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Posts Tagged ‘tartar’

Get that dentist clean feel with scaling and polishing at Central Leeds dentist

Friday, May 7th, 2010

The clean feeling you get after you have been to the dentist is hard to beat and almost impossible to recreate at home, no matter how hard you try to clean your teeth. That is because dentists are experts and able to use special tools and techniques to get your teeth as clean as they can possibly be. This will almost always involve techniques called scaling and polishing.

Scaling is the process of using a small, sharpened hook to scrape the plaque and tartar away from the surface of the teeth. Plaque builds up around the surface enamel of the teeth and causes erosion, which leads to cavities, the main cause of tooth decay and infection. Plaque can be removed at home with brushing and flossing but if allowed to remain will eventually become tartar. This is an ugly yellow-brown substance that discolours the teeth and also continues to erode the enamel. Tartar can be removed by scaling, which not only returns the teeth to a whiter, more natural and healthy colour, but also protects them against further damage from erosion. The dentist or hygienist will carefully scale all the areas of the teeth, removing built up plaque and tartar by scraping it loose. This may sound a lot more unpleasant than it actually is and is in fact an almost completely painless procedure.

After the teeth have been fully scaled they can then be polished. This involves buffing the surface of the teeth with an electric cleaner. This not only makes the teeth look much better, but also leaves them very smooth and more difficult for plaque to cling to. This can be carried out as a one off procedure or part of a wider smile makeover. Ask your Central Leeds dentist for more information about scaling and polishing.

City of Leeds dentists warn of the dangers of smoking and gum disease

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Many smokers need to be made more aware of the risks that they are putting themselves under. In a recent study by the Journal of the American Medical Association it as found that only a third of smokers considered themselves to be at a greater risk of heart disease than non-smokers. Whether they are just tuned out to the dangers or completely ignorant is unclear, but they are also placing themselves at risk of many other health complications.

City of Leeds dentists are keen to make smokers realise that they are also significantly increasing their chances of periodontal or gum disease. As well as this, smoking has been found to dramatically slow the healing process of any dental treatment patients may have undergone.

Smoking makes you far more likely to suffer form plaque and tartar and also increases the risks of developing pockets between the teeth and gums where disease can begin and take hold. Plaque and tartar that is not removed can begin to eat away at tooth enamel and gum tissue which, if left untreated, can become full blown periodontal disease.

This can result in tooth loss, bleeding and painful gums and even heart disease. Severe gum disease is treated either with a course of antibiotics, tissue removal or in some cases hospitalisation. It is therefore very important to understand the links between smoking and gum disease and to do all that you can to prevent it. City of Leeds dentists can provide you with more information and advice on the best ways to give up smoking or at least keep your teeth clean and healthy while you still smoke.

Cleaner teeth with scaling and polishing from City of Leeds dentist

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

There is no feeling quite as clean as that of just having had your teeth cleaned by a dentist or dental hygienist. No mater how thoroughly you brush and floss at home you can never get that ‘straight from the dentist’ clean feeling. Dentists and hygienists use techniques known as scaling and polishing to clean teeth as thoroughly as possible, which while sometimes a little unpleasant, are very necessary to keep teeth healthy.

Scaling involves the careful use of the ominous looking little scaling hook to remove hardened plaque, commonly called tartar from the teeth. Plaque itself can be removed at home by brushing and flossing, but in hard to reach places it can often become hard. It is necessary to remove plaque and tartar as they cause inflammation of the gums and dental decay, both of which can cause nasty infections and ultimately tooth loss. Tartar is very difficult to remove and needs the skilful use of scaling by the dentist to scrape from the surface of the tooth.

Polishing is the process of thoroughly cleaning the surface of the teeth usually using an electric polisher. This smoothes the surface of the enamel, removing plaque and minor stains. This makes the teeth feel very clean and smooth and makes it difficult for plaque to cling to the surface of the teeth. City of Leeds dentists offer scaling and polishing as part of a regular dental check up pr hygiene appointment to help keep teeth as clean and healthy as possible. They are two of the simplest yet most effective ways to keep teeth free form the damage caused by plaque and tartar.

Look after your teeth with check up from City of Leeds dentist

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

It is all too easy to get complacent when it comes to your teeth. One or two all clear appointments and a lack of any pain or noticeable difficulty can lead to several years of missed six-monthly check-ups and then all of a sudden it can be too late and you’ve lost a tooth to decay.

While it is true that we can look after our teeth fairly effectively with efficient cleaning and the right lifestyle choices, it is only with the regular supervision of a dentist that you can be completely sure that your teeth are healthy. Dental decay is caused by plaque acid eroding the enamel. This is a gradual process that can happen over many months or even years and often happens in parts of the mouth that are quite difficult to clean effectively and also hard to see. City of Leeds dentists will be able to thoroughly examine all parts of your mouth to ensure that plaque, or tartar as it is called when it hardens, is not damaging your teeth.

Like all health problems, tooth decay and gum erosion are most easily treated in their early stages. The longer you leave it, the more damage is done and the more painful it will be. It will also require significantly more treatment if it has been allowed to develop, which may prove very costly. The absence of dental pain does not mean that your teeth are not under attack from disease and it really is your responsibility to prevent this at all costs.

A six-monthly check up is quick and easy and the more regularly you stick to this plan, the less the risk is of any nasty dental problems arising.

Central Leeds dentist helps remove bacteria that cause gum disease

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

There are over 350 types of bacteria found in the average human mouth but many of these have no real harmful effects. However, about 5 per cent of these bacteria are responsible for causing gum disease if not removed by brushing and flossing.

Gum disease is characterised by the painful inflammation and loss of gum tissue because of bacterial infection. Most people will experience some kind of gum disease in their life ranging from very mild to very serious. Mild gum disease is known as gingivitis and can be treated easily with improved oral hygiene and advice form a Central Leeds dentist. More serious gum disease, which usually occurs as a result of ignored gingivitis, is known as periodontitis and can result in anti-biotic treatment, tooth loss and even emergency surgery. Gum disease can be very serious as it has strong links to heart disease as the oral infection can easily spread into the blood stream.

It is bacteria that build up in the mouth that causes the infection responsible for gum disease. This bacteria releases acid which irritates and destroys soft tissue causing the infection. Bacteria exist in a substance called plaque which clings like a film to the teeth and gums if not removed by brushing and flossing. Plaque can easily be removed but not after it has hardened to become tartar.

Most instances of gum disease are easily preventable with better dental care and advice from your dentist. Take a few more minutes each day to clean your teeth and prevent the possibility of gum disease in your mouth.

Extra dental care from dental hygienist at Leeds dentist

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

A relatively new weapon in the war against dental disease is the dental hygienist. More and more dental practises across the country are using hygienists to supplement the treatment offered by the dentist, to provide the most comprehensive dental care possible.

Hygienists offer patients additional teeth cleaning work carried out in tandem with other dental treatment from the regular dentist. With longer, more focussed appointments than are often available from dentists themselves, hygienists can work on recommendation from the dentist on specific dental hygiene problems faced by patients.

This may include carrying out thorough cleaning involving scaling and polishing, removing plaque and tartar and offering more detailed advice on suitable products and cleaning advice for patients. They can also work with you to devise specialised cleaning plans to tackle any specific problems you may be having. This enables dentists to focus more on specialised treatment during appointments and has reduced waiting times for all patients. Dental hygienists generally have more flexible appointment hours than dentists so they may be able to provide cleaning treatments recommended by your dentist on a regular basis.

Recently it has also been approved for hygienists to use x-ray equipment, further expanding their feild of influence and ability to help patients. At your next appointment with a Leeds dentist, enquire about the possibility of also seeing the hygienist to give your teeth the best possible chance of staying healthy. As the role of the dental hygienist broadens they may be key to your future dental health so why not see for yourself, today.

Prevent painful gum disease with check up at City of Leeds dentist

Friday, December 18th, 2009

Gum disease is the infection of the gingival tissue that surrounds and supports teeth and occurs in two stages called gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is the milder form of gum disease and is indicated by red, swollen gums that are prone to bleeding. Most people will suffer from some mild gingivitis at some point in there life and it is often so mild that it causes no pain and requires no treatment other than improved cleaning.

Periodontitis, on the other hand, is more serious and can be very unpleasant. It causes gums to pull away from teeth leaving exposed pockets where bacteria can grow damaging the bones that support the teeth. The gums continue to shrink back as the infection gets worse leaving loose teeth that will eventually fall out or need to be extracted by a dentist.

Gum disease, like dental decay, is caused by a filmy, bacteria-rich substance called plaque. Plaque is allowed to build up by ineffectual or irregular cleaning and releases toxins which irritate the gum tissue. If plaque is not removed by brushing and flossing it will continue to attack the gum tissue causing irreparable damage. Plaque that is not removed will also harden and transform into a tough, yellow substance called tartar which will need to be removed by a dentist. Several factors increase the risk of gum disease including smoking, stress and diabetes.

A dentist will be able to diagnose gum disease fairly simply at a routine check up and recommend the best form of treatment. Treatment ranges from mild steps like improved cleaning and dental scaling to tissue removal and antibiotics. The best form of treatment for gum disease however is prevention. Effective cleaning by brushing and flossing twice a day can help to prevent gum disease and help keep your teeth and gums healthy for life. It is also important that you keep up regular appointments with a City of Leeds dentist who will be able to examine your gums for the first signs of infection.

Win the battle against tooth decay with regular check ups form City of Leeds dentist

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

In the fight against dental decay there are several key defences. The most important is regular and correct brushing and flossing of teeth. Brushing and flossing help to fight plaque, a filmy substance made up of bacteria and other debris, that covers the teeth and attacks the enamel. If plaque is not removed by brushing it will break down enamel causing tooth decay. This can lead to painful toothaches and abscesses that can lead to tooth loss. Flossing is particularly important for removing plaque and food debris from between teeth that causes tooth decay and is also responsible for 90 per cent of cases of bad breath. If allowed to remain plaque will also transform into tartar, a hard yellow/brown substance that also destroys enamel but that is impossible to remove by conventional cleaning.

Behind effective tooth cleaning and good oral hygiene in the fight against dental disease is regular dental check ups. Dentists recommend a dental check up every six months. Check ups are very important as dentists will be able to regularly examine for the first signs of dental decay. Even the most effective cleaning regimes can be susceptible to decay and it is impossible to tell if you have early onset tooth decay or gum disease without examination by a dentist. As with all things to do with dental health, and health in general, the earlier you catch a disease, the easier it is to treat.

Dentists will not only check for evidence of tooth decay and gum disease but can also carry out for routine checks for all types of oral cancer. A simple mouth check can catch oral cancer early, giving you a greater than 80 per cent chance of surviving this particularly virulent form of the disease. Half an hour every six months is a small price to pay to win the battle against dental disease and oral cancer. Make an appointment with a City of Leeds dentist today and it might save you years of costly and painful treatment in the future.

Battle tooth decay with help from City of Leeds dental hygienist

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

It is very likely that any visit to the dentist today, will also involve a visit to the dental hygienist. This is a fairly new system of treatment that is being employed, but one that can greatly improve its quality. Dental hygienists use treatments called scaling and polishing to professionally clean teeth. These processes remove excess plaque and tartar that cannot be removed by conventional brushing.

However, dental hygienists are about more than just teeth cleaning. They are sources of advice on how best to avoid dental decay and the most effective methods of keeping plaque at bay. They can demonstrate to the patient the best ways of brushing and flossing and recommend products that will be particularly suitable to the patients teeth. Also, by working in unison with your dentist, they can produce a dental hygiene plan that can help to reduce any future risk of dental complications.

Professionally qualified specialists, dental hygienists are becoming more and more common in dental practices. They are usually available to be booked by the hour, often immediately following a check up with the dentist so they can act on any advice. And because they are not subjected to the same caseload as the dentists they can often spend more time with individual patients.

In recent years, dental hygienists have also received further training in taking x-rays, which has allowed them further input into possible treatments. They can also suggest action for more minor dental problems such as fluorosis. All of this has meant that waiting times have been reduced for all patients. Hygienists are also in the front line of smoking cessation and will be fully trained to help you quit. As smoking can be very bad for teeth and associated with all sorts of oral health conditions, a dental hygienist is perfectly placed to offer you advice.

The dental hygienist is a valuable new ally in the fight against tooth decay and gum disease. They can help to keep teeth clean and healthy, and by working with the dentist can solve any oral health problems that may arise. When booking your next appointment at a City of Leeds dentist, ask about the availability of the dental hygienist.