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Posts Tagged ‘bad breath’

Bye-bye Bad Breath in the City of Leeds

Monday, December 19th, 2011

You have probably met someone in the city of Leeds who has really pungent breath, especially towards the end of the evening. It really isn’t pretty talking to someone with such a problem as this, yet they probably don’t know that they have it, and if that’s the case, it begs the question whether you have it too. Bad breath is the advertising board that something is going wrong with mouth and/or your body. Many smells arise from having a dry mouth, gum disease or tooth decay and if you can taste something ‘off’, then there is a good chance it isn’t going to smell nice either. A bad lifestyle- smoking and drinking for example- and a woeful diet can all add to the problem of bad breath. It isn’t the end of the world though and you can challenge the situation, but you are going to have to work hard to rectify the situation. Your dentist can address the gum disease and tooth decay when necessary and give you advice on how to handle your nutrition and hygiene at home, but it is down to you. Change your diet for the better to give your immune system a boost so that the saliva levels in the mouth remain high. Then really go for it on the oral hygiene front with your brushing and flossing and then treat your teeth and gums to a holiday by massaging in some really good herbal remedies. Always drink lots of water and ensure that you have a good selection of sugar-free gum and boiled sweets about your person to aid the mouth’s hydration. Do it and you can beat it, but remember, anything that smells pungent indicates decay somewhere inside you.

Awful Breath in Leeds

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Bad breath can lead to a bad social life in Leeds and the more you allow the condition to get on top of you, the more you will find yourself becoming a social reject. If that sounds a little harsh, it could become true so it’s time to do something about it. Take a step back and have a good hard look at your lifestyle. If you smoke, this can lead to the depletion of saliva levels in the mouth, the natural guard against the build up of bacteria. Poor diet can lead to the break down of your immune system again leading to a dry mouth- as can heavy medication. Firstly you must address these and then you can get to work on your mouth by upping your daily oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing regularly throughout the day, drinking lots of water, incorporating herbal remedies into your regime, avoiding caffeine based drinks and alcohol based mouthwashes, and the sucking/ chewing of sugar free sweets/gum can help to keep your mouth hydrated. Getting tips off your dentist will help, plus they can help treat things like tooth decay and gum disease that are also two of the main players in bad breath. If however, you have thrown the kitchen sink at the problem and the condition remains, it could mean that something more sinister is afoot within your body that may require you having a complete MOT down at the doctors.

Bad Breath, Gum Disease and how to fight it in Leeds

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

Bad breath (halitosis) is one of those horrible things in Leeds that can really start to affect the way you live your life. Apart from becoming deeply unpopular and socially outcast, it is also an indication that something, somewhere is breaking down within your body and that your overall health could be on the line. There are many causes behind bad breath but the main protagonist is a dry mouth: this is borne out of several conditions such as bad diet, hence leading to a poor immune system, or heavy medication. Smoking and heavy drinking doesn’t help the cause either as they can easily bring on gum disease. Gum disease is a great supporter of bad breath and the two go hand in hand. You need to see your dentist immediately to discuss the problem to first get your teeth and gums back into some sort of order. Then and only then, can you attack the problem head on. Hydration of the mouth is deadly important to maintain high levels of saliva- the natural agent against bacteria. Chewing gum and sucking on sugar free sweets will help, as well as avoiding caffeine based foods and drinks. But of course once you done all these, and then cut down on your smoking and drinking and got your diet back on track, it then comes down to the age old problem of oral hygiene and you should throw everything at the problem, including herbal remedies in order to fight bad breath.

Smelly Breath and Gum Disease in Central Leeds

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Are you finding that you are becoming more alienated and lonely in central Leeds even though you know you are fantastic? Well it could be that your breath might be a wee bit ‘whiffy’ and that you may be suffering from gum disease as well. Smelly breath can make life very unsociable for you but the reasons behind it can be difficult to rectify. Bad odors in the mouth indicate problems and if you suffer from gum disease, it only complicates the problem. Gum disease will dry the mouth out and cause the gums to bleed and weep, that will lead to bad smells in the mouth. Essentially, you have been lacking in good oral hygiene. If you have reached this stage, then you are going to have to work damn hard to reverse it. Getting your butt down to the dentists is a priority here so that they can check how bad the situation is at this point in the game. They will be able to administer emergency help through a myriad of treatments, but if you don’t wake up and realize how to look after your own teeth through looking after them, you will not only lose your teeth, but you certainly won’t be invited to many more parties- that’s a given.

Central Leeds Dentist Discusses Remedies for Embarrassing Bad Breath

Friday, November 4th, 2011

Your best defense against bad breath is brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and regular visits to your dentist. Do you clean your teeth at least twice a day? Do you visit your dentist at least once a year for a check up and a clean up?

When brushing, be sure to brush your tongue and gums gently. There are food particles and plaque that people often miss in these areas, resulting in bad breath. Be sure to use soft bristles and fluoride toothpaste. There is also fluoride fortified mouthwash and floss available.

The kinds of food we eat can impact our breath so be sure to maintain a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and lean protein. Avoid sugary and processed foods as these will invite tooth decay and gum disease which often come with halitosis, constant bad breath. Make sure also to keep yourself hydrated as drinking plenty of water will keep your breath fresh.

There are also some home remedies that are worth a try such as salt water gargles and vitamin C supplements. Before adding any supplements to your regular routine, please consult your medical professionals.

Smoking and alcohol use also contribute to bad breath. Bad breath may be an indication of greater problems. Consult your dentist in Leeds about leading a healthy lifestyle to fight bad breath and contribute to your overall oral health.

Stifling Bad Breath in Leeds

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

The mouth is such an intricate thing that relies on so many finite things to get it through the average day. But of course in Leeds, the health of our mouth’s also relies of the type of stuff we are feeding our bodies on a day-to-day basis. If we are nonchalant and don’t really care what the hell we do to ourselves, it will inevitably get back to our teeth and gums and manifest in the form of bad breath. Now, bad breath indicates bad health, but more importantly that you should do something about it as well as soon as you can. This should be a very important wake up call to maintain a healthy status quo in your life. First stop get yourself to a dentist and a nutritionist to find out exactly where you are going wrong in your life. Your dentist will be able to patch you up, sort out your teeth and gum problems and send you on your way with a few good tips, but this is not getting to the root of bad breath. What is required is a wee change and tweak to how you live your life. Diet- yes, this needs to be changed to give your body the optimum nutrients it needs. If you suffer from stress, this can also cause an imbalance in the body and mouth. Next up is the way you look after your teeth everyday- you definitely have to increase the way you care for your teeth and gums with a radical oral hygiene system. Bad breath is not hard to beat, but losing friends because of it can be soul destroying. Learning and understanding the risks of bad breath can save you a valley of hurt in the future.

Cleaning away Bad Breath in Central Leeds

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

So you might be a bit of a party freak in central Leeds, but even you, unless you are totally self absorbed and thick-skinned must ask yourself why it is that people back away when you open your mouth. One of the alternatives to the fact you might be obnoxious is that you may have bad breath- which is nothing to be sniffed at for many reasons! Bad breath is a sure fire way of indicating that something is going wrong inside of you and that you must do something about it- quickly! Bad breath can indicate atrocities such as gum disease and decaying teeth, really poor health and even worse, oral cancer. Go to the dentist and discuss the problem with them- talk about your diet, your lifestyle and your bad ways and then they will be able to push you towards the eradication of your poor breath. Looking after your general health is key, as is giving you body a break by increasing your diet, but then so is ‘upping’ the way you look after your teeth. The brush you use, the way you use it, your toothpaste, your daily regime…all of these things you must re-evaluate if you are to give your mouth a chance. Using products that might be completely alien to you- such as herbal remedies, and avoiding coffee and ensuring your mouth is clean after eating and making sure the mouth is fresh and hydrated everyday with products that are going to benefit the mouth and not drain it of its natural saliva is the way forward to beating bad breath.

Gum Disease and Bad Breath in Central Leeds

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Gum disease and bad breath have this uncanny knack of becoming dance partners at a party you really shouldn’t be at in central Leeds. Generally in most people that suffer the indignity of having bad breath, it’s a direct fall-out of not caring for your teeth in the first place- bad oral hygiene. It all starts with the build up of plaque that gets into the gums and infects them. Then the mouth can start to dry around the teeth and then give off a pungent taste in the mouth and if it tastes bad, it sure isn’t going to give off a nice smell either. But there are other factors that can also impact on gum disease- diabetes, diet, stress and heavy medication. The thing is, the problem of bad breath can only be treated head on by also getting your dentist involved- they can tackle the gum disease and then advise you on how to suppress the problem when working on your teeth and gums at home. Oral hygiene should be of the highest order here, to give your mouth and gums a fighting chance- herbal remedies are wonderful for treating gum disease, but so too is ensuring that you maintain the saliva levels in the mouth by ensuring it is constantly in a flux of hydration; this will ensure that any bacteria is ‘destroyed’ naturally. This can also be done by changing your diet and identifying the symptoms behind your lifestyle which may be adding to the problem of your gum disease and hence, your bad breath.

Bad Breath and the use of Oral Products in Leeds

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

It’s amazing when you look around Leeds just how many products there are on the market to keep up your oral hygiene program at home, and especially ones that promise to stave of bad breath. If you are someone who suffers from bad breath, you probably suffer from a lack of saliva in the mouth making it dry so probably, you’re first option to try to remedy the smell with a mouth wash- because that’s good for you and will, kill off bacteria in the mouth….or is it good for your mouth? Some of the cheaper mouthwashes contain alcohol which yes, is good for killing bacteria, but which also can dry the mouth out even more- adding to the problem of bad breath. They may also contain a masking agent, which dries your mouth out too and though your breath smells okay for a while afterwards- it does nothing to remedy the overall problem. If you are suffering from a dry mouth, you’d also be very wise to steer clear of toothpastes that whiten your teeth, for they contain bleaching agents that can compound your problem. What you need to do is seek advice from someone who can help with your problem and steer you away from products that will only make it worse- and the person best to do that is you dentist.

Understand bad breath and eliminate the causes; Central Leeds dentists can help you with this

Thursday, September 15th, 2011

If you are aware that you sometimes suffer from bad breath, it can be very difficult to cope with. Social occasions become that much more difficult if you know that every time you open your mouth to speak, breathe or smile you are giving off unpleasant smells. Dentists can help put an end to this problem as they are able to examine your mouth, find the cause of your bad breath and then advise about how you might deal with it.
Bad breath is caused by the prevalence of a certain type of bacteria in the mouth. Known as halitosis, bad breath bacteria favour certain types of conditions in the mouth and the key to ridding yourself of it is to make sure that your mouth is not the sort of place where it can thrive.
On a basic level, bad breath bacteria find it is easy to stick to the teeth if the mouth is dry. If you are a smoker or someone who tends to imbibe a lot of alcohol, these habits can contribute to the drying out of your mouth. Mouthwashes too, although effective at freshening breath in the short term, also dry out the mouth and leave it an ideal place for bad breath bacteria to hang around in.
Think about the ways in which you can moisten up your mouth on a regular basis. Chewing gum can help and regular tooth brushing too. If your mouth is dry and not producing enough saliva then you will be more open to the invidious effects of plaque as well so it is definitely worth seeking the advice of a dentist in central Leeds.