of quality sleep can heighten the risk of heart attacks in strokes in sufferers.
Keep up the habit of taking good care of your teeth at home and visiting your City of Leeds dentist every six months for a check up and there shouldn’t be any problems. But the fact that dental issues can affect the health of the rest of your body is just another reason to be vigilant.