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What are the dangers of central apnea? City of Leeds dentists can help

March 12th, 2011

If you find that you are suffering from interrupted sleep there is a possibility that you have some form of apnea. This condition can be related to the mouth, which dentists have access to in their check ups. Read on if you are concerned about the condition.
There are two main forms of apnea, one of which is caused by the muscles at the rear of the mouth. Your dentist can diagnose this version of apnea or determine that the mouth is not the cause, thus meaning that you have the other form.
Sleep apnea is brought on by the muscles at the rear of the mouth relaxing during sleep. This causes the brain to send a signal to the body to wake up because insufficient oxygen is getting through. Sleep apnea patients experience broken sleep patterns which can have a detrimental effect on the rest of their lives. They will often be fatigued during the day and are more likely to experience traffic accidents as a result. The condition can be dealt by the patient wearing a device in their mouth during sleep which ensures that oxygen gets through as intended.
Far more concerning is central apnea, which is actually related to the brain itself. This is usually present alongside more serious, underlying health concerns such as heart disease. By eliminating sleep apnea, your dentist can help diagnose central apnea.
All of which is further incentive to get into the habit of visiting your dentist every six months for a check up. Your City of Leeds dentist is an expert in all areas of your mouth and can help with the diagnosis of the debilitating condition known as central apnea.

Bad breath and oral products: get the best advice from Leeds dentists

March 11th, 2011

Bad breath is something that most people will probably do their best to avoid. It can make it very socially difficult knowing that there are unpleasant smells emitting from your mouth because of bacteria. These bacteria hang around from the food you eat and are usually removed by brushing alone but some people find that that is not enough.
Many turn to oral products like mouth wash to get rid of their bad breath (or, as it is clinically known, halitosis) because they kill bacteria and freshen the breath thanks to their flavours, often something like mint. But unfortunately mouth wash can actually make the problem worse. Mouth washes leave your mouth rather dry because they kill the bacteria and so on. This leaves your teeth in an ideal state for bacteria to form and gives them a better chance of sticking to your teeth and causing further bouts of bad breath.
You might want to chew gum if you are in a situation where you can’t brush your teeth but are worried about bad breath. Chewing gum not only dislodges food debris which can cause bad breath but also stimulates saliva production which helps make the mouth moist and less suitable for the bacteria to stick to your teeth.
Brushing the tongue can also help because the bacteria causing bad breath can gather there too. You should be fairly gentle with this though so that you don’t damage your tongue. Your Leeds dentist will be an expert in all areas of your mouth and so can advise you about all issues relating to bad breath. Don’t hesitate to contact him or her if you are worried about bad breath and the effect that oral products might be having on it.

Can gum disease be cured with herbal remedies? Leeds dentists have the answers

March 10th, 2011

Gum disease affects many people in the United Kingdom, some of whom probably don’t even know that they have it. It is not a particularly serious condition in its most basic form of gingivitis but it should be dealt with so that complications don’t ensue and the far more grievous periodontitis doesn’t take hold.
Gingivitis is caused by a build up of plaque in the gum line of teeth which causes the gums to become inflamed. You will find that your gums begin to feel rather sensitive and, instead of being a healthy pink colour, will start to redden. Periodontitis is signified by receding in the gums and swelling as the bones holding the teeth in place themselves become inflamed. Tooth loss is likely in this situation and it is best that you deal with gingivitis before it progresses.
Several herbal remedies are actually effective in the treatment of gum disease and most dentists endorse these methods. You can actually find tooth pastes which are specially formulated for gums which include some of these herbs such as sage, peppermint and basil.
Some herbs can even be applied directly to the gums themselves and are useful for relieving the symptoms of gum disease and helping to combat them too. These include grapefruit extract, calendula and Echinacea. Taking aloe vera and chewing clove can help too, these are time-honoured methods of helping with painful gums. But if your gum disease is sever then you might wish to consult your dentist before pursuing these because they can actually be rather aggressive on your gums.
Talk to your Leeds dentist for all the best advice about the different ways of approaching gum disease

Central Leeds dentists have all the answers for patients wanting to get rid of bad breath?

March 9th, 2011

Bad breath is something we all dread. If you’ve ever suffered from it then you’ll know how it can seriously knock your confidence. Business meetings and parties become extremely awkward as you hope and pray that no-one will notice the unpleasant odours coming from your mouth. But it is not something that anybody has to put up with and your dentist will have all the information and advice to ensure that you can put an end to bad breath.
Clinically known as halitosis, bad breath is usually caused by left over debris in the mouth which causes unpleasant odours. Most people find that following the recommended routine of brushing at least twice a day and after meals too if necessary for about three minutes gets rid of the debris sufficiently. But for some they find that bad breath can still persist.
There are several herbal remedies which you might want to talk to your dentist about or you could consider chewing gum. This is not a long term solution, however, it just works to freshen your breath after you have eaten and perhaps have not had the time or space to brush your teeth. Mouthwashes can do a good job but be warned: they can make the mouth rather dry and thus ideal conditions for bacteria and debris to stick to teeth.
Debris and bacteria causing bad breath can sometimes thrive on the tongue so you might want to start brushing it as part of your routine. Be careful though as the gum is a sensitive part of the body. Your Central Leeds dentist will have all the best advice about getting rid of bad breath.

Central Leeds dentists have all the best tips about keeping your child’s mouth healthy

March 8th, 2011

Everyone who has a child will be concerned about giving them the best possible start in life in terms of their health. The fact is that a health problem which a child develops might well be something that they have to deal with for the rest of their life. So it is vitally important that you develop a good relationship with your dentist early on in your child’s life and allow their mouth to be regularly examined.
Diet is as important for the oral health of children as it is adults. Of course children want to eat sweets but it is best to try and instil in them some discipline here and, if you allow them for a treat, be sure to get them to brush their teeth afterwards to stop plaque from building up. If a child develops a cavity because plaque has decayed a tooth then they will need to have a filling for the rest of their life.
Getting children to brush their teeth can be a battle in itself but there are techniques which can be helpful like giving them a reward when they do so at the appointed time. You might want to make a fun chart where they can tick off the times they brush their teeth.
You should make sure that they are not brushing too hard though. Children’s mouths are sensitive and they can have a tendency to brush a little recklessly. This can damage their gums or even the teeth themselves. Brushes with softer bristles are available if you think your child does this.
Talk to your Central Leeds dentist if you have a child and want the best advice about how you can help keep their mouth healthy.

Central Leeds dentists offer teeth whitening to produce brilliant smiles

March 7th, 2011

Having a perfectly white smile is something that many of us wish for. Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you and feeling that it is nice and white can improve your confidence no end. But over time your teeth tend to get dull and stained; it is just a fact of life and a part of getting older.
Dentists can help here though and there a number of ways of securing whiter teeth for yourself. There are teeth whitening procedures which your dentist can perform in the surgery using special lights and fitting you with trays which are filled with whitening gel that effectively removes stains form your teeth. You can also purchase teeth whitening kits from pharmacies and super markets. Many of these are affordable and can achieve spectacular results indeed.
Some people prefer to have their dentist in charge of such a procedures but for people who have a very busy life, the home whitening kit might be more ideal. These kits allow the patient to administer the teeth whitening themselves, usually filling trays with whitening gel and wearing them over night for a period of time. The disadvantage of this is that the trays will not be tailored to suit your individual mouth. If you get teeth whitening done at your dentist, he or she will specially make whitening trays which properly fit your teeth and ensure maximum whitening.
If you are concerned about discolouration, staining or dullness on your teeth and want to feel more confident about your smile then you should talk to your Central Leeds dentist. They will be able to advise you about what method of teeth whitening might suit you best.

City of Leeds advise patients about scaling and polishing

March 6th, 2011

Even the most rigorous and careful brushing at home cannot reproduce that feeling of having had your teeth cleaned by the dentist. They use special equipment that will leave your teeth feeling incredible clean and help to maintain your oral health.
This technique of cleaning by dentists is often referred to as scaling and polishing. In the process of scaling, dentists scrape away plaque and tartar that has built up on your teeth. To do this a small, sharp hook is used. Getting rid of plaque and its hardened form, tartar, is vital in the fight against tooth decay because if it just left there on your teeth then it can cause tooth decay.
In fact tartar cannot be removed by brushing at home, only dentists with their specialist equipment can manage it. Removing tartar has the added benefit of making your teeth look better too because tartar can give your teeth an unsightly discoloured appearance. It is not a particularly painful business and modern dentists go to great lengths to relax their patients while they are in their care.
An electric polisher is then used to buff the teeth, making them look whiter as any further stains are removed. The added smoothness that polishing achieves actually makes it harder for plaque to cling onto teeth, leaving your mouth in a better position to cope with plaque once you leave the surgery.
If you are interested in scaling and polishing you should make an appointment to see your City of Leeds dentist. The benefits of having your teeth professionally cleaned will leave you with a healthy smile, free from the plaque and tartar which can cause damage to your teeth and gums.

Central Leeds dentists recommend dental veneers to improve your smile

March 5th, 2011

Having the perfect smile is something that most people would say they would like. It is one of the first things that people notice about you and can affect the initial impressions you make on someone when meeting them for the first time. What to do then if you have a cracked or chipped tooth and are worried about how it looks?
Dental veneers might just be the answer to your problems. They are basically thin strips of porcelain which can be affixed to the front of a tooth, covering up any unsightly parts which you want to conceal. The fact that they are made from porcelain means that they can be incredible thin without compromising in terms of durability.
The modern technology which is increasingly found in dental surgeries around the country means that dental veneers can be fitted incredibly swiftly. CEREC techniques, for example, allow your dentist to take a three dimensional digital image or x-ray of your mouth. The data can then be sent to an online milling machine which sculpts to dental veneers in just six minutes, ready to be fitted.
Your dentist can match the dental veneer to your surrounding teeth in terms of colour, shade and texture and even your closest intimates won’t be able to notice that you have a thin layer of porcelain covering one of your teeth. The only thing they will notice is how good your smile looks.
Thanks to repayment plans that are often interest free, procedures like having a dental veneer fitted are increasingly affordable. If you are interested and would like to know more talk to your Central Leeds dentist next time you are at the surgery or make an appointment. Dental veneers might be just what you have been looking for.

City of Leeds dentists offer dental implants to effectively replace lost teeth

March 4th, 2011

Losing a tooth or teeth can be a very traumatic experience. It might result because of an accident or as the result of dental decay or gum disease. Whatever the cause it is imperative that you replace the lost tooth or teeth so that your mouth can function again as it is supposed to. An increasingly popular option to have dental implants fitted.
Dental implants have a deserved reputation for their stability and effectiveness. They are basically a socket which is placed in the mouth to act as a replacement for the root part of the tooth. They are made from titanium which is incredible lightweight while also having amazing amounts of durability.
Dental implants are placed beneath the gum and against the jaw bone. This is so that the implant can osseointegrate or fuse with the bone. An incredible secure foundation is this assured. Then a replacement tooth can be screwed into the dental implant, after your dentist has matched it with your surrounding teeth in terms of colour and texture.
They are so secure that a dental implant can actually support a bridge of replacement teeth. And modern replacement teeth are so natural looking that nobody will even know that you ever suffered from tooth loss. Once in place, replacement teeth secure using dental implants can be treated just like regular, natural teeth.
Dental implants require surgery, usually undertaken with local anaesthetic, and as such the process is too invasive for some. But the benefits of replacing lost teeth in this fashion are obvious in terms of the stability and endurance. You won’t ever have to think about how you once lost one or more of your teeth.
Talk to your City of Leeds dentist if you have missing teeth and are interested in dental implants as a solution.

Guard against periodontal disease with City of Leeds dentists

March 3rd, 2011

Taking care of your teeth ought to go hand in hand with looking after your gums as well. The sad fact is that all too often gum problems go unnoticed and are actually a greater cause of tooth loss than dental decay itself. In conjunction with regular visits to your City of Leeds dentist, you should be able to recognise the signs of periodontal disease so that it can be treated before it gets worse.
Gum disease generally is caused by a build up plaque on the gum line of teeth. Plaque is formed when you eat and drink, particularly sugary and starchy substances. It can cause the gums to become inflamed and patients can then contract gingivitis, the most common form of gum disease. Gingivitis shows itself as sensitivity in the gums and reddening.
If gingivitis is allowed to take hold then the inflammation, previously confined to the gums, spreads to the bones which hold your teeth in place. This is called periodontitis and it is a rather nasty condition. Periodontitis manifests itself with sever reddening of the gums and the appearance that your teeth are lengthening. This is actually where your gums are receding. You might find that you have odd, metallic tastes in your mouth and find that eating and drinking is giving you pain because of the sensitivity of your gums.
Brushing and flossing as recommended ought to be enough to stave off periodontal disease in most cases by clearing the mouth of plaque but sometimes it develops. This is one of the many reasons why it is a good idea to get into the habit of visiting your City of Leeds dentist every six months. In that way a professional can monitor your mouth and spot the early signs of periodontal disease and treat it.