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Archive for January, 2013

How Central Leeds adopted the Dental Bridge

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

Tooth loss can come as one hell of a shock, however it has happened, but it is a time to be strong too so that you can focus on getting your loss replaced as quickly as possible. Aside from the way the loss may affect your smile, you need to consider your oral health too. A gap will mean that the teeth around it may have the tendency to move and it is the easiest time for infection to set in. Getting the hole plugged up is essential and one of the best options around in centralLeedsis the dental bridge. This technology has moved forward over the past decade with the introduction of the mini-implant into the mix. The most popular bridge around is one where the new tooth sits between two crowns that are glued onto the teeth either side of the hole. This can stretch to a gap of up to three teeth and it is anchored in the middle with the implant. Similarly, tooth lost at the rear of the mouth also uses an implant as the anchor post and the bridge comes from that and is glued onto the first tooth it comes across. Bridges because of the implant have become stronger and can give you a good 20 years of service. All you have to do is get the hang of cleaning them as it can be a little hard at first.

Protecting your Teeth with a Mouth-guard in Leeds

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Leeds can place a lot of stress on you throughout the average week and so it is lovely to be able to unwind at the end of it all blow off some steam by playing some form of sport. Though if you love the sport, especially if it involves a bit of physicality, then you need to be sure you are protecting yourself properly, especially your teeth and gums. Mouth-guards can greatly reduce the risk of damage not only to these areas, but to your jaws, head, neck and upper back as well so you would be well advised to have one specially made up (as a dentist would if you suffer from teeth grinding). These are very delicate areas of the body we are talking about here and any damage could result in permanent damage for the rest of your life, or if lucky, some very serious surgery to put right. Mouth-guards can be tailored to the specific sport you play and be able to absorb specific types of impacts. Of course, you can buy off the shelf as well, but at least you are protecting yourself on some level

The way to regain your youth: Botox comes to Central Leeds

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

So how do you fancy looking youthful at 50 again? Well it’s out there if you want it and if you rock up to your dentists in central Leeds, you can get it. Dentists are a cheeky bunch aren’t they? Not content at making your teeth look unbelievable, they’re now taking those very same needles that they numb you with before giving you a filling and are pumping your skin full of botox and you know, it doesn’t half work! Botox can ease all those horrible lines in your lips and frame your pretty teeth perfectly and it’s not just the lips either, dentists are working around the eyes, the nose and the forehead as well in order to help you re-live your youth. The normal session will take around 30-45 minutes and will be quite painless. It may take a day or so for your skin to adjust and settle down, but when it does, the results are unbelievable. The only downside is that the treatment only lasts for around 6 months after which, you’ll need to pop along again to get a top up. But it is something that you can become addicted to, eternal youth that is!

The Silver Fox Filling in the City of Leeds

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

There is a lot of bad mouthing going on about amalgam filling these days, even in dental circles in the city of Leeds, that has tended err towards outlawing the very thought of using it again. It is because or the lead and mercury content in its chemical mix which yes, are highly toxic. Certain countries inScandinaviahave already banned its use, but let’s take a step back for a second and calm down before we consign the amalgam filling to the gallows. What’s the alternative? Ceramic and resin fillings look beautifully natural and fresh, and they are by no means toxic. However, they still haven’t been able to offer the longevity that is required in a filling just yet and have the annoying habit of falling out. Gold is good, but again, being soft and malleable, it too has the tendency to fall out.  It would be foolhardy, and very traumatic, to start ripping out perfectly good amalgam fillings based on this evidence alone. As for the toxic levels and how they affect people, again a bit of a mystery. Talk to someone from a couple of generations ago who still have their teeth and ask them about their fillings and when they got them, because the chances are, they have been in all their life, and they’re still alive. If by have ceramic fillings you will live forever- fine, but that’s doubtful. So, how about looking at the positives of this silver fox and just how strong it is, maybe adapt it, cover it with white resin, use it for its better qualities and stop hunting it.

Anaesthetics for the troops in Leeds

Friday, January 4th, 2013

The one thing that everyone should be aware of when they visit the dentist inLeedsis that you have a large say in your treatment and how you would like it to go, seeing as you are paying for it. Now that is very important for someone who has a fear and loathing of a dental surgery, because you do have a right to be succumbed in the chair with anaesthetics if you can’t handle the idea of pain. You know you need to be treated for your oral health, but you don’t have to suffer from it as well. Local anaesthetics can be okay; they can come in the form gels or injections and do tend to numb the affected areas, but they just don’t cut the mustard when the dentist starts playing with your nerves or roots. Nor will they work if you require some complex treatments either. So then, if you fear the worst, then get yourself put under altogether. You can either have this done with gas or by an injection, but it will be a pleasant experience because you will drift off serenely with the pixies whilst your dentist gets to work on the major job in hand. It is the perfect way to get through tooth extractions, especially wisdom or if you have four or five things doing in one go. You won’t feel a thing… that’s great dentistry!!

Choosing your Dental Crowns in the City of Leeds

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

Your teeth are as important as any other part of your body in the city of Leeds and so you try to care for them as best you can. What you can’t cater for though is the unexpected to crop up. Damage to your teeth from tooth decay and injury, even the loss of a tooth can leave your mouth traumatised and in order to prevent further complications from arising through infection, you are going to have to get patched up, and quickly. In all of these cases, once the problem has been treated, there will be some building work required afterwards to get the tooth up to speed and size again and this will involve the placement of a crown. Damage at the back of the mouth will require a strong crown to put up with the chewing forces that have to go through it. Two of the strongest are made from gold or porcelain that is laid over metal and these are more than capable of pulling the job off, as well as looking good. Damage to teeth towards the front of the mouth suffer less stresses and to fit in with the general style of your teeth, a full porcelain crown will look aesthetically great, although the more glitzy among us often go for gold as well. Whatever the final look, the crown will more importantly restore a healthy balance to the mouth again.

The midnight villain: Sleep Apnoea in Leeds

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

It’s a scary thought, but there are things going on while you sleep in Leeds that you have no control over, may not even be aware of and yet could end up being the death of you. You can often take it for granted that you’re going to wake up in the morning and yet never question just how it happens, well here’s how. You’re breathing and blood flow is regulated by messages sent from the brain down to your lungs to take in air so that it enters the bloodstream, allowing the heart to push oxygen and blood around the body and back up into the brain for the next cycle- genius eh? Well it is, as long as all of these three characters are working healthily and not interfered with. As you get older though, they may well have suffered some trauma at some point: damage to the central nervous system, obesity, poor lifestyle or a heart attack can diminish the effectiveness of this midnight automation system and it may start to have problems, especially if you have trouble getting air into your windpipe regularly: now welcome to the dark world of sleep apnoea. This is the condition that arises when your system starts to fail because of the lack of oxygen and all three of the main players will start to panic as the system breaks down. It will start to leave you drowsy and fatigued during the day, affect your daytime breathing as well and in the end, your heart will give up trying.

Wearing Braces in Central Leeds

Tuesday, January 1st, 2013

It’s the time you have been dreading all your life, the wearing of braces, though it’s probably safe to say it is probably easier to front up to as an adult as opposed to being a teenager. Either way though, you may be rather surprised by just how much is on offer to you out there in central Leeds and you may be eligible for some device that will get your treatment over with discreetly and quickly. Complex scenarios will take a serious fixed brace to overcome the problem and may take some years too, but, it will be the damn best you can get and your teeth will be strong and healthy at the end. For the more fortunate, you may be able to settle on some of the clear removable aligners around like Invisalign and Clearstep; they work quickly and you can barely tell if you are wearing them. Then there are even quicker ones that concentrate on specific problems and you can be done in around 6 months (the 6 months smile and the Damon). But probably one of the most outrageous boasts is from one that works in just 6 weeks to pull those front teeth into place- the Inman aligner. You should do a lot of research before you make your choice as not only is this an important time for you, but you are paying for it as well.