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Archive for September, 2011

The marvel of CEREC in the City of Leeds

Friday, September 30th, 2011

CEREC is one of those incredible inventions that comes along in a blue moon to the city of Leeds that makes you think, ‘now that’s brilliant!’. If ever you have had to have a crown, a bridge or veneers fitted, you’ll know that the process can take up to a few weeks to complete: first the putty imprint followed by the tooth preparation, then the imprint is sent off to the lab so that the product can be made, then weeks later it comes back and is fitted and if it doesn’t fit right the whole process has to be repeated and then……..not any more because CEREC technology cuts through all that nonsense. The putty has been replaced by digital imaging and once the technician/dentist is happy with it, the image is fed into a computerized milling machine and before your very eyes your new fitting comes out of the other end- of course while this happening, the dentist has time to prepare your teeth. So what does all of this mean? Well, for a start, you will be in and out of there in 2 hours max and should anything be out of kilter, it can be rectified on site- that’s what it means! Imagine you have to be somewhere or do something or see someone, just how wonderful is this technology for the person on the move and….the prices are as comparable to that of the traditional way.

The dynamic Inman Aligner in Leeds

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Ever feel that those crooked, nay, buck front teeth are holding you back, you know, really holding you back from cutting loose and showing just how beautifully you can smile? There’s a beautiful smile in everyone, unfortunately, our teeth can often stop us from showing it, yet as we get older, the thought of any lengthy orthodontic treatment can stop that smile coming out too. So, you may well like to take a day off work and ask your dentist in Leeds all about the Inman aligner, because this supersonic device could be the answer to all your prayers. There is no other aligner quite like it and it’s a masterpiece of engineering: the device works on the theory that if you keep the teeth moving all of the time, they will move a lot quicker; a coil spring and wire exerts a pulling force on the front of the teeth and at the same time a small bar (which also acts as a template for the teeth to align themselves against), pushes the opposite way, squeezing the teeth and rocking them into place against the bar. That’s the technical bit over, now the important facts. This tailor made device starts from around £1200, but before you start thinking ‘bit pricey’, this is the best bit… can work in as little as 6 weeks!! Now if that hasn’t caught your attention, then let’s seal the deal- it can also be taken out when you eat or clean your teeth…Bet your smiling inside and out now!

The truth about Fluoride in Leeds

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

If there is one subject that will split the opinions of dentists in Leeds and that is the use of fluoride and some think that there is just a little too much getting into our bodies. Apart from the obvious way which is in toothpaste, our drinking water is full of fluoride and it is considered, by some, that too much of it can be detrimental to our health. Once in the bloodstream, it can leave deposits in the brain and cause what is known as fluorosis. In rare cases, children, who tend to swallow more toothpaste than they brush with, have been known to die from it. But then, these are rare cases and unless your addicted to the stuff, the effects are really minimal and rather sounds like a bit of too much PC scaremongering, and from a dentists and patients point of view, ignoring just how good fluoride is for our teeth. One of the things we are trying to do with our teeth is to stave of plaque and tartar from forming, so that we can steer well away from things such as tooth decay and gum disease, and by cleaning regularly with a toothpaste that contains fluoride, it has been shown that it strengthens our teeth’s enamel. It regenerates it with minerals and ensures that it is strong in the fight against tooth decay. For those out there that have their doubts, there are fluoride-free toothpastes- these maybe good for children, but only by protecting our teeth can we keep our mouths healthy and fluoride has a proven track record in this area.

Preventing Teeth Grinding in the City of Leeds

Monday, September 26th, 2011

After a hectic day of stress and anxiety in the city of Leeds, do you know how to chill-out when you get home? Have a hot bath, soft music, glass of wine, light-up some incense, soft music and a cup of herbal tea before a book at bedtime? Or do you find you’re just as anxious and angry as you have been all day when you hit the pillow? Because if you’re not relaxing properly, you may well find that you are grinding your teeth while you sleep. The symptoms to look out for here are aching and clicking jaws, neck and upper back and if you suffer from any of these, you are putting your health on the line, let alone wearing down the enamel on your teeth and leaving yourself open to tooth decay and gum disease. The point at where the jaws meet is a very delicate area that has to take the every day things you throw at it anyway, but what it doesn’t need is extra stress placed upon it from teeth grinding and if you fail to rectify the problem, it could let to some very expensive repair work on your teeth and surgery on your jaws. A dentist can help your teeth by prescribing a mouth-guard, but what is really essential is to get your stress and anger under control by seeking professional help from someone who can teach you stress management, and stop you from feeding your tension through your jaws, into your head and then down the neck into the upper back.

The Concerns of Central Apnea in the City of Leeds

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

When we breathe at night, it’s done by the brain sending signals to the muscles that regulate the breathing. This also then leads onto the way the heart pushes blood and oxygen around the bloodstream. Central apnea however is the term used when the brain stops sending signals to these muscles and you stop breathing over and over again. It will normally occur in people in the city of Leeds that have had medical problems with the spine or that have had neurological problems in the passed that in some way, has interfered with the brainstem- with is the organ that deals with the muscles that control the breathing. Often term central sleep apnea, it can be very life threatening. Other than the causes already talked about, other causes of the disorder are obesity, people with problems associated with the spine such as Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, those who are on heavy medication and people with congestive heart disorders. The symptoms vary from fatigue, headaches when you wake and problems with sleeping, but treating it is complex is complex: the heart can be repaired, and dentists can supply devices to aid the breathing- some drugs are used too to help- but in people that have a damaged brainstem- it becomes difficult.

The eternal fight against Tooth and Gum Disease in Central Leeds

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

It’s always the eternal fight and your dentist in central Leeds will keep banging on about it and nagging you, but the biggest danger to your mouth is that of gum disease and tooth decay. Keeping up a strict regime of looking after your teeth at home through regular cleaning and flossing is key, yet all of our best laid plans can go awry at times which is why you need to keep up regular visits to your dentist, as they will be able to spot anything going wrong. You can also talk about anything that you feel has been going wrong; if your mouth has been tasting a little foul and/or your gums have been bleeding during brushing, these are the early signs of gum disease. The teeth can be rectified by a filling or a root canal- the roots can even be cleared of any bacteria, but the gums, depending on just how bad the problem is, may need the teeth cleaned below the gum line, and in extreme cases, the dead tissue removed and then grafted. Bleeding gums can be halted in their tracks by more intense attention to detail when cleaning your teeth and incorporating herbal products into your regime can help soothe and regenerate the gums- gargling with salt water is also good for healing process. The other incentive for stopping the problem is twofold: gum disease can lead to heart failure plus your may end up losing your teeth in the long run.

Bad Breath and the use of Oral Products in Leeds

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

It’s amazing when you look around Leeds just how many products there are on the market to keep up your oral hygiene program at home, and especially ones that promise to stave of bad breath. If you are someone who suffers from bad breath, you probably suffer from a lack of saliva in the mouth making it dry so probably, you’re first option to try to remedy the smell with a mouth wash- because that’s good for you and will, kill off bacteria in the mouth….or is it good for your mouth? Some of the cheaper mouthwashes contain alcohol which yes, is good for killing bacteria, but which also can dry the mouth out even more- adding to the problem of bad breath. They may also contain a masking agent, which dries your mouth out too and though your breath smells okay for a while afterwards- it does nothing to remedy the overall problem. If you are suffering from a dry mouth, you’d also be very wise to steer clear of toothpastes that whiten your teeth, for they contain bleaching agents that can compound your problem. What you need to do is seek advice from someone who can help with your problem and steer you away from products that will only make it worse- and the person best to do that is you dentist.

Getting yourself aware of Oral Cancer in the City of Leeds

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

It’s a day you will never forget in the city of Leeds when you are diagnosed with oral cancer- your world has suddenly changed beyond all recognition and life looks horribly different. You will probably never know what caused it- it even baffles dentists too. Did you smoke, drink, were you under an enormous amount of stress, were you run down, bad diet? These are the normal things associated with the disease, yet if you did none of these things, then you are extremely unlucky indeed. You’ve obviously had the tests for them to come back positive and now you have to have the treatment which could involve chemo, radio and/or possibly physical surgery too. If it’s been caught early, there is every chance that your pull through and then the fight to prevent it returning begins. Your lifestyle must change completely and you must get as much support as you can to get you through the first few months. Some people change beyond recognition, take up yoga, get fit- some people swear that becoming vegetarian has helped. But the ray of hope, and it shines very brightly is that the number of people making a full recovery from the disease is soaring; sadly though, so is the number of people suffering from it. So, if you are having trouble swallowing, have neck and ear aches, constant ulcers in the mouth- anything untoward that you are unfamiliar with, please, get it checked out immediately.

City of Leeds dentists tell their patients that the best course of action with gum disease is to prevent it

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Dentists are fully equipped to treat any dental problem should it occur but what is far more preferable is to counter these issues before they even arise. This principle is known as preventive dentistry and it is easily applied to gum disease. Gum disease does not have to happen in the first place and by following the advice of your dentist you can avoid having to deal with the problem.
Gum disease can suddenly be present in your mouth if you are not taking care of your teeth in the right way at home. Make sure that you are brushing all of your teeth, including the crucial gum line area (where the gum meets the tooth) so that plaque is removed because it is that which can cause gums to become sore and inflamed.
Flossing should never be neglected because plaque easily slips in between teeth and can cause gum disease from there too. Make sure that your brushing technique is not weakening your gums. If you brush too vigorously then you can weaken the gums and leave them more prone to becoming diseased.
By taking these preventive measures you should not have to deal with the effects of gum disease. In the worst and most advanced cases of gum disease, patients have to deal with the trauma of tooth loss after large scale gum recession and the inflammation of the bones which hold teeth in place. Your dentist in the City of Leeds has plenty more advice and will be delighted to hear that you want to prevent gum disease before it becomes a concern.

Dental veneers can improve the look of patients’ smiles, say central Leeds dentists

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Crooked, stained and cracked teeth can be an inconvenience to those who suffer from such things. Dentists offer variety of ways to mitigate the effects of these problems but one of the most popular and effective is the fitting of dental veneers. These are easily fitted now thanks to modern technology and many patients are able to walk out of the surgery after a short appointment with a much improved smile.
Dental veneers tend to be made from porcelain these days and this conveys certain advantages for the patient. Porcelain can be worked with in very small amounts and still retain a high standard of durability. This is handy when it comes to dental veneers because the more of the original tooth that can be left intact is a boon to the dentist and the patient. With some types of porcelain dental veneer it is very rare for any of the existing tooth to have to be removed at all.
Your dentist will affix the veneer to the unsightly tooth in such a way that it will look a whole lot better. If the tooth is crooked then the veneer can be placed at a certain angle so the tooth looks like it is straight in the mouth. You won’t need to worry about your veneer staining because colour runs off porcelain in the same way as it does from glass.
A consultation with your dentist in central Leeds will be able to tell you all about how long the appointment will take and give you information about costs and after care.