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Find out about the variety of dental treatments offered by Leeds dentists

January 19th, 2011

Your mouth is a sensitive organ which requires a great deal of care in order to ensure smooth functioning. The activities which you mouth are involved in include eating, drinking and talking and taking care of your mouth essentially means making sure that you are able to carry out those activities with comfort and ease. Sometimes though, dental treatments are required to correct problems in the mouth.
The treatments which dentists offer are many and varied. You might have lost a tooth or teeth and need to have them replaced with dentures or dental implants. Your dentist can also install crowns or veneers if you have a single lost tooth or a tooth that is cracked or damaged. Teeth whitening is also offered by dentists if you feel that you would like your teeth to be restored to a shiny whiteness.
Your dentist might need to carry out a procedure like root canal surgery if you have a problem with the pulp chamber inside one of your teeth. Gum disease can also be treated by dentists and sometimes dentists might need to perform a professional clean if plaque on your teeth has turned into tartar which cannot be removed by cleaning at home.
Modern dental treatments are mostly a lot swifter than they used to be with many surgeries now utilising the very latest in digital and computer technologies. Many procedures are far less painful than in the past too, thanks to pain free gels and improvements in technique.
Keep up the routine of visiting your Leeds dentist regularly so that your mouth can be monitored and any dental treatments can be carried out when they are required.

Experiencing a dental emergency? Contact your City of Leeds dentist immediately

January 18th, 2011

If you are experiencing a dental emergency you should get in touch with your City of Leeds dentist immediately. They are trained, dental experts and will be able to resolve whatever issue you have. It is much better to get a problem dealt with immediately so that it can be sorted out before things get any worse.
A dental emergency might result if you have had an accident which affected your mouth. Maybe one of your teeth has been knocked out or it has become so damaged that the pain is excruciating and the affected tooth has become significantly discoloured. It is vital that such an eventuality is dealt with as soon as possible so the problem does not affect your general health. Things like a severely damaged tooth can become infected and the infection might enter the blood stream and cause complications.
Your dentist will be able to deal with the problem, either by replacing a lost tooth, removing a damaged one or cleaning the area of infection so that it cannot spread. There might be some follow up procedures too to ensure that the problem is rectified fully. Maybe a replacement tooth will be required or root canal surgery to make sure that the inside of the tooth is free from debris and infection.
Do not ignore the signs that might mean a dental emergency is occurring. Any prolonged and chronic pain in the teeth or gums ought to be reported to your City of Leeds dentist immediately. Do not be embarrassed and think the problem is only trifling because it might be worse than you imagine and there is no point gambling with your oral health.

Find out the best way of cleaning teeth with advice from City of Leeds dentists

January 17th, 2011

You should make sure that you visit your dentist every six months to have your mouth checked by a professional, but the responsibility of looking after your teeth and gums does not only lie with your dentist. You ought to be taking good care of your teeth at home too, and making sure that you are cleaning them properly.
Brushing your teeth with a tooth brush is vital in ensuring that plaque is not allowed to build up to the extent that it interferes with the enamel and starts to form cavities. Cavities can be rather painful and will need treatment to counter their effects. It is much better to ensure that you are cleaning your teeth properly in the first place.
You should brush at least twice a day, usually first thing in the morning and last thing at night. You might wish to brush as well after meals, especially if you have eaten a particularly sugary or starchy meal as this will produce more plaque on the teeth. Your brushing ought to last for about three minutes and you should be sure to brush all areas of your mouth, including the inner area of your teeth.
Don’t brush too hard as this can damage your teeth and your gums. If you find you are doing this then you might wish to purchase a tooth brush with softer bristles. You should use a tooth paste fortified with fluoride because it helps to strengthen enamel, your teeth’s natural defence against plaque.
Talk to your City of Leeds dentist if you want more handy advice about cleaning teeth.

Incredible results with teeth bleaching from City of Leeds dentists

January 16th, 2011

If you have an important social occasion coming up – a wedding for example – you might be concerned about the aesthetic state of your teeth. Over time teeth can become dull and stained; this is as natural as the fading of the colour of your hair. So many people spruce up the colour of their hair, why not give the same attention to your teeth?
Teeth bleaching – also known as whitening – can take a variety of different forms, all with the aim of restoring the whiteness of your teeth. Dentists can offer treatment in surgery, often using special gels and curing lights. These procedures are usually non-invasive and extremely effective but they can be a little time consuming. With many surgeries offering interest free payment plans, these treatments are more affordable than ever.
Special kits can also be purchased in super markets and pharmacies so that teeth whitening can be achieved by you, in your own time. These will usually involve gels too, which need to be placed into trays. These trays are worn on your teeth over a given period of time to allow the gel to work on your teeth, removing stains and combatting dullness. This method is more convenient than having to make repeated or lengthy trips to the surgery.
The results offered by teeth bleaching kits can be astonishing. Some procedures can make teeth the whitest possible shade, allowing you to smile with confidence and pride. If you want to improve your smile by making your teeth whiter, talk to your City of Leeds dentist today about the different varieties of teeth bleaching available. Take the first step towards having a brilliant, shining, white smile.

What are the pros and cons of fluoride? Get the answers from Leeds dentists

January 15th, 2011

In taking care of your teeth you face many dilemmas such as the strength of the bristles you choose for your brush and whether you ought to use dental floss or dental tape. Another issue that many people wrestle with is that of fluoride and whether it is helpful to use it to aid in the fight against plaque.
Although many studies have shown that the consumption of fluoride can help combat plaque – reducing levels of decay in teeth by some forty to sixty per cent – it is not without controversy. Fluoride is added to the water supply in many countries and some say that it is harmful to humans.
The benefits of fluoride to your teeth are hard to debate, however. Fluoride helps strengthen enamel, the hard substance which is coats your teeth and protects them from the effects of plaque. It is vital that plaque is stopped because it can cause the breakdown of teeth which then might have to be removed if they decay to a great extent.
It is true that a condition called dental fluorosis can develop in children who consume too much fluoride, perhaps by swallowing large amounts of fluoride enriched tooth pastes. But this is a rare happening indeed and the amount of fluoride needed to bring on dental fluorosis is very large. There are about three hundred million people around the world who consume fluoride every day from their tap and many more who do so in the form of tooth paste and negative effects are rarely seen.
Dentists advise that fluoride enhanced tooth pastes are used when brushing teeth but children under two should avoid doing so. For older children, however, fluoride is vital in getting a head start in the development of strong, healthy teeth and supplements are available if you live in an area which has less fluoride in the tap water.

Arrange a dental visit with your Central Leeds dentist to safeguard the health of your mouth

January 14th, 2011

Brushing and flossing your teeth effectively and making sure you have a balanced diet are, of course, very important in ensuring lasting oral hygiene but you should combine this with regular visits to your dentist. Having your mouth checked by a professional is immensely helpful in making sure that your teeth and gums are healthy.
Even if you are extremely vigilant at home and are on the look out for signs of plaque build up, tooth decay and gum disease, you might miss something. This is where your dentist comes in. Get into the habit of visiting them every six months so that they can give your mouth a thorough check.
Using their expertise and specialist equipment, dentists can look at every corner of your mouth to determine the state of health of your teeth and gums. They will be on the look out for excessive plaque which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. They will also examine your gums themselves to see if you are developing gum disease, a common condition amongst British adults.
It is far better to spot any of these conditions early so that they can be dealt with effectively and without invasive procedures. What is most likely to happen at a dental visit is that your dentist will advise you on your home oral hygiene routine so that you can maximise your oral health through your own practices.
If you are anxious about seeing the dentist, rest assured that modern dentists take great pride in putting their patients at ease. Make an appointment today to see your Central Leeds dentist for a check up and avoid unnecessary complications with your oral health.

City of Leeds dentists help combat dental phobias

January 13th, 2011

Taking care of your mouth begins at home with a robust oral hygiene routine including regular brushing and flossing. But this must be pursued in tandem with visits to your dentist so that your mouth can be examined by a trained professional. The fact is that, no matter how vigilant you are, problems can develop with your teeth and gums that you may not spot. Unfortunately, going to see a dentist is no simple matter for the many people who have dental phobias.
You might be afraid of seeing the dentist because of the memory of a painful procedure that you endured as a child. These memories can be hard to shift and are enhanced by negative stereotypes of dentistry that persist in the visual and written media. A fear of needles can put you off going to the dentist too.
It might be the case that you avoid going to the dentist because you had a disagreement with a member of staff in the surgery in the past. There is nothing worse than feeling that your dentist was not sympathetic to your problems and you may then feel that there is no point taking your issues to them again.
The important thing to remember here is that there are plenty of dentists out there and you should one find one with whom you can have a good relationship. Dental practices have changed a lot in recent years too and modern dentists make it their business to relax patients and be sympathetic to their needs.
If you have issues with a dental phobia you should talk to your City of Leeds dentist and find out how you can overcome it to make sure that your teeth have the best possible care.

Put a stop to bruxism with diagnosis from City of Leeds dentists

January 12th, 2011

Bruxism is the activity of grinding your teeth during sleep. Although as common as snoring, bruxism can easily go unnoticed but it ought to be dealt with to avoid potentially serious complications with the teeth and jaw. Being sure to keep in regular contact with your dentist is a good way to guard against bruxism and its effects.
There are believed to be two primary causes of bruxism. One is stress; if you are feeling anxious for whatever reason then this can manifest itself during sleep with the grinding of your teeth. If this is determined to be the reason for your bruxism then it might be prudent for you to seek advice from a mental health expert.
Dentists also suggest that bruxism can be caused by an imperfect alignment of the teeth. It is vital that bruxism is dealt with, no matter what the cause so that you avoid breaking or chipping one or more of your teeth in the process of the grinding. Nobody wants to have to have a tooth removed and replaced or have a crown fitted.
Your dentist might advise that you have a mouth guard fitted to wear during the night. These simple devices can be fabricated by your dentist using moulds and impressions of your teeth. They take the strain of your grinding and ensure that teeth are not damaged.
Your City of Leeds dentist can keep an eye on your teeth during the check ups you ought to be having every six months. If he or she determines that bruxism is occurring then steps can be taken to stop permanent damage from afflicting your teeth.

Get expert advice about which tooth paste to choose from Leeds dentists

January 11th, 2011

We all know how important it is to take care of our teeth with effective brushing at home. By brushing twice a day you are stopping the build up of plaque which, if left unchecked, can cause cavities to form and dental decay to occur. But there are so many varieties of tooth paste on offer, it be confusing to know which one to choose.
Tooth paste ought to be applied to the bristles of your tooth brush when you are brushing your teeth. You should be using about a pea sized amount. Any more is unnecessary and wasteful and using less will be ineffective. Children ought to be especially careful an infants under two would do best to avoid tooth pastes fortified with fluoride.
For anyone older than two, tooth pastes enriched with fluoride can be very beneficial to teeth. This is because fluoride helps to strengthen enamel. Enamel is the tough substance which coats teeth and helps protect them from plaque. Most modern tooth pastes contain fluoride and it is also to be found in tap water.
Although increasingly rare, some tooth pastes contain alcohol. Alcohol is extremely effective at killing bacteria but it doesn’t discriminate and also kills the ‘good’ bacteria in the mouth. Tooth pastes containing alcohol and bicarbonate of soda can also help to make bad breath worse. This is because they leave the mouth in ideal conditions for the bad breath bacteria to flourish.
The next time you see your Leeds dentist, be sure to ask them about tooth paste. He or she is a trained professional and knows all about tooth pastes and which one will be best for your unique mouth.

City of Leeds dentists can help you and your baby cope with teething

January 10th, 2011

Having a baby is fraught with health issues as you try and ensure that the process of growing is not too painful for your infant. One of the issues that many parents face is that of teething. This is when your baby’s first proper set of teeth begin to come through.
The milk teeth, a baby’s first set of teeth, usually develop pre-natally while the baby is still in the womb. About six months after birth they will begin to come through the gums in a process called teething. It doesn’t always happen at six months as every person is different and you should not necessarily worry if your child is late or early to come to teething.
Usually the bottom front teeth will come through first, at about six months. Then the incisors at the top will start to emerge, followed by the incisors on either side of them. This will be replicated on the bottom when the infant is about a year old. Then come the canines and the molars at the rear of the mouth.
All in all, teething can take about two years from start to finish and can cause baby’s some discomfort. This will not happen to all babies, some of whom will go through teething without any significant issues. For others, however, it can be painful. You can help ease this pain by giving them something hard to chew on. This is where teething rings come in as these specially designed plastic devices are ideal for that purpose. Pain easing gels are also available for babies older than four months.
Talk to your Leeds dentist if you need any more advice about the teething process and how it can affect your baby.