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Posts Tagged ‘tooth decay’

Cleaning your Teeth correctly in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

The is always a right way and a wrong way to go about cleaning your teeth- it can be a very thin line between the two, but if you get it wrong, you are going to have to pay out a lot of money in order to solve the problems of evils such as gum disease and tooth decay. On top of this, you may well need a bit cosmetic dentistry as well to get your teeth back in order. The thing is, these diseases still rife in the city of Leeds which rather suggests that people are still getting their cleaning wrong and over time and as you get older, you also need to adapt to how your teeth change. Every time you go for a check-up, your dentist will spot any problems in your mouth and then advise you where you may be going wrong at home. Brushing is the elementary way to get your teeth clean so finding a good brush is essential to get you started, followed by a toothpaste that suits your teeth and gums, a good floss or inter-dental brushes to get to where your brush fears to tread and a good mouth-wash that can help to remove any bacterial build up in your mouth. Now even though the products have got better and better over the years, it still takes your application of them to make them work. Never be afraid to learn over again and when you do, ensure you do it in front of a mirror- this can help you to get your technique right with all the equipment you have and ensure that you can do it as regular as clockwork at all times.

The Erosion of your Teeth in the City of Leeds

Saturday, October 20th, 2012

In the never ending battle to try to keep your mouth healthy and free from disease and other problems, you have to be constantly on your guard against everything, as your teeth and gums can be attacked from all angles, one being erosion. There are many ways that your teeth can erode in the city of Leeds, the most noticeable one being from acids deposited onto the surface of the enamel and if you take the eye off cleaning your teeth for even a day, the will eat away and then get inside your teeth and cause tooth decay. Good oral hygiene will help to prevent this: radically, you can have dental sealants attached to the surfaces of your teeth to stop anything getting through, and of course, your dentist can help to clean and repair your teeth if need be at a dental check-up. But another form of erosion comes in the guise of wear and tear, and the most damaging of all is from teeth grinding or bruxism. It’s a condition that can be so devastating to the surfaces of your teeth and by grinding away the enamel of the teeth, it will give extra clout to tooth decay to set in easier than ever before- a dentist will pick up on this immediately when you pop in for your check-up. A mouth-guard is required to protect your teeth until you get the grinding under control. You may also need to take a look at your lifestyle and what types of food and drink you are putting into your mouth, as some are most erosive than others.

Chewing Gum in the City of Leeds

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

A lot of people enjoy chewing gum in the city of Leeds, although in some walks of life, like at certain places of work, it is seen as a social no-no. You would probably find yourself in detention pretty rapidly at school too if you were ever caught chewing gum. But aside from all of this though, chewing can actually be very healthy for your teeth and gums. Chewing gum can help to inspire the blood flow through your gums and help to promote your saliva levels, all helping to prevent the growth of bacteria in your mouth. It also comes in handy when you are caught out and about after a meal: popping some gum in your mouth afterwards can help to remove foodstuffs from between your teeth whilst removing any bacteria from the surfaces of your teeth as well. It also helps to strengthen the muscles around the delicate jaw-joints at the back of your mouth and ensuring that they remain free from damage in the future. But the gum has to be sugar free, otherwise, you will just be adding to the acids that eat away at your teeth and cause tooth decay.


The brutality of Bruxism in Leeds

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

If there is one condition in the mouth that causes the most problems without you probably knowing about it in Leeds, its bruxism (teeth grinding). This can cause the most brutal damage to your teeth, but it can also wreak havoc in the whole of your upper body as well. Bruxism is a direct result of stress, stress that you may suffer on a daily basis and a condition that you may be completely oblivious to until the damage has been done. If you live alone, the problem will be even harder to spot until you turn up to a dental check-up and the dentist spots the wearing down of the surfaces to your teeth. Aside from the fact that this can damage the look of your teeth, whilst promoting tooth decay, it’s the damage below that is the biggest worry. Yes, your dentist can make you up a mouth-guard, but it won’t stop you grinding you teeth. Over time, your jaw joints will start to suffer- to ache and click and this will require serious surgery to fix. But the problems will also manifest later in your head, your ears, your neck and your upper torso as well. Stress is the problem here and it is this that you need to be tackling first and then once you have learnt how to manage it, you’ll need to learn how to relax in order to get a good night’s sleep- the place where teeth grinding is at its most prevalent.


Taking on Tooth Decay in Central Leeds

Monday, October 15th, 2012

Every day in central Leeds, your mouth is always under threat from bacteria, bacteria that breeds plaque, gum disease and tooth decay. The only way you have of fighting off these problems is to have a wicked oral hygiene program at home and ensure you trot along to your dentists twice a year for a check-up: this should always be enough to keep to keep these disease from your door. The only flaw in this plan is that you are human and along the way make human mistakes, like enjoying yourself. Nothing wrong with that in the slightest, but you do have to remember that the evils already mentioned are ready to strike as soon as you stop brushing. Constant failure to care for your teeth will soon see acids eating their way through the protective enamel of your teeth and infecting the inside. The first thing you will notice is pain whenever anything comes near the surface of the tooth. At this juncture, you may get lucky if you act fast and get away with a filling from your dentist. If you allow the problem to advance though, you’ll need a root canal to clear away the rotten pulp and roots, and then it will need a crown in order to keep the tooth in your mouth. Either way, tooth decay is not only a constant threat to your oral health, but it will also threaten your bank balance with constant treatment, as once it starts; you and your dentist will have to jolly work to prevent the problem spreading throughout your mouth.

Tackling Tooth Decay In Leeds

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Through all of the cleaning that you do to your teeth when you are at home, you are trying to stop ugly issues cropping up in your mouth. The products to help you in your crusade are everywhere and jump out at you whenever you go shopping in Leeds, so there should be no reason why you should have poor oral hygiene. You also have your dentist to help you along if you come unstuck. But life isn’t so black and white, in a matter of days of you coming of the oral hygiene wagon, plaque is waiting behind the scenes and ready to unleash its army of gum disease and tooth decay into your mouth. With tooth decay, it starts with the build-up of acids on your teeth and if left to their own devices, these acids will eat their way through the enamel and into the teeth: the obvious early symptoms of this will be pain. A filling or a root canal will be needed if the problem has reached this stage and this can help to save any infected tooth from further damage, even loss. It can also prevent further teeth from suffering the same fate and stop infection in the gums.


Looking out for Tooth Decay in Leeds

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

The fight against tooth decay in Leeds seems like a never ending battle at times, but unfortunately it is and something you should always be on your guard against because no matter how well you care for your teeth and gums a carry out your daily oral hygiene tasks, bacteria will start working again as soon as your back is turned.

This bacteria will start to form acids from food and drink deposits left in the mouth and it is these acids that set to work on the surfaces of your teeth, eating through the enamel until it makes a breakthrough and then the inside of the tooth becomes infected. The thing is you may be blissfully unaware that anything is going on until you start to feel shooting pains when you eat and drink or when the tooth is exposed to hot and cold temperatures.

Regular dental visits should eliminate this as your dentist should pick up on any signs of tooth decay.If the problem is detected in its early stages, a simple filling will remedy the situation, but if the decay has been allowed to progress, root canal treatment is called for in order that the tooth can be saved. Regular cleaning is the only way to combat the problem although you can have dental sealants on the surface of the teeth that protects the enamel from acid attacks.

City of Leeds Dentist can Eliminate Sensitive Teeth.

Monday, July 30th, 2012

Sensitive teeth can make your life incredibly uncomfortable. Food and the weather can be enough to make your teeth sting with sensitivity. The sensitivity of your teeth should not be dismissed, if your teeth are sensitive it is likely that it is pointing towards a more serious problem. Most people experience it at some point and there are preventative measures and treatment options that can help when it occurs.

Sensitive teeth are caused by the exposure of the central dentin of your teeth. Dentin is found under the hard outer shell of the enamel. Sensitivity generally then means that the enamel has been worn away and exposed the dentin. This can happen for several reason: tooth decay, acid erosion, gum recession, gum disease, physical damage. Depending on the cause, your City of Leeds dentist will be able to offer you some solutions. While there are some short terms fixes, it is best if you deal with the root of the problem to solve it permanently. Cavities caused by tooth decay can be filled or crowned, gum disease can cleared and physical damage can be bonded. Addressing these underlying issues will likely, with time, reduce or remove your sensitivity.

The best defence against sensitive teeth it to be highly vigilant about dental hygiene. Brushing your teeth with fluoride tooth paste designed for sensitive teeth is the best preventative measure. Flossing will also protect you from many of the causes. Speak to you dentist if you need further advice about how to avoid it and how to treat it when sensitivity occurs.

Tooth Decay Can Destroy Your Teeth. Seek Help from Your Leeds Dentist Before it is Too Late

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

The second most widespread disease in America, tooth decay is also referred to as dental caries or dental cavities. It is more often than not an infection that is caused by bacteria. Lactobacillus is one type of bacteria that is well known for causing tooth decay. Another such example is Lactobacillus. The infection causes demineralization of the enamel, then dentin, as well as cementum of the tooth, referred to as the hard tissues of the tooth.

The worst cases of tooth decay result in visible holes in the teeth and may result in the loss of the tooth. Severe cases of tooth decay will cause a lot of pain for the patient. Mild cases of tooth decay can be treated easily by your dentist in Leeds, and patients may not even be aware that they have tooth decay. This is why it is important to visit your dentist for regular check ups, as tooth decay is best treated early on.

A fluoride treatment may be all that is required for the mildest instances. However, depending on the severity of the case, you may need fillings, veneers, or a dental implant. Preventative measures against tooth decay include practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist on a regular basis for cleanings and check ups. Certain types of medications may make you more vulnerable to tooth decay. If you have any concerns regarding tooth decay, consult your medical professional.

Oral Health-Total Health, What is the Link between the Two in Leeds?

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

It has been known for many years that the oral cavity is the main gateway to the body for infectious diseases. It should not therefore come as a surprise that oral hygiene can play a role in the overall health and well-being of an individual.

Dental problems such as gum disease and tooth decay have recently been linked to several other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. The risk of heat disease (heart attacks, strokes etc) can be increased in patients who suffer from gum disease, either through inflammation of the blood vessels or due to bacteria travelling in the blood stream and contributing to the formation of blood clots.

Diabetes has also been linked to problems with dental hygiene. It has been shown that individuals who suffer from diabetes have a much higher risk of developing gum disease; diabetes depresses the immune system and automatically puts sufferers at danger from infections. With low control over blood-sugar levels, diabetes patients are at risk of more frequent and more aggressive cases of gum disease, sometimes leading to loss of teeth.

In addition, it has been found that pregnant women in Leeds who suffer from gum disease are seven times more likely to give birth prematurely and to a baby of low weight.

It can therefore be concluded that good oral hygiene is imperative for maintaining over-all good health and to lower the risk of developing related diseases. In order to ensure proper dental hygiene,   one must brush and floss daily in order to remove bacteria and plaque from the teeth and gums. It is also important to eat a healthy and balanced diet to reduce the amount of sugar that enters your mouth and damages your teeth. Finally, bad habits such as smoking or the use of tobacco-based substances should be stopped as not only are they bad for your general health, they are detrimental with respect to your oral hygiene too.