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Oral problems and your general health: City of Leeds dentists explain the links to patients

April 22nd, 2011

All the different parts of your body are linked together in innumerable ways, through the blood stream, nervous system and beyond. No part of your body is an island, isolated from the rest of it and a problem in one part of your body can affect others. You should get any health problems treated so it cannot affect the rest of you. This is true of your mouth as much as anywhere else as oral hygiene problems can become concerns for other parts of you beyond just your mouth.
If you have an infection or abscess form in your mouth it can begin to affect other parts of your body, by flowing through the blood stream. It is vital then that you get it dealt with. If a blood clot forms as a result of an abscess in your mouth, it can have major implications for the rest of you.
Apnea is a concern for dentists, particularly sleep apnea, because it is caused by the muscles at the rear of the mouth relaxing during sleep and restricting the flow of oxygen to the lungs. This condition, as well as disrupting sleep in the most inconvenient of fashions, can have a serious impact on the lives of patients. It has been linked to heart failure to and strokes brought on by the hypertension caused by the lack of proper sleep.
All of which serves as a further remind to visit your City of Leeds dentist every six months to have your mouth checked out by a trained professional. With their expert diagnosis and treatment they can ensure that any problems are stamped out before they can affect your general health.

Central Leeds dentists help patients to fight back against bad breath

April 21st, 2011

At some point in most of our lives we will have battled with bad breath. Whether it is the occasional bout following a meal of certain foods, or a more long running problem, everyone who has experienced it knows that it is very unpleasant and not something they would like to have repeated. The knowledge that your mouth is emitting unpleasant smells that your peers might notice is very damaging to self esteem and might leave you worried about social occasions.
So what can you do about it? Knowledge is power and, as such, you need to try and understand why bad breath is happening in the first place. Known as halitosis by medical experts, bad breath is basically caused by a certain type of bacteria which can occur in the mouth. Certain foods are more likely to produce these bacteria and you should get to know which ones are doing it to you.
Brushing your teeth then is not just about cleaning your teeth to remove plaque. It is also about getting rid of the bad breath bacteria. We all know how much fresher our mouths feel after we have given our teeth a good brush and floss. But for some people it won’t be long until the bad breath is back. It could be that your mouth is rather dry and bad breath bacteria love dry mouths because they can ‘stick’ to the surfaces of your teeth with much greater ease. Try to keep your mouth moist by drinking water and chewing gum.
Central Leeds dentists know all about bad breath and they will be able to help you beat it so that you can go about your life with confidence.

Should I use mouth wash? Leeds dentists can answer all of your questions

April 20th, 2011

On your shopping list when you visit the super market or the corner store will probably be tooth paste containing fluoride, a new tooth brush if your current one is not fit for purpose and some dental floss. But many people wonder about whether to pick up some mouth wash too. The adverts tell us that mouth wash kills bacteria and freshens breath but is it worth our while to use it?
Mouth wash does indeed kill bacteria in the mouth, indeed some boast of being able to kill ninety nine point nine per cent of all bacteria. But that is part of the problem. Not all bacteria in the mouth is bad for you and mouth wash is unable to discriminate; it kills the good bacteria and the bad bacteria.
Mouth wash is able to freshen your breath by killing the bad bacteria and freshening breath by implanting a flavour in the mouth, mint or cloves for example. But this can be a further problem. Mouth wash actually makes the mouth rather dry and this is the ideal condition in which bad breath bacteria can thrive. When the teeth and tongue are dry, it is far easier for bad bacteria to stick to teeth. In short, you could be making your mouth into the ideal playground for bad breath bacteria by using mouth wash. It’s no wonder then that some people like to chew gum after using mouth wash because it stimulates saliva production and makes the mouth more moist.
Sometimes your Leeds dentist will advise you to actually use mouth wash, especially if you are suffering from gum disease. There are specially formulated mouth washes available for this purpose and you should always follow your dentist’s advice but they will probably tell you not to use it too often.

Leeds dentists tell patients to secrets of good oral hygiene habits

April 19th, 2011

Taking care of your teeth might seem like a daunting business, especially if you have suffered from poor oral hygiene in the past. But don’t be intimidated by it; following a simple set of instructions so that they become habits will help you with maintaining excellent oral hygiene for the rest of your life. Read on to find out more!
Before we even get to brushing and so on, it is important to remember that your oral health is not disconnected from the health of the rest of your body. You ought to be pursuing a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet and minimal amounts of stress. Harmful substances such as excessive alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs should be avoided as a matter of course.
Brush your teeth twice a day and again after meals if you feel it necessary. Use brush which is fit for purpose and has a nice set of firm bristles and a handle which allows to hold it with ease and manipulate the brush in your mouth. Tooth paste containing fluoride is desirable because it helps to strengthen your teeth. Make sure that during your three minutes or so or brushing you are covering all of the areas of your mouth. Don’t overdo it though, as this can damage the enamel on your teeth.
Make sure that you floss as well. This all too often neglected part of oral hygiene is just an important as the other instructions because it helps to remove the plaque from between your teeth. Last and by no means least, you should institute a routine of going to see your Leeds dentist every six months to have your mouth checked over for problems.

Gum disease: Causes, diagnoses and treatments with Central Leeds dentists

April 18th, 2011

1904692_blogGum disease is all too common in the United Kingdom and dentists are anxious to something about it, with your help. The unfortunate and painful fact is that gum disease actually leads to more cases of tooth loss than the decay of teeth through cavities. The reasons for the prevalence of gum disease can be put down to many people not recognising the signs of it and also people neglecting to go to the dentist as often as they should.
Gum disease need not get to the stage where tooth loss becomes a concern. In its early stages, gum disease is known as gingivitis and it is not a particularly serious business in and of itself. It will lead to greater sensitivity when eating and drinking and maybe a little soreness. But it is very easy to sort out.
It is often the case that it is caused purely by the patient not quite taking the very best possible care of their teeth and the dentist will advise them to change their routine some way. Sometimes specially formulated mouth wash is suggested and in some cases, antibiotics can be taken to rid the gum of the inflammation.
It is vitally important that the disease is sorted out at this stage though for, while gingivitis is relatively benign and more inconvenient than anything else, it can be a harbinger of worse. The next stage of gum disease is a far worse proposition. Periodontitis actively causes tooth loss because the bones holding teeth in place become inflamed and can no longer do their job properly.
Stop periodontal disease in its tracks by brushing and flossing properly at home and going to see your Central Leeds dentist at regular intervals.

Central Leeds dentists help patients to overcome problems with reversible pulpitis

April 17th, 2011

Your teeth are complex things and not just solid blocks. In fact they contain a hollow inside each of them which is filled with a mixture of substances known as pulp. Pulp comprises blood vessels, nerves and an assortment of other cells which are vital to the health of your tooth as a whole. Tooth decay and accidents affecting your mouth can cause the pulp to become inflamed and you will experience pulpitis. Thankfully it is usually reversible and your dentist will be able to restore the tooth to good health and functionality.
The symptoms of reversible pulpitis manifest themselves in feelings of increased sensitivity. This will show itself when you are eating cold things like ice lollies or other frozen desserts or hot things like tea or coffee. Sometimes even breathing in the air on a very cold day will cause pain in a tooth that is suffering from pulpitis. In severe cases the pulpitis is so bad that aching can occur in other areas of the body near the head like your neck and shoulders.
It is vital that these symptoms are reported to your dentist should you experience them. If it persists too long then it might become irreversible because the materials making up the pulp have become so badly damaged. Your dentist will x-ray the tooth which is under suspicion of having pulpitis so that he or she may get a view of what’s going on inside.
It might be the case that a cavity in the tooth is what is causing the pulpitis by allowing alien materials inside the tooth and causing a problem. If so then the cavity will have to be filled. Sometimes root canal treatment is required to sort out reversible pulpitis. Your Central Leeds dentist will be an expert on the inner workings of your teeth and will be able to help should you have a case of reversible pulpitis.

How to improve your daily dental hygiene routine with help from Leeds dentists

April 16th, 2011

Taking care of your teeth properly needs to form an integral part of your every day routine in the same way that you have a shower, eat your meals and go to bed at night. If you don’t take care of your teeth properly then you could lose them and they are the only natural set that you have. Don’t put yourself at the mercy of dental decay and gum disease, follow the simple suggestions set out below and you should have nothing to worry about when it comes to the good health of your mouth.
Twice a day – first thing in the morning and before you go to bed at night are recommended – you should brush your teeth with tooth paste that contains fluoride. Make sure that your brush has firm bristles otherwise it won’t function as well as it might. Brush all corners of your mouth, including the inside of your teeth, which can sometimes be missed out in peoples’ routine.
Once you have brushed, get into the habit of flossing as well. By doing so you are removing even more plaque because the bristles of your tooth brush cannot get into the tight gaps between your teeth and clear those areas of plaque.
Pursue a healthy, balanced diet as well and keep sweet snacks to a minimum. Sugary foods contribute to greater production of plaque which is the major cause of both decay in teeth and disease and inflammation in gums. By following these simple routines then you should be giving your mouth the best chance of staying free from disease. Keep your Leeds dentist abreast of what’s going on your mouth by attending an appointment with her or her every six months or as directed.

City of Leeds dentists give patients dental implants to permanently solve tooth loss

April 15th, 2011

Imagine if you could have your missing teeth replaced by teeth that are so realistic looking and so securely housed in your mouth that not only will your closest intimates not notice that they are not natural, but you will forget that you ever lost any teeth. It might have seemed like a pipe dream a while ago but thanks to incredible advances in technology that have affected the way that dentists work, it is possible for you to have this.
The products that have allowed this to become reality are called dental implants and they are becoming an increasingly desirable option for those who have lost their teeth. Dental implants harness the unique property of the metal called titanium which means it can fuse with live human bone. This osseointegration means that a substitute for the root part of a lost tooth can be placed into the mouth and act as an incredibly secure housing for a replacement tooth.
These modern, replacement teeth are more realistic looking and hard wearing than ever before. They are adaptable too and your dentist can match them to the colour, shade and texture of the remaining natural teeth in your mouth. You can treat them just like you would any of your other teeth too. If you have lost a few teeth, dental implants are so strong that they can support a bridge of replacement teeth too, the robust ye light weight titanium taking much of the strain.
To find out if you are a suitable candidate for dental implant surgery then you should contact your City of Leeds dentist. They will be able to give you a full consultation to find out if it is right for you.

Put an end to periodontal disease once for all with help from City of Leeds dentists

April 14th, 2011

There are many good reasons to go and see your dentist every six months. If you have been recently then you will know about how they administer scaling and polishing to get rid of troublesome tartar and that they look out for signs of dental decay, oral cancer and sleep apnea. But your dentist is also keeping a close eye on the state of your gums. And thank goodness they are because gum disease actually causes more cases of tooth loss than decaying teeth themselves.
Gum disease (clinically termed periodontal disease) is not something to be especially fearful of if you take certain simple steps with your home oral health care routine. Brushing your teeth is beneficial not just for the teeth themselves. The removal of plaque from the gum line of teeth is key in beating periodontal disease. Plaque can inflame the gums, leaving them sensitive and reddened if a condition called gingivitis occurs.
Gingivitis can progress into something much more insidious: periodontitis. This where the danger of tooth loss become palpable. If the inflammation spreads to your bones that hold your teeth firmly in place then you might undergo the extremely painful experience of losing some of your teeth.
So make sure that you are not only brushing your teeth but also flossing. If you are a smoker, think about giving up because it stymies the production of saliva which naturally combats plaque in the mouth. These simple measures, carried out in conjunction with regular visits to your City of Leeds dentist, should leave you free from the potential problems of periodontal gum disease and you won’t have to worry about tooth loss.

Central Leeds dentists help parents with their children’s oral hygiene and produce healthy smiles

April 13th, 2011

Bringing up children can be fraught with difficulties and you will probably spend much of your time worrying about whether you are doing the right things so that your offspring are growing to be healthy and happy. Nobody wants to fuss over their children too much and leave them without a sense of self reliance but you should be taking steps to ensure that they have healthy teeth and gums and do not have to go through the pain of an oral condition.
There is no easy way of saying it but, if you have a dental condition in childhood, you will have to live with the consequences. Cavities which need to be filled at a young age will always need to be there; the tooth will not grow back. But there is no need for despair; by following a simple set of guide lines you can help your child to achieve a healthy smile.
Brushing teeth is as crucial for children as it is for the rest of us. But it can be more difficult to get children to do it. Giving incentives can help with this as a child might be more inclined to brush if he or she gets a reward at the end of it. The hope with this method is that brushing becomes routinized and they will soon stop thinking about the reward and do it for its own sake.
Build up a relationship between your child and your Central Leeds dentist from an early age. This is so that your child sees the dentist as a normal part of life and won’t develop dental phobia about something he or she actually knows very little. This is also so that the dentist can monitor the health of the youngster’s mouth and see off any complications before they might arise.