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Central Leeds dentists help prevent teeth decay with expert advice

January 9th, 2011

Taking excellent care of your teeth involves avoiding such afflictions as tooth decay. This painful process can mean that you need to have a tooth removed or that it falls out. Needless to say, prevention is a better course of actions so that you don’t suffer the pain and indignity of losing a tooth and then having it replaced.
Teeth can decay if plaque is allowed to build up on them. Plaque is an entirely unavoidable substance that forms after you have eaten, particularly foods containing a lot of sugar and or starch. Although it is entirely unavoidable it can be and should be dealt with effectively. Otherwise it attacks the enamel and begins to break down teeth.
You can deal with plaque by effectively brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day and after meals too if necessary. This dislodges the plaque so that it cannot compromise your teeth. Of course, pursuing a healthy diet also helps here as reducing sugary snacks to a minimum means that there is less plaque for you to have to deal with in the first place.
If tooth decay ensues then cavities can begin to form in the teeth and these will need to be filled to protect the sensitive inner parts of your teeth. If the process of decay goes further, then tooth as a whole will begin to break down and might fail entirely and become dislodged. You will need to have it replaced in this case, with a crown or a dental implant or dentures.
You Central Leeds dentist is trained to spot the signs of teeth decay and will be able to offer you advice on how to avoid it effectively, ensuring ling term oral health.

Need teeth replaced? Talk to your City of Leeds dentist about dentures

January 8th, 2011

Multiple tooth loss can happen as a result of tooth decay, severe gum disease or because of a bad accident affecting the mouth. It can be a traumatic experience and not without pain but it is important that you get the teeth replaced so that your mouth can function again as close to normal. Eating, drinking and talking are made far more difficult without teeth and your cheeks might begin to sag, making you look older than you are.
Dentures represent a relatively simple solution to this problem. They are basically a set of removable false teeth which are worn in the mouth. Modern dentures are incredibly realistic and more comfortable than they used to be. In the past, many patients experienced discomfort as the dentures rubbed against the exposed gums but the advent of friction free braces is putting an end to this.
The fact that dentures are removable represents both an advantage and a disadvantage. They can be taken out to clean and while you sleep if you would prefer. But they also have a tendency to slip during meal times or even while the patient is talking. This is an indignity that is too great for some and they prefer the more permanent solution of dental implants. At least dentures can always be worn while you are making up your mind if you want to have your teeth permanently replaced.
Dentures can be held in place either via the natural suction ability of your gums, or by using special fixing agents to attach them to the gums. They can also be available as a partial set if you have only lost a few of your teeth. If you would like more information, talk to your City of Leeds dentist.

Leeds dentists offer effective dental procedures

January 7th, 2011

Taking care of your teeth is something that we all ought to devote time and attention to. This begins at home with an effective and efficient oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing to remove plaque so that your teeth don’t decay and your gums remain free from disease. But sometimes it is necessary to undergo a dental procedure.
There is a variety of dental procedures on offer with different aims and outcomes. A dental procedure might be necessary if something has gone wrong with your mouth. If cavities have formed in a tooth then they might need to be filled; or a brace may be required if your teeth are not properly aligned.
Crowns and veneers can be fitted on teeth which have broken down or become stained. In the case of staining then dentists can offer teeth whitening. This comes under the category of cosmetic dentistry, where procedures are essentially carried out to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your mouth.
There is a further category of dental procedures which might be termed emergency dental procedures. These will include such work as removing a failing tooth or clearing the mouth of a sudden infection. In the aftermath of an injury or trauma to the mouth, an emergency dental procedure might be required.
Your dentist ought to be trained in all of these aspects and be able to offer you expert advice to. Be sure to maintain regular contact so that if any problem should occur it can be dealt with early on. If you need any more information about dental procedures, talk to your Leeds dentist today.

Put a stop to dental anxieties with helpful advice from Central Leeds dentists

January 6th, 2011

With a recent study showing that about twenty per cent of British women and ten per cent of British men feeling anxious about visiting the dentist, it is more important than ever to combat dental anxieties. The fact is that, no matter how well you take care of your teeth at home, it is always worth being in regular contact with your dentist so that the health of your mouth can be monitored by a professional.
Dental anxieties take a number of forms. Probably the most common is a fear of what procedures you might have to undergo. This can be the result of memories of painful childhood procedures and it can be hard to shift these worries. A fear of needles can produce the same effects and mean that you are reluctant to go to the dentist.
Not wanting to visit the dentist because of a personal disagreement you had with someone at the surgery in the past also represents a form of dental anxiety and needs to be dealt with just as urgently. The important thing to remember here is that there are always other dentists who you might be able to get along with better.
It is always worth visiting the dentist regularly, just in case you have some problem with your mouth that you haven’t spotted. Early diagnosis and treatment is always preferable to letting the condition develop into something worse that might require invasive treatment. Most of these treatments are far quicker and less painful than they used to be and modern dentists do their best to put their patients at ease with DVDs and music.
Make an appointment to see your Central Leeds dentist today if you are suffering from dental anxieties.

Choosing a dentist? Central Leeds dentists can help

January 5th, 2011

If you have just moved to a new area one of the first things you ought to do is to choose a dentist. If you live in a built up urban area there might be a number of different surgeries from which to choose; those living in more isolated, rural regions may find that their choice is more restricted. You should look around and make sure that you are making the right choice, without rushing into a decision.
You will probably want to choose a dentist whose practice is near to where you live. This will make visiting the surgery far more convenient as nobody wants to have to make unnecessary long journeys. Don’t just go for the closest dentist to you though if you are not sure it is the right practice for you.
It might sound obvious but you will want to check that your dentist is qualified to practice. Unfortunately there are unscrupulous people in every field of life and it is a good idea to do your research so that you are not being treated by someone who does not have the requisite qualifications. The internet can help here and there are a number of handy websites to be found that will give you information you require.
Certain dentists have specialists in different areas. This is quite normal because not everybody can be an expert in everything. If you think you are going to be interested in cosmetic dentistry procedures then you might want to seek out a dentist who has a specialism in that field. If you have on-going issues with a particular area of your mouth – your gums perhaps – then you can look for a dentist who is expert in that area.
There are plenty of dentists in Central Leeds and be sure to have a look around before you make your decision about who you register with.

Look after your kids teeth with regular visits to your Leeds dentist

January 4th, 2011

Taking good care of your teeth is vital at any age but is especially important during the formative years. If a condition develops in the mouth during childhood it could become something that might be inconvenient for the rest of the person’s life. Make sure your child is in regular contact with a dentist so that their mouth can be monitored by a trained professional.
Just like adults, children ought to be brushing their teeth at least twice a day. This is to remove the plaque which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Getting children into this routine can be difficult but providing them with praise and incentives to brush their teeth can be effective and soon they will be pursuing an oral hygiene routine without a second thought.
You might wish to get your child a tooth brush with softer bristles. Children have a tendency to brush vigorously and this can lead to damage of the teeth or gums. It is important too that your children have the right diet that will ensure good oral health. Sugary snacks should be kept to the minimum and teeth ought to be brushed afterwards to stop plaque from building up.
Find a dentist who gets on well with your children and it will make the process of visiting the surgery that much easier. Children’s teeth should be checked every six months so that any problems can be dealt with before they become serious. It is worth remembering that a child who needs to have a cavity filled will have to live with it for the rest of their life.
Talk to your Leeds dentist today for more expert advice about how to take care of kids teeth.

Central Leeds dentists offer effective solutions for dry socket

January 3rd, 2011

Having a tooth extracted is, unfortunately, not always without side effects. In about one in every twenty extractions, a condition called dry socket can occur. This is a rather painful condition and ought to be an incentive to stay in touch with your dentist after you have had a tooth removed.

Dry socket develops in the first few days after you have had a tooth removed. Of course there is always some pain in the aftermath of an extraction but if dry socket is present then the discomfort will be particularly severe. It is important that you notify your dentist if you have any long lasting pain at the site of a removed tooth.

If your blood does not clot properly after a tooth has been removed then the bone can become exposed and be particularly sensitive. This sensitivity can be brought on by food, liquids and even simply the air that you breathe. You might fail to produce an adequate clot if your blood is particularly thin or you are taking immuno-suppressive drugs or the birth control pill. Sometimes the clot forms but it is dislodged before the area has healed.

Taking steps to avoid dry socket is the best course of action. If you are a smoker, you should refrain after an extraction because it can disturb the nascent clot. Any activities involving great levels of sucking can have the same effect. Should dry socket develop medication might need to be applied and you can rest assured that it is usually pretty easy to deal with. If you are having a tooth extracted and are worried about dry socket, talk to your Central Leeds dentist to find out how it can be avoided.

Leeds dentists create perfect smiles with dental veneers

January 2nd, 2011

Having a perfectly sparkling, white smile can give your confidence a great boost. Just think of how much easier social occasions are when you can smile with pride and show off your teeth. Unfortunately, many of us have dull, stained or chipped, broken down teeth and this might lead to you hiding your smile away.
Dental veneers might be the answer to your problems. Usually made from lightweight, durable porcelain, dental veneers can fit easily over most teeth and give a natural looking sparkle to mouths which have lost some of their aesthetic appeal.
Some dental veneers are so thin that they have been dubbed ‘contact lenses for teeth’. Sometimes a little of the existing tooth has to be shaved off to accommodate the dental veneer, but the thinner the dental veneer is, the lesser the chance that any removal will have to take place. They are secured using bonding materials which provide a durable foundation.
Dental veneers can be constructed and fitted with incredible speed now too, thanks to advances in technology. Many dentists now use digital x-rays to get images of your mouth. These are much faster than traditional x-rays and allow for multiple views of the mouth. The data from these images can be sent to online milling machines which fabricate dental veneers in little over five minutes.
Your dentist will be able to match the tone of the dental veneer to surrounding teeth if necessary so that the result is discreet enough not to be noticeable by your closest associates. The only thing they will notice is how sparklingly brilliant your smile is. If you have teeth which are dull or stained or even broken down or chipped, talk to your Leeds dentist about dental veneers.

Leeds dentists replace teeth effectively with dental implants

January 1st, 2011

There are a number of ways to deal with lost teeth, however you have come to lose them. For patients who have lost all of their teeth sometimes dentures are preferred and some people choose to have a crown anchored to adjacent teeth. Having dental implants installed is an increasingly popular option because of its durability and strength.
Dental implants basically act as substitutes for the lost root part of your missing tooth. You can have a single implant placed or more than one and they represent a long term solution to tooth loss. The reason why dental implants have come to have a reputation for durability is that the implants are placed beneath the gum and against the jaw bone. Over time the titanium implant will fuse with the bone in a process called osseointegration.
A replacement tooth can then be, in effect, screwed into the dental implant. Once the replacement tooth is securely in place, you can treat it just like you would a regular tooth. Modern replacement teeth are incredibly natural looking and even your closest friends won’t know that it is not one of your natural teeth.
Further replacement teeth can be supported by the one secured with the implant if you require bridge work because you have lost several teeth. The success rate of dental implant procedures is incredibly high as the titanium used is ideally suited to organic situations.
Getting missing teeth replaced is vital for your self-confidence as well as the healthy functioning of your mouth. If you have lost a tooth or teeth, talk to your Leeds dentist about how dental implants can solve your problems and give you a lasting and durable solution.

Central Leeds dentists help guard against bad teeth

December 31st, 2010

Having a healthy mouth is something that many of us take for granted but you can easily slip up and find that you have an oral hygiene problem which is making eating, drinking and even talking and smiling less convenient. You should maintain a good relationship with your dentist to ensure that you don’t develop bad teeth and have to undergo invasive surgery to correct avoidable problems.
The most important thing to bear in mind when taking care of your teeth is that plaque needs to be removed. Plaque is a substance formed by the foods you eat and coats the teeth. If left there it can attack the layer of enamel which protects teeth and lead to the formation of small holes called cavities. This can cause great pain as the nerves are interfered with. You should be vigilant for extra sensitivity when you eat or drink hot or cold substances.
You can remove plaque by brushing your teeth twice a day for about three minutes using a tooth brush and fluoride enriched tooth paste. You should also floss so that plaque which has built up between the teeth is also removed. If plaque builds up sufficiently then it may become tartar which can only be removed by professionals in the surgery.
Get into the habit of visiting your dentist every six months. Sometimes a problem might be developing in your mouth that you simply haven’t noticed because of your busy life but your expertly trained dentist will be able to spot it at the check up.
Nobody wants bad teeth, so make sure you visit your Central Leeds dentist regularly and take their advice on how to best take care of your mouth.