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Posts Tagged ‘tooth decay’

Perfecting Oral Hygiene in Leeds

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Beautiful teeth are a labor of love and an ongoing project in Leeds that, if you get right from the start of time, will keep your teeth in your mouth until the end of time. Talking about oral hygiene and getting back to basics can sound like you have to be taught at school again, but for some, it needs to be done. Most of us think that if we just buy the products and chuck them into our mouths that that should be enough to halt the onset of tooth decay and gum disease; however the stark reality is different. We have to make sure we are brushing correctly with the right brush, with the right toothpaste and then floss afterwards-after all the products are there to choose from. If you find yourself having to have something done to your teeth each time you go to your dentist, then it means you are getting it wrong at home so you should really sit down with your dentist and work out between the two of you what it is that you do to your teeth on a daily basis. Oral hygiene is not just about the obvious cleaning process, it is also about diet and lifestyle too- so it is all about getting the perfect balance.

The Ups and Downs of Fluoride in Central Leeds

Monday, January 16th, 2012

The more we learn to understand and discover things as we go through, the more we tend to question that the things we have always used and taken for granted are in fact, doing us any good and in the case of fluoride, many dentists in central Leeds are starting to opt out of its support and advocate alternative toothpastes. The reason for this has come from years of research worldwide into the effect fluoride has on the teeth. It has always been championed in the past as a savior of teeth- helping to re-mineralize the enamel in the teeth and offer protection from dental caries by helping to break down the bacteria that causes plaque, which is why most dentists will offer fluoride treatments to help support this fight. It is also considered to help in the growth of children’s teeth during those tricky years, which is why it is a mineral added to drinking water. Yet there are parts of the world that have no fluoride in their society at all and there is no indication what-so-ever that there are increased cases of tooth decay, in fact, it is quite the opposite. It is also considered that too much fluoride in the bloodstream can act as a poison and cause brain damage as it leaves deposits all around the deposit. In some cases with children who tend to swallow more toothpaste than they spit out, too much fluoride can kill a child. Extreme maybe, but many dentists consider keeping a child fluoride free. The thing is it is everywhere as we speak.

Dentist in Central Leeds Considers How the Problem of Tooth Decay is Treated

Friday, November 18th, 2011

How tooth decay can be treated is dependant on how severe the problem of tooth decay is for an individual. Consistent visits to the dentist are vital to catching early signs of tooth decay. Visiting your dentist regularly will help you avoid extensive and costly treatment for extreme cases of tooth decay.

For mild tooth decay without any cavities, a fluoride treatment and brushing with fluoride fortified toothpaste should be able to reverse the early stages of tooth decay. Ask your dentist also to recommend floss enhanced with fluoride and the best brand of tooth paste for you.

If a cavity is already present, a filling or a crown will be needed. With your average cavity, a filling will do. A filling is less expensive and invasive than placing a crown. Crowns, also known as a cap, are for more severely damaged teeth. Crowns replace a large part or all of a decayed tooth.

The most extreme cases of tooth decay infect the pulp of your teeth. In such cases, a root canal is needed to remove the diseased pulp. It is possible that the severity of your tooth decay will result in the complete removal of your tooth in which case you will want a dental implant or a bridge. If you suspect tooth decay, see your dentist in Central Leeds as soon as possible as the longer you wait, the worse it will become!

Dentist in Central Leeds Discusses Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Tooth decay in infants and toddlers is also known as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Also referred to as Early Childhood Caries, it frequently impacts the baby’s upper front teeth, but may also affect other teeth. In the most severe cases, the tooth decay in new teeth is so severe that they must be removed. Fortunately, Baby Bottle Tooth Decay can be prevented.

There are of course basics like healthy foods, keeping pacifiers clean, and discouraging prolonged use of sippy cups. If the baby’s teeth are exposed to an excessive amount of sweets, the bacteria in the child’s mouth feeds on the sugars to produce acids that break down hard tissues of the teeth. This is how decay begins and eventually turns into cavities if undetected.

After each feeding, wipe your baby’s gums with a clean dampened washcloth to remove left over food and plaque. If there are visible teeth, brush them gently with a baby toothbrush and water. Also keep your own teeth clean so that the germs of your mouth do not spread as much to your child’s.

It is best not to use toothpaste until your child knows for sure not to swallow toothpaste. Consult your dentist in Central Leeds about how much fluoride your child needs. Your dentist can also help instruct your child on proper brushing and flossing methods. Don’t be afraid to ask questions as your dentist is here to help!

The eternal fight against Tooth and Gum Disease in Central Leeds

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

It’s always the eternal fight and your dentist in central Leeds will keep banging on about it and nagging you, but the biggest danger to your mouth is that of gum disease and tooth decay. Keeping up a strict regime of looking after your teeth at home through regular cleaning and flossing is key, yet all of our best laid plans can go awry at times which is why you need to keep up regular visits to your dentist, as they will be able to spot anything going wrong. You can also talk about anything that you feel has been going wrong; if your mouth has been tasting a little foul and/or your gums have been bleeding during brushing, these are the early signs of gum disease. The teeth can be rectified by a filling or a root canal- the roots can even be cleared of any bacteria, but the gums, depending on just how bad the problem is, may need the teeth cleaned below the gum line, and in extreme cases, the dead tissue removed and then grafted. Bleeding gums can be halted in their tracks by more intense attention to detail when cleaning your teeth and incorporating herbal products into your regime can help soothe and regenerate the gums- gargling with salt water is also good for healing process. The other incentive for stopping the problem is twofold: gum disease can lead to heart failure plus your may end up losing your teeth in the long run.

Overcoming Tooth Decay in Leeds

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

With all the reminders that we have in life to look after our teeth, it’s still a shocking statistic that tooth decay has not gone away in Leeds. So let’s look at the reasons why. It’s great growing up and feeling indestructible when you are young- drinking, smoking, poor diet, who cares, our bodies can take it, but poor oral hygiene is born out of ignorance and poor education. You may get away with it for a few years, but constant disrespect of your teeth will get you in the end. After only a few hours, bacteria starts to form in the mouth and left alone, plaque and tartar will develop around the teeth and start to infect the gums too. The acids from these evils will then start to rot the enamel of the teeth and tooth decay will begin to take hold. Best case scenario is to make sure that you never miss a beat when it comes to dental appointments. Your dentist will able to remove all the nastiness from around your teeth and gums and if there are any signs of decay, they will proceed with a simple filling to rectify any signs of rot within the teeth. However, this should be seen as an early sign that you may not be looking after your teeth as well as you should be, because the next step down from a filling is root canal treatment; this is where constant ignorance to oral hygiene has meant that your teeth have taken on a new level of tooth decay and are not only threatening the life expectancy of each individual tooth, but if allowed to develop into gum disease, could affect the whole of the organs in your body.

Reversible Pulpitis in Central Leeds

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

We put our teeth through a lot in central Leeds and expose them to a lot of things which can lead to all manner of complications and teeth and gums are very complex, as are the names that are given to the complications, so there’s a very good chance you have never heard of pulpitis. It’s a condition that generally involves inflamed pulp inside the tooth. The pulp is fed by sensitive nerve tissues and blood vessels directly connected to lymph nodes under the jaw. Reversible pulpitis is a derivative of pulpitis and the whole condition is sparked off by trauma, like a blow to the tooth, biting or even drilling treatments. Further causes include tooth decay, acids in foods and bleaches found in home bleaching kits. With reversible pulpitis, problems arise when the tooth is exposed to anything cold such as air, drinks, sweet, etc. biting can also cause pains in the tooth. Sometimes, if the tooth has a period of freedom from contact with the cold, it can recover by itself. But if pain continues, it may indicate that the pulp inside the tooth is damaged and if this is the case, there may be no other option but to remove the pulp from the tooth by a root canal.

Smiling Children in Central Leeds

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

If you are considering starting a family in central Leeds, firstly, congratulations! But you might like to consider doing a little bit of research on how to look after your children’s teeth beforehand, because what happens to your child’s teeth during the growing up years can influence the health of their teeth and body’s later on in life. The most troublesome periods are during teething, by which time you should have already signed up a pediatric dentist to give you a hand. Everyone is prone to tooth decay at some time, but children more so, with a whopping 75% of children suffering from it by the time they hit their middle teens. Getting a right balance between the sugar and starch levels in their food can be very important, but also how you clean their teeth and how they themselves learn to clean their teeth is imperative at this time of their lives. But there is a dental ace that you can play that can help you in your plight- the dental sealant. A dentist can lay a film of plastic over the teeth to eliminate any chance of bacteria and acids forming on the surface of the teeth. It isn’t the easiest period for both parties, but with professional help at hand in the form of a good dentist that will always be around to help you out and most importantly, build a up documented history of your child’s teeth, there is no reason why your children should not be able to smile with confidence.

The need for Scaling and Polishing in the City of Leeds

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Modern products that are now on sale in the city of Leeds are far more effective than the old ones ever were and with the right brushing and flossing techniques, you should be able to keep plaque at bay indefinitely. Well that may well be true in fantasy, but in reality, not all of us adhere to the rules of oral hygiene and you only have to take your eye off the ball for a couple of days and tartar will start to build up. This cannot be brushed away, which what makes going to the dentist so imperative, because after tartar, comes tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist will be able to remove small amounts of tartar with a quick scale and clean and then finish off with a polish to remove any stains and rough surfaces that can house plaque. If however the problem has got out of hand, you may require a deep scale down beneath the gum line. Sometimes, you may require the roots to be cleaned as well to remove bacteria. Of course this is the time to ask if there is any way you can improve on your oral care you do at home and maybe adjust your lifestyle; if you smoke and drink, try to cut down and eat healthily too- give your teeth a chance eh?

The Perils of Tooth Decay in Leeds

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Tooth decay is a great enemy of the teeth in Leeds from as early as when they first break through the gums as a baby. Residues of food and drink cause bacteria in the mouth that can leave films of acid on the teeth. If left, the acid will start to eat away at the enamel of the teeth and cavities or caries will form and decay the inside of the tooth. An x-ray at the dentist can always determine if you suffer from any tooth decay and also how bad it is. In its mildest incarnation, tooth decay can be reversed with a filling, but at worse, you will need more extensive work like root canal treatment. It’s easy to avoid if you stick to your daily routine of brushing and flossing, and make regular visits to your dentist. For some people, especially children, the dentist can apply a thin plastic coating over the teeth to protect the exposed enamel of the tooth. But if you don’t avoid it, the decay can spread and affect the health of your mouth, the treatments can become precarious if you want to save your tooth, and the costs can spiral- for you will need to reconstruct to tooth to maintain its functionality, and that means splashing out on a crown.