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Leeds dentists create stunning smiles with porcelain veneers

November 29th, 2010

In today’s image-conscious world, it is very damaging to your self-esteem to feel ashamed of your personal appearance. This is especially so when you have issues with your teeth as you may not want to show your smile and have difficulties eating, drinking or even talking.

Even two decades ago the methods available to correct uneven, damaged or stained teeth were limited but thanks to advances in cosmetic dentistry there are a number of options for restoring imperfect teeth. Porcelain veneers represents one of these advances and can give you the opportunity to smile again with confidence having had incredibly natural-looking improvements made to your teeth.

In just one afternoon a set of porcelain veneers can be designed to fit over your teeth and dramatically alter your smile for the better. The minimum of work is required with fitting these veneers as they can be as thin as a contact lens. CEREC technology available from Leeds dentists allows porcelain veneers, ready to be installed, to be constructed in as little as six minutes. Using digital imaging and the latest computer techniques, this method means you will hardly have to wait at all.

Having thoroughly cleaned the area, your dentist will apply an etching agent to afford the dental bonding more grip. Then the veneers can be attached, offering stunning results that are similar in appearance to tooth enamel, even down to translucence, texture and colour. There is no need to be ashamed of your uneven, stained or damaged teeth any longer with incredible porcelain veneers. Feel the benefits of increased self-confidence and greater ease talking, eating and drinking. The first step is asking your Leeds dentist about porcelain veneers today.

Porcelain crowns from Leeds dentists produce stunning results

November 27th, 2010

Having damaged or broken teeth can put you off smiling out of embarrassment. As smiling is an important social tool which puts others at ease, it is important to deal with any cracked teeth in a way that leaves you confident of satisfactory results.

Crowns can be installed by your Leeds dentist to strengthen your broken down tooth and enable it to function properly when you eat, drink and talk. If your tooth has decayed or been so damaged that there is an insufficient amount remaining to rebuild from, a crown will be your best option. Crowns can also be used as protection for any large cavities. The aesthetic appeal of crowns can be used if your teeth have become dull or stained but it is worth noting that in these circumstances you might have to have a proportion of your tooth drilled away in order to fit the crown and a less invasive procedure may be preferable.

Porcelain crowns represent an improvement on the traditional use of metal. In time, metal crowns can begin to produce a dark line against the gum which is hardly aesthetically pleasing. The new porcelain varieties are far more discreet and will match your existing teeth so that few people would even notice.

Your dentist will need to prepare the area to remove debris and then, if necessary, file down the tooth under local anaesthetic. This is to ensure that the crown can fit on perfectly. An impression is taken in dental putty then sent to a laboratory where the crown will be constructed from durable, lightweight porcelain. In the meantime you will wear a temporary crown which will be removed and replaced with the permanent, porcelain replacement after a fortnight or so and fixed with dental cement.

Ask your Leeds dentist today about the amazing results that porcelain crowns can offer and look forward to a perfect smile.

Find out about oral hygiene with Leeds dentist

November 25th, 2010

Maintaining your oral hygiene helps you to smile with confidence and avoid painful and unsightly conditions. To prevent a build-up of plaque bacteria, which can cause diseases in the mouth, a regular routine of brushing and flossing must be pursued. A healthy mouth means one that has teeth which are clean and free from debris, pink gums and an absence of bad breath.

Knowing the symptoms of poor oral hygiene is important. These can include painful gums that are prone to bleeding, episodes of bad breath and teeth which might have brown or yellow deposits or are loose and subject to increasing gaps. Leaving these problems untreated can lead to the formation of cavities or gum disease which, in its advanced stages, can be very painful indeed and result in tooth loss.

Combating the accumulation of plaque is vital in maintaining oral hygiene because the bacteria allows the sugar and starch you eat to release corrosive acids which attack teeth. Especially if you suffer from bad breath, the use of antiseptic mouthwashes post-brushing will help to eliminate plaque. Fluoride, found in drinking water and most toothpastes, strengthens your tooth enamel and is available as a supplement or a dental treatment. Your diet has an important part to play too and by avoiding certain sugary foods you lessen the chances of a plaque build-up. These measure, in conjunction with regular visits to your Leeds dentist will mean a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

Bad oral hygiene can mean confidence-shattering bad breath, stained teeth and bleeding gums. Don’t let plaque ruin your mouth and cause conditions which require invasive treatments. Contact your dentist today to receive more advice about maintaining your oral hygiene.

Leeds dentists diagnoses oral cancer early at six-month check up

November 24th, 2010

Oral cancer is an extremely serious condition; one of the worst that affect a person’s mouth. Although the survival rate is fairly high with early diagnosis, if the disease is allowed to develop it can cause fatality. Your dentist plays a crucial part in diagnosing oral cancer earlier as they are trained to spot early signs such as the presence on soft tissue of red and white patches which don’t fade naturally.

Men are twice as likely to be affected by oral cancer as women and smoking tobacco and consuming alcohol can increase the chances of developing it. In spite of this, it is worth noting that in nearly a quarter of all cases the patient is neither male nor smokes or drinks, proving that not only those in the high risk categories can suffer from oral cancer.

Small swellings or rusty spots occurring on the inside of the mouth can be signs of the first stages of oral cancer and unexplained oral bleeding or sudden weight loss should be taken seriously and examined by at a Leeds dentist. Be vigilant too about difficulties eating or drinking due to pain or soreness in the mouth as these too can be early signals of the disease.

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is crucial in the fight against oral cancer and dangerous substances such as alcohol and tobacco should be avoided. Self-examination can be undertaken by using your finger to feel for bumps, or visually in a mirror to spot any coloured patches. Most crucial of all is to continue to visit your dentist every six months so that they can guard against the signs of oral cancer.

Protect your teeth with mouth guards available from City of Leeds dentists

November 23rd, 2010

Many of us may find ourselves in situations where our teeth need protecting. Whether we play a highly physical sport such as lacrosse, rugby, American football or boxing or indulge in activities such as mountain biking or gymnastics which can cause injuries to the mouth, our teeth can be put at risk. Some of us even have the tendency to grind our teeth during sleep. Protecting our teeth in these situations is vital to ensure that we don’t suffer the pain and inconvenience of tooth loss or chipping.

The best way to ensure our teeth our well protected is to wear a mouth guard. Minimal protection is offered by stock protectors available from sports stores. These ready-to-wear items are convenient and affordable but are not especially recommended by dentists because of the risks that they leave open. Boil and bite mouth guards fit your teeth better but still don’t offer comprehensive protection.

Dentists recommend that custom fitted mouth guards are worn in situations that could be dangerous to teeth. These products fit comfortably and offer increased protection. They are custom fitted to suit the individuality of your mouth. Your dentist will take moulds of your teeth and then a guard is constructed by a technician using the model as a guide. As such, custom fitted mouth guards are more expensive.

Mouth guards protect against and can limit the risk of loosing or breaking a tooth or suffering nerve damage or injuries to the tongue or gums. By using a mouth guard to avoid these afflictions patients can save themselves the time and money that restorative procedures will mean, not to mention minimising the pain involved if an accident to the mouth should occur. Mouth guards are widely available from City of Leeds dentists.

Central Leeds dentists offer effective mini implants to secure dentures

November 22nd, 2010

The common problem of loosing teeth can cause great difficulties with talking eating and drinking, not to mention your confidence. Society is incredibly image-conscious and having a gap in one’s smile where a teeth ought to be can lead to low self-esteem. Dentures can solve this problem by providing you with realistic looking replacements that will complete your smile.

Central Leeds dentists are now offering an effective way for your denture to be secured to your mouth using mini-implants. Acting as a substitute for the lost root part of your tooth, mini implants are made from highly durable titanium which is compatible with your mouth. Using a predilled socket, the implants are attached to your jaw with the aim being that it will fuse with your bone in a process known as osseointegration. In this way the new tooth or teeth are given an extremely stable housing in which to sit.

Having assessed the appropriate area for decay and then made sure it is free from debris, your dentist will perform an Xray or CT scan before making a small incision in the jaw under local anaesthetic. Once the titanium mini implant is installed, the jaw will be stitched back up. A temporary replacement will be worn during the healing process before a specially made new tooth can be attached to the mini implant which will already be successfully fusing with the surrounding bone.

The use of mini-implants provide a long-term solution to tooth loss. The titanium is immensely durable and the fusing process means that the replacement denture will be secure. You can clean replacements housed in mini implants just like normal teeth and not have to worry about dentures that will slip and become unclean. For more information contact your Central Leeds dentist immediately.

City of Leeds dentists offer smile makeovers with Lumineers

November 21st, 2010

Over time the colour of your teeth fades and you may experience gaps in your smile. This is as unavoidable as the greying of hair. But having the perfect smile is vital for boosting self-esteem. New Lumineer veneers can reshape your smile and give you the confidence that a winning smile allows by using the latest patented technology to increase efficiency.

Traditional veneers have offered a solution to those wishing to improve their smile for some time. Lumineers represent a substantial leap in veneer technology. The special cerinate porcelain from which they are constructed adds durability and means that Lumineers are clinically proven to last more than twenty years.

The extra-thin design – Lumineers are comparable in thickness to contact lenses – means that your teeth hardly have to be prepared for their application at all. It is quite possible that none, or very little, of your existing teeth will have to be removed before your Lumineers are fitted. Leaving the natural structure of your tooth intact means that these processes are often reversible too and you will have the flexibility to change your mind.

Whether you suffer from misaligned, stained or crooked teeth Lumineers offer a solution to them all. They can even be installed over existing bridge work or crowns. As all Lumineers must be made from patented cerinate porcelain, only manufactured in the Cerinate Smile Design Studio located in the United States, not all cosmetic dentists can offer them. Ask your City of Leeds dentist today if they are registered to provide you with Lumineers and in just a few appointments you could be on your way to the perfect smile that has been delighting Americans for so many years.

Leeds dentists offer stunning Invisalign see-through braces

November 20th, 2010

Traditional orthodontic practice has relied for many years on metal braces. These devices severely hampered many peoples’ confidence as they were nervous about smiling and speaking in case of displaying the unsightly metal brackets and wires which filled their mouths. Thankfully there is a new route to your perfect smile with a product that is all but invisible.

Harnessing the very latest in computer technology and 3D images, dentists are now able to offer braces that have come to be known as ‘see-through’ or ‘invisible braces’ given that they are virtually unnoticeable. The Invisalign system moves your teeth over time using a clear brace fabricated especially for your unique mouth. The end result is brilliantly straightened teeth and a perfectly natural-looking, stunning smile.

By wearing your Invisalign brace for 22 hours a day your teeth are gently adjusted. They are completely removable, allowing you greater ease with eating, drinking and tooth brushing and cleaning the Invisalign brace itself. Regular check-ups with your dentist will allow them to give you replacement Invisaligns when your teeth require them.

Without the metal brackets and wiring, Invisalign see-through braces are far more comfortable than their traditional counterparts. In traditional braces the process of tightening the elastic bands would often cause great discomfort to the wearer but Invisalign straightens teeth in a far more gentle fashion. Of course the fact that they are virtually invisible means that there is minimal disruption to one’s lifestyle as they can only be seen from very close-up.

Invisalign-certified dentists offer free consultations to see if this revolutionary technique is right for you. It can be used to correct most problems with crooked teeth, overbite, gaps between teeth and crowding so contact your Leeds dentist today to find out more.

Inman aligners from central Leeds dentists straighten teeth faster

November 19th, 2010

A brace that can straighten your teeth in just weeks rather than months or years is no longer just a pipedream. Neither is a brace that is totally removable and has no metal brackets or fixed wires. A new aligner is available that is both speedy and discreet. With just one small bar visible across the teeth you will be able to smile with confidence knowing that, all the while, your teeth are being effectively straightened.

It’s called the Inman aligner and has been making waves in the dentistry world and beyond. The incredible improvements that Inman aligners offer can be achieved in a mere six weeks and the average duration of treatment is less than six months in total. You can remove the Inman aligner to clean your teeth, eat and even for social occasions. The benefits this can give your self-confidence is huge.

Utilising the power of a coiled spring that sits on the tongue-side of the teeth to push out the lateral teeth, the Inman aligner gently achieves straightening while being extremely discreet. By giving room for the other teeth to be pulled into position against the straightening bar on the front teeth the Inman aligner ensures maximum effectiveness. Small alignment issues are easily solved by the Inman aligner although teeth cannot be rotated.

While costing about the same as most other orthodontic treatments, the Inman aligner offers incredible speed that was previously unattainable. Youngsters in particular need no longer be put off teeth alignment by the prospect of wearing an unsightly brace for many of their formative and already socially awkward years. Ask your central Leeds dentist today about the Inman aligner and experience this revolutionary new brace to straighten your teeth.

Prevent tooth loss with early diagnosis of gum disease from City of Leeds dentists

November 18th, 2010

Often overlooked in favour of teeth, maintaining healthy gums is just as important to having a healthy mouth. Experts believe that as much as three quarters of the adult population of Britain over the age of thirty five are currently suffering from some stage of gum disease, which is a greater cause of tooth loss than tooth decay itself. Contact your City of Leeds dentist today as gum disease in its early stages is often entirely reversible.

Gingivitis is the most common gum disease, resulting in painful reddening of the gums. They may bleed during brushing and eating and drinking can be made more difficult. Normal dental hygiene practices such as brushing twice a day and flossing can ensure that gingivitis doesn’t take hold.

If left to progress, gingivitis can lead to other debilitating gum diseases such as periodontitis. This extreme stage of gingivitis causes inflammation of the gums which spreads to the bones holding the teeth in place and can lead to teeth becoming loose and eventually falling out.

Signs to look out for are any bleeding when brushing your teeth and be vigilant for redness and swelling in the mouth. Bad breath too can be a sign of gingivitis. If your teeth suddenly feel like they don’t quite ‘fit’ in your mouth as well as they used to or you experience an odd ‘metallic’ taste, you may be in the early stages of gum disease.

Your dentist will be able to spot all of these signs. Carry on your regular dental hygiene regime and you shouldn’t have anything to worry about but be sure to keep an eye out and any gum disease can be stopped early to avoid tooth loss.