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Posts Tagged ‘tooth decay’

Taking on the problem of Tooth Decay in Leeds

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

468416_blogPretty much everyone in Leeds will suffer from some level of tooth decay at some point in their lives. Most of it is manageable if you put the work in, and you always have your dentist to save the day if need be. But that doesn’t mean you should ever get complacent about decay. A simple filling may suffice in the beginning, but if you ignore the fact that you are getting a bit of tooth ache, the decay will then force its way inside your tooth and infect it. Now you will need a root canal if you have any chance of avoiding tooth loss and the possibility of an abscess breaking out, but at this point though, you may also be susceptible to gum and periodontal disease and if it gets to this level, it will take a monumental effort from your dentist to help you out of this mess. Talk to your dentist, find out all you can about symptoms and how to care for your oral health, otherwise you will be in a world of hurt in the future…plus you will lose your teeth and that will impact on the health throughout your body as well, not to mention your self confidence whenever you go to smile at someone.


Facing up to Teeth Decay in Central Leeds

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

If you are a little wayward and dismissive with the way you look after your teeth and clean them on a daily basis in central Leeds, you are leaving yourself wide open to the threat of teeth decay. Plaque and bacteria form very quickly in the mouth and can start to eat away at the enamel of your teeth and then soon start to break through into the inside. You may well start to suffer from pain, but if you get along to your dentist as quick as you can, you may be able to get away with a filling; ignore the problem though and you will require a root canal in order to remove infection from inside the tooth. This is a very serious point in the onset of decay. It can lead to gum disease and soon after, periodontal disease. Once these evils take hold, they can be very difficult to recover from and you will be in threat of tooth-loss and further infection around the mouth. Improve your oral hygiene, always keep up with your dental appointments and do all you can to avoid the threat of teeth decay- it’s hard but necessary to maintain the future of your oral health.


Tossing out Tooth Decay in Leeds

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Tooth decay is one of the prime evils in the mouth to try to avoid whenever possible as it can lead, in the long run, to tooth loss. Yet it also manages to slip in very quickly if you drop your guard for around 24 hours. We try desperately to keep this at bay with our daily oral regime yet the problem is ever present and if anything, on the increase inLeeds. What causes it is the build up of bacteria and acids on the surfaces of the teeth with only one thing in mind, to eat through the enamel and infect the inside of the tooth. The early signs that tooth decay is on the prowl is when a tooth looks blotchy or darkens in colour. This will be followed by shooting pains through the tooth whenever you bite down on it, or expose it to contrasting temperatures. In its early stages it can be picked up in an x-ray and treated with a filling, but if any further takes place, the inside of the tooth will become infected and you will need a root canal to save it. At this juncture you could be risking further tragedy: you are in grave danger of an abscess forming below the tooth and you will be leaving yourself wide open to periodontal disease that eats away at the jaw bone, and also gum disease, that will not only infect your gums, but some of the most vital organs in your body as well.

Tightening up on Tooth Decay in Central Leeds

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

Your parents in the central Leeds will have tried to have taught you things from an early age and among all of that, they would have taught you how to look after your teeth as well. The point of brushing your teeth is to remove bacteria from your teeth so that the resulting acids don’t burn through the enamel of the teeth and begin the dangerous scenario of tooth decay. Tooth decay is one of those annoying things that sneak up on you and before you know it; your teeth are in agony. In the beginning, you can get away with all of these shooting pains, they may go away even, but the dentist will help you through it by giving you a filling. But if the situation is ignored, the decay will worsen and then, the whole of the inside of the tooth, including the roots will become infected and in order to save the day, avoid an abscess from forming and prevent further infection from happening, you’ll need to have a root canal, and it just may save your tooth from being pulled in the long run. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are the best ways of stopping yourself getting into this situation.

Getting over Tooth Decay in Central Leeds

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

If you have let slip the level of your oral hygiene of late, you are running the gauntlet of suffering from tooth decay in central Leeds. By not cleaning the surfaces and in between you teeth, it is allowing the acids from food and drink to start going to work on the enamel. Slowly, it will start to get through and caries will form; this is the start of tooth decay in earnest. You may start to suffer from toothache at which point, you need to get to your dentist, as you will need to have the tooth filled. If however you ignore these signs and just take pain killers, then the decay will continue and before long, no pain killer in the world will numb the shooting pains that will come when the pulp inside the tooth is infected. Now, you’ll need to have a root canal in order to clear the infected pulp, drill out the roots, have the tooth filled and then capped with a crown. However, if the decay has got to this level, there is a chance that you have unleashed periodontal disease as well; this will see the bone in the jaw start to be eaten away and that will need bone graft in order to recover. All of this can start to become expensive now and were you to lose a tooth in a prominent position, you will incur more expense in order to get it replaced: all this because you got lazy with your oral hygiene; you have been warned.

Dealing with Canker Sores in Central Leeds

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

There are many things sent to test you when you are growing up in central Leeds, especially in your mouth and as if you haven’t enough to deal with already, fighting decay, having fillings and wearing braces, along comes a canker sore. These are a derivative of a mouth ulcer but still as painful, and they have a habit of re-offending a couple of times a year. Stress and diet are considered to be among a few reasons as to why people suffer from them, though they can erupt if the gums are scratched in some way. If one erupts there is not a lot you can do about it; you can brush and floss more in order to remove food deposits, rinse with salt water and there are some gels available that help sooth the sores. They tend to be very, very irritating and stinging in their pain, but they will go away after a couple of days. However, if they are still with you after a few weeks, even start to spread, you must get help from your doctor or dentist as it could indicate something more sinister at work.

Fresh and fruity Breath in Leeds

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

There are many ways you can keep your breath fresh and fruity in Leeds Fand as long as you keep on top of the game, you have no troubles at all. Everything that you do to yourself should be done in moderation and with a modicum of balance. Your diet is very important to your breath: having a good one will help bolster your immune system and allow your saliva to get to work on those nasty, pungent bacteria that build up in your mouth- and always drink a lot of water. Oral hygiene is also important in keeping your mouth fresh, but having a great regime each day will help stave of tooth decay and gum disease- two of the main protagonists behind bad breath once they get a hold. Keeping the cap on your lifestyle and bad habits will also reduce any risk of foul smells coming out of your mouth: smoking will always tarnish your breath, as will heavy drinking and recreational drugs- again, moderation. But on a daily basis and along with a good cleaning programme, the chewing of gum and sucking on sweets, plus the use of herbal products and the chewing of mint can only be good in the quest for fresh breath.

Classic Crowns in the City of Leeds

Monday, November 5th, 2012

So, you come through tooth decay with a narrow squeak. You’ve had the root canal done and now it’s time to have a crown fitted OR you’ve just come through tooth loss, had an implant placed and now it’s time to have a crown fitted…..we could go on but the point is that a crown is used to replace anything that may have been lost and there is a reason for having one fitted. The way your jaws close together is important to keep true otherwise you will put extra stress on the joints of the jaw and over time, they can fail. There are three basic types to choose from, although if you have the inclination, a dentist will make one up from whatever material you like. Gold and porcelain-over-metal crowns are built for strength, so this would be the probable choice to replace a tooth that has to withstand a lot of work, like chewing or biting. Hence these types would normally be placed at the back of the mouth (gold however, people like to show off and so you will often see them at the front as well). Porcelain looks more natural to the general status quo of the mouth, so when it comes to replacing an incisor, pure porcelain would be used at the front to mirror the rest of your teeth. You will find dentists all over the city of Leeds that can fit them so it’s best to shop around first

Unsociable Bad Breath in Central Leeds

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

Your only hope in knowing that you have bad breath in central Leeds is that you have a really good friend to point it out for you, otherwise, you are not going to be popular and your social circle will diminish. Once you realize that you have this problem, it’s obvious that you need to change the way you go about things. At home, you can start with your oral hygiene. Change all of your products and get new ones and then work hard at learning to use them, and include herbal remedies as well in your daily routine. Always make sure you drink lots of water and that your mouth is hydrated- this can be aided by chewing or sucking on sugar-free sweets. Watch your smoking and drinking habits if you have them and try to live by a good balanced diet. However, there will be some things that you can’t do, like tackling gum disease and tooth decay, two of the main sponsors of bad breath. For this you will have to enlist the help of your dentist to help patch you up. With hard work, you can overcome the condition of bad breath. However, bad breath can emanate from within the body, and if after trying everything you can to get rid of the problem and it still sticks around, you should consult your doctor.


The problems of Dental Injuries in Leeds

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Dental injuries come in many guises in Leeds and so you should try to be aware of them and try to stand back and not panic when something goes wrong. Such injuries can be divided up into two categories, minor and major. Minor injuries to the mouth will include chips, cracks, losing a veneer or a filling: tooth decay also falls into this bracket and this is normally the reason behind toothaches. With injuries such as this, they can be annoying and even a little painful but can be catered for by painkillers until you can be seen by your dentist to get repairs. Major injuries though require quick attention: a tooth abscess is very painful, your face will swell like a balloon and during all of this, the abscess will be poisoning your blood and this has been known to cause life threatening situations. Losing a tooth is also an emergency because, if you can get yourself and your tooth to any dentist in around 12 hours, your teeth can be relocated again and saved. In your early life, your dentist has to work hard to prevent you getting injured and one of the lesser known reasons behind wearing a brace is that by straightening teeth that stick out, they will be a lot less prone to injury in the future, especially when playing sports. No-one can ever say when something is going to go wrong and you receive an injury, however, if you always have a little something in the bathroom cabinet or even on your person, it can help the situation immeasurably until help can be found.