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Posts Tagged ‘Leeds’

Popping a Knocked-out Tooth back in place in Leeds

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

318711_blogIt may or may not happen, but if you have a tooth knocked out at any time, it’s best you are aware of what to do should it happen, because what a lot of people may not be aware of is that if is popped back in within around 12 hours, it will naturally bed-in again and you’ll be as right as rain. If this happens to you, and this is easier said than done, try not to panic. If you can, you can put it back in yourself, but normally you need to get somewhere in Leeds- like a dentist or hospital, where it can be done for you. It is imperative you do not touch the root when you pick it up; if possible put the tooth in milk. If you can’t do this, then simply slip it under the tongue or between your cheek and gums, as the saliva in your mouth will naturally protect it. Time is of the essence here; by having your tooth placed back into place again means you will be saving yourself money from getting it replaced by a bridge or a partial denture in the future. Find out as much as you can about this- the more you know, the better it will be for you to make an informed decision should you find yourself in this shock of a situation.

Different Remedies for your mouth in Central Leeds

Sunday, January 12th, 2014

595603_blogIn a modern world where dentists seemingly have the answer to every problem with their new fangled gadgets- and that is not in anyway meant to impugn their work because it is brilliant, but even some of these modern cavaliers will also admit that there are also other options to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Herbal remedies have started to play their hand in central Leeds and for good reason- they work, and some dentists would concur with this. Many cultures have used herbs for centuries to cure the ills of the body and now, the same applications are being used for oral health. Problems such as gum disease can be stopped and even reversed with herbal products; teeth can be re-mineralised. However, you will need to put in a lot of research and homework to work out what exactly these fabulous products can do for you. Firstly, ask your dentist or hygienist about such alternatives; some may scoff at the idea but persevere. Talk to someone who knows all about the benefits of herbal remedies and medicines and look on-line for what will be best for any condition you may have. The combination of using your dentist and alternative products will only be good for your oral health.

Happiness is a Smile Makeover in the City of Leeds

Saturday, January 11th, 2014

2904387_blogIf you are constantly in the public eye in the city of Leeds and the way you express yourself is part of your job and your existence, then the way you portray yourself is vital. This doesn’t just apply to the way you adorn yourself with clothes and hold your hair- it also means the way you smile. If this image of your is that important, then you need to make sure your teeth are up to scratch and if they aren’t and you need a quite a bit of work done, then sign up for a complete smile makeover with your dentist and get the complete package for a set price- get them into shape. Braces and aligners will address any crooked teeth; bridges, dentures and implants with crowns will sort out any tooth loss that may have occurred. Teeth whitening and veneers/cosmetic bonding will deal with discolouration or wear and tear and have your mouth sparkling again. All of this can be done quickly and painlessly and you will be rejuvenated once it is all over. Of course it doesn’t just stop there; dentists can also work on your face as well with BOTOX and dermal fillers to rid you of those horrible wrinkles caused by the onset of age. This is a golden age of dentistry right now so take advantage of it and make yourself look and feel the best you can offer.

Shaping your gums for a better smile in Leeds

Friday, January 10th, 2014

3200188_blogIf you find that your confidence and self expression in Leeds is being held back because you have a ‘gummy’ smile, then it’s about time you got along to your dentist and talk about having your gums contoured. This operation has become a piece of cake to do thanks to laser surgery and you can be freed in no time at all from your inhibitions. Once you sit in that chair, your gums will be numbed with a local anaesthetic and then the dentist will slowly burn away the gums with the laser- the gums that show when you smile; this will only take around 30 minutes to do and it won’t cost a lot either. For a few days after, you may feel a little discomfort but because lasers do very little damage, healing will be fairly quick and you can also take painkillers to numb any pain. You must be careful of what you eat and drink, and of your oral hygiene; a medicated mouthwash is highly recommended until your gums settle. In some cases, it would be advisable to have veneers fitted afterwards to cover up areas of the teeth that have no enamel on them. But hey, come on! All of this is nothing compared to the freedom that you now have and are able to express yourself in a way that you never could before.

Scared of an Abscess in the City of Leeds? You should be

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014

2487210_blogThe origins of any problems in your mouth can be traced directly to one nasty little protagonist- plaque. This forms from bacteria left behind and if it is not removed, it can harden into tartar, strangle the life out of your gums and infect them. Whilst this is going on, acids will be tearing away at the surfaces of your teeth and if they get inside, the pulp and roots will become diseased. Soon the tissue below the roots will become infected and with nowhere to go, an abscess will form. You will soon know about it too: not only will it become viciously painful- your face will swell like a balloon- but it will become viciously dangerous as well. As soon as an abscess erupts, it starts poisoning your blood and is carried into the brain; the upshot is that these toxins can induce a coma that in some cases has proved to be fatal. Find a dentist or go to the hospital in the city of Leeds fast because you need to be pumped with antibiotics in order to stop the poisoning and to reduce the swelling; only then can a dentist get to work on repairing the damage. All of this is down to poor oral hygiene so you should address this immediately, but be warned: if you have had an abscess once, there is a good chance of it coming back and if it does, the only way you can nip this in the bud is to have the tooth removed.

Spiteful Mouth Ulcers in Leeds

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

2143132_blogMost problems that arise in the mouth can be identified by their cause and then treated accordingly. However, there are still some conditions that still baffle professional dentists in Leeds today as to exactly what the cause of them are; mouth ulcers are one of these; these are spiteful and painful and you’ll know when you have one. Many theories are that they can be brought on by abrasion to the gums, highly acidic foods, burns from hot food and drinks, drugs, lacerations and stress. However, they aren’t instantly got rid of either but if you watch yourself for a few days, you should get through. Firstly avoid spicy foods and hot drinks and maintain a high level of oral hygiene throughout; use an anti-sceptic mouthwash and try to keep everything away from the ulcer. If you constantly are under stress though and chewing your gums to pieces, you may need to sit down with a psychiatrist to sort out your personal issues. There are some cracking gels, creams and antiseptic sprays that will relieve a lot of the pain- as well as taking painkillers. There is a huge word of warning here though: ulcers come and cause havoc for only a few days, but if you find them hanging around for weeks, even if you have treated them, then something more sinister is afoot and it could be the early signs of oral cancer. Always check out an ulcer anyway with your dentist to put your mind at rest.

Brighter Brushing in Central Leeds

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

361951_blogThere are many ways of keeping your mouth free of bacteria and plaque in central Leeds; flossing, inter-dental brushing and mouthwashes, but of course, all of these are designed to back up the main player in all of this- the toothbrush. The reason you brush is to remove film from the surfaces of your teeth left by food and drink, even the staining left by smoking. The smoother the surfaces of your teeth are, the more difficult it is for bacteria to stick to your teeth’s enamel, and brushing will do this. Of course you need to find a good brush first and there are many to choose from, so you will have to test a few out first in order to get one that suits your teeth and gums. Once you have got the right bristle strength for your mouth, then it is down to choosing the type of brush. The more popular today are electric brushes as they work faster and more efficiently than you using a hand held brush. However, whatever you go for, you need to learn to use the brush properly; people tend to rush when brushing and think the job is done: take your time and ensure you brush thoroughly in the nooks and crannies. If you get your basic brushing right, and follow it up with other products, you should have a plaque free mouth for life.

A new look with Dental Implants in the City of Leeds

Monday, December 30th, 2013

iStock_000001998629XSmallWhen tooth loss strikes, as it so regularly does in the city of Leeds, you’ll want to turn the situation around as quickly as you can for a number of reasons. When you do, you will want something that is going to last, be strong and give you a fresh start again, and you would be wise to consider looking at dental implants, for when they are in, they are in for life. These have been a revolution to overcoming tooth loss and can be used in all methods of repair. They can help stabilise dentures, anchor bridges or simply house a single crown, but they do reinstate an incredible amount of freedom to your mouth again, which is what you want to hear after losing a tooth or two. Laser surgery has freed up this once complex procedure and a small titanium rod can be put in quickly and rather painlessly, which also improves the healing process. Because it has become so easy to do, it means lots of dentists can do it, so this also means it has become affordable to all.

The Importance of Dental Hygiene to the City of Leeds

Sunday, December 29th, 2013

3943593_blogYou shouldn’t have to be told twice about the importance of oral hygiene in the city of Leeds, that’s if you want to maintain the health of mouth throughout your life. You will always be bombarded with bacteria from foods and drinks and unless these are removed, plaque will set up shop, which can lead to diseased gums and decay in the teeth; these are the early dangers to your teeth inevitably falling out and the threat of teeth abscesses erupting. Get yourself the best products you can afford; brushes, pastes, mouthwashes and flosses, and when you are happy with your choices then learn how to use them properly at least twice a day- especially after eating. If you get this down to a fine art, you will be giving yourself the best odds at avoiding these afore mentioned evils causing damage to your teeth and gums. Also remember, if things do start to go wrong, cut along the see your greatest friend in this situation- your dentist, who can get to places you can’t and fix you up when things go wrong.


Cheering yourself up with Teeth Whitening in Leeds

Saturday, December 28th, 2013

4683491_blogIf you feel your mouth is starting to let you of late in Leeds, there is nothing better to cheer you up than to have a little bit of cosmetic work done and if it’s just down to a little discolouration going on, then all you need to do is opt for some teeth whitening. Dentists are always a good port of call beforehand as you want to ensure you are not suffering from any gum disease. However whilst there, you should ask about laser whitening or some of the best DIY kits on the market which they can supply you with. These are the more expensive methods but they do give quick and remarkable results. Of course, it is just as easy to go it alone and there are plenty of products you can purchase from the shops. Toothpastes are the cheapest option and are very good at making your teeth sparkle again. You can by touch-up pens, bleaching strips or full blown kits you do at home yourself. All have their merit so go on, shop around and do yourself a favour; it will certainly put a smile on your face once more.